BITS OF NEWS - Saint Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church


BITS OF NEWS - Saint Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church
Lutheran church
4843 Southport – Supply Road SE
Southport, North Carolina 28461
Church Office Phone 910-457-5604
The Rev. David P Nelson, Pastor
Submission Deadline Thursday 9:30 a.m.
Carolyn Gallo, Administrative Assistant
Judy Morehouse, Administrative Assistant
Jane Boberg, Director of Music
Dale Giannatasio, Accompanist
Vicki Carlson, RN, Parish Nurse
December 21, 2014
fourth Sunday of advent
God keeps the promise made to David, to give him an everlasting throne. The angel tells
Mary that God will give David’s throne to her son Jesus. She is perplexed by Gabriel’s
greeting and by the news of her coming pregnancy, but she is able still to say, “Count me
in.” We who know that Jesus is called king only as he is executed still find it a mystery hard
to fathom, but with Mary today we hear the news of what God is up to and say, “Count us
In this annunciation, Luke makes clear that God comes with good news for ordinary
people (Mary) from little-known places (Nazareth). This king will not be born to
royalty in a palace, but to common folk in a stall. Here Luke highlights the role of
the Spirit, a special emphasis in his gospel.
Sunday, December 21, 2014
The Chancel Flowers are given to the glory of God.
The Sanctuary Candle is given to the glory of God by Rich and Vicki Carlson in honor of
their children and grandchildren.
Last week’s Sanctuary Candle was given to the glory of God by Evie and Bob Loukas in
memory of Dot and Gene Bowman.
Bible Study schedule
Sunday Morning Bible Study, December 21, 2014
Thursday evening bible study will resume on January 8
Friday morning bible study will resume on
Friday, January 9
A Year of Spiritual Encounter
December 2014
Sunday – December 21 – Prayer for Peace at the Labyrinth
3:00 p.m. – Meet at the labyrinth for a brief liturgy and prayer for peace
Remember Carolyn McTague?
Not too long after joining Saint Peter in 1994, I was elected to the Church Council and was
assigned the committee chairmanship for Music and Worship. Since I have the music talent
of a stick and with a budget of only a few hundred dollars, it was challenging to say the
least. However, Carolyn McTague served voluntarily on the Music and Worship Committee;
played the organ, directed the choir and was the music director. She and her husband
donated the organ which we used until the new church was built and the grand pipe organ
was donated by Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Myrvik. About the only time Carolyn would miss
church was her annual trek to Virginia to visit her mother. Carolyn left the area several
years ago and moved to Virginia to be near her mother. Since moving, her husband passed
away and her mother died this year a month short of 102 years old. Carolyn also has had a
serious stroke and she is still struggling with the effects in her left arm. She is active in her
Lutheran church and confides that she is fortunate to have a pastor who is a Washington
Redskins fan.
Please keep Carolyn in your prayers and she would appreciate very much hearing from any
of the members who remember her many contributions to Saint Peter. Her address is:
Carolyn McTague
1001 North Timber Ridge Road
Cross Junction, VA 22625
Please read carefully as there is a great deal of important information included in
this email!
As you head out to visit family and friends for the holidays, please ask them to donate their
unused/outgrown/never liked winter outerwear to our Pantry families. Donations of clean,
gently used outerwear in all sizes from infants to adults will be gently appreciated: coats,
jackets, blazers, capes, heavy sweaters and sweatshirts, mittens, gloves, scarves and hats.
When and where: Saint Peter Lutheran Church on Hwy. 211 between Joy Assembly and
Southport Electric on SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, from 10 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. This will be for
Pantry clients and their families only!
Drop off dates for clothing: Saint Peter Lutheran Church from Monday, January 5
through Friday, January 9, from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. ONLY! Please do not bring
clothing to the Pantry.
*** Volunteers will be needed for the following:
Friday, January 5 - to sort clothing at Saint Peter, beginning at 1:00 p.m.
Saturday, January 10 - Volunteers are asked to arrive by 9:00 a.m. Numbers will be
handed out to the clients at 9:00 a.m. and registration will begin at that time. Clothing will
be distributed from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Help will be needed in the following areas on Saturday
* Parking – please contact Mike Havert at 910-777-1501 or
* Two people will be needed to give out numbered tickets to the clients as they arrive
* 24 people will be needed to distribute clothing
* Many, many people will be needed to bake finger desserts … brownies, cookies, and
dessert bars which will be cut up, bagged in individual servings and distributed tour clients.
4-6 people will be needed to man the kitchen, and cut up, bag and distribute the goodies.
