Welcome Sheet - Cockermouth Area Team


Welcome Sheet - Cockermouth Area Team
Parish Office
South Street
CA13 9RU
Opening Times
Cockermouth Area Team
9.30 am to 4.00 pm
9.30 am to 4.00 pm
9.30 am to 12.00 noon
Tel: 01900 829926
An Answering Machine will take
Emailparishoffice@cateam.org.uk messages at other times.
If you require any photocopying this can be done by either
leaving the details of how many and what size, stating which
church it is for or if it is personal, in the letter box of Christ
Church Rooms or by calling in during office hours. Any work
left will be done on Friday morning ready for
Please send items for future notice sheets to the:
Parish Administrator (Sue Lake) to be received by
Wednesday noon.
Parish Web site:
Is the place to visit for details about the 4 churches in the team
and to check the rotas and Parish Diary. Please don’t forget to
check the rotas each week for any amendments. If you can’t do
your duty please telephone the office BEFORE THURSDAY to
let us know.
Praying and Working together to share the
Light of Christ
Today’s Services 21st December 2014
Fourth Sunday Advent
Readings: OT: 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16
NT: Romans 16:25-27, Gospel: Luke 1:26-38
“Roots” Bible Theme - “Here am I”
All Saints
9.30 am
Morning Prayer
204, 493, 697 & 102
6.00 pm
All Saints & Christ Church, Cmth Joint
Carol Service
On behalf of all our clients, volunteers and staff at The
North Lakes Foodbank, we would like to wish our
collectors and supporters a Blessed Christmas and a
Happy New Year.
Many thanks for all your support and help over the last
Christ Church, Cockermouth
8.00 am
10.45 am
9.30 am
All Age Nativity Service with 4th Sunday
4.00 pm
Cottage Hospital Service
6.00 pm
Christ Church & All Saints Carol Service
at (All Saints)
Services for Sunday 4th January 2015
All Saints
Holy Communion
Christ Church, Great Broughton
10.45 am
Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
St Bridget’s
Christ Church, Cockermouth
8.00 am
6.30 pm
Holy Communion
10.45 am
Holy Communion (crèche available)
Christ Church, Great Broughton
10.45 am
St Bridget’s
Holy Communion & Sunday School
Parish Clergy
Adrian Thompson
01900 821288
Day Off Monday
Pastoral Counsellor
Elizabeth Brough
01900 823117
Licensed Lay Ministers
Chris Albon
Ann Peate
Lucy Thompson
Andy Walsh
01900 826125
01900 829616
01900 821288
01900 823895
9 Lessons & Carol Service
The teenage Christian youth group for the
parish (all Year 7 and above welcome) meets
Sunday 21st December 2014
Family Service
11.00 am
Holy Communion & Sunday School
11.00 am
If you can, please stay for coffee after the service
which will be served in the Church at All Saints,
St. Bridget’s and at Christ Church, Cmth; it’s a
good opportunity to meet and chat together.
Christmas thoughts, pizza and games after the
Carol Service at All Saints
in Christ Church Rooms 7.45 pm - 9.15 pm
For further details please contact Jeremy or Julie
Hastings on 01900 821094
Parish Office Opening Times
The Office will close on Friday 19th December at
12.00 noon and re-open
on Wednesday 7th January at 9.30 am
Parish Verse for 2014
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations... and teach
them to obey everything I have commanded you.
