The Weekly -


The Weekly -
MONDAY, December 15, 2014
From the Principal
Ian Morris | Principal
This week
Thank you to the sponsors of the ISHavana Open Fund Raising
Golf Tournament on Saturday December 6; more than CUC
3000 was raised for the “Give a Tune” initiative.
Examination Week
The secondary students in all grades except Grade 10 and
Grade 12 and the students of Grade 4 and 5 will be sitting
Mid Year examinations this week; please make sure that they
prepare well, get good sleep and come to school having eaten
a good breakfast so they are properly ready. Please remember
to collect the students once their examination schedule is
completed each day.
Last Day of Term One
There will be special activities to say goodbye to those that
are leaving us and also for everyone to exchange seasonal
greetings on the morning of Friday, December 19.
School will have a later start than usual, at 9:00 am and there
will be classroom celebrations and a closing Assembly at 11:00
am after which students will be free to return home at 12:00
Please make the necessary arrangements so that students are
picked up at 12.00 noon.
If your family is leaving our school community this December,
please make sure that you have notified us in writing.
Keep in mind please, the need to allow the Registrar’s Office
sufficient time to prepare any official school documents that
you need.
You should be aware that documents do take time to be
processed and signed. If school documents need to be
legalised in order to be accepted in the country to which you
are moving, that is a lengthy process with several steps which
involve different host country government ministries. Please
consult the Registrar for advice on these procedures.
School re-opens after the Winter Break on Monday, January 12,
at 8:10 am. We wish you all a safe, happy, relaxing vacation
and look forward to seeing you when we all return.
Board Email Address
The Board has also set up an email address on the school
system so that you can email them directly. The address for the
Board is:
Changes to teacher staffing for the start of
Term 2.
In addition to staff leaving and new staff published last week
there are some other changes to our teaching staff allocation
for the start of next Term.
Ms. Wendy will be joining us as a Teacher Assistant in Lower
School – she has already begun to work with the students in
Grade 1. Welcome Ms. Wendy!
Ms. Dayana (Receptionist) was successful in her application
for the EAL Teacher position will be moving full time into
The Weekly
teaching in the new
term in January congratulations Ms.
MONDAY, December 15, 2014
From the Lower School
From the Secondary School
Georgina Schofield | Head of Lower School
Dave Hepworth | Head of Secondary School
Our final assembly for the term will
be on Wednesday, December 17
at 8:10 am and will be lead by the
Kinder Owls. We will also be saying
farewell to some members of our
community who are leaving us.
To those who will not be returning
in January, we wish you all the
very best in your new countries
and schools and hope that fond
memories of ISH remain with you.
The new Main Campus
Receptionist will be
Ms. Maria Carmen;
Ms. Maria Carmen has
served us very well
as a Duty person on
the gates and during
the school day breaks
and now will take
on the Receptionist
role. Please help Ms.
Maria Carmen adjust
to her new position in
On the last day of term, Friday,
December 19, school opens at 9:00
am and closes at 12:00 noon. The
Early Years students will join the rest
of the school at the Main Campus
for an assembly at 11:00 am and
parents should collect their children
from the Main Campus.
This week will be Exam Week for
Grades 6 to 9 and 11. The first exam
will be at 8:30 am and the second
one will be at 11:30 am. Students
should be picked up from school at
1:30 pm or directly after their last
exam of the day, so please arrive
promptly. I hope the students have
worked hard and will be rewarded
with high marks. The mock exams
for Grades 10 and 12 will take place
in February. The last Secondary
Assembly of 2014 was held last
Tuesday at 1:05 pm and we had a
special Shankar assembly on Friday
morning. After the holidays, the
assemblies will be on Wednesdays
at 10:05 am, until February 18. You
are always welcome to join us.
I wish you all a good holiday and an
excellent start to 2015.
From the Library
Ms. Celia | Main Campus Librarian
Winter Holidays are nearly here. All Library books on loan should be returned to the Library on or before December 12.