* Volunteers will be needed to purchase boxes of hot chocolate in INDIVIDUAL packets
which will be distributed with the desserts.
***Desserts should be dropped off at Saint Peter on Friday, January 9, between
9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. in disposable, non-returnable packaging.
Save the Date ~ Lunch & Munch
~ Ports of Call Restaurant ~
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Place a check for $10, made out to SPLC, in Connie Zaenglein's mailbox. An envelope
will be located there for you to sign. DO NOT SIGN UP UNLESS YOU PLACE A CHECK IN
The check is refundable at the luncheon only! We must guarantee the number of
RSVP DEADLINE (checks only) ~ Sunday, January 11, by 10:00 a.m.
church office closed December 24, 25, and 26
Parish Nurse Medical Leave coverage
While I am out on medical leave Paula Jackson and Kathy Railo will be covering. You may
contact them by calling them directly:
Paula 815-347-8654
Kathy 910-616-8320
or you may also call the church office during regular office hours (9-1, M-F) or leave a
Shepherds call Kathy first and then Paula. I will be out approximately 6 weeks.
Peace and Blessings,
Fellowship committee news
The Fellowship Committee needs your help. The coffee hours for both services are our main
weekly “fellowship” gathering. It takes many “HELPING HANDS” to make this fellowship
function from week to week. Your help is needed to bring snacks to share (and help cleanup) at the coffee hours. There is a sign-up sheet for each service on the Fellowship Bulletin
Board in the Fellowship Hall. Pick a week and sign up! Any questions? Call Paula Minges at
December 21
8:30 am
11:00 a.m.
December 28
8:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Jimmie Doll
Beth Nelson
Matt Ernst
Lay Assistant
Fred Strickert
Steve Schultz
Carol Rubow
Dave Goudy
Sandra Schultz
Paul Murphy
Larry Capriotti
Judy Huffman
Wayne Huffman
Regina Baldwin
Scott Baldwin
Allan Doelp
Nancy Doelp
Lois Beddard
Rik Zawadzki
Kathy Burke
Mike Burke
Rod Grow
Jo Grow
Shelvy Pasour
Rochelle Havert
Carol Roche
Phil Nord
Sandra Reibert
Barbara Nowell
John Nowell
Linda Kauffman
Gary Tagtmeyer
Tootie Tagtmeyer
Graydon Barz
Fred Strickert
Irene Hennessey
Penny Krueger
Robert Dungan
Sharon Dungan
Colleen Weathers
Lewis Weathers
Altar Guild
Sue George
Barbie Williamson
Linda Lewis
Pat Cremins
Child Care
Noel Dusanenko
Sandy Huth
Beth Nelson
Brenda Orrison
Noel Dusanenko
Sandy Huth
Beth Nelson
Brenda Orrison
Lois Beddard
Robert Loukas
Sandra Reibert
Church Council President
Richard P. Erickson
Born and raised in Manchester, Connecticut.
Baptized, confirmed and married (Judy Larson) at Emanuel Lutheran Church, Manchester, CT
Graduated from Manchester High School
Attended Upsala College, East Orange, NJ (pre-seminary student)
Transferred and graduated from University of Hartford (BSBA)
Attended Navy OCS ( Newport, RI) and graduated with rank of Ensign
Spent three years on active duty (destroyers)
Spent twenty-one years in reserve program (retired as Captain)
After active duty, returned to Manchester and joined Shearson, Hammill
Rejoined Emanuel Lutheran Church, elected to church council as Chair of Worship and Music
committee. Subsequently elected President of Council and served on call committee for
Assistant Pastor.
Left Shearson and joined Connecticut Bank and Trust as portfolio manager, thus began a 40
year career as an investment advisor to high net worth individuals and corporate clients.
Retired from Fleet Investment Advisors as senior vice president and regional manager for
Rhode Island and Eastern Massachusetts.
Upon retirement, Judy and I moved to St. James and built our retirement home. Joined Saint
Peter Lutheran Church and was elected to church council. Served four years as Chair of
Evangelism Committee. In 2011 elected to Call Committee in search of a new minister to lead
our congregation. Additionally, appointed by Council to chair Property committee to fill out an
unexpired term. Elected Chair of Property committee in 2013. In addition to active church
involvement also active participant in First Tee and Kiwanis.
Judy and I have three children and seven grandchildren.
