December/January School Newsletter


December/January School Newsletter
Panorama Hills School
1057 Panorama Hills Dr. NW, Calgary, AB T2K 0S4 t | 403-777-6061 f | 403-777-6062 e |
Newsletter | December- January 2014/15
Principal’s Message
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
– Nelson Mandela
We know that teaching and learning is changing in our province, in our district and in our school. We know that these
transformations will change how we assess and report how our students are doing in school. Following Parent
Teacher conferences our school blog will have more information about the Calgary Board of Education’s new K-9 report
card. It is important to continue to share with you how the new report card addresses the outcomes from the Alberta
Program of Studies and how the new four point indicator scale is going to be used. We believe community engagement
and involving our parents is crucial in understanding these changes.
The purpose of assessment is to both inform teaching, as well as to improve student learning. There has been a shift
over the past few years from a more summative way of assessing leaning to a more formative way of assessing student
learning. Assessment is about understanding who the learner is as an individual, what their personal strengths and
talents are, as well as where the student needs support. Our school continues to be involved in Iris, a tool for students
to document their learning, their goals and their understanding about themselves. This tool along with many other
formative teaching assessment practices such as learning logs, journals, presentations, peer and self-assessment,
inquiry based projects, observations and student conferencing, are techniques that give a far wider range of what a
student has actually learned, as well as providing coaching opportunities for teachers.
There were several highlights in our school since our last newsletter in October. Please take some time to read the
school blog for all the wonderful teaching and learning opportunities that has taken place in your child’s classroom. How
wonderful it is to see the daily activities of teaching and learning keeping the building humming. It is good to see our
students constantly engaged in purposeful activities that contribute to their learning.
Every year, principals are asked to complete a report called the Annual School Results Report. This is posted on the
website under the section called “Publications”. This report outlines our previous targets from our School Development
Plan and reports what we are working on for the year 2014-2015. There is information on what we accomplished as a
school last year. This will be posted on our website in the new year.
Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences will be held on December 4th and December 5th. We thank you for your
ongoing support of your child’s learning. Our partnership with parents is highly valued as we know that students are
more successful in their educational achievement when all the adults in their lives work together. We hope that these
conferences provide you with an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress in school and to have your questions
addressed. Please note that your child will not be receiving a report card until January 30th. During these conferences,
your child’s teacher will be sharing an oral progress report and sharing the look of the new report card.
Our virtue this month is Caring. At Panorama Hills School, we demonstrate caring in many different ways. We are a
very caring school community. This fall we have participated in many caring acts; The Terry Fox Society, Poppy Fund
and the War Veterans’ Food Bank. This December, we will be once again, supporting the Alex Community Health
Centre. This community initiative is called “Warm Toes Without Holes”. Included in this newsletter is detailed
information regarding this project.
1 Panorama Hills School
Dec 14/Jan 15
...the holiday season approaches, and with it, many celebrations such as Ramadan, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and
Christmas. On behalf of the staff of Panorama Hills School, we wish all of the families in our school community a
wonderful holiday and extend our warmest Seasons Greetings to everyone. We hope that you and your families have
the opportunity to share and enjoy celebrating together with family and friends throughout this holiday season.
Sherry Goldenberg, Principal
This month, several Grade 3 students participated in a special enrichment workshop surrounding
environmentally friendly initiatives lead by a program called, Destination Conservation (http:// The program strives to teach students about conservation initiatives that they
can make and maintain at school. After the workshop, students will plan a campaign, design
strategies, and discuss our school's environmental needs at club meetings at school. Members
will promote what they’ve learned about sustainable practices with food and water back to their
classmates and our school. How do you think we could “go-green” at our school? Stay tuned for
new environmentally friendly initiatives by our students at Panorama Hills School!
Staff Updates
We would like to welcome
Mr. Kent Kinsman who
will be teaching in
Mrs.Meghan Boutillier’s
grade 3 classroom while
she is on her maternity
Thank you to School Council for supporting our parent
community in hosting our math parent evening on Nov.
