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View here - Grace BP Church
Volume 39
Issue No. 52
21 December 2014
5 Jalan Haji Salam, Singapore 46874
Tel: 6442-2440
Fax: 6876-0346
Grace to you and Peace from God
Our Mission:
“Passion for Christ, Heart for the Lost”
(Phil. 1 : 21; Matt. 28 : 18—20)
Pre-Worship Hymns
Sis Joanna Hor & Bro Jeremy Hor
Silent Meditation
Call to Worship
Opening Hymn
Dn Richard Tan
“O for a Thousand Tongues”
*Gloria Patri
“O Come, All Ye Faithful”
Responsive Reading
“Witness of the Spirit” - Romans 8:1-39
** Doxology
Scripture Reading
Luke 2:22-35
“O Little Town of Bethlehem”
Pastoral Prayer
Closing Hymn
“Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne”
Threefold Amen
Welcome & Announcements
* Gloria Patri
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Ghost, As it was in the
beginning, is now and ever shall be,
world without end. Amen, Amen
** Doxology
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen
PARTY 2014
Dear Gracians,
Last Saturday, we held
a Children's Christmas
Party for 31 children in
church with the theme
"The Reason for the Season".
About 20 Gracians and
friends worked together
to make the party happen. We had great spaghetti from the kitchen,
really fun games with Nerf
guns and a lovely takehome souvenir from a TShirt painting session.
Most importantly, we
got to tell everyone about
Jesus, the real Reason for
At this party, I encountered at least 2 individuals who have never heard
of Jesus.
asked me during the Gospel presentation if Jesus'
birth really did happen;
this was the first time he
heard the angels proclaim, "For unto you is
born this day in the city of
David a Saviour, who is
Christ the Lord." What a
blessing to be able to
hear the Good News at
the age of 7!
Another was from a
group of grandparents
who came along to accompany the children.
stayed throughout the
party so the helpers managed to talk to them
about Jesus. It was then
that I heard one of them
admit that she has never
heard of Jesus. Who
would have thought that
the elderly would have
the chance to hear the
Good News at a Children's
To all the helpers, may
One was a child who this short account encour-
age you in your service to
the Lord!
Daniel Tan
Party Master 2014
Prayer Page
“Men Ought Always To Pray and Not To Faint” (Luke 18: 1)
for a good architect who could
help us.
Our Worship Ministry
Children’s Christmas Party 13
Dec: Thank God for the many
children who came and for the
many helpers too. Praise God for
the opportunity that our people
was able to share the Gospel
with the adults who came with
the children.
Pulpit Ministry – 25 Dec 2014
Combined Eng/Mand Christmas
Service. Speaker: Rev Tan Eng
Boo. Interpreter: Rev Lee Fatt
Ping. Chairman: Dn Victor Goh. Co
-chairman: Elder Seah Soon Huat.
Instrumentalists: Bro Adrian Teo
& Bro Jeremy Hor.
Usher Ministry – 25 Dec 2014
Bro Allan Lim, Bro Daniel Tan, Bro
John Tan & Bro Lee Kee Min. Pray
for their safety.
Our Missions
Batam, Indonesia
Filadelfia—Shelter Home and
Kindergarten: Thank God for
faithful men and women serving
the Lord in this work. Pray for
them to have their own pastor
Our Missionaries
Sis Catherine Ng: Pray for her
safety and opportunity to share the
Christmas message to her contacts.
Our Church Ministry
Church renovation: Thank God
for the deliberation by Session
and the Building Com members
last Sunday. Pray for wisdom on
how this task is to be done. Pray
Combined Christmas Service
on 25 Dec: Pray for Pastor who
will be preaching and for a
blessed Christmas service and
Watch-Night Service, 31 Dec:
Pray for the speaker Rev Colin
Mission Committee meeting
on 28 Dec: Pray for the Lord’s
leading in planning outreach program for our church and for foreign missions in 2015.
Grace church 39th anniversary in Jan 2015: Thank God
for His grace in preserving our
church and blessing us. Pray for
Rev Philip Heng who will be sharing God’s Word on this Sunday.
Bible class in 2015: Pray for
God’s leading upon the teachers
as they prepare the topics to
study for the new year. Pray for
the Lord’s blessings upon this
Come January 11, 2015, Grace
Church will commemorate our
39th Anniversary. This will lead
us into our 40th year of service
for Jesus. In January 2016, we
will be holding a grand celebration on our 40th Anniversary.
Session met last Sunday, 14 December and we have decided that
we will hold this celebration in a
Restaurant. Deacon Chang Loong
has been tasked to form a committee to plan this event. He will
be approaching some of you.
Please be available to help out. If
you wish to volunteer for this
service do approach him.
We have come a long way
since 1976 by the grace of God.
Without Him, we can do nothing.
The Lord has been good to bless
us and the ministry. Praise the
On our 39th anniversary, we
will have Rev Philip Heng to be
our speaker. Thank God for giving him speedy recovery from a
mild stroke.
Saturday 13 December in Grace Church
Praise the Lord for the good turn out at the Children’s Christmas
Party. Thank God for the many helpers who came and did their part
by giving a hand in this task. Every work for Jesus will be blessed (1
Cor. 15: 58).
