St Joseph’s Newsletter Parish


St Joseph’s Newsletter Parish
Our Lady’s High School Former Pupils
A reunion dinner [in aid of Our Lady’s High School War Memorial Chapel
Appeal Fund] will take place in Dalziel Park Hotel on Thursday 11th December.
Drinks reception at 7.15 pm Guest speaker Duncan Cameron. Tickets, priced
£30 from Marjory Hughes tel. 013552 23971 or email .
St. Blane’s Primary School
Is your child starting school in August 2015? If you would like to find out more
about St. Blane’s during a short visit bring your child along to meet the staff and
pupils on Tuesday 25th November 1.00 pm –4.00 pm. Or Thursday 27th
November 10.00 am –4.00 pm.
St. Joseph’s Primary & Nursery Class
The PTA are holding a Christmas Fayre on Friday 28th November from 6.00—
8.00 pm in the school hall. Large variety of stall including tombola, bric-a-brac,
Christmas crafts, home baking etc. All donations of prizes can be handed in at
the school.
Rood Screen
Partly due to the success of our funding package for the church renovations
Bishop Toal has approved a plan to install a Rood Screen [Calvary] which will
be suspended from roof at the front of the sanctuary. We have purchased and
will renovate a screen from a previously closed church in England and will
install it in St Joseph’s some time in the New Year. The Calvary has a life size
figures of Jesus, with Mary and John at the foot of the cross.
Tradecraft Stall
The tradecraft stall will be in the church hall on Sunday 23rd November after
10.00 am & 12 noon Masses. Christmas cards and gifts will be on sale and
orders taken for delivery before Christmas.
+ Please Remember in Your Prayers +
Recently Dead:
Ellen O’Neill, John Weatherall, Mary Casserly, McNeil, Cornellius Gallagher.
Months Minds & Anniversaries
Dominic Paterson, Eddie McLean, George Slivinski, John Morran, Rose, Jim &
Robert Conroy, Duncan Findlater, Hugh Conroy, Mary Breslin, Moira
McCarroll, Joseph Kellachan, Thomas Slaven, Dan Slaven, Vina Conroy, Alice
Kraft, Ann Traynor, Stephen Clark, Gerry & Jean Clark, William & Margaret
Slaven, Pat & William McAleer, Elizabeth & John McBride, Mary, Neil, John,
Pat & Nellie McGaulley, Margaret Staney, Mary Lynch, Kelly Devine, Anthony
Lennon, Peter Foley, Ann Summers,
+ All whose names are placed before our altar +
St Joseph’s Parish Newsletter
St Joseph’s,
Mayberry Place,
G72 9DA
House: 01698 823896
Parish Priest: Rev. Brian Lamb
Ph.B. S.T.L.
Assistant Priest Rev. Rafal Sobieszuk M. Theol.
Deacon Rev. Joseph Dowds
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Charity No. SCO1 11041
16th November 2014
Times of Services
Vigil 5.00 pm
10.00 am, 12.00 & 6.30 pm
Mon –Fri 1.00 pm
Thurs— also 7.00 pm
Sat 10.00 am
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
6.00-6.55 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Thursday 12.30 am - 12.55 am
6.30 - 6.55 pm
9.30 - 9.55 am
& after Vigil Mass.
“ You have been faithful in
small things; come and join in
your master’s happiness.”
Church Collection
This sum includes a collection taken up at the Knights of St. Columba
Mass last Saturday morning.
Hall Bookings
Anyone wishing to book the church hall
is asked to phone 0793 200 1210.
Church’s Social Teaching
“ Indeed, the Lord Jesus himself, in the parable of the talents,
emphasises the severe treatment given to the man who dared hide the
gift he received ….. It falls to us, who receive the gifts of God in order
to make them fruitful, to “sow” and “reap”. If we do not, even what
we have will be taken away from us.”
Sollicitudo Rei Socialis 30.6
November Lists
November Lists and envelopes are available at the back of the church.
Mass is offered each day during November for all whose names are
included. Your Mass offering may be included in the envelope as all
are opened.
Parish Christmas Cards
The cards are available for purchase. Single cards are 25p and the pack
of four cards is available for 80p.
Advent calendars, Christmas cards calendars are now available from
the stall.
First Communion
Appointment times for this week are available on the radiator at the
back of the church. Please do not add times or double up with someone
else’s time. Please bring along your child’s enrolment request form
which were distributed last week.
Enrolment forms are available at the back of the church for all children
whose parents who kept appointments last week.
Enrolment weekend will be in three weeks time 6th-7th December.
Parish Web Site
The parish website has been re-launched in a new format and includes
a new pictorial tour of the church. The web address will remain
without change.
Deanery Meeting
You are invited to an open Deanery Meeting in St Joseph’s Church
hall at 7.30 pm on Monday 24th November. Bishop Toal will lead
clergy and parish communities from Hamilton Deanery in a reflection
and discussion regarding present and future staffing and organisation
of parishes within the Diocese. You are encouraged to come along and
participate in the prayer & discussion.
The work is on schedule The lower roofs have been stripped and
felted. The upper scaffolding has now been installed and over the next
two weeks the work of stripping the upper roof starts. The Window
repair and replacement should start tomorrow [Monday] with sections
of the upper windows being removed and the window openings
boarded up. This will involve partial scaffolding inside the church. The
windows will be returned after the New Year.
Living Stones DVD
The DVD is available for purchase from the stall. The cost per copy is
£10.00. Sales of the DVD have already covered production costs and
have paid for the renovation of the grave of our first parish priest, Fr.
Thomas Frawley who died in Victoria, Australia only nine months
after leaving Blantyre in ill health in 1880. All monies now raised
from sales will go directly to the church building fund.
Society of the Innocents
Annual Draw tickets are available from the stall, priced 20p per ticket.
First prize is £500 which will be drawn on 22nd November at the
Ceilidh in Holy Family Church Hall, Mossend.
Annual Census
Last weekends census gave a count of 1,452 people attending Mass in
St. Joseph’s. Last year’s figure was 1,550.
Weekday Masses
Please note that weekday Masses will be at 1.00 pm Monday to Friday
unless otherwise indicated until further notice [May 2015].
First Confession
The list for appointments will be available next weeks time.
St John Ogilvie Parish Fundraiser
Christmas Dance in St John Ogilvie Parish Hall on Saturday 20th
December 7.00 pm till 12.30 am. Bring your own bottle. Tickets
available from Bill Holland or Pat Mahon priced £5.900. Finger buffet
& raffle.