The Library will be offering a holiday book lending service for students who stay in Havana during the holidays. We will be open for one hour every Monday
morning between 9:00 am to 10:00 am on December 22 , 29 and January 5. Students will not be able to borrow books if they have not previously returned
all their books. Reminders and letters are being sent home to remind you about this. In case of loss or damage, please inform the Librarian as soon as
possible so that the necessary arrangements can be made with the school cashier.
Thank you for your cooperation.
The Weekly
MONDAY, December 15, 2014
ISHavana Open Fundraiser 2014
Crystal Barnes | Organising Committee for the 2014 IShavana Open
I am pleased to announce that the IShavana Open 2014 was a great success. Luckily the
rain did not affect us too much and the course was welcoming. We had a wonderful day,
with lots of fun.
The purpose of this golf tournament is to raise funds to help develop some aspect of the
school, such as Early Years playground equipment or large book orders for the library.
This year the money raised will be set towards new musical instruments. We were able to
raise CUC 3160, which is very exciting!
We could not have done it without the generous support of our sponsors:
La Guarida
Warwick Mann International
Kay International
The Nigerian Embassy
VPJ Consultancy
Opera Paladar
Bar-Restaurant Tabarish
Business Strategies International
The Schofield Family
The Barnes Family
Leif Alden
Johann Vega
Ian Morris
The Greek Embassy
Claudio Vetere
Warren Viegas
Again, many thanks to all who participated in the tournament and donated to our cause!
Crystal Barnes
Organising Committee for the 2014 ISHavana Open
The Weekly
MONDAY, December 15, 2014
Visual Arts
Late Arrivals and Early
We would like to invite you to enjoy
art made by our students. In the
Calle 16 entrance hall a range of
work from Grade 4 and Grade 5
students is on display.
As you may have read in past editions of The Weekly, there are
still a large number of students arriving after 8:10 am. New
procedures will be put in place, starting Tuesday November 25
for students who arrive after 8:10 am or leave before the end
of the school day. From now on, students who arrive after 8:10
am will need to register their late arrival with a duty supervisor
at either gate. The duty supervisor will record the name, grade
and time of arrival of students arriving after 8:10 am, and will
give those students a Late Slip, which will need to be taken
to their next class to let the teacher know they have arrived
and been registered as late. The attendance records will then
be updated to reflect the late arrival of the student. Students
arriving at the Calle 18 gate after 8:30 am will need to register
their arrival with the Receptionist who will also issue a Late
Slip. Students who arrive to class after 8:10 am without a
Late Slip will be asked to return to the gate supervisors or the
Receptionist to register their arrival.
In the Calle 18 entrance a personal
exhibition of Malcolm Fuller’s work
is on display. The pieces were
created for the ISH Diploma Visual
Arts Programme.
Students who depart school before the end of the regular
school day will also be asked to record their early departure
with the Receptionist, where they will receive a Gate Pass,
which must be given to the supervisor on the gate before they
These procedures are being put in place to ensure that the
school’s records of student attendance are as accurate as
possible and we appreciate your support in following these
Important changes to the opening times for
the Calle 16 gate.
From January 2015, the Calle 16 gate will be locked at 8:10
am. All students and parents arriving or departing the Main
Campus after this time will need to enter and exit through the
gate on Calle 18.
PTA News
PTA Calendar 2015
Thank you to all of you who bought PTA Calendars
at the Mid year Concert. We are pleased to say
that we have now sold out of calendars. We are
sorry if you missed out, calendar numbers were
limited due to printing issues. Thank you for your
continued support.
PTA Executive Committee 2015
The PTA is pleased to announce the PTA Executive
Committee for 2015
President: Jessica Macor
Vice President: Giselle Guerra
Treasurer: Eva Moreno
Secretary: Naoko Valdes
Lower Room Parent Coordinator & Transition Team:
Julia Goebel
Secondary Room Parent Coordinator & Transition
Team: Emmanuella Irbinger
Teacher Representatives: Mr Shane and
Ms. Rebecca Collyer
The PTA would like to take this opportunity to
thank Bernadette Baker, Keeley Petch and Mr
Adonis for all their hard work for the PTA. Their
enthusiasm and energy will be thoroughly missed.
PTA Executive Meeting
The next PTA Executive Committee Meeting is on
Wednesday 14 January at 4:15pm in the meeting
Calle 18.