St Joseph's Church Burntwood


St Joseph's Church Burntwood
St Joseph’s Church Burntwood
123 Cannock Road, Burntwood, Staffs
Telephone: 01543 686266
Parish School: St Joseph and St Theresa, High Street, WS7 3XL Tel: 01543 510486
Clergy Parish Priest: Rev Fr Paul Haines Parish Deacon: Rev Tony Deaville
Parish Office and General Enquiries: Julie Train & Cath Nugent, open Wednesday 1000 - 1500.
Week Commencing Sunday 28th December 2014
Feast of the Holy Family, Jesus, Mary and Joseph
(Psalter Week 1, Advent Season)
1700 Joan O’Grady (for Sunday)
1000 Jo Sweeney
onday, Feast of St Thomas Becket, Bishop, Martyr
0915 Eight Children of Cairns Australia 19/12/14
Tuesday, Sixth Day in the Christmas Octave
0915 Word & Eucharist
Wednesday, Seventh Day in the Christmas Octave
0915 Children of Peshawar 16/12/14
followed by the Divine Mercy
Thursday Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God
0915 Sister Paula Costello
Friday, Memorial of St Basil the Great & St Gregory
Nazianzen, Bishops, Doctors of the Church
0915 Janet Taylor RIP
Saturday, Christmas feria
1600 Confessions
1700 People of the Parish
Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord
1000 Michael Stanley
orthcoming Events
9th Jan
Friday Prayer Group
10/11 Jan Either Mass, First Holy Communion Enrolment
20th Jan
Senior Citizens Mass and Lunch
23 Jan
Friday Prayer Group
Senior Citizens Mass and Lunch
17 Feb
20 Feb
After Mass, Lenten Lunch
After Morning Mass , CAFOD BIG BREW
1 Mar
7 Mar
Women’s World Day of Prayer
17 May
First Holy Communion Mass
St Joseph’s
St Joseph’s
St Joseph’s
St Joseph’s
St Joseph’s
St Joseph’s
St Joseph’s
St Joseph’s
St Joseph’s
Prayers please for our
our Sick and Housebound Parishioners: Gillian Atkinson, Chris Austin,
Christopher Barton, Nikki Carr, Pauline & Ken Chaplain, Auriel Dalley, Blanaid Drain, Janet Evans,
Stuart Frost, Jill Gutteridge, Mary Hughes, Sally Ireson, Clare Kettle, Lorraine Macbeth, , Phoebe
Gartshore, Lily McGrath, Michael McGowan, Anita McLean, Paul Robert Moffat, Daniel Moody,
Ricardo Morcillo, Bob Preston, Tony Scott, Margaret Taylor, Margaret Trickett, Cath Twyman,
Matthew Waterfield, Maureen Withy, Letitia Worth, Maureen Dewsberry, Phoebe Gardner, Mary
Stone, John Mountford, Ann Darcy, Helen Harvey, David Newis, Mike Edwards, Derrick Brown,
Angela Taylor, Gabrielle Shine, Kathleen Kutt, Monique Atkins, Sheila Bishop, Dorothy Walters, Sue
Bennett, Bernard Fish.
For our most
most recently deceased: Kathleen Phillips, Brian Carter, Winifred Phillips, Sandra Victoria
Parry, Maureen Parker, Margaret Smith, Michael Stanley, Janet Bate, George Sniezko-Blocki, John
Joseph Brown, Dorothy Irene Hurley, Julian Wotton, Joshua Harley, Julian Lee Cotton and Mary
Emma Horton, Elsie Norman, Jean Winsper, Patricia Ann Heap, Patrick Walsh, John Magulski, Nina
Sniezko-Blocki, Margaret Ethel Lees, Michael Ellis.
And for those whose Anniversary is within the week: Edward Cannon, Maris Low, Mary Horton, Ellen
Porter, Mrs Beamish Kathleen McInnes, Ivy Bevington, Mary Cummins, Margaret Burke, Winifred
Bradbury, John Burgess, Patrick Darcy, David Skrodelis, Annie Morrisroe, Anne Dews.
Safety notice for Parents: For safety reasons please note that Front of Church grass is out of bounds
for the children to play on whilst the tree lights are up on the two front trees
Christmas Fayre: The Christmas Fayre raised £793.34. Thank you so much to Jacqueline Perry and
all involved in making such an event possible.
Senior Citizens Luncheon Club 20th January 2015 following Midday Mass: Freshly cooked two course
meals, glass of wine, coffee or tea £4 per head. Transport can be arranged. Please let Carol Wood
know on 01543 529169 should you wish to attend and enjoy. Raffle also this time round.
Food Bank Urgent Appeal Please: Tinned Meat, Long Life Juice, Sugar, Tinned Fruit, Rice Pudding,
Tinned Veg, Long Life Milk, Tinned Fish, Tinned Tomatoes, Treats for Children. Many Thanks.
Collection Last Weekend: Loose: £224.97 Gift Aid: £194.75 Thank you for your continued generosity.
Christmas Cards: Christmas cards left in Church for people to collect have now been placed on the
snooker table in the hall. Please do check if you have any to collect.
A Happy, Holy and Blessed New Year to all
Parishioners of St Joseph’s and may
the Lord fill your
heart with His
love. With thanks and
God Bless You.
Fr Paul & Deacon Tony
Parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham Registered Charity No 234216.