Property Committee Chair
Rick Jones
I was born and raised in Connecticut and graduated from Henry Abbott Regional Vocational
Technical School in 1966 with a concentration in the electrical field. Until 1994, I was
owner/President of F. J. Jones Electrical Contracting. In 1994, I became state certified in Water
Treatment and worked for the Town of Bethel, CT, until we moved to St. James in 2000. After
our move, I also became certified in North Carolina as an electrical contractor and as a water
treatment plant operator. I was employed by Brunswick county from 2001-2005 at the
Northwest Water Treatment Plant and did lots of electrical work in the area on the side
including the wiring of several homes in St. James as well as my own.
I have served on the Property Committee at Saint Peter since joining the church in 2009, and I
have enjoyed working with not only the committee but with the church staff and the many
friends Mary and I have acquired since becoming members.
Rick Jones
Stewardship Committee Chair
Jay Keeley
I was born and raised in the Philadelphia area. I graduated from St Joseph’s University in 1968
with a B.S. in Mathematics, and immediately went to work with Unisys Corporation as a
software engineer. I worked for Unisys in the Philadelphia area for 38 years, and in 2006 I
retired and moved to Southport. My wife Marge and I have 3 children and 5 grandchildren.
Shortly after arriving in this area, we joined Saint Peter Lutheran Church, where I am currently a
member of the choir, a counter, a lector, a volunteer at the Food Pantry, and a member of the
Stewardship, Financial Audit, and Mission Endowment Fund committees.
Outreach Committee Chair
Donna Woods
I am a lifelong Lutheran. I was baptized, confirmed, married and have always worshiped as a
Lutheran. I have served in many ways, such as Sunday School teacher, VBS leader and teacher,
fellowship committee member, Women's Society officer, sanctuary renovation committee
member, and always as a choir member. I was commissioned a Stephen Minister in 1994, and
have served in that capacity.
Education and Work Experience:
I have a BS degree in Elementary Education, with a major in English and a minor in History. In
addition, I have taken many advanced courses and seminars in the field of education. I have
thirty years’ experience in teaching, the majority of time being spent teaching students
remedial reading, writing, and math. I also spent much time teaching kindergarten enrichment.
I worked with the Child Study Team and mentored student teachers.
Personal Life:
In 1970, I married John Woods (deceased in 1992). We have two daughters, Melissa and
Jennifer, and three grandchildren. The Church has always been the nucleus of my life. With
every move, I immediately became a part of a new church family, the place for worshiping,
serving, and socializing with new brothers and sisters in Christ. My church families have
celebrated with me in my joys, and mourned and sustained me in my sorrows. Now I am
blessed to be a member of the Saint Peter family! While here at Saint Peter, I have had the
privilege of serving on the Call Committee. Currently, I sing in the choir, am a member of the
Book Club, attend Pastor's Bible studies, Women’s Bible Study, play dominoes, bridge, and
canasta with church members. I was appointed Chairman of the newly "re" formed Outreach
Committee, then elected and served one term. I look forward to continuing in this position, if
Worship Committee Chair
Dr. John M. Schroeder
Personal Information:
Married Patty in 1968, 1 daughter, 7 grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren, moved here from
Henderson, NC in May 2002
Ed.D. – UNC Chapel Hill, NC
MS – School Administration, Instructional Media - WCU - Cullowhee, NC
BS – Education – Concordia Teachers College, Seward, NB
AA- Education – Concordia Lutheran Jr. Col. - Ann Arbor, MI
Professional Experience:
33 years in Education. I’ve taught, served in central administration and served 20 years as
principal in elementary & middle schools. Received the Governor’s Award for Excellence in
Education for Innovative Programs and the Wachovia Principal of the Year for the State of NC. I
helped develop and had my school serve as one of the State Pilot Preschools. I was active in
many professional organizations and served on several governing boards. I was State President
and served as treasurer for NC-ASCD, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
I’ve been published in several books and journals.
Recent Community Service:
St. James Fire Department: Fireman ten years. Served nine years on the Fire Department
Board. Currently Secretary for the Board.
Habitat for Humanity: Worked on more than 45 houses and serve on the Construction
SOIICF Food Pantry driver and food distribution
Traveling Serendipity Singer
St. Peter Lutheran Church: Former President of the congregation, Sunday School and Bible
Class Teacher, Stewardship Chair, VBS Teacher, Property Committee Worker and currently only
singing in the Choir
Why I am Running:
I am running for the Worship Committee because I was asked to serve and feel it is time to go
back to more active work. I retired from the presidency four years ago. I feel worship is one of
most important things we do at Saint Peter. Our worship is the one thing we can give God that
he doesn’t have. It is therefore important that we do it well and in good order. We are
fortunate to have active dedicated people serving on the worship committee. I look forward to
working with them. I also look forward to seeing more people get active in conducting our
Health Ministry
Pat Cremins
Having been a member of Saint Peter for over 2 years now, I am certain that this is my spiritual
home. I have been welcomed with open arms and was provided with the opportunity to get
involved right away.
