July 24 Bulletin - St. Thomas More Parish


July 24 Bulletin - St. Thomas More Parish
Appleton, WI
Seventeenth Sunday In Ordinary Time
July 24, 2016
July 23
July 24
5:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Ione Brecklin
For the People of STM & Sts Peter & Paul
Parish Office hours will be
Monday-Thursday from 8:30-4 pm
& Friday 8:30-noon.
Faith Formation office hours will
vary during the summer, from June
6-August 29. Appointments can be
made as needed by emailing Faith
Formation staff
members or call the
Faith Formation office
at 739-8172.
James Griesbach
6:40 a.m. - Morning Prayer: Monday through Friday
July 25
7:00 a.m.
Roger Getsfried
July 26
7:00 a.m.
Jeff Skiba
3:00 p.m.
Bridges of Appleton—For the Health of Our Residents
July 27
7:00 a.m.
Loretta Verstegen-Hoelzel
July 28
7:00 a.m.
Germaine Murphy
July 29
7:00 a.m.
Michael Gonia
July 30
5:00 p.m.
Carl Baumann
July 31
8:00 a.m.
For the People of STM & Sts Peter & Paul
10:00 a.m.
Bob Curtis
Our advertisers make our bulletin possible.
Please support them when possible.
This week the sanctuary light
up near the tabernacle is burning
for Carlton Lee
July 30 & 31, 2016—Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:00 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
Andrew Minorik
Jonathan Kwasny
Altar Server
Meredith Bell
Ethan & Joel Pfaff
Cross & Gift Bearer
Glenn & Kelly Walters
Rick & Sharon Peterson
Dan & Virginia Peterson
Don & Cindy Mentzel
Glenn & Kelly Walters
Rick & Sharon Peterson
Dan & Virginia Peterson
Chad & Melanni Schwab
Patricia Kasten
Julie Stroess
Bill Haasl
Ross McVey
Roy Conrad
Brian Conrad
Daniel Hoff
Robin Adamski
Dave & Deb Boden
Merle Brimmer
Mike Choudoir
Maria Guzman
Norm Coenen
John Curtis
Alan Laux
Lee Planert
Dave Tesch
Katie Heim
Patricia Verbrick
Patty McNett
Kathy Koll
Patricia Verbrick
Patricia Verbrick
Monday, July 25
2 Cor 4:7-15
Ps 126:1b-6
Mt 20:20-28
Tuesday, July 26
Jer 14:17-22
Ps 79:8-9,11,13
Mt 13:36-43
Wednesday, July 27
Jer 15:10,16-21
Ps 59:2-4,10-11,17-18
Mt 13:44-46
Thursday, July 28
Jer 18:1-6
Ps 146:1b-6b
Mt 13:47-53
Friday, July 29
Jer 26:1-9
Ps 69:5,8-10,14
Jn 11:19-27
Saturday, July 30
Jer 26:11-16,24
Ps 69:15-16,30-31,33-34
Mt 14:1-12
Col 3:1-5,9-11
Lk 12:13-21
Eccl 1:2;2:21-23
Ps 90:3-6,12-14,17
Listen carefully to the voice of the Lord: set your heart on what will last forever. We only fool ourselves if we believe that our possessions will bring us happiness and life. Instead, “grow rich in the sight of the Lord.”
St. Thomas More Job Opening
Facilities Assistant
St Thomas More is looking for a Facilities
Assistant. This is a full time (40 hours weekly)
five days a week position with benefits. The
Facilities Assistant will assist the Facilities
Manager (Bob Balza) in maintaining the cleanliness and operation of the parish
buildings and grounds, and will serve as a
capable backup for the Facilities Manager.
A position description can be found at
www.stmcath.org. If interested, please send a
letter of interest, resume, and references
by August 1st to:
Mrs. Barb Tremel
Re: Facilities Assistant
St. Thomas More Catholic Church
1810B N McDonald St
Appleton, WI 54911
Interested in signing up for stewardship
giving through ACH? Call Barb in the Parish
office at 739-7758 for more details.
Jesus assures us that if we ask Him, God will take care
of what we need. The problem is that in our culture we
often confuse what we really need with what we
simply want. Many people need very little. However,
we usually want so much more. A good steward only
asks God for what he needs.
Mary Buege
Tom Grace
Sylvia Sauer
Kim Werner
Melissa Christman
Susan Curtis
Linda Knapton
Jenny Knapton
Petronella VandenHeuvel Richard Van Handel
Len Wisinski
Carol at 749-1072 or
Mary at 734-6202
Hope for the Future, Help Them Today
Our discipleship efforts are successfully calling forth more seminarians. Now they
need your help! In about two weeks, we will be having a collection for our future
priests through the annual Seminarian Collection: Hope for the Future, Help them
Today. Watch your mailboxes for more details. The money donated will be used to
benefit the education and formation of our own seminarians and to support priestly
vocations. Please be generous!
Faith, Family &
Summer Intergenerational Events at
St. Thomas More Parish
1810 N. McDonald St, Appleton
In preparation for the great feast of the Assumption, our guests
will be introduced to the magnificent ways in which Our Lady
the Theotokos is honored in the Christian East. We will look at
icons, liturgical poetry and hymns. Surrounded by this beauty,
your devotion to the Virgin Mary will be greatly enriched.