20th. It was wonderful to see so
many parents and staff in
Free Library Cards Coming Soon to all CBE students
The Calgary Board of Education and the Calgary Public Library have teamed up to get
free library cards into the hands of all CBE students. Enough cards for every student
will be shipped to all CBE schools in the new year. All cards are expected to be
delivered to each student by February 2015. Cards can be activated online, by mobile
devices or at your local community library. More details to come in January. 2 Kindergarten Registration and
Open House
Please join us in our school on Thursday, January
8th at 7:00pm for our Kindergarten Open House.
This meeting is directed to new families who will be
registering their students in Kindergarten for the
2015-2016 school year. We will be sharing
important information about Panorama Hills School
and the registration process.
Registration for Kindergarten will begin on Monday,
January 12, 2015. Children who turn four years of
age on or before March 1, 2015 are eligible to
participate in Kindergarten within the Calgary Board
of Education in September, 2015.
At the time of registration, we require proof of the
child’s name, date of birth and citizenship. The
following documents are accepted: Birth Certificate,
Canadian Citizenship Certificate, Passport, Record
of Landing, Baptismal Certificate, or Court Order.
Additionally, we require information that confirms
the address (i.e. Driver’s Licence, Utility Bill, Phone
Bill, etc.)
All students will go outside
before school starts, noon
supervision and afternoon recess
unless the outdoor
temperature with wind chill is
lower than –19. Please dress
children for rainy or winter
weather. This includes hats,
boots ,mittens, and warm coat.
Any parents who wish students to
stay indoors, require a doctors
note. Unfortunately we do not
have supervision for individual
students during lunch time, afternoon recess, or before school. All
supervisors go outdoors with the
children, teachers are unavailable
during the lunch hour. If you feel
your child is not well enough to go
outside while at school you of
course are welcome to pick them
up for lunch.
If you have any questions please contact our school
office or visit our web site
for more information .
Panorama Hills School,
777-6061 0
3 Celebrating the Four Seasons
You are invited to attend the PHS Grade One Celebration of Learning on Thursday, December
18, 2014. As this is a popular event, we will be having two performances to accommodate all of
our families.
All grade one students will be participating in both performances.
The afternoon performance will be from 1:00pm to 2:00pm and the evening performance will be
from 7:00pm to 8:00pm.
We encourage parents who are able to attend our afternoon performance to do so in order to help
alleviate overcrowding in the evening. Because the seating capacity in our gymnasium is limited
to 600 people, we ask that the evening performance be limited to four spectators per family.
It is very important that all students participate in both performances in order for the production to
be successful. For the evening performance, we are asking all students to be dropped off at the
front doors at 6:30pm, wearing their specific t-shirt. Following the performance, parents may meet
their child at their classroom.
Please come early to get a parking spot and please observe the parking restrictions on the streets
surrounding our school. DOORS OPEN AT 12:30pm for the afternoon performance and at
6:30pm for the evening performance.
Spectators are asked to stay for the entire performance. Please do not leave after your child has
performed. Frequent disruptions deter from the flow of the performance and lessen the enjoyment
for other spectators. For this same reason, we request that there be no flash photography during
the performance, and that spectators remain seated for the entire duration of the performance.
Thank you,
Mrs. Goldenberg
4 Panorama Hills School
Dec 14/Jan15
What is Caring?
Caring is giving love and attention to people and things that matter to you. When you care about
people, you help them. When you do a careful job, you give it your very best effort. You treat people and things gently and respectfully.
Why Practice It?
Without caring, nothing and no one matters. If someone is hurt or sick, no one will help then. When
people have an “I don’t care” attitude, they do a sloppy or incomplete job.
Things break and people are hurt. Caring people help others feel less alone. Because they care,
others trust them. Caring makes the world a better and safer place.
I care for others and myself. I pay loving attention to the needs of people and animals. I give my
best to every job.
What is Honesty?
Being honest is being open, trustworthy and truthful. When people are honest, they can be relied
on not to lie, cheat, or steal. Honesty is telling the truth. It is admitting mistakes even when you
know someone might be angry or disappointed. Being honest means that you don’t pretend to be
something you are not. Which honesty, you can trust things to be as they appear.
Why Practice It?
Honesty is important because it builds trust. When people lie, or cover up mistakes, others can’t
trust them. When people aren’t honest with themselves, they pretend that something doesn’t
matter when it does or they exaggerate to impress others. When you are honest with yourself, you
accept yourself as you are. When you are honest, others can believe you.
