Month 5


Month 5
AP Biology
Cover Sheet Month 5
Jan. 5 – Jan. 23 (work due)
Ms. Pachon:
Student Name:
______________________________________________ (please print neatly)
1. Carefully read and follow all directions.
2. Please write your name, date and assignment on all work.
3. When writing notes, write a concise explanation of each key concept in the chapter. Organize your notes so they
make sense to you. Illegible notes won’t get credit, so if you need to, create your notes digitally. Make your notes
a valuable tool to study with for your AP Biology exam.
4. Each section heading in blue needs to be explained under each key concept. Structure your notes in an organized
5. It is expected that you have read the chapters BEFORE coming in for discussion and study group. You are
responsible for choosing the videos you need to watch at All content for the year is posted on the
6. Student must sign this cover sheet before submitting work for evaluation.
1/7: Read Chapters 16, 17 and watch videos, before 1-7; Discussion, chapter 17 mini-lab
1/14: Read Chapters 19, 20, watch videos and read Lab 9 before 1-14; Lab 9 Electrophoresis Practice and
discussion on bioethics/technology
1/21: Read Chapter 21 before 1-21; Lab 9 Electrophoresis (short follow up required on Thursday or Friday
to read gel) Lab CANNOT be made up.
1/21-1/23: Testing Window
CHAPTER 16: The Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Notes: Notes and explanations of each key concept and section heading, 1-2 (2 sections)
Concept Checks: ALL; Self-Quiz pg. 308: all; Science, Technology, and Society
Video: Rosalind Franklin
CHAPTER 17: From Gene to Protein
Notes: Notes and explanations of each key concept and section heading, 1-7 (7 sections)
Concept Checks: ALL; Self-Quiz pg. 333: all
Video: Introns and Exons, Mutations and Mutagens
Mini-Lab- attach questions here
CHAPTER 19: Eukaryotic Genomes Organization, Regulation and
Notes: Notes and explanations of each key concept and section heading, 2, 4 and 5 (3
Concept Checks: all from sections 2, 4 and 5
Videos: Revisit Mr. Anderson Gene Regulation; Transposons
Epigenetics: go to this website:
You will be clicking on the links here. Watch both videos and click on the Interactive pages
and Learn More pages. Be able to explain the importance of epigenetics to inheritance.
CHAPTER 20: DNA Technology and Genomics
Notes: Notes and explanations of each key concept and section heading, 1-5 (5 sections)
Concept Checks: ALL; Self-Quiz all: pages 409-10
AP Biology
Cover Sheet Month 5
Ms. Pachon:
Jan. 5 – Jan. 23 (work due)
Videos: Biotech videos, bioethics
CHAPTER 21: The Genetic Basis of Development
Notes: Notes and explanations of each key concept and section heading, 1-4 (4 sections)
Concept Checks: All; Self-Quiz pg. 434-5: all
Videos: Animal development, stem cells, homeotic genes
LAB – REQUIRED ATTENDANCE: Wednesday, January 21
Attach lab: No Formal Lab Write-Up Required, Turn in Lab Questions and Data Analysis
Student Signature: _______________________________________
By signing this cover sheet, student attests that all work submitted is his/her original effort and understands that unreferenced or
plagiarized work is subject to disciplinary action and no credit will be given for assignment(s).