weekly - Los Osos High School Bands and Color Guard
weekly - Los Osos High School Bands and Color Guard
THE LOS OSOS BAND & COLOR GUARD “WEEKLY” For December 15 - 21, 2014 “Success is the peace of mind that is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming” – Coach John Wooden General Announcements: A SUCCESSFUL SEMESTER OF MARCHING BAND– Is really the culmination and blending of the time and talents of many different individuals who come together for a common goal. There are many people who contributed to the 2014 Regiment. Each and every student in the Regiment this fall semester has worked hard to uphold the Los Osos “Tradition of Excellence.” It was not always easy and the work was hard. At the end of the process though, the character-building and work-ethic-refining process of this semester has left a valuable mark on each and every member of the Regiment. Simply put, we are better people because of the process and the activity itself. We came together as a family, we worked hard, we focused on a shared vision of success, and we finished proud. We owe our thanks to many: to the booster club parents for their ongoing support; to the instructional staff for sharing their fine teaching; to the student staff for their exemplary leadership (both on and off of the field); to the many alumni and fans whose enthusiastic support pushed us forward all season; to the students, faculty, and administration of Los Osos High School for their unending support. Now as a 6A organization, we are again growing and refining ourselves, just as we did when we began to grow up as a 5A group. As Coach John Wooden said, “The journey is greater than the inn.” Music education at Los Osos High School is alive and thriving. And now, let’s keep going! ONWARD! INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC LESSONS – We cannot possibly overstate the value of a band student taking private lessons on his/her instrument. Aside from daily individual practice, obviously, there really is no other single way for a musician to improve their skills than to take individual lessons with a professional. These can be a simple half-hour a week, or an hour twice a month or (ideally) an hour a week. The band experience is a full group experience and does not contribute to individual growth of each player nearly as fast as private lessons can. Our master classes are like a group lesson, but individuals gain more from one-on-one attention. “Do you take private lessons on your instrument?” is one of the very first questions we ask students in any of our auditions; followed by, “How often?” and “With whom?” The following is a list of program-approved lessons teachers. Certainly there are other teachers in our area and many are fine people and well-qualified. THESE folks however have our highest endorsement. We will continue to add to and amend this list as best we can. GO FOR IT! DOUBLE REEDS FLUTE CLARINET SAXOPHONE TRUMPET FRENCH HORN Philip Nash Karmen Gould Paul Kane Troy Rausch David Evans Maureen McGuire Kerrie Pitts TROMBONE Eric Evans BARITONE/EUPH. Scott Sutherland TUBA Scott Sutherland Beth Mitchell PERCUSSION Solomon Encina Dave Natal Pete Sapadin PIANO Robin Capalbo philipluthernash@gmail.com karmensuter@gmail.com paulkane88@gmail.com justpickupyourhornandblow@gmail.com dbetrpt@hotmail.com maureenmcguire@charter.net kerrie_pitts@redlands.edu eevans@alsd.k12.ca.us tubaguy68@hotmail.com tubaguy68@hotmail.com tombethm@gmail.com sencina4526@hotmail.com davidenatal@yahoo.com petesapadin@gmail.com rcmusicstudio25@yahoo.com “ALUMNI LEGACY CLUB” FOR 2014 – These gracious donors are helping to move our program forward! Samantha Applebaum (Trombone, Class of 2013) Julia Caiola & Family (Color Guard, Class of 2014) Sara Carls (Clarinet, Class of 2008) Ryan Chase (Trumpet, Class of 2010) The Childers Family (Ivy – Class of 2016, Jessie – Class of 2014 – Color Guard) Casie Combs (Flute, Class of 2014) Jack Cuellar (Grandfather of Jennifer Cuellar, Color Guard – Class of 2009) Alex Daniels & Michael Daniels (Alex, Trombone – Class of 2008, Michael, Trumpet – Class of 2010) Angelo DiMario (Tenor Sax/Tuba, Class of 2012) Brock Embleton (Trumpet, Class of 2010) Paige Embleton (Color Guard, Class of 2010) Sean Hill & Family (Trumpet/Mellophone, Class of 2013) Braden Jensen (Trombone, Class of 2013) N’Zinga King (Bass Clarinet, Class of 2014) The Lewis Family – Steve, Pam, Andrew & Megan (Megan – Class of 2008, Andrew – Class of 2006) Ross McCabe (Tuba, Class of 2013) Justin “Dos” Marquez (Percussion, Class of 2014) Kat