Matthew 28 v 19-20
Parish Verse for 2015
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in
believing, so that you may overflow with hope by the
power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15 v 13
Services for 24th December 2014 - Christmas Eve
Readings: OT: Isaiah 52:7-10
NT: Hebrews 1:1- 4, Gospel: John 1:1-14
All Saints
5.00 pm
Crib Service
11.30 pm
All Saints/Christ Church, Cmth
Midnight Communion
Christ Church, Cockermouth
11.30 pm
Christ Church, Cmth/All Saints
Midnight Communion at All Saints
Christ Church, Great Broughton
4.00 pm
Christingle Service
8.00 pm
Holy Communion
St Bridget’s
4.30 pm
11.30 pm
Crib Service
Midnight Communion
Services for 25th December 2014
Christmas Day Readings: OT: Isaiah 9:2-7
NT: Titus 2:11-14, Gospel: Luke 2:1-20
“Roots” Bible Theme - “Treasure”
All Saints
10.00 am
Joint Family Communion at
Christ Church, Cmth
Christ Church, Cockermouth
8.00 am
Holy Communion
10.00 am
Joint Family Communion
Christ Church, Great Broughton
10.00 am
Joint Family Communion at
Christ Church, Cmth
St Bridget’s
8.00 am
Holy Communion
10.00 am
Joint Family Communion at
Christ Church, Cmth
Services for 28th December 2014
First Sunday of Christmas
Readings: OT: Isaiah 61:10-62:3, NT: Galations 4:4-7,
Gospel: Luke 2:22-40 “Roots” Bible Theme “Watching, Waiting, Welcoming”
All Saints
10.30 am
Joint Parish Holy Communion at
St Bridget’s Bridekirk
Christ Church, Cockermouth
10.30 am
Joint Parish Holy Communion at
St Bridget’s Bridekirk
Christ Church, Great Broughton
10.30 am
Joint Parish Holy Communion at
St Bridget’s Bridekirk
St Bridget’s
10.30 am
Joint Parish Holy Communion
An Event for our Older
in Christ Church Rooms
on Thursday 1st January 2015 at 12 o’clock
and on succeeding first Thursdays of each month
* Christian thought for the day
* A Light Lunch
* Good Company
Pastoral Care Course
A CAT Parish Pastoral Care Course of Six Thursday
Evening Sessions to be Offered in the New Year - Hold
the dates! OPEN TO ALL.
Here is a brief outline of the six sessions
(7.30 pm - 9.00 pm):
1) 12 Feb '15: a Christian perspective - what makes
Christian pastoral care distinctive?
2) 19 Feb '15: dimensions and definitions - how do we
describe pastoral care?
3) 26 Feb '15: who cares? -who is called to care and who
do we care for?
4) 5 March '15: caring qualities - what do these look like
and how did Jesus care?
5) 12 March '15: listening - why is it important to listen
to others, ourselves and God?
6) 19 March '15: confidentiality and resources - why is
confidentiality important and what resources can we use?
Each session is self contained and provides opportunity
for prayer and worship as well as discussion and
reflection. There is greater benefit if all the sessions can
be successfully attended.
Venue: St Bridget's Bridekirk Church Room
If you wish to attend, please inform Sue Lake in the
Parish Office (01900) 829926
Your used postage stamps can change lives. The
LEPROSY MISSION welcomes all types of stamps, even
the most common, to raise funds. Stamps are best left
on their backing paper, not soaked off. A small amount
of backing paper approx 5mm helps.
Jan and Mike Heslop, 8 Lowscales Drive are happy to act
as a collecting point for stamps.
Christmas may be a good time to start collecting - every
stamp helps. Thank you.
We are low on the following items this week:
Tinned Sponge Pudding, Sugar, small and normal sizes
& Biscuits
Revd Adrian Thompson, Team Vicar, is on annual
leave 26th December 2014 - 3rd January 2015
inclusive. However, messages can be left on the
Parish or clergy answer phone for action after the
annual leave period or very urgent enquiries only,
please, can be directed to 07583 737636.