$250/individual or $400/couple
Includes lodging, all meals & talks
Sign up by contacting monks@hrmonline.org or 920-881-4009
Holy Resurrection Monastery
300 S 2nd Avenue
St Nazianz, WI 54232
To everyone at St Thomas More,
You give me faith that the greatest days of
the Catholic Church are still ahead.
Over 300 Catholic volunteers came forward
to help the Reyes family. You volunteered,
you raised money and you prayed for them.
You answered their prayers. Wilmer, Elizabeth, Thomas, April and little Allison have
a place to call ‘home.’ The people of St
Thomas More lived God’s Word. You
loved your neighbor.
May all know that we built more than a
home on Washington Street. We built a
Church. May God bless you always.
Tom Simon
Habitat for Humanity
Adult Opportunities
August 6—ALPHA training. Be the answer for
someone who is asking, seeking & knocking to know
Jesus more. Share the gospel by sharing your talents.
What gift can you give: cooking, baking, child care,
set-up, clean-up, calling? Contact Anita today with questions
or to volunteer at anita@stmcath.org or 739-8172.
August 10 – 6:30 PM – Mike Casey & Jon LaRoche
Young Adults playing contemporary Christian, Praise &
Worship and more
Outdoors, indoors if inclement weather
Bring a blanket or lawn chair
Ice cream will be served
Yard games for all ages!
Come to your Mother
Friday, August 12 4 pm-Sunday, August 14 1 pm
Paul Turner
Think of taking communion as a banquet in five distinct
parts: positioning, looking, proclaiming, responding and
taking. Take your time, this is not fast food.
First the worshiper gets into position. If you’re distributing
communion, wait for the next person to stop walking. If
you’re receiving, take a moment to prepare.
Next, look at the bread or the cup &look at each other.
The 2 of you are the mystery you are about to proclaim.
Then the minister proclaims the mystery: The Body of
Christ! The Blood of Christ! (Say it with an explanation
point!) Christ who existed before existence, Christ the
eternal Word who became flesh in Bethlehem, Christ
whose flesh and blood were nailed to a cross, Christ
whose body rose from the dead in a new form, Christ who
left his body and blood in the Eucharist, Christ whose
body we are—this is the Christ we proclaim.
Amen! Respond with faith, joy, and hope. Imagine you’re
saying “Thank you” (Eucharist) for the gift you’ve always
wanted, saying “I love you” to the one you love the most,
saying “I believe” to a world confused by sin.
Then, only then, receive communion. Join in communion
with the Body of Christ, risen & present all around you.
The Body of Christ. Amen.
Copyright © 2012 Resource Publications, Inc., 160 E. Virginia St. #170, San
Jose, CA 95112, (408) 286-8505.
July 27 – 6:30 PM – Tony Abts and Band
Music is a mix of folk, faith and fun
Outdoors, indoors if inclement weather
Bring a blanket or lawn chair
Popcorn & refreshments provided
Yard games for all ages!
No alcohol, please
Invite family & friends
Learn About Liturgy
Receiving Communion
The Knights of Columbus are now in the 56th year of the
“Running of the Roses.” Six Silver Roses began a journey from
six different cities in Canada and are traveling various routes
through the United States. Each day each Rose is the center of a
special prayer service to Our Lady of Guadalupe. The Silver
Roses will be joined together in Texas along with our thanks
and petitions from those prayer services. From there they will
travel to Mexico and be presented at the Basilica of Our Lady of
Guadalupe in Monterrey, Mexico, on December 12th, the feast
day of Our Lady of Guadalupe. You and your family are cordially invited to attend the special prayer service, give thanks and
place your petitions with the Silver Rose
Saturday, July 30th
3 pm (preceding the 4 pm Mass)
St Mary of the Immaculate Conception
2385 Municipal Drive, Greenville
Tickets for “Disney’s Cinderella Kids now available!
The Xavier Theatre Academy will present “Disney’s Cinderella Kids”, at 7:00 pm on August 4 and 5 and at 1:00
pm on August 6 at the fully accessible Xavier Fine Arts
Theatre, 1600 W. Prospect Avenue, Appleton. The timeless, “rags to riches” fairy tale becomes a new favorite in
Disney’s Cinderella KIDS, an adaptation of the treasured
animated film that will charm its way into your heart.
Ticket purchases are available at www.xaviertheatre.com
or the Xavier Fine Arts box office at (920) 733-8840. The
box office is open Mondays and Wednesday July 18-27
from noon until 3:00 pm and Monday through Friday for
phone orders and walk up sales, as well as one hour before each performance.
St Thomas More will be hosting its annual parish Golf Outing at Chaska Golf
Course on Sunday, August 21st at 1
pm—shotgun start. $50/person, which
includes 9 holes, cart, snacks, dinner &
wonderful prizes. Sign up sheet is in
the Gathering Area. Please contact Pete
Hehli at 858-4562, if you have any questions, or
would like to sign up by phone.
Xavier High School is blessed with 50 International students this school year and we are looking for Host Parents/
Families. Families, single persons and retirees can host! It is
a great way to give a student a chance and experience some
international culture close to home. You provide a loving
home and receive a monthly stipend for hosting. If you have
a student in the Xavier system, you also get a $1000 tuition
discount for your child as well. Please share this opportunity with friends and coworkers! To arrange to be a host, call
Carol Schubert 915-0530

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