I have been a member of the Evangelism Committee, Altar Guild and Health Ministry, since I
joined our Church. As a Registered Nurse, with a BS in Health Care Administration, I have
worked in most aspects of Nursing, from ICU to Administration. I am currently working full time
as the Clinical Manager of a Family Practice office in Oak Island.
I have loved being a nurse and the opportunity to minister to others fits in perfectly with my
belief system. I am humbled to be considered for a position on our Council and will work
diligently to keep the Health Ministry a vibrant part of Saint Peter.
Financial Secretary
Doug Voegtlin
I served the last two years as your Financial Secretary (2013-14) and elected member to the
Church Council. I have been a lifelong Lutheran and member of Saint Peter Lutheran Church for
over eight (8) years. In addition to being your Financial Secretary, I have chaired both the
Endowment and a Nomination Committees. I served on the Endowment Committee for six (6)
consecutive years. I am also on the Columbarium Committee, serve as a Greeter and deliver
meals for seniors for the Meals On Wheels program.
Although I don't claim to be an accountant, I have significant skills with computers and was
responsible for a multi-million dollar budget as Administrator for The Maryland-National Capital
Park & Planning Commission.
Since this position allows only for two-consecutive two year terms, I am asking for your support
to complete my second and final term. With your vote and by the grace of God, I will
enthusiastically take on this responsibility.
Nominating Committee
Patricia Whiting
I attended Lutheran grade school and public high school in NYC. I received a BA from the
University of Rhode Island and an MA from SUNY New Paltz. I taught elementary school
in Rhode Island and Ohio, as well as middle school in Virginia and New York. Over the years, I
have been involved in a variety of church activities, including serving as a greeter at Saint Peter.
Mary Jo Klinger
I was born and raised in Clearbrook, MN. After high school, I attended Minnesota School of
Business in Minneapolis where I obtained a legal secretarial degree. After working in the legal
field for several years, I went back to school and graduated from Moorhead State University
with a B. A. in business. Most of my adult life was spent in Fargo, at First Lutheran Church of
My husband, Ed, and I moved to St. James in 2004. I have two children, two step-children and
five grandchildren. I enjoy golfing, reading and traveling. I currently serve as co-chair of the
Alter Guild at Saint Peter Lutheran Church.
Patti Kelly
I have been asked to serve on the Nominating Committee for 2015. I have been a member of
Saint Peter for nearly 11 years, having moved to St. James with my husband, Larry, from the
northern Virginia area in 2003. My education and background is in accounting/bookkeeping. I
am currently active at Saint Peter as a member of the Altar Guild and the Stewardship
Committee. My previous activities with my former church include church preschool business
administration, Stephen Ministry, and experience on various church committees including
Fellowship, finance and Education (School Board and confirmation Assistant Teacher). In the
community I have volunteered at Dosher Hospital and currently coach elementary-age children
with the First Tee program.
Eldon Stoehr
I moved to Southport from McLean, Virginia. I retired as the Inspector General for a Federal
agency. I am originally from South Dakota, am a lifelong Lutheran, and have served in a wide
variety of offices and committees in our former congregations. Since joining Saint Peter, I have
been involved with the Evangelism Committee and most recently as Church Council President. I
also sing in the choir, and I enjoy golfing and playing bridge.