I am honest. I can be trusted to keep my word. I admit my mistakes. I tell the truth, kindly and
tactfully. I have no need to impress others. I accept myself as I am.
5 Panorama Hills School
Who is the Alex Youth Health Centre?
The Youth Health Centre will provide comprehensive
health services in a multidisciplinary team in a welcoming, accessible, confidential and youth friendly
environment, free from judgment and bias.
Who is it for?
The main purpose of the Youth Health Centre is to reduce barriers to accessing health care for youth aged 13
-20 who may be homeless, and those at risk of being
What services are available?
1. Physician and nursing support
2. Counseling
3. Health related issues
4. Family Issues
5. Drug and Alcohol Issues
6. Education and Employment Counseling
7. Nutrition
8. Food
9. Housing and job search
10.Lost ID
11. Any health issue raised by youth
Where is this Youth Health Centre?
1116 Centre Street N
Tel 403-520-6270
Why teach CBE students about youth homelessness?
As educators, parents, and community members, it is our collective responsibility to teach students about homelessness because it will help them become more aware, compassionate,
caring individuals. We teach our students about youth homelessness because…
1.) For students to learn to extend a helping hand, rather than
fear a homeless person
2.) So students won’t develop preconceptions and judge people
3.) Students tend to be egocentric and focus on their own needs
and don’t spend much time thinking about the needs of others
4.) So students can be empowered to make a difference in their
5.) By becoming more familiar with people who are different
and recognizing commonalities students will relate more empathetically and feel safer in new environments
Initiative: -“Warm Toes Without Holes”
During the month of December, Panorama
Hills School students along with their families will be
asked to donate a pair of new wool work socks filled with
toiletries to help support and aid the many homeless youth
in Calgary.
Families may also want to include a Christmas card or a
message of hope and holiday greetings.
Items that could be included in the new pair of
YHC Wish List
Deodorant (men’s & women’s)
***Finger and toe nail clippers
Hair products (gel, hairspray, etc.)
Hair brushes
Hand Sanitizer (individual sized bottles)
Shampoo (Full size and mini size)
Conditioner (Full size and mini size)
Dental Floss
Shaving Cream
Barrettes and hair elastics
Bus tickets
Filled socks will be brought back to school
by December 17H, 2014. Mrs. Goldenberg,
will take the donations to The Alex (CHC)
on Friday, December 19TH.
6 PROJECT CONNECTIONS - CBE Board of Trustees’
Policy – Results Statements
R-3 Citizenship
Each student will be a responsible citizen by being an informed and involved member in his or her local, national
and global communities.
Will learn how to work as a community for a higher goal and
purpose. Students will become informed, active citizens
who have the confidence and conviction to work together with other agencies.
to take action in their communities/city.
This project will help Panorama students develop their decision -making and critical skills as they consider a wide
range of political, social, ethical, and the moral problems
of youth homelessness.
R-4 Personal Development
Social Studies Curriculum Connections
The initiative …
- promotes a sense of belonging and acceptance in students as
they engage in active and responsible citizenship at the local,
community level.
- fosters students understanding and involvement in practical
and ethical issues that face their communities and humankind.
- enables students to develop an understanding of who they
are, what they want to become and the society in which they
want to live.
- engages in problem solving and conflict resolution with an
awareness of the ethical consequences of decision making.
Each student will acquire the skills, attitudes and knowledge
to achieve personal highest potential.
Awareness and responsibility of social issues in Calgary and
their community.
Understanding of the family/social dynamics; homelessness
is not bias to race, gender, age.
R-5 Character
Each student will possess the character to do what is right,
act morally with wisdom, and balance individual concerns
with rights and needs of others. In general, individuals tend to be egocentric and self centered.
This project will focus on the needs of others.
Personal character traits, are developed and changed when individuals overcome certain challenges and achieve personal goals
in their lives. Helping those in need in our community can motivate
students to change less than desirable traits to becoming an individual who is determined, courageous, empathetic, and confident.
“Educating Tomorrow’s Citizens Today”
7 Panorama Hills School
Dec 14/Jan15
Panorama Hills Community Enhancement
Kindergarten Movie Night—November 20th
A hugeVisit School Council thank you to all the
parents of our school who
have given their time so far
this school year. Whether it
be volunteering in the classroom, field trips, helping with
our events or coming to our
first two presentations for
School Council… thank you.