DIARY for week beginning 22nd December 2014
Monday 22nd
10.00 am Prayers at Ten (All Saints)
12.00 noon Age UK Friendship Group (St Bridget’s)
Wednesday 24th
12.00 noon Carlisle Diocesan Guild of Bellringers
(All Saints)
DIARY for week beginning 29th December 2014
Monday 29th
10.00 am Prayers at Ten (All Saints)
12.00 noon Age UK Friendship Group (St Bridget’s)
Thursday 1st January 2015
12.00 noon Thursdays at Noon (Christ Church Rooms)
Saturday 3rd
9.30 am Christ Church Coffee Morning (Christ Church
DIARY for week beginning 5th January 2015
Monday 5th
10.00 am Prayers at Ten (All Saints)
12.00 noon Age UK Friendship Group (St Bridget’s)
7.30 pm Culgarth Home Group (5 Culgarth Avenue)
Tuesday 6th
7.30 pm Christ Church Great Broughton DCC
(Fern Cottage)
Wednesday 7th
7.45 am Called to Prayer (All Saints)
10.00 am Holy Communion (Castle Gardens, Papcastle)
1.00 pm Bridekirk Baby Club
3.00 pm (St Bridget’s Church Room)
7.30 pm Kirkgate Home Group (45 Kirkgate)
7.30 pm Belle Vue Home Group
(7 Belle Vue, Papcastle)
8.00 pm Slatefell Home Group (5 Gable Avenue)
Clean Water and Hygiene Kits
The Coffee Morning on 3rd January, 2015,
9.30 am - 11.30 am, will have the usual
stalls. The Charity Stall will be for The
Ebola Crisis.
Scenes on television etc are concerning so we are hoping
to raise money to help. Please consider donating
Something i.e. preserves, craft, gifts etc. for the stall.
Every little helps!
For further information contact Louise Shaw on
821536 or the Parish Office.
Thank you to all those who helped and supported
us this month, we raised £555.95 for church funds.
Thank you
Jean would like to thank everyone who helped with her
recent move. Special thanks to Ann & Terry, Moira &
Allan, Robert and Carol, and everyone else for their
prayers and cards.
Christ Church Cmth - Address List Update
Please check the list especially emails. If you would like to
be added to the list or need to change anything please
contact Gillian Hackney. Email gill.hackney@talktalk.net
or Tel: 823445.
Growing Disciples… what happens next?
Following on from our form filling, thinking, praying and
commissioning, we now need to get down to the nittygritty of putting our thoughts on paper which will go
towards a written Mission Action Plan to move Christ
Church forward over the next 5 years.
Everyone who filled in a 'Growing Disciples/MAPing' form
(and those who are interested but didn't get around to it!)
are invited to a WORKSHOP and BRING-AND-SHARE
LUNCH on SATURDAY 17th JANUARY 2015, here
at church, 10.00 am for coffee for a 10.30 am start,
followed by lunch at 12..30 pm.
It's important that as many people as possible come to
this workshop day so please book this date NOW and BE
THERE!!!! Further details from Chris Albon, Linden
Sanders, Cath Soulsby or Alan Urquhart.
Mothers Union
As Christ Church, Great Broughton is the only Church of
our group that has a Mothers Union we would like to
extend membership to the other Churches in the group.
We meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7.00 pm.
Currently we meet in the Welfare Hall in Little
Broughton but that may change once our Church
alterations are finished in Spring next year. This is the
program of speakers for the new year. We would love to
welcome some new members from the other Churches
in the group.
MU Programme January – December 2015
January 15th - “Don’t put your foot in it” Mr M Greiss
February 19th - AGM United by Prayer Peta Leigh
March 19th - A musical evening Ann Jefferson & Friends
April 16th - Outing venue to be arranged
May 21st - Istanbul Jane McDonald
June 18th - Crime Prevention Sgt Mandy Conway
September - 17th Service in Christ Church
October 15th - Dovenby Days Maureen Fisher
November 19th - Rod’s Travels Rod Erlston
December 17th - Christmas Party
With my thanks to all who give so much of
themselves in the life and ministry of our four
Cockermouth Area Team churches and with my
prayers for God's peace and blessing for you this
Christmas and New Year. Adrian (Team Vicar).