Chris Page
Vital Statistics
 Born in Chicago Illinois October 24, 1947
 Married Mary Page December 13, 1980
 2 sons: Michael in Hot Springs, Arkansas and Christopher in Elgin, Illinois
 3 grandchildren: Daniel- 18 years old, Olivia- 5 years old and Joshua- 1 1/2 years old
 Have lived in St. James since retirement in 2004
 BA Economics, University of Notre Dame, 1969
 MBA Finance, University of California at Los Angeles, 1973
Work Experience
 Upon securing MBA, worked for a series of banks in Chicago area, primarily in the Trust
investment area
 Retired from J. P. Morgan as a director of Trust Investments, 2004
Community Experience
 Member and past President of Kiwanis Club of Southport- Oak Island
 Past member of Advisory Board of Brunswick Senior Resources
 Past member of Advisory Board of Boys and Girls Club
Saint Peter Experience
 Joined Saint Peter in 2009
 Member of choir 2011-2013
 Chairman of Stewardship Committee and member of Church Council 2012-2014
Sunday 12/21/2014
Saint Peter Financial Summary
8:30 a.m. Worship Service
9:45 a.m. Children’s Sunday School
9:45 a.m. Bible Study
10:00 a.m. Choir Rehearsal
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
Monday 12/22/2014
Tuesday 12/23/2014
Complete Financial Reports
Posted in Office Corridor
Positive Cash Flow
Wednesday 12/24/2014
4:30 p.m. Worship Service (S)
7:00 p.m. Worship Service (S)
Thursday 12/25/2014
Friday 12/26/2014
Members: Charmelee Boehm, Judy Bowers, Ken Bowman, Vicki Carlson, Noel Chisholm, Ralph and
Jackie Ditch, Nancy Doelp, Marguerite Doerr, David Ford, Twylla Ford, Evie Loukas, Ingrid Nobles,
Barbara Nowell, Chris Page, Bill Petterson, Dick Polity, Wally Profis, Jeannie Rentch, Larry Rentch,
Tony Rizzo, Nelda Roush, Connie Sloop, Bill Sraver, Eldon Stoehr, Mia Voparil, Warner, Ann Marie
Military: Peter Anderson, Christopher Archer, Brandon Arnold, C.J. Buscagilia, Gordon Carey,
Pamela Cole, Kyle Dugas, John Garr, Cory Graeber, Charles Graifer, Clay Huffman, Scott Johnson,
Edward Jones, James Lewis, Scott Orr, John Rusch
Students: Donielle Coloeonni, Seth Hardcastle, Felicia Merritt, Catherine Nguyen, Jonathon Nguyen,
Stephen Seeber, Alyce Vest, Parker Vest, Brandon Whiting
Friends and Families: Mary Kelly Andrews, Lee Lee Baird, Joe Bales, Bill Baldino, Marcia Bastik,
Robert Bastik, Davis Beaube, Blake Biffle and Family, Aiden Brown, Diane Brown, Kenny Bryant,
Sally Burner, Catherine Burris, Roco Cillo, Joe Cleary, A W Clemmons, Molly Cooley, Coptic Christian
Church in Egypt, Americus Crawford, Sr., Leanor Cunningham, Terry D’Amico, Claire Davis, Irene
Dieck, Steve Dillon, Glen Doelp, Jeff and Linda Doelp, Bill Doolan, Mark Dowd, Aleza Epstein, Daryl
Erdman, Durwood Fisher and family, Family of Patty and John Schroeder, Matthew Foss, Fred
Fratto, John Genzel, Suzanne George, Kevin Gillooly, Cristine Hall, Anna Hardcastle, Luke
Hardcastle, Barbara Hardin, Dick Hayes, Kara Hazelton, David Hirst, Dot Hoerr, Jeff, Joan Hough,
Matt Howey, Phyllis James, Laura Johnson, Katherine, Kim Kuchler, Dottie Kyle, Barbara and John
Lawter, Walter Lester, Tori Loukas, Pastor Vernon Lucky, Patty McArn, Don McCord, Carolyn
McTague, Madeline, Alex Mazzei, Bill McLemore, Leslie Miller, Reverend Roger Miller, Jeff
Moynihan, Tom Mullins, Courtney Norris, Karen Occhiogrosso, Tara Orrison, Becky Outlaw, Ray
Pace, William Parker, People of Palestine and Israel, Richard Pedersen, Tom Pedersen, Jimmie
Perryman, Sandy Perryman, Jean Petrakovitz, Tom Polukak, Caryl Portney, Linda Pratt, Michael R,
Brian Railo, Rebecca (infant), Gary Reibert, Renate, Connie Rice, Louise Rivenbark, Jennifer Roach,
Charles Roush, Jr., Genevieve Salas, Maggie Samides, Christine Steele, Marlene Stumpf, Martha
Suver, Joe Sviatko, Dana and Suzanne Swain, Anna Swiney, Mike Tedder, Roscoe Thigpen, Tracy
Thompson, Mark Turoff, Suzanne Vacirca, Pastor Gary Weant, David Weber, David Weber Sr., Mark
Weber, Sue Wescott, George Winiarski, Adeline Wolfe, the world, Sonya Zammataro
The Apache People – Lexi, Hannah, Kimberly, Anika, Debra, Veldon, Angela, Rudy, Victoria, Josh,
Wayne, Cheryl, Billie, Brody, Shania, Rhonda, Peter, Ronnie, Russell, Cody, Vanesa, Denzell, Michelle,
Tara, Billy, Dorcas, Monica, Sean, June, Mabel and family