Did you know???
Our first movie night was a success, with 193 people in
attendance and a sell-out of popcorn. It was the perfect
number for our first night. We made $630 for the school, plus
have extra water, juice and new exciting ideas for the next one.
Thank you to all parent volunteers that helped make it a fun
evening for everyone. We would also like to thank the Captain
Nichola Goddard Leadership Students for assisting us in the
set-up and clean-up for the evening.
We need at least 4 parent volunteers to help us with the set-up
of upcoming Movie Nights. Please email us if you’re interested
The next Movie Night– featuring “Home Alone” - will be for
Grade 3 students and their families. It will be on Thursday,
December 11, doors open at 6:30 movie starts at 6:45.
The Panorama Hills School Council
has our own blog!! Access it through Grade 1 Movie Night will be Thursday, February 5, 2015
the PHS website or
Grade 2 Movie Night will be Thursday, April 9, 2015
Boston Pizza Fundraiser
Feel free to subscribe to it, you will
receive any updates right to your
As you may have seen on the blog, we raised $274 dollars in
the first two weeks of this new fundraiser and another $255 for
November, for a total of $529. We are so pleased that you are
bringing in your receipts from Boston Pizza, please continue to
do so. We have provided boxes in each classroom so it makes
it easier for children to drop off the receipts - please bring
them directly to the school as opposed to leaving them at the
various BP locations.
School Council Meeting
January 29th
Please join us at the next School
Council presentation in the new year.
Watch for information available on
our blog–
This fundraiser is an easy way for us to raise money for the
school while spending some time out with your family. Keep
those receipts coming in! Remember, we will be doing draws
each month for free Boston Pizza kids meals. Please make
sure your child’s name is on the back of the receipts along with
school name and teacher name which would assist us too.
We only have these arrangements with the following locations:
Creekside, Country Hills, Crowfoot and Beddington.
8 Panorama Hills School
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9 Panorama Hills School
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10 year’s end | a focus on the future
As a busy and productive 2014 comes to a close we
look back on the gifts and accomplishments of the
past year.
The fall is when we review the performance of the
Calgary Board of Education through the learning of
our students and through the feedback we receive
from staff and parents. It is also when we turn our
thoughts to continuing learning for each student, each
staff member, and to our goals for continuous
improvement. We have much to celebrate and to look
forward to in the Calgary Board of Education.
This fall we had more than 3,700 new students
enrol in our schools, bringing our total enrolment to
114,500 students. We are very proud to be the
dynamic learning community of choice for students
across Calgary.
We are also proud of the academic results our
students are achieving. In the 2013-14 provincial
achievement tests and diploma exams, our students
continued to outperform the province in most subjects,
particularly at the standard of excellence.
Over the past five years, we’ve seen high school
completion rates climb from 69.6 per cent to 74 per
cent for those who complete high school in three
years. For those who complete high school in five
years, the rate improves to 80.7 per cent.
In the last year, our students have also made
significant contributions in their communities,
volunteering thousands of hours and raising
much-needed funds for local and global initiatives.
Many of those students celebrated their achievements
in November at We Day in Calgary, where 16,000
students were inspired to “be the change” in their
To each of you who have stood alongside our
students as they’ve learned, grown, contributed and
flourished, we offer our appreciation. Together as
staff and parents and community we can be proud
and humbled by what our students have
accomplished and by the fine people they are
becoming. Together we can know that our efforts
have made a difference. The Calgary Board of
Education is a place of great commitment and of
collective impact.
Looking ahead to 2015 and beyond, we are
committed to continued excellence and to creating
new levels of success for all.
We will seek new ways to offer flexibility and choice
to our students from their first day in kindergarten to
their graduation in Grade 12. We want every child to
choose a path that makes the most sense for them,
and we want to provide the support they need to be
We will continue to build learning programs that help
students build their knowledge and skills and that
engage them as learners of today and prepare them
for dynamic and successful futures.
I look forward to 2015 with optimism, hope and a
strong belief that the work we do together will
benefit our community for decades to come.
Please accept my wish for you and your family to
enjoy a happy, restful and safe holiday season.
David Stevenson
Chief Superintendent of Schools
December 2014