Natividad (Clarinet, Class of 2014) The Ordona Family (Jenna Ordona, Clarinet, Class of 2014) Rebecca Rivas (Color Guard, Class of 2009) Victoria Rivas (Drum Major/Flute, Class of 2011) Kiana Rodgers (Clarinet, Class of 2013) Paul Salazar (Drum Major/Trumpet/F Horn, Class of 2014) Sara Sanderson (Flute, Class of 2013) The Stapler Family (Tyler – Class of 2012, Nicholas – Class of 2014, Christopher – Class of 2014) Cheyenne & Corey Tamondong (Cheyenne- Class of 2012, Corey- Class of 2011) Anissa Vasquez (Color Guard, Class of 2010) Zachary Yasuda (Trumpet, Class of 2011) NEW TENOR SAXOPHONE DONATIONS – Now in its 13th year, our program has some aging instruments. Like last year’s bass clarinet fundraising drive (and the Sousaphone one the year prior THANKS for making these become a reality!) we are kicking off a drive to purchase two new tenor saxophones, at a cost of $800.00 each. Donors of $50.00 or more will have their names printed on next year’s Regiment t-shirt! We extend a HUGE thank you to the following donors thus far! Please help us make this a reality! Ivy Childers (Color Guard) – Class of 2016 Nicole Choy (Clarinet) – Class of 2017 Anneleise Goetz (Clarinet) – Class of 2016 Emma Ochoa (Clarinet) – Class of 2018 Andrea Robles (Color Guard) – Class of 2018 Brenda Robles (Percussion) – Class of 2018 Cameron Tinker (Bassoon/Tenor Sax) – Class of 2016 MARCHING IN THE ROSE PARADE! – Congrats to the following LOHS Band & Color Guard students who have auditioned and earned placement into the Pasadena City College Tournament of Roses Honor Band! We will be watching for you on TV! Emily Ellis Haley Libran Jenny Srimuang ZhuZhu Thrush HONOR BAND OPPORTUNITIES – Participation in an honor band provides a challenging, musically-rewarding opportunity for students and helps them to advance their musical knowledge and understanding beyond simply playing in their own high school groups. Honor group participation also looks great on college and university applications. Honor groups are “extra,” meaning that they are in addition to your first commitment, which is to your own program here at Los Osos. Dr. Andress does grant some schedule exceptions to honor band students when overlaps occur, but as always it is the student’s responsibility to work this out in advance. We encourage all of our band students to seek out an honor band experience this school year. The following opportunities are currently available: (Additional honor group opportunities will be posted here soon!) COLLEGE BAND AUDITIONS & SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES – We encourage all of our Los Osos musicans to consider playing in college band, whether or not they plan to be music majors. College bands provide an excellent opportunity to meet other students from across the campus and from different majors. Different colleges offer different scholarship opportunities for incoming students, both music majors and non-majors. We encourage our seniors to research the music opportunities at the colleges of their choice and to continue furthering their musical experience! While our program does not endorse one college music program over another, we occasionally receive college band audition materials in the mail and offer this information to our students. The following college programs have sent us this information: Cal State Los Angeles www.calstatela.edu/mtd Audition date: 3/7/15 Pacific Lutheran University www.plu.edu/music Audition dates: 2/20/15, 2/21/15, 2/22/15 San Jose State University www.sjsu.edu/musicanddance Audition dates: 2/14/15, 2/28/15, 3/7/15 Sonoma State University www.sonoma.edu/music Audition dates: 11/8/14, 1/17/15, 3/28/15 Texas Christian University www.music.tcu.edu Audition dates: 1/31/15, 2/21/15, 2/28/15 The University of LaVerne www.laverne.edu/performance The University of Redlands www.redlands.edu/music Audition dates: 1/17/15, 2/7/15, 3/7/15 University of the Pacific www.go.pacific.edu/audition Audition dates: 1/24/15, 2/7/15, 2/14/15 N.H.S. TUTORING – The Los Osos Chapter of the National Honor Society is offering free tutoring in all core subjects in the LOHS Library every day during both lunches and after school on MondayThursday. Band & Color Guard students are encouraged to take advantage of this outstanding opportunity. FAIR SHARE FUNDRAISING – For those that would like to raise money toward their fair share, please contact Kim Kawasawa for information via email at kimkawasawa@earthlink.net PAYPAL IS UP AND RUNNING – We are happy to announce we now have a PAYPAL account set up to make donations to our amazing band and color guard program easier than ever. Simply copy/paste the following link to your web browser: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=UWGGV59GPCDHA The first screen is the donation and credit card information. The second screen allows you to confirm and to enter special instructions to the seller. This is where we need the student name and what the donation is for. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Kim Kawasawa at kimkawasawa@earthlink.net As always, donations can still be sent into the Band Hall and placed in the Band Box. Thank you for all your support! DONATIONS NEEDED – The band and color guard program is in immediate need of donations of the following items. The school budget does not provide for these items. If each student could commit to bring even one item throughout the semester, it would be greatly appreciated, and will help preserve our precious budget money for more urgent issues like instrument repair. Thanks so much to those who have already donated! 1) AAA & 9 volt (square) batteries for our instrument tuners and metronomes. 2) Pencils. MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2014 Zero period Concert Band rehearsal in the Theatre, Wind Ensemble in the Band Hall, Winter Guards in the Cafeteria or Gym. SOLO NIGHT JANUARY 16TH: A new tradition! We will have a concert on January 16, 2015 featuring some of our finest musicians. We will be holding solo night auditions on Monday, December 15th after school (was originally scheduled for Tuesday, December 9th and has been postponed to allow for more practice time now that marching band has ended). Any currently-enrolled LOHS Band student is eligible to audition. To be considered, soloists must prepare a solo, duet, or small chamber group piece. Soloists may audition unaccompanied, or may have a pianist or use a CD. Those who are selected will be assigned a piano accompanist and will be given a few rehearsals with that accompanist prior to the night of the concert. The cost of the piano accompanist will be covered by our program. Musicians, go for it! This will be a great evening of music and will showcase the talents of our finest musicians! CONCERT OPPORTUNITY (for all students) – Attend the Chaffey/Ontario Community Showband concert tonight at 7:30pm in the Gardiner W. Spring Auditorium on the campus of Chaffey High School (1245 North Euclid Avenue, Ontario, CA 91762) and submit a conductor-autographed concert program (also bearing your printed name) to the Band Box tomorrow to earn ten (10) extra credit points for this current spring semester. If you go, please dress appropriately and serve as an exemplary audience member (no cell phones, no talking, etc.). Tonight’s concert is FREE! FULL PROGRAM FUNDRAISER (for all students & parent/guardians in our program) – At the Lazy Dog Restaurant & Bar today (11560 4th Street, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730) ALL DAY LONG! Please present the flyer (available in the Band Hall) when you pay your bill and we will receive 15% of the proceeds. www.lazydogrestaurants.com TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2014 Zero period Winter Guard rehearsal in the Cafeteria or Gym. No zero period band rehearsals this morning. Today’s final exam schedule is as follows: Zero period: 6:45 – 7:45am = Winter Guard rehearsal. 2nd period: 8:05 – 10:05am = Percussion rehearsal. BREAK 10:05 – 10:18am 4th period: 10:25am – 12:25pm = Jazz Band rehearsal. Student Staff stage crew duty tonight at the Vineyard Junior High Band & Choir Concert in our LOHS Theatre. Call time for tonight’s duty is 5:30pm dressed in business attire (long-sleeve shirts/ties and slacks for gentlemen, dress coats optional. Ladies in appropriate-length dresses or skirts). We should be dismissed tonight by no later than 8:30pm. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2014 Zero period Winter Guard rehearsal in the Cafeteria or Gym. No zero period band rehearsals this morning. Today’s final exam schedule is as follows: Zero period: 6:45 – 7:45am = Winter Guard rehearsal. 3rd period: 8:05 – 10:05am = Symphonic Band rehearsal. BREAK 10:05 – 10:18am 5th period: 10:25am – 12:25pm No Master Classes today per finals week. STUDY! THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2014 Zero period Winter Guard rehearsal in the Cafeteria or Gym. No zero period band rehearsals this morning. Today’s final exam schedule is as follows: Zero period: 6:45 – 7:45am = Winter Guard rehearsal. 1st period: 8:05 – 10:05am = Winter Guard rehearsal. BREAK 10:05 – 10:18am 6th period: 10:25am – 12:25pm ASSIGNMENT (for all students) – All instruments, music, and equipment will go home for the winter break. Also, the Band Hall is now a “Dinkle-free zone” meaning that both black and white marching band shoes need to go home and are no longer to be kept in our lockers. Missing locks shall constitute a failed locker check. This assignment is worth 25 points. FOR THEFT REASONS, CONCERT TUBAS CANNOT BE LEFT ON THE BAND HALL WINDOWS AND ALL BAND INSTRUMENT MUST GO HOME OVER THE BREAK AS WELL AZUSA HIGH SCHOOL JUST HAD A BREAK-IN RECENTLY AND LOST A MAJORITY OF THEIR BAND INSTRUMENTS. PLEASE DON’T LET THIS HAPPEN TO US! Christmas caroling at Thoroughbred TONIGHT! We will meet at the Band Hall at 4:30pm for a brief rehearsal and depart for Thoroughbred. We will be carpooling as a group (no school bus). We should be returning to Los Osos by approximately 8:00pm and many folks will be going to Corky’s for dessert afterward. This is a family event! We will be playing carols out of the white Christmas books. We will be using marching Sousaphones for this event, and all other students will use whichever their primary band instrument is at this current time. We will need a few booster club parents with large cars and pickup trucks to assist with carpooling students and transporting drums, tubas and music stands. Signup sheet for this event is posted to the front doors of the Band Hall. We really do need a balanced instrumentation in order for this to sound good. Attire for students will be jeans, festive holiday sweaters (light-up ones encouraged) warm coats, and Santa hats. Color guard students who attend tonight can help us move the equipment and can sing along. Come join us! Boosters are encouraged to attend, too! FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2014 No classes or rehearsals at Los Osos today per “Day Between Semesters.” SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2014 Enjoy the winter break! Have fun and be safe! SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 Enjoy the winter break! Have fun and be safe! Upcoming Schedule of Events: UPDATES are listed in bold type! Please do not prioritize this list! All events listed here carry equal weight and importance in our minds and for our program. A parade performance is as important as a football game, as a booster club meeting, as a concert festival, as a jazz band event at the junior high school, as field show championships. If it’s on this list, it’s required, and it’s important. Please know this! In addition to the school-day class-time rehearsals and the events listed below, Regiment (band and guard) students also participate in weekly marching band rehearsal every Tuesday evening from 5:008:30pm in the football stadium, beginning on the first week of school through until winter break. In addition to the school-day class-time rehearsal and the events listed below, all band and color guard students also participate in a weekly master class rehearsal every Wednesday afternoon from 3:154:15pm at the band hall and quad area, beginning the first week of school through until the last week of school. In addition to the school-day class-time rehearsals and the events listed below, Concert Band, Wind Ensemble and Winter Guard students also participate in weekly rehearsals every Tuesday evening, beginning in January and extending through until the last week of school. “Call Time Sheets” which give specific details (when and where to arrive, what to wear, what to bring with you, etc.) will be posted on this “Weekly” page approximately ONE week prior to the scheduled event. Date: Who: 12/16 Student Staff 12/19 All Students 12/22-1/4 All Students What: Stage Crew Duty @ VJHS Band Concert No School-Day between semesters Winter Break Where: When: L.O. Theatre 6pm SPRING SEMESTER DATES WILL BE POSTED HERE IN LATE DECEMBER – STAY TUNED! * Please make note of these important dates as you plan your schedules – students who are absent from the activities listed above may be dropped from the program. Please do not prioritize this list! All events listed here carry equal weight and importance in our minds and for our program. A parade performance is as important as a football game, as a booster club meeting, as a concert festival, as a jazz band event at the junior high school, as field show championships. If it’s on this list, it’s required, and it’s important. Please know this! Advanced-planning and accountability are very crucial to the success of our program! GO OSOS!