It is amazing to see how the many children came. Many were contacts of the Good News Club held in Sis Gim Choon’s home through
the years. These are fruits of labour in outreach. Every year Good
News Club (GNC) is held in this home. Thank God for the children
who attended this meeting.
It is good that a Children’s Christmas Party is held this year in
church. This has not been done for many years. There is a plan for
this to be done again in 2015, God willing.
Thank God for opportunities to reach out to non-Christian parents
and grandparents who accompanied the children to this event. Our
members had the opportunity to share with some of them. One couple had never heard about Jesus before. They were from China. So
God is able to use this occasion for His purpose and glory. Praise the
Devotion For Kids
What was the start of the stapler?
Praise the Lord; praise God our Saviour! For each
day he carries us in his arms. Psalm 68:19
The earliest stapler appeared in offices in 1914, but it
was not very easy to use. Staples came wrapped in paper,
and each time the stapler was pressed, a new staple had to
be pushed through the paper surrounding it. If the staples
came out of the stapler at all, many of them were bent before they even got a chance to do their job. Finally, in
1922, someone came up with a better idea. The Boston
Wire Stitcher Company, which later became Bostitch, had a
solution that worked. They were responsible for the idea of
gluing all the staples together in a row, which meant that
the staples didn’t get caught in their own paper wrappers
Have you ever had one of those days when the tool you
need most gets broken or you lose your favourite pen or
you miss your favourite TV show? Or maybe the dog
throws up on the carpet, your sister is wearing your socks,
and there’s going to be liver for dinner tonight. Jesus
knows what those kind of days feel like. But he also knows
that none of those things are as important as choosing to
follow God anyway. He will help you keep your patience,
overcome obstacles, and remain kind even when you don’t
want to. The Bible tells us how God responds when we
have tough days: “Praise the Lord; praise God our Saviour!
For each day he carries us in his arms” (Psalm 68:19).
By Nancy S. Hill
Prayer Meeting
8.00 p.m.
Adult Fellowship
5.30 p.m.
(Last Saturday of every month)
Worship Service
9.30 a.m.
Junior Worship
9.30 a.m.
Bible Class
11.30 a.m.
Building Fund
$ 1,268.30
$ 6,847.00
$ 400.00
$ 20.00
Prayer Meeting — Wednesday
Attendance on 17 Dec: 8
No PM on 24 and 31 Dec.
Worship Service on 25 Dec.:
: Rev Tan Eng Boo
Interpreter: : Rev Lee Fatt Ping
Chairman : Dn Victor Goh
: Elder Seah Soon Huat
: Bro Adrian Teo
: Bro Jeremy Hor
This Week : Bro James Tan / Sis Naomi Neoh
Bro Daniel Tan
25 Dec
: Bro Allan Lim / Bro Daniel Tan
Bro John Tan / Bro Lee Kee Min
This Week : Bro Chea Ruei - E
25 Dec
: Bro Benjamin Lian
Junior Worship (7—10 years old)
This Week : Sis Hannah Yeo
25 Dec
: Sis Hannah Yeo
Pre-Primary Worship (3-6 years old)
This Week : Sis Winnie Chia/Sis Chea Ruei Jean
25 Dec
: Sis Winnie Chia/Sis Chea Ruei Jean
Flowers and Refreshment
This Week : Kevin & Doreen Tan
25 Dec
: Christmas Lunch
Refreshment Duty
This Week : Sis Tabitha Tan/Sis Tan Chew Gim
25 Dec
: Sis Magdalene Wong / Sis Evonne Tee
Kindly switch off your mobile phones or
put them on silent mode!
“The Lord is in His holy temple:
let all the earth keep silence before Him.”
A very warm welcome to Rev Dr Steven Tan to our pulpit this morning.
Pastor is away in Filadelfia church,
Batam this morning to conduct a
Christmas baptismal service.
Combined Eng/Mand Christmas
cum Baptism Service on Thur 25 Dec
at 9.30 am. Please sign up for your
contribution to the Christmas Pot-Luck
lunch today.
Missions committee meeting on Sun
28 Dec at 1.30 pm in church.
Watch-Night Service on Wed 31 Dec
at 8.00 pm in church. Come and share
the Lord’s blessings and lessons for
2014. Holy Communion will be served.
Rev Colin Wong will be the speaker.
Budget for 2015 HODs please prepare
and submit your budget to the Treasurer.
Church Camp 2015 - 14-17 June (Sun
-Wed) at Hotel Jen Penang. (Traders
Hotel recently rebranded to Hotel
Jen) All-in camp fee per person is
S$450. Those who buy own tickets,
camp fee is S$300. Camp speaker: Rev
Yap Kim Sin. Theme: “From Perplexity to Trust” (Book of Habakkuk).
Floral & refreshment chart Jan - Jun
2015. Please sign up on the General
Notice Board.
Pastor: Rev. Tan Eng Boo : 9784-2761 (Hp) email:
Elder: Seah Soon Huat : 9835-2178 (Hp) email: