Service Delivery Charter
Service Delivery Charter
CITY OF HARARE Service Delivery Charter First Version - 2014 Preamble This is a Service Delivery Charter of the City of Harare. As Harare, we are the Capital of Zimbabwe and the commercial and industrial hub of the nation. It is a primate City as it is home to more than fifty percent (50%) of Zimbabwe's urban population. It is home to eleven of the twelve tallest buildings, and five of the fourteen Universities in the country. It enjoyed the status of one of the best planned and serviced cities in Africa. To-date, Harare City has an intact built environment. Consolidating on its glorious past, the City of Harare prepared a Strategic Plan for the period 2012-2025 which will see it become a World Class City where residents enjoy world class services. It is within this framework of the Strategic Plan that this SDC was identified as 'the missing link', and hence it being developed. This Service Delivery Charter (SDC) is a compact between on the one hand us, the Councillors, Management and Staff of the City of Harare and on the other hand you, our clients, stakeholders and citizens of Harare, on the social services that we will provide, the standard of the services, the manner in which we will provide them, your rights as well as your obligations. Further, the Service Delivery Charter also provides you information on where, how and who you can contact for these services, as well as the steps which you can take to make compliments or complains regarding these services. While generally our culture does not promote the raising of complaints, the City of Harare greatly appreciates the importance of feedback, both positive and negative, as means to improve the delivery of social services and in eliminating vices in the process. Consequently, we have instituted a robust feedback and complaints handling mechanism. In developing this Service Delivery Charter, we consulted widely internally within council, harnessing ideas from Councillors, Heads of Departments, Divisional Managers, Section Heads and our staff. On the basis of the shared output, we then engaged and negotiated with key stakeholders, inter alia - Government, business, faith community, non-governmental organizations, civic organizations, knowledge institutions, statutory regulatory agencies, and representatives of trade unions, ratepayers and residents. 1 With this Service Delivery Charter, we have a basis on which the performance of Council can be measured. The SDC clearly benchmarks service delivery, and provides clarity on the standards we wish to attain. This is consistent with our Vision of achieving a World Class City by 2025. Vision Statement. 'A World Class City by 2025'. This Vision is based on ten elements, which are: 1. A City that is well planned, well designed and well built with no illegal developments 2. A seamless and efficient road network, free of bottlenecks, able to carry all vehicular traffic, with functional traffic signals 3. Reliable portable water supply system that is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week and 365 days a year 4. A functional and dependable drainage system that prevents flooding and clears all storm water 5. Adequate, accessible, clean sanitation infrastructure based on a seamless, functional and non-polluting sewerage system 6. Functioning and efficient public transport system including cycle, motorized/ vehicular, rail and air modes 7. A vibrant local economy with increasing formal sector employment complemented by an organized and properly housed informal and small business sector 8. A safe and secure urban environment 9. A healthy living environment with adequate and well managed emergency services and health facilities 10. A responsive governance mechanism with quality leadership, an efficient and effective management system with competent and motivated staff delivering appropriate and timely social services. In order to achieve this vision, Council has begun an process of reinventing itself through among other things:1. restructuring - so as to focus on service delivery through correct systems and processes; 2. intensifying performance based management; 3. improving accountability; 4. human capacity development as means to get the right competencies, customer oriented staff and management, committed and self driven employees; 5. genuine stakeholder engagement Mission Statement The Harare City Council (HCC) exists to administer the council area and to provide social services as well as to facilitate and coordinate the provision of other social services (by other actors such as NGOs) to our clients and citizens. Our Mission Statement is 'To provide a fully serviced, sustainable, safe, vibrant, beautiful and multicultural environment.' Mandate Our mandate as a local authority is enshrined in Section 276 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment No 20 (2013), which provides under Functions of local authorities 'our right to 2 govern, on our own initiative, the local affairs of the people within the area for which City of Harare is established, and that Council has all necessary powers for it to do so'. The Constitution provides for the local authority' existence, establishes Council's broad mandate, it guarantees it resources through fiscal sharing and provides rights to citizens which Council should contribute to, honour and respect. City of Harare understands this mandate within the broader governance framework set out in Section 5 of the same Constitution, which provides for three tiers of government, namely national, provincial and metropolitan councils and local authorities. Our mandate includes powers to make bylaws and regulations for the effective administration of the area and power to levy rates and taxes, and generally to raise sufficient revenue for Harare City Council so that it meets its objectives and responsibilities. Our mandate is further elaborated in various national legislation, principal among them are the following: 1. Prevention of Corruption Act (Chapter 9;16) - Defines corrupt activities and established framework for anti-corruption which Council should abide by; 2. Water Act (Chapter 20;24) - establishes framework for use and utilization of water resources and recognizes local authorities as key stakeholders in water management; 3. Environmental Management Act (Chapter 20;27) - bestows powers for preparation and implementation of local environmental action plans (LEAPS) on local authorities; 4. Roads Act (Chapter 13;18) - recognizes Councils as roads authorities with responsibility to plan, design and lay roads as well as responsibility for their proper maintenance; 5. Urban Councils Act (Chapter 29:15) - provides for the structures of Councils and for the administration of local authorities, provides for sources revenue, grants powers to councils; lists issues over which Council may make bylaws and infrastructure and services it may provide; 6. Public Finance Management Act (Chapter 22:19) - regulates how public institutions manage public finances and outlines processes and procedures that promote sound financial management; 7. Regional, Town and Country Planning Act (Chapter 29:12) bestows powers to make master Plans, Local Plans and Subject plans and lays out procedures for their preparation and for the regulation and control of development in the built environment; 8. Public Health Act (Chapter 15;09) - bestows public health agency on Councils and elaborates the roles of Councils as public health authorities; 9. Procurement Act (Chapter 22;14) - provides for institutional framework and procedure on how public entities can procure goods and services in manner that promotes value for money and reduces incidences of corruption; 10. Labour Act (Chapter 28;01) - provides for the administration of labour in Councils. The full list of legislation that guides Council is attached as Annex to this Service Delivery Charter. In striving to achieve our Vision, in fulfilling our Mission, and in executing our mandate, we have realized the need and importance of:• an efficient, effective, responsive transparent and accountable Council; • a results driven Council; • a residents-trusted Council. As such, as we pursue our Vision and perform on our mandate, we shall be guided by this, and the set of core values listed hereunder. 3 Core Values of the City of Harare In its conduct, the City of Harare is guided by a set of values. These values are summed up in the acronym CIATCRE. This is explained below: 1. Commitment In pursuance of our Vision and Mission, the City of Harare Councillors, Management and Staff are committed to providing world-class social services to our clients and citizens in Harare City and its environs in an efficient, effective and timely manner and to promoting a conducive environment for investment through stakeholder participation and a high performance team. 2. Integrity Council has zero tolerance to corruption. 3. Accountability Council shall be accountable to its clients and citizens (downward accountability) to national government (upward accountability) and to its sister and peer local authorities in the local government sector (horizontal accountability) in its conduct and performance through appropriate mechanisms and tools. 4. Transparency Citizens will have access to information on how Council and its various departments function, as well as the cost of the services provided. To this end, Council commit to the new arrangements for openness and transparency and to make easily available the information as follows: • Submission and publishing of annual reports to the relevant stakeholders by the end of each financial year (available at Call Centre and our Website). • Quarterly reports (April, July, October and January) to be shared with relevant stakeholders (available at Call Centre and our Website). • 100% compliance with the Promotion of Access to Information Act, and making available contact details of relevant officials. Further, clients and stakeholders will be accorded access to relevant and accurate and timely information on governance and social services. To this end, Council commits to the new arrangements to improve the flow of information as follows: • Addressing the citizens in a language that the individual citizen will understand during frontline interaction; • Equipping councilors with sufficient and relevant information for wider dissemination in their respective wards; • Conducting scheduled quarterly ward meetings. 4. Courtesy Citizens, clients and stakeholders will be treated with courtesy and consideration. To this end, all departments commit to the new arrangements to show courtesy to the clients as follows: • Providing client/ customer service training to staff and councillors • Affirming our commitment to service excellence principles and associated action plans to all front line staff; 4 • • • • Dissemination of information, creation of awareness and conducting of workshops on SDC Provision of training on public protocol to all key staff members; Acknowledgement of correspondence within three working days; Improvement of public relations, code of conduct, dress code and telephone etiquette. 5. Responsiveness The City of Harare strives to be responsive to what citizens want. These wants have been summed in the four (4) Ss. a) Speed - in other words timeliness in delivery of services; b) Simplicity - in the procedures we use, meaning less red tape; c) Seamlessness - in delivering services, our clients require clustering of service offices, one stop shop concept, and not being referred from one office to another; d) Satisfaction - clients and citizens yearn for satisfaction by what Council does, the decisions it makes, hence confidence in the Council. 6. Ethical Council will be guided by professionalism and shall be ethical in the conduct of all its business and processes. 5 Departments in the Council and their Sections City of Harare is organized in seven (7) Departments which are as follows. There are several sections in each of these departments as shown in the table below: 2. Health 3. Water 4.Human Capital and Public Safety 5.Works/ Engineeri ng To provide all customers with affordable and quality water and wastewater services all the time. Production To ensure excellence in the provision of sustainable human capital and public safety services To provide a fully serviced Employee Relations Roads and Quarry Housin g Manageme nt Accounting Electrical Services and Worksho p Central Mechanica l Services Distric ts Admin istratio n Educat ion and Social Servic es Parks and Cemet eries Comm ittee Servic es Revenue Collection Departmental Mission Statement Departments 1. Town Clerks 1 Information Communica tion Technology Audit Environ mental Health Clinics and Hospitals Distributio n and Customer Services Human Capital Administratio n 3 Corporate Communica tions Dental Services Waste Water Human Capital Development 4 Business Developme nt Unit Pharmac y Section Quality Assurance Manpower Planning 5 Monitoring and Evaluation Finance and Administ ration Section Planning and Projects City Enforcement (Traffic and Municipal Police) Emergency Services (Fire and Ambulance) Finance and Administratio n Sections Falling under Departments 2 6 Electro Mechanical Services 7 Finance and Administra tion 8 6 Automoti ve Worksho p Heavy Plan Worksho p Amenities Section Environm ental Managem ent Town Planning 6. Corpo rate Servic es, Housin g and Comm unity Servic es Legal Servic es 7. Finance Financial Control and Reporting 9 Valuation and Estates Traffic and Transport Planning Built Environm ent Public Convenie nces Administr ation 10 11 12 13 7 Clients of the City of Harare Our clients are many and varied because of the wide range of services and products which the City of Harare offers. Sister local authorities that we supply water, for example, are our clients. Principally the following are our clients: 1. Sister satellite Local Authorities in Harare Metropolitan Province 2. Service users in Harare Metropolitan Province 3. Ratepayers in the Harare City Council area 4. Business community operating in Harare City Council area who require licences and other services 5. Land developers who need land and development permits 6. Housing Cooperatives that require land allocation and permits 7. Informal Sector and vendors who require operating space, ancillary services and licensing 8. Financial institutions who are our bankers, and lenders 9. International financial institutions that provide loans and grants 10. Suppliers of goods and services to the City of Harare 11. Churches and faith based organizations that require land for development and services 12. Government Ministries and agencies that partner City of Harare in delivering services, regulate services, while other departments supervise Council on various aspects, for example compliance with environmental regulations 13. Embassies and the diplomatic community 14. Public transport operators and their associations that require route permits, parking space etc Stakeholders Our stakeholders are include, among others, the following: 1. National Government and its various Ministries 2. Ministry of Local Government Public Works and National Housing 3. Business community and their associations 4. Cooperatives - in housing and non-housing sectors 5. Municipal Workers and Trade Unions 6. Residents and Residents Associations 7. Community Based Organisations 8. Non Governmental Organisations 9. Urban Councils Association of Zimbabwe 10. Political Parties 11. Institutions of learning (pre-school, primary, secondary, high and tertiary education) 12. Sports, recreation and leisure fraternity 13. Urban farmers 14. Environmental and other pressure groups 15. Professional Associations City of Harare Service Commitments The City of Harare is committed to providing 'world class social services' to our clients and citizens and to meeting the expectations of our stakeholders. The preparation of the Strategic Plan 2012-2025 and this Service Delivery Charter is an affirmation and demonstration of this commitment. 8 Our state of service delivery is typified by lack of water in some suburbs, water rationing in other suburbs, water pipe bursts, sewage overflows and discharge without adequate treatment, uncollected waste, deteriorating road and public lighting infrastructure, diminished ability to manage the informal sector and vendors, inability to pay creditors and staff timely, poor client and customer relations and poor corporate governance. This myriad of challenges weighs down our hope for achievement of the Vision of a World Class City. We are however determined, and with the support of stakeholders, we will restore Harare to its former glory, and we will together make it one of the preferred, sustainable and livable cities in the world. Guiding Principles to Service Delivery: 1. Participation Citizens will be motivated to participate in all council processes and programmes to the extent possible, and to provide feedback about the level and quality of the social services they receive. To this end the Board commits to the following participation arrangements: Establishment of effective consultation forums relevant to the service delivered and the targeted client base; Development and implementation of assessment tools that will be used in conducting citizen and client satisfaction surveys; Provision of quarterly, half-yearly and annual reports for public scrutiny, and reports on feedback to and from wards through councillors. 2. Service Standards Citizens will participate in service level benchmarking and in determining the level and quality of council services they will receive. Further, they will be expected to monitor and provide feedback on the delivery of these services. In developing the Service Delivery Charter, clients, citizens and stakeholders will jointly set the standards. 3. Access All citizens will have equal access to the services to which they are entitled and pay for. To this end, all departments commit to the new arrangements to improve services, as follows. • Establishment of a ‘One-Stop’ service centre by 2017 • Development of a website that allows on-line access to services and appraising citizens of the existence and details thereof by December 2014; • General improvement and customer citizens at interface points. 4. Redress: Dealing with Complaints If the promised standard of service is not delivered, citizens will be offered an apology, a full explanation and a speedy and effective remedy. When complaints are made, citizens will receive a positive response. To this end, Council commits to the new arrangements for dealing with complaints as follows: • Development and implementation of a complaints policy and procedure framework by June 2015; • Training and empowerment of staff in handling complaints; • Resolving problems/complaints within stipulated timeframes; • Complaints procedure to be available on various media for wider access; 9 • • Frontline teams to demonstrate that they have analyzed and used complaints made to improve service delivery; Compiling responses and disseminating information on most frequently asked questions (MFQs). 5. Value for Money All social services will be provided economically and efficiently in order to give clients and citizens the best possible value for money. To this end all the departments of Council commit to the new arrangements for ensuring value for money, as follows: • Delivery of services according to approved plans and within the allocated budget – to be reported on in annual Sectional and Departmental reports, • Identifying best practices and innovations related to cost saving mechanisms that will be included in quarterly and annual reports, • Every year-end, the Mayor shall deliver a televised and detailed State of Service Delivery Report. The report shall clearly indicate benchmarks for services delivery, successes, challenges and remedial action taken. 6. Encouraging Innovation and Rewarding Excellence Council will ensure that an enabling environment for the delivery of services is created, and further, it will enhance the capacity of its personnel to deliver quality services. To this end, Council commits to new arrangements for encouraging innovation and rewarding excellence. It will put in place mechanisms that: • Encourage innovation and creativity; • Facilitate the sharing of best practices. • Identify new ways of rewarding excellence; • Keep track of the number of documented contributions made (ideas, suggestions, innovations, proposals) by each employee and how many were implemented and the impact thereof and recognize and reward performance; 7. Leadership for Service Delivery All the managers in the service delivery chain will provide direction, create alignment, engage staff, create effective partnerships and demonstrate ethical and sound values. To this end, Council commits to the following new arrangements for leadership development for service delivery: • Implementation of the client focused, Constitution and ZIMASSET aligned Harare City Strategic Plan 2012-2025 • Developing mechanisms by which managers obtain feedback from subordinates, peers, superiors and clients/ customers on their leadership style, conflict-handling skills, motivation, decision making and inter-personal skills; • Managers to have personal development plans in place at the beginning of each financial year in line with performance agreements. Summary Service Delivery Commitments: In summary, our promise to clients and citizens is that at all times, we will 1. treat all clients and citizens equally and professionally; 2. be ethical in the conduct of all business activities; 3. greet you at all our front offices with friendliness and a smile; 10 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. be responsive to your requests for information on social services; strive to meet your expectations in the quantity, quality and timeliness for all prepaid services; provide you accurate, appropriate and relevant information regarding social services and your accounts with Council; be polite, courteous and use clear language at all times when communicating; provide major community language services during business hours on our main contact lines, that is English, Ndebele and Shona; make available information about social services in the three main languages on our website and in other forms; respond to urgent calls about public health and safety immediately; strive to answer your telephone calls to the Council official lines within five rings during business hours; reduce significantly the waiting time in our payment halls, even during peak times, to no more than 30 minutes after arrival; respond to letters, e-mails and other queries posted on our whattsup numbers promptly during working hours. We will respond to all correspondence in writing within one week of receipt. Complex enquiries may take longer to finalize but we will provide you an estimate at the time of our response; provide a contact name and telephone number in all correspondence; provide a range of online services on our website, including downloadable application forms. Our website is: - including a window for feedback on our services; begin investigation of official complaints within three (3) working days of receipt and keep you informed of progress; continually review our structures to ensure priority is on service delivery; respect your feedback to us; all our staff, regardless of their departments, will always wear City of Harare staff badges and will formally introduce themselves to you, and when in doubt, they will give you contact details of their supervisor or Manager for confirmation. General Obligations and Rights of Clients and Citizens Council requires you, as citizens, clients and stakeholders to: i. Comply with all relevant laws and bylaws of the Council; ii. Pay your Council bills on time; iii. Participate in community/ stakeholder meetings; iv. Provide feedback on how we perform by calling, sending text messages, coming in person, writing or attending council meetings; v. Raise complaints when services have not been performed or have not met with your expectation; vi. Desist from vandalizing Council property, and to report such vandalism when it occurs; vii. Report faults or blockages of our infrastructure; viii. Keep safely all council issued records; ix. Treat our staff fairly and with courtesy; x. Not offer bribes nor corrupt council staff. General Review of Service Delivery Charter The City of Harare shall review this Service Delivery Charter every end of year, taking into accounting changes in the operating environment. Our promise is that we will always review the Charter to set higher standards for the delivery of services. Our standards will only go down if 11 you, our clients, fail to honour your part of the bargain, in particular the non-payment of services. How to Contact Harare City Council Our citizens, clients and stakeholders are encouraged to provide feedback on our services or the conduct of our employees by contacting any of the directors listed below. Contact Addresses: All Correspondence to be addressed to the 'Chief Executive Officer' City of Harare Mailing Address: P O Box 990, Harare E-mail address: General Lines: 04 753333 Dr. Tendai Mahachi The Chief Executive Officer Office 002 Town House Juluis Nyerere Way and Jason Moyo Harare, Zimbabwe Mobile Telephone: 0712233086 E-mail: Corporate Communications and Client Relations Services Office number 003,024@025 Town House Cne Julius Nyerere and Jason Moyo Avenue Harare, Zimbabwe Telephone : 04 781810-6 Mobile Telephone: Dorothy Mavolwane - 0773 393 937 Michael Chideme - 733 813 767 E-mail: or 12 DEPARTMENT SPECIFIC SERVICE STANDARDS We commit to serve you and will measure our performance on the basis of the standards for services, which are shown below by Department and Section. 1. Town Clerk's Department The Town Clerks Department is responsible for the proper functioning of the entire Council. The Town Clerk is the Chief Executive Officer of Harare City Council.. To enable the Town Clerk to perform his functions, he is assisted by a team of officers based in his office. The department has six sections which are as follows: 1. Corporate communications: This division is responsible for the communication and customer service portfolio of the city of Harare. Its mandate is to be the link between the City of Harare and its Customers and to attend all customer needs and ensure customer satisfaction. 2. Information and communication technology: The ICT division is responsible for the integration the city’s ICT Business solutions, infrastructure building and support. 3. Supply chain: The division is responsible for the procurement, storage and disposal of council goods and services in line with the procurement act. 4. Audit: The division is responsible for system design and advisory services to council and management. 5. Business Development Unit: The division is responsible for identification of business opportunities and entrepreneurship as well as forging public private partnerships. 6. Monitoring and Evaluation: Responsible for monitoring and evaluation of council policies, plans and implementation strategies. Our Service and products are shown in the section below. A. Corporate Communications and Customer Care 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Customer complaints management Customer satisfaction survey Events management Customer awareness Campaigns Corporate promotions ( trade exhibitions) Corporate promotional materials e.g. diaries, calendars, stickers. Brand Advertising Newsletter Press statement Tourism and investment Adverts / jingles Press conference Press tours Campaign materials Corporate Website and social Media Corporate Photographs and Harare maps B. Information and Communication Technology 1. End user support 2. End user training 13 3. Upgrading and customization 4. External ICT integration 5. Internal ICT integration 6. Value added services 7. Hardware repairs 8. Hardware maintenance 9. Network infrastructure Management 10. Unified Communication Management 11. End user Support 12. Hardware specification 13. Password management 14. Physical security 15. Data backup 16. Recovery and restoration C. Audit 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Internal Control Evaluation Risk Profiling Assist in the design of systems and procedures Advisory Investigations Compliance management ICT Auditing D. Supply Chain 1. Materials and requirements planning 2. Tender management 3. Contracts management 4. Competitive procurement 5. Supplier appraisal 6. Quality and specification management 7. Stock cover 8. Materials handling and storage 9. Stock issuance 10. Stock taking 11. Stock reconciliation 12. Review and dispose redundant assets 13. Stock movement database management 14. Processing for material payments 15. Suppliers accounts reconciliation 16. Supply chain budget preparation and control 17. Preparation of input VAT returns 18. Printing job costing 19. Supplier relationship management E. Business Development Unit 1. Council business opportunities identification 2. Agreements drafting 14 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Project appraisal Identification and management of partnerships Employment creation Wealth creation Investment promotion Contracts management F. Monitoring and Evaluation 1. Council performance monitoring 2. Periodic council performance reports 3. Project monitoring 4. Project evaluation Service Level Benchmarks Service Corporate Communications Customer care and Branding Customer Complaints Management (Response) Customer satisfaction Surveys Events management Customer awareness campaigns Corporate promotions (Trade Exhibitions) Corporate promotional materials (e.g. diaries, calendars, stickers) Effective brand advertising Current Service Standard / Level Benchmark Service Benchmark 30 minutes 10 minutes Yearly Quarterly Every 2 months Quarterly 6 months Monthly Monthly Monthly Yearly Yearly Zero Quarterly Press and publicity Newsletter Press statements Tourism and investment promotions Jingles Press conferences Press tours Campaign material origination Corporate website and social media Monthly Instant Daily 1 week 2 days Ad hoc 2 weeks Instant Monthly Instant Daily 1 week 2 days Monthly 1 week Instant Information and Communication Technology MIS and Business Solutions End user support End user training Upgrading and customization External ICT integration Internal ICT integration Value added services 2 days Ad hoc Yearly 6 months 4 months 5 1 hour Quarterly Yearly 3 months 2 months 4 15 Desired Level Infrastructure and support Hardware repairs Hardware maintenance Network infrastructure management Unified communication management End-user support Hardware specification 1 week Ad hoc Ad hoc Daily 48 hours 24 hours Security Password management 90 days Physical security Biometric Database backup Daily Recovery and restoration 6 months Audit Internal control evaluation Annual Risk profiling Annual Assist in the review and design of Ad hoc systems and procedures Advisory services Ad hoc Investigations Ad hoc Compliance management Annually Annual statutory audits Annually ICT auditing Annually Supply Chain Procurement Material requirements planning Tender management Contracts management Competitive procurement Supplier appraisal Quality and specification management Stock management Stock cover Materials handling and storage Stock issuance to departments Quarterly stock taking Year Stock taking Stock reconciliation Review and dispose redundant assets Stock movement database management 3 days Quarterly Continuous Continuous 24 hours 12 hours 90 days Biometric and CCTV Daily Quarterly Annual Annual Annual Semi-annual Ad hoc Half yearly Annually Annually Annual Annual Annual Ad hoc Annual Ad hoc Annual Annual Annual 14 days Annual Quarterly 3 days 3 days 2 weeks Quarterly Annually Annually Quarterly Monthly 4 weeks 12 hours 1 week Quarterly Annually Annually Quarterly Daily Accounting Processing for material payments 2 weeks Suppliers accounts reconciliation 3 months Supply chain budget preparation and Annually control Preparation of VAT returns Monthly Printing Job Costing Ad hoc 16 1 week Monthly Annually Monthly Weekly Supplier relationship management Ad hoc Monthly Printing Job design and origination Machine printing Print finishing Packaging and Dispatch 3 days 5000 sheets /hr 10 munities / book 2 days 1 day 5000 sheets /hr 10 munities / book 1 day Business Development Unit Council opportunities identification Agreements drafting Project appraisals Identification and management partnerships Employment creation Wealth creation Investment promotion Contracts management – successful Monitoring and Evaluation Council performance monitoring Periodic Council performance reports Project monitoring Project Evaluation Ad hoc 1 year 4 months of 1 year 3 per year 4 months 6 weeks 6 months +/- 500 jobs per year +/- 0.1% GDP Ad hoc 1 per year +/- 1000 jobs per year +/- 0.2% GDP Quarterly 2 per year Ad hoc Monthly 14 days 1 year Quarterly Monthly 14 days 6 months Contact Persons – Town Clerk’s Department Formal Letters to be addressed to: Corporate Communications Division: Attention: Principal Customer Relations Officer/ Principal Communications Officer P.O Box 990 Julius Nyerere Way , Town House Harare Email: Telephone: 04 781810/6 Facebook: The City of Harare Service and Products 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Person responsible Corporate promotional materials e.g. Dorothy diaries, calendar, stickers. Mavolwane Brand advertising Customer awareness Campaigns Customer complaints management Customer Satisfaction Surveys Mercy Makuwatsine Events management Corporate exhibitions) promotions (trade Hope Chizuzu 17 Contact number and office / location 0773 393 937-04 781810-6 Town House Office 003 0772 586 075 78 1810-6 Town House 025 O772 274 392-04 781810-6 Town House 025 8. 9. 10. Tourism and Investment Muderedzi 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Newsletter Press statements Adverts / Jingles Press conferences Press tours Campaign materials Corporate website Chideme 18. 19. 20. Internal ICT integration End-User Support End-User Training Madzivanyika 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Upgrading and customization Madzokere External ICT integration Value added services Hardware Repairs Mugobagobo Hardware Maintenance Network infrastructure management Unified Communication Management End-user support Hardware specification Password Management Mtakiwa Physical Security Data Backup Recovery and Restoration Assist in the design of systems and Nyamurova procedures Investigations Churu 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Internal Control Evaluation Risk Profiling Advisory services Compliance management Annual statutory Audits Issa 41. Material Requirements Planning Murerwa 42. Tenders and Contracts Management Gavhu 43. Competitive Procurement Biza 44. Supplier Appraisal Murerwa Dhedheya Ruwona Churu 18 O772891422 705085 Publicity Office cnr. J. Moyo /S. Nujoma 0775 217 682 781 810-6 Town House 003 0773906803 781810-6 Town House 025 0772258235 RMB 217 752979 RMB Help Desk 0772882718 RMB 216 0777278217 RMB 215 0773495733 RMB 218 0777505036 04773591 0772430218 RMB 312 0782253230 04773592 RMB 310 0772430218 RMB 312 0772405368 04779111 Central Stores 01 0772950650 Central Stores 06 0772405368 04764029 Central Stores 12 0772405368 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. Quality and Specification Management Stock Cover Materials handling and storage Stock Issuance Stock taking Stock reconciliation Review and dispose redundant assets Pwiti 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. Madhorobha 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. Preparation of Input VAT returns Stock movement database management Suppliers accounts reconciliation Processing for material payments Supply chain Budget preparation and control Printing Job Costing Supplier relationship management Print Fishing Job Design and Origination Machine Printing 62. Packaging and Dispatch Dzingirai 63. Council business opportunities Masepe identification Agreements drafting Project appraisal Identification and management of partnerships Employment creation Wealth creation Investment promotion Council Performance Monitoring and Marara Evaluation 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. Chiware Mbanje Karigwidi Bhunu Malili 04779111 Central Stores 01 0773398260 04764029 Central Stores 13 0772431322 04 752356 Central Stores 07 0772714691 Central Stores 07 0772713835 0772431456 04756145 Central Stores 25 0772886038 Central Stores 28 0775970879 Central Stores 29 0775571351 Central stores 30 0772339207 04745550 Harare House 0774351679 04781809 Town House 004 2. Water and Wastewater The Vision of the Department is 'To be a World class provider of sustainable potable water and wastewater services'. Its mandate is derived from the Constitution of Zimbabwe; the Water Act, ZINWA Act, Urban Councils Act, Environmental Management Act, Public Health Act and the Regional Town and Country Planning Act. The Department has seven (7) sections which are as follows: 1. Production 2. Distribution and Customer Services 3. Wastewater 19 4. 5. 6. 7. Planning and Projects Quality Assurance Electro Mechanical Services Finance and Administration Our Services and Products are: 1. provision of portable water that meets statutory standards to all clients through metered connections; 2. managing wastewater to meet environmental standards before discharge into rivers and dams; 3. connecting new customers to water and wastewater supply network upon request; 4. disconnecting customers from water and wastewater network upon request or for lack of compliance with user conditions including non-payment; 5. attending to network faults such as leakages, burst pipes, pump breakdowns; 6. provision of alternative sources of potable water in underserviced areas or during periods of scarcity; 7. provision of water and wastewater technical services on, and appraisal of all proposed developments; 8. planning, designing and developing water and waste water infrastructure to meet current a future demands; 9. attend to water and waste water quality complaints; 10. educating members of the public on integrated water resources management (upon request); 11. wash all reservoirs annually to clean out precipitates. Our service standards are as follows: 1. provide portable water that meets statutory standards to clients at all times; 2. provide water to all residential / domestic clients cumulatively for 12 hours a day in all areas by December 2015; 3. provide portable water to clients in all industrial and central business district areas twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week for 365 days a year based on prepaid meter service connection by December 2016; 4. provide portable water to all satellite towns clients twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week for 365 days a year based on prepaid metering system by December 2017; 5. respond to all burst water pipes within 30 minutes of notification, arrest all losses within an hour of arrival on site and fix the problem and reconnect supplies within 6 hours (during daytime) and within 12 hours if fault was reported at night; 6. connect new clients, all classes, within 24 hours after payment of connection fee; 7. provide water 24/7/265 for firefighting through hydrants at all times by December 2017; 8. change faulty meters within 12 hours of notification; 9. monitor the quality of water at all times in the entire network; 10. conduct statutory wastewater treatment quality tests at all times; 11. process and conduct pressure and flow tests whenever necessary; 12. investigate water and wastewater related complaints within 24 hours of notification and keep clients informed of our progress, findings and remedial action taken; 13. provide comments on proposed developments and plans for water and sewerage within 48 hours after receipt by Harare Water; 14. provide comments on environmental impact assessment reports for water and sewerage within 5 working days after receipt; 15. appraise all building plans in respect of water and sewerage connections within 24 hours after receipt; 20 16. treat all wastewater to required/ statutory effluent standards at all times by December 2017; 17. attend to sewer chokes/ blockages within 4 hours of notification; 18. read all clients' meters monthly before billing by December 2016, and will use estimates only in the event of faulty meter or when denied access to premises; 19. carry out field investigations on suspected meter tempering within 6 hours of notification; 20. attend to water and wastewater clients promptly and within 30 minutes of entering our offices, within five ringtones when calling on telephone, within two working days when in electronic and in written mail form. Service Level Benchmarks 2014 Service 2014 Benchmark Portable Water 450 ML/day Distribute water to customers 71% coverage Bulk water distribution to large 45% supply customers Responses to water pipe bursts/ water 8 hours reaction losses time; Repair time 72 hours Processing of new water meter 14 days after connections application and payment Provision of fire services water through 71% coverage fire hydrants Investigate general customer complaints 72 hours related to water supply Installation of water meters for domestic 48 hours and industrial Change of faulty meters 14 days Water quality monitoring Hourly quality monitoring for treatment plans One sample per 16000 population per month - distribution network Attend to water quality complaints Sampling dome within 8 hours. Report ready within 5 days Submit an inspection report to industry One week Statutory wastewater treatment water quarterly quality test General technical queries regarding water 7 days and sewerage reticulation Process and conduct pressure and flow 7 days 21 Standard Benchmark by Dec 2018 800 ML/ day by Dec 2015 100% coverage 100% supply 1 hour reaction time Repair time 24 hours 7 days after application and payment 100 coverage 24 hours 24 hours 7 days Online quality monitoring One sample per 10 000 population per month Sampling don within 8 hours. Report ready within 2 days One week quarterly 48 hours 48 hours test Inspection of properties to locate nearest water mains to facilitate new water and sewerage connection Supply developers short and long term planning water and sewerage details Environmental impact assessments comments for water and sewerage Comments on circulation for new developments water and sewerage Approval/ referral of building plans in respect of water and sewerage compliance Collection of wastewater from residential areas Treatment of wastewater to required effluent standards Attend to sewer chokes/ blockages Read all customer meters 48 hours 24 hours 7 days 5 working days 14 days 7 days 28 days 14 days 5 days 3 days 80% coverage 100% coverage 100ML/day 220ML/ day 24 hours monthly 8 hours monthly Client Obligations: In order for Harare Water to achieve its vision, fulfill its mission and meet service standards, we remind our clients and stakeholders of their obligations to: 1. safeguard the entire water and sewerage infrastructure network bearing in mind its interconnectedness; 2. report faults such as burst pipes, faulty meters, leaking connections on mains system, 3. not to vandalize, make illegal connections nor temper with all Harare Water infrastructure; 4. allow access to Harare Water employees for purposes of carrying out their duties at all times, including meter reading, disconnection and reconnections; 5. pay for all services to Harare Water on time; 6. provide feedback in the form of compliments or complaints, as appropriate; 7. not getting involved in corrupt activities and reporting all cases of corruption in the delivery of water and waste water services to authorities; 8. not pollute water as this compromises the quality of water received; 9. actively participate in integrated water resources governance and management programmes; 10. Conserve water. Contact Persons for Water and Waste Water Services Service Production Treatment of raw water into potable water (P) Distribution and Customer Care 8. Attend to customer complaints related to water supply 22 Contact Person Contact # and Physical Old Mutual House, 2nd Floor, West wing. Eng Mlanda 0772513225, Old Eng. Chisango 0772513225, (S) Distribute water to customers (S) Bulk water distribution to large external customers (S) Response to burst water pipes (S) Processing of new metered water connections (S) Installation of all water meters (S) Replacement of faulty water meters (S) Provision of water for fire services through fire hydrants (S) Wastewater Treatment of wastewater to prescribed effluent standards (S) Collection of wastewater from residents, commerce and industry (S) Quality Assurance Water quality monitoring (S) Attend to water quality complaints (S) Produce inspection report for industry (P) Statutory wastewater effluent quality testing (S) Planning and Technical Services Resolve general technical queries regarding water and sewerage reticulation (S) Process and conduct pressure and flow test (S) Inspection of properties to locate nearest water mains to facilitate new water and sewerage connections (S) Eng. Kunyadini 0772269919 Eng Muserere 0773142217 Eng Musikavanhu 0773244693 Mr Mafuko 0772513219, Cleveland House, Laboratory Mr Chaniwa 0773414148 6th Floor, Cleveland House Contact Details for our Offices STATION Call Centre Water Workshop Highfield Works Unit Borrowdale Workshop Mabelreign Workshop Greendale Workshop Highlands Workshop Mabvuku Workshop AREAS COVERED All areas All areas All western high density suburbs Borrowdale/Hatcliffe Mabelreign/Marlborough/Mt Pleasant Greendale/Msasa/Chisipite Highlands Mabvuku/Tafara/Caledonia PHONE NUMBER 700087 791101/772453 662317 882632/3/860146/882679 305242 492634/495295 492634/495295 493521 If you want to comment or contribute on the level service provision or product quality please feel free to contact us at your convenience through the following: Formal letter – Director Harare Water, 2nd Floor, Old Mutual House, Cnr Speke Ave/Sam Nujoma St, Harare E-mail messages – Landline telephone calls – 792665/792460/704193/ Visiting in person – Ground Floor, Old Mutual House, Cnr Speke/Sam Nujoma St, Harare 23 City of Harare website – 3. City Health The services performed and products provided at the City of Harare clinics and hospitals are governed and guided by a Patient Charter. The Patient Charter aims to improve the relationship between patients and health care providers by helping or allowing the City Health DepartmentHarare to listen to and act on people’s views and needs, set the best possible standards of health services and to provide health services which meet these standards in all our clinics and hospitals. This City Health Service Delivery Charter explains: 1. The kind of service you can expect from the Harare City health care delivery system 2. Your health rights 3. Your responsibilities and obligations 4. How you can give feedback on the quality of services you are provided Patient Rights. The City of Harare Health Department adheres strictly to patient rights which are explained below: 1. Patients have the right to health care and humane treatment; 2. Every individual shall have access to competent health care and treatment regardless of age, sex ethnic origin, religion, political affiliation, economic status or social class; 3. Health care services shall be available on the basis of clinical health need regardless of the ability to pay; 4. Every patient shall be treated with care, consideration, respect and dignity, without discrimination of any kind, including vulnerable groups such as children, women, people with physical challenges, and informal settlements dwellers and people referred from rural areas, taking into consideration issues of accessibility to both physical structures and information; 5. All drugs and vaccines shall be of acceptable standards in terms of quality efficacy and safety; 6. In an emergency, every individual shall have the right to prompt treatment from the nearest medical/health facility; 7. Privacy. Patients shall be interviewed, examined and treated in surroundings designed to ensure reasonable privacy and shall have the right to be accompanied during any physical examination or treatment if they so wish; 8. Right to choice of care. A patient shall have the right to a second opinion at any time while consulting the same medical or health care delivery system. A patient or next of kin shall have the right to an explanation about their case history and medical records, and to have them explained. The patient or next of kin shall also have the right to authorize in writing for another health professional to obtain a copy of the medical records and to inform him or her of what they contain. If a patient's health professional refuses to allow another health professional to be called in, or breaches any other provisions of this Charter, the patient shall have the right to seek alternative service/ care or take up the issue with the Health Professions Council; 9. Right to safety. A patient, if not incapacitated, shall have the right to a clear, concise explanation, in lay terms, of the proposed procedure and of any available alternative procedure, before any treatment or investigation. The explanation shall incorporate information on risks, side effects, problems relating to recuperation, likelihood of success, risk of death and whether the proposed procedure to be administered is an investigation; 24 10. Right to adequate information and consent. A patient shall have the right to know the identify and professional status of the individuals providing service to the patient and to know which health professional is primarily responsible for his or her care including: i. the right to adequate and coherent information on prescribed and purchased medicines ii. the right to choose among competitive products based on unbiased information iii. the right to know his or her prognosis and everything about their medical problem; 11. Right to adequate information and consent. A patient's written consent shall be required for the inclusion of a patient in any research or teaching programme. The patient shall be adequately informed of the aims, methods, anticipated benefits and potential hazards of the study and any discomfort it may entail. The patient shall be informed that he is she is free to participate in the study and that he or she is free to withdraw his or her consent to participate at any time. In order to ensure that informed consent is not obtained under duress, or from a patient in a dependent relationship to a health professional, the informed consent shall be obtained by a health professional who is not engaged in the investigation and who is completely independent of the official relationship between the patient and the health professional responsible for the research. In the case of a child, informed consent shall be obtained from the parent or guardian; 12. Confidentiality. A patient shall have the right for the details of the patient's care (including the use of new technology) prognosis and all communication and other records relating to the patient's care are treated as confidential and only disclosed in exceptional circumstances when the patient has authorised in writing by to do so, when it is undesirable on medical grounds to seek a patient's consent and it will be in the patient's own interest that confidentiality be broken or if the information is required by due legal process. The City Health Department is organized in seven (7) sections with specific functions as shown in the table below. Section Mandate/ function 1. Provision of Preventive, Promotive, Curative Services and Rehabilitative care Clinic/Hospital to the Residents/ OPD, ANC, Maternity deliveries and PNC Family Health Services Services, Chronic patient care, Cancer screening, Home Based Care, Isolation for infectious diseases, Medical Examination Centre 2.Environmental Environment Management/Business Licensing, Inspection of food and non Health food premises, Water Quality Monitoring, Food Quality Monitoring and Control, Air Quality Control, Infectious and Communicable diseases prevention and control, Epidemic Preparedness, Prevention and Control, Pest Control, Nuisances and Complaints investigations. 3.Pharmacy Provision of Medicines to all health Units/ Sourcing of medicines and sundries from Natpharm, Receiving and Distribution, Manufacturing, 4.Administration Health Policy and Strategic Planning and Management, Logistics and Hospital Supplies Management, Management of Clinic/Hospital Support services such as Catering, Laundry, Domestic services, Mortuary services 5.Dental Provision of Dental Services to the residents, Dental examination and Services diagnosis, Treatments of soft tissue diseases in the oral cavity, 6. Hospitals Tooth extractions, Tooth fillings, Scaling and polishing, Tooth replacement eg dentures ,crown and bridges, implants Provision of isolation services for infectious diseases, opportunistic infection clinics, laboratory, laundry and mortuary services 6.Health Advocacy, Program Communication and Social Mobilization promotion 25 7.Nutrition Identifies and ensures adequate and appropriate nutritional status of the residents of Harare. City Health Products and Services 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. HIV Counselling, Testing, treatment and follow up; Curative services; Treatment of chronic conditions; Testing and treatment of TB and Malaria; Cancer screening; Ante Natal and Post Natal Care; Maternity deliveries; Family Planning Services; Immunizations; School Health Programmes; Isolation in patient care; Treatment of Communicable diseases; Diagnosis, confirmation, surveillance and drug sensitivity tests; Medical Examination; Food Handlers certification; Laundry; Mortuary; licensing of business premises (new licenses/ renewal of licenses) inspection and monitoring of hygiene standards in food and non food premises food inspection and food condemnation training of food handlers water and air quality monitoring (of municipal and borehole supplies) environmental health and hygiene promotion scrutinizing building plans to assess compliance with health regulations insect and pest control disease surveillance prevention and control investigation of complaints and nuisances provision of medicines, medical sundries and vaccines rational medicines use monitoring dental examination and diagnosis treatment of soft tissue diseases in the oral cavity tooth extractions, tooth fillings , scaling and polishing tooth replacement e.g. dentures, crown and bridges, implants oral hygiene education IEC development for health promotion education Integrated management of acute malnutrition Dietic services and vitamin A supplementation Nutrition surveillance through growth monitoring baby and mother friendly hospital initiative (BMFHI) Integrated infant and young child feeding and counselling courses City Health Standards Commitments Service OPD services and TB patients Service Level Standard Service by Benchmark 2014 December 2017 for HIV All patients served within All patients will be served within two hours one hour unless they require tests 26 that will take time Isolation facilities for the All patients admitted into All patients will be admitted to the infectious conditions the wards within one hour wards within 30 minutes of arrival All admitted patients will be seen by a medical doctor at least once every day In patient services for TB All patients admitted into All patients will be admitted to the and HIV patients the wards within one hour wards within 30 minutes of arrival Provision of inpatient food Patients will always be served food at the stipulated times Diagnosis, confirmation, Emergency diagnosis – 24 surveillance and drug hrs sensitivity Routine diagnosis – 72hrs Drug sensitivity – 10days Laundry Linen will be changed on every bed at least once a day or when necessary Mortuary Relatives with the requisite papers will be able to collect the deceased within 30 minutes Medical Examinations All clients are served within Certification two hours Food Handlers Patients will always be served food at the stipulated times Emergency – 24 hrs Routine – 72hrs Drug sensitivity – 10days Linen will be changed on every bed at least once a day or when necessary Relatives with the requisite papers will be able to collect the deceased within 30 minutes All clients will be served within one and half hours All clients are served within All clients will be served within one two hours and half hours Dental examination Patients seen within 1 All patients presenting at the and diagnosis hour of arrival dental clinics will be attended to within one hour of arrival Treatments of soft tissue Zero after service call back Zero after service call back diseases in the oral cavity Tooth extractions At least 10 patients come No patient should come back with back with complaints per complaints after tooth extraction month Tooth fillings Zero after service call back Zero after service call back Scaling and polishing Zero after service call back Zero after service call back Tooth replacement eg Zero after service call back Zero after service call back dentures ,crown and bridges, implants Oral health education License of business New license - 3 weeks New license - 5 days premises, new license and Renewal - 2 days Renewal - 1 day renewals Inspection and Monitoring Within 5 days Within 48 hours of application of Hygiene Standards in Food and non food Handles Water Quality Monitoring Random sampling of water Random sampling of water 27 (of Municipal and borehole 10 per week – borehole supplies) 10 per week – municipal 10 per week - bottled Epidemic Preparedness, Investigate all outbreaks Prevention and Control within 24 hours Food inspection and food Random sampling of food condemnation --- samples per week Training of food handlers All food handlers in the city will be certified 7 Environmental health The department will Monitoring and hygiene monitor all environmental promotion health issues and produce monthly reports Scrutinizing building plans All building plans to be processed within one day Insect and pest control All reports for rodents and pests will be attended to within 24hrs Investigation of complaints All complaints on public and nuisances nuisances to be attended to within 24 hrs Client Education All clients will receive health education on their health condition in a language they understand Community engagement Communicate essential on Health Issues health information to key health groups IEC Development Design, develop, produce and distribute packaged health messages to the community Stakeholder Coordination Create regular platforms for information sharing on health with all stakeholders Exhibitions The department will showcase health service products at all national exhibitions Nutrition education 10 per week – borehole 10 per week – municipal 10 per week - bottled Investigate all outbreaks within 24 hours All food handlers in the city will be certified The department will monitor all environmental health issues and produce monthly reports All building plans to be processed within one day All reports for rodents and pests will be attended to within 24hrs All complaints on public nuisances to be attended to within 24 hrs All clients will receive health education on their health condition in a language they understand Communicate essential health information to key health groups Design, develop, produce and distribute packaged health messages to the community Create regular platforms for information sharing on health with all stakeholders The department will showcase health service products at all national exhibitions Nutrition assessments in schools and communities Supplementary Feeding Contact Information for our Health Facilities District Clinic South East Hatfield Satellite and Central Arcadia Braeside Sister in Landline Charge J. Mangachena 572058 570680 Mobile Number C. Chimbanda 0771925845 28 742130 0771 789 569 Southern South Western Eastern Parirenyatwa Sunningdale Waterfalls Hopley G. Mazambara M Medzane S Mvungare E Mazivisa 702316 576241 663393 Matapi Mbare FHS Mbare PCC Mbare Mat F. Misa P. Mukanana M. Mbwende I Wilson 756113 779461 Rutsanana PCC S Majira Rutsanana FHS Rutsanana Mat J. Shava C. Kaseke Highfield FHS Highfield PCC Highfield Mat Southerton Glen Norah Sat Western Triangle Budiriro FHS Budiriro PCC 611528 611970 6119970 611528 570680 611528 611528 570 680 0778014726 0772 363649 0778014731 0778014725 0778014725 0773574814 0773 626616 0777789569 0773626616 0777789569 E. Chirau O. Mazarura P Kamonere F. Manomano 662304 664363 611991 611030 D. Musara 690019 0778014728 0778039430 0774809195 0774809194 0782404198 0782 404198 Complaints Redress Mechanism All our valued clients are encouraged to raise their complaints/service delivery feedback to the head of the respective unit, and in the case of all our clinics, to the sister in charge. We expect all your complaints to be addressed to your satisfaction, at this level, immediately or within a time period not exceeding 20 minutes. If you are not satisfied by the remedy from the respective head of the unit, you may refer the issues to the Director of Health Services on the following contacts • Email • Phone 04 772926 The Director of Health Services undertakes to respond to all the emails within two days and to respond to all Written feedback/complaints within one week. All the polyclinics in the City have elected Health Centre Committees whose primary function is to manage the clinic/community interface. Members of the public are encouraged to also channel their feedback through these representatives of the community in the health system. The phone/contact numbers of the Health Centre Committee Chairpersons will be prominently displayed at the clinics. 4. Human Capital and Public Safety The vision of the department is a safe and peaceful City with well managed and prosperous human resources. 29 The mission of the department is to ensure excellence in the provision of sustainable human capital and public safety services. The Department has (7) sections which are as follows: 1. Human Capital Administration 2. Human Capital Development 3. Employee Relations 4. City Enforcement 5. Emergency Services 6. Manpower Planning 7. Administration (Canteen Services) Our Services and Products are: 1. Recruitment, Selection and Placement 2. Employee Records Management 3. Employee Remuneration Services 4. Leave Management 5. Conditions of Services 6. Pension Administration 7. Statutory Returns Administration 8. Performance Management 9. Staff training and development 10. Succession planning 11. Industrial attachments and cadetship programs 12. Integrated results based management (RBM) 13. Employee welfare services 14. Disciplinary hearings 15. Grievance handling 16. Management of works council meetings 17. Conciliation 18. Arbitration 19. Occupational safety and health management 20. Staff establishment control 21. Job evaluation 22. Manpower planning and utilization 23. Productivity standards 24. Organizational development 25. Job descriptions 26. Provision of canteen services 27. Office stationary and equipment 28. Hygienic services 29. Raise internal requisitions and payment 30. Management and control of traffic 31. Ticketing, clamping and towing of illegally parked vehicles 32. Public safety awareness campaigns 33. Control of movement of heavy vehicle in line with designated areas 34. Protection of council asserts 35. Cash in transit 36. Investigations 37. Environmental patrols 38. Crime prevention patrols 30 39. Crowd control 40. Security advice 41. Building inspections for fire safety compliance 42. Public fire safety awareness 43. Public safety training (external) 44. Fire fighting 45. Rescue 46. Emergency medical services 47. Training EMT (technicians) 48. Inspection of fuel installations 49. Building plans scrutinisation for fire safety compliance 50. Testing of firefighting equipment for compliance with standards 51. Technical advisory services on fire safety 52. Certification for competence for fire engineering companies. Our service standards are as follows; 1. To be fair, factual, prompt and responsive in handling all human capital administration matters. 2. To widen scope of training to all employees of the City, produce well rounded skillful employees and accelerate RMB and transformation training programs. 3. To be fair, transparent, just and create a safe working environment. 4. To be transparent and fair in job evaluation and to be responsive in manpower planning. 5. To have trafficable roads, safe and secure environment in Greater Harare. 6. To have a rapid and prompt response to emergencies and create a safe environment. Service level Benchmarks 2014 Services and products 1. Recruitment, and placement selection 2. Employee records management 3. Employee remuneration 4. Pension administration 5. Leave management 6. Performance management 7. Statutory returns 8. Staff training and development Current service level benchmark 3 months internal 4-5 months external recruitment 60% efficiency (Manual system) 2 months salary arrears 2-3 months processing 6 weeks leave processing (manual) 50% efficiency 100% up to date Skill availability 70 % Development programs 50% 20 % staff trained ( grades 1to7) 20% (policy initiation) -200 intake 9. Integrated results based management 10. Succession planning 11. Management of industrial attachment / cadetship programs 70% students utilization 12. Employee welfare 50% welfare coverage 31 Standard / desired service level benchmark 2 months internal 3months external 100% efficiency (computerized) Monthly 1 month processing 1 week (computerized) 80% efficiency 100% up to date Desired 90% Desired 70 % 100% desired –all levels 100% desired –all levels 300 100% desired (student utilization) 75% welfare coverage 13. Management of the code Disciplinary of conduct months hearing 3 Turn around to be 1 month Desired 2 weeks Grievance handling weeks works 2 months sitting 14. Management of council matters 15. Conciliation / arbitration 16. Occupational safety and health 17. Staff establishment control 18. Job evaluation 6 Monthly sitting 2 months 60% compliance to safety procedures / regulations Staff returns 2 months Last job evaluation done 20 years ago (1991) New jobs and grievances 19. Manpower planning and 40% utilization level utilization 20. Organizational 70% systems development development 21. Work standards and 65% of jobs have standards measurement 22. Enforcement of municipal Enforcement of traffic by by-laws and other laws at 50% compliance legislation Management and control of traffic at 60% coverage Environmental patrols 60% 1 month 100% compliance 1 month Every 5 years normal cycle 2 months 75% utilization level 90% systems development 100% of jobs standards 80% compliance to have 80% coverage 80% coverage Vending control and other 80% control illegal activities 40% 23. Provision of services 80% coverage protection of council asserts 24. Enforcement of fire safety 10% inspection of public laws buildings 25. Disaster management Fire brigade reaction time: 5 minutes CBD 15 minutes other areas 26. Provision of emergency Ambulance reaction time: medical services 30-60 minutes 100% security coverage Desired level is at 80% Fire brigade reaction time: 5 minutes 10 minutes other areas Ambulance reaction time: 15-30 minutes Contact persons for services and products Services and products Person responsible 1. Recruitment, placement and selection 2. Employee records management 3. Employee remuneration Matengarufu Bozman 32 Contact Number and Office / Location Rowan Martin Building Annex Complex Room 7 4. Leave management 5. Pension administration and Statutory returns 6. 7. 8. 9. Training and staff development Integrated results based management Succession planning Management of industrial attachments cadetship programs 10. Employee welfare 11. Management of the code of conduct 12. Management of works council matters 13. Conciliation and arbitration 14. Occupational safety and health Mungofa Stewart 0772 865 552 Rowan Martin Building O772 865 553 Rowan Martin Building 0773 375 806 and Mr Jabulani Rowan Martin Duve Building 774960 0772 668 385 15. Enforcement of municipal bye-laws (traffic, (Rtd) Rowan Martin vending, licensing, obstruction, illegal Brigadier Building developments etc) Richard 0712 213 775 16. Provision of security (static guard duties, Chinengundu environmental patrol, VIPs etc) 17. Enforcement of fire safety laws Mr. Sevias Fire Brigade HQ Mugavha 0772 432 653 18. Disaster management 04751967 19. Provision of emergency medical services 20. Fire prevention 21. Staff establishment control Mrs. Jane Rowan Martin Shonge Building 22. Job evaluation 0772 385 271 23. Manpower planning and utilization 24. Organizational development 25. Work standards and measurement 26. Provision of canteen services Mrs . Grace Rowan Martin Mazhawidza Building 27. Office stationary and equipment 0773 441 362 28. Hygienic services 774961 29. Raise internal requisitions and payments Please contact us for feedback and complaints on services received Formal letter- Box 990, Town House, Harare E-mail messages Landline telephone calls 04-774914 Cell phone 0773 375 806 Visiting in person: Rowan Martin Building, Ground Floor Face-book page- Human Capital And Public Safety. WhatsApp platform 0773 375 806 Formal letter- Box 990, Town House, Harare E-mail messages, Landline telephone calls 04-774962 Cell phone 0772 865 552 Visiting in person: Rowan Martin Building, Ground Floor, Human Capital Administration Office Face-book page?? xxxxxxxxx What App platform 0772 865 552 Formal letter- Box 990, Town House, Harare E-mail messages – Formal letter- Box 990, Town House, Harare E-mail messages- jduve@ 33 Landline telephone calls 04-753000 Cell phone 0772 385 271 Visiting in person: Rowan Martin Building, Ground Floor Face-book page- Human Capital And Public Safety Whats App platform 0778 125 785 Landline telephone calls 04-774960 Cell phone- 0772 668 385 Visiting in person: Rowan Martin Building, Ground Floor, Harare Face-book page – Human Capital And Public Safety Whats App platform 0778 125 785 Traffic Related Complaints and Feedback Email: Cell – Collen Tongowana 0772 351 473 Geofrey A Manyere 0712 642 124 Visiting in person: Trafalgar Court, Julious Nyerere Way Harare OR Rowan th Martin Building, 5 Floor Harare. Formal letter- Box 990, Town House, Harare Email messages Landline telephone calls 04 783980-4 Cell phone 0772 432 653, 0772 864 870, 0712 624 039 Visiting in person: Fire Brigade and Ambulance Services Head Quarters, 111 Belvedere Road Harare Face-book page Human Capital And Public Safety Whats App platform 0778 125 785 Security and other by laws enforcement complaints and feedback Email: Landline: 04773774 Cell: Michael G Dhube 0772 241 890 Visiting in person Harare Metropolitan Police Headquarters, Off Bishop Gaul Avenue and Rotten Row, Harare OR Rowan th Martin Building, 5 Floor Harare Formal letter- Box 990, Town House, Harare E-mail messages- Landline telephone calls – 04-710304 Cell phone 0712 322 505 Visiting in person, 5th Floor Rowan Martin Building, Harare Face-book page Human Capital And Public Safety Whatsapp platform 0778 125 785 5. Works Department The Vision of the Department is ‘To provide a fully serviced, sustainable, safe, vibrant, beautiful and multi-cultural environment”. The department has four (4) divisions and (16) sections namely: A. Environment and Amenities Division 1. Amenities 2. Environmental management 3. Fleet care and management B. Engineering Services Division 4. Roads 5. Electrical and mechanical services 6. Automotive workshop 7. Heavy plant workshop 34 8. Central mechanical workshop 9. Traffic signals 10. Electrical plant 11. Public lighting C. Land Management and Development 12. Land survey 13. Town planning 14. Valuation and estates 15. Traffic and transportation planning D. Built Environment Management 16. Built-up environment Our services and products are: A. Environment and Amenities Division Amenities Section 1. Refuse collection throughout Greater Harare; 2. Landfill management at Pomona and Golden Quarry dumpsites; 3. Septic tank collection – honey sucking and manhole services; 4. Anti-litter by-law enforcement – public awareness campaigns and monitoring litter disposal; 5. Street cleaning in residential areas, shopping centres, trunk routes and the CBD; 6. Public convenience services– management and cleaning of pay toilets and public toilets; Environmental Management Section 1. Monitor disposal of hazardous and toxic waste; 2. Incineration of clinical waste; 3. Issuance of hazardous waste disposal permits; 4. Industrial site inspection; 5. Hazardous and toxic waste technical advice; 6. Monitor industrial waste disposal; 7. Protection of wet lands and the environment in general; 8. Environmental pollution waste enforcement; 9. Management of the EMA Fleet Care and Management Section 1. Vehicle fuel usage management; 2. Fleet maintenance; 3. Fleet distribution; 4. Fuel procurement from central stores; 5. Vehicle tracking and drive supervision; B. Engineering Services Division Roads Section 1. Design, construction and maintenance of roads and storm water drainages; 2. Production of road building materials; 3. Road-works quality control assessments; 35 4. Approvals of roads and storm-water designs; 5. Approvals of road trenching permits; 6. Appraisal of Town Planning layout designs. Electrical and Mechanical Services Section 1. Specification of vehicles, plant and equipment; 2. Preparation of draft tender documents; 3. Technical appraisal of bids; 4. Design of street and public lighting infrastructure; 5. Design of traffic signals infrastructure; 6. Design of plant engineering systems (e.g. pumping, compressed air). 7. Project implementation and management; 8. Electrical and mechanical asset maintenance management. Automotive Workshops 1. Maintenance and repair of all types of vehicles; 2. Accident repairs, general vehicles body repairs and spray painting; 3. Auto-electrical repairs; 4. Auto trimming and upholstery; 5. Tyre repair, fitting, balancing and wheel alignment; 6. Vehicle breakdown recovery service; 7. Condition reports for disposal purposes; 8. Repair of Heat exchangers (radiators, oil coolers) 9. Car washing and valet services; Heavy Plant Workshop 1. Maintenance and repair of mobile plant and equipment (road construction, landfill equipment, refuse compactors, hydraulic equipment); 2. Maintenance and repair of fixed plant and equipment (generators, compressors); 3. Maintenance and repair tractors and tractor implements (mowers, ploughs, disc harrows, trailers, etc); 4. Maintenance and repair of portable, engine driven equipment (e.g. water pumps, chain saws, brush cutters); 5. Maintenance and repair of motor bikes; Central Mechanical Workshops 1. General engineering, welding and fabrication; 2. Maintenance and repair of stone crashing plant and equipment; 3. Maintenance and repair of Asphalt-making plant and equipment; 4. Maintenance and repair of swimming pool plant and equipment, fountains, boreholes, and booster pumps; 5. Maintenance of cremation equipment, incinerators, boilers and laundry machines; 6. Installation of mechanical plant and equipment (e.g. pumps, laundry machines) 7. Machining and manufacture of equipment components (e.g impellers, bearing housings, pump shafts and stuffing boxes; 8. Fabrication, installation and maintenance of boom gates and wheel clamps, stadia gates, sliding gates and turn-styles; 9. Fabrication, installation and repair of steel water and sewage pipes and pipe specials, biological filter arms and distributor cones, filters and strainers. 10. Fabrication of goal posts, ‘robot’ posts, crowns and mast arms; HMT brackets; 11. Fabrication of steel footbridges, steel water tanks/ tankers and tank stands; 36 12. Design and fabrication of various moulds (manhole covers, concrete benches and catchpit covers; 13. Fabrication of steel pegs, benches, burglar bars, security screens, metal cabinets, control cubicles etc; Traffic Signals 1. Design of traffic signaling infrastructure; 2. Construction and installation of traffic signaling infrastructure; 3. Maintenance of traffic signaling infrastructure; 4. Approval of traffic signaling designs; 5. Management of traffic signal energy bills; 6. Programming of traffic controllers and PLCs; 7. Provision of radio communication services. Electrical Plant 1. Design of electrical services for plants (quarry) facilities (hospitals, clinics, schools, swimming pools, fountains) and buildings; 2. Construction and installation of electrical services for plants, facilities and buildings; 3. Maintenance of electrical services for plants, facilities and buildings; 4. Approval of electrical designs for plants , facilities and buildings; 5. Management of City of Harare Plants and Properties energy bills; Public Lighting 1. Design of public lighting infrastructure; 2. Construction and installation of area lighting and street lighting infrastructure; 3. Maintenance of public lighting infrastructure; 4. Approval of public lighting designs; 5. Installation of decorative lighting; 6. Provision of plant and equipment (hydraulic platforms, earth augur) 7. Management of public lighting energy bills. C. Land Management and Development Land Survey 1. Execution of title surveys; 2. Execution of non-title (lease) surveys; 3. Execution of engineering surveys; 4. Execution of topographical and tacheometric surveys for base mapping to facilitate layout planning; 5. Resolution of boundary disputes; 6. Beacon relocation surveys for handover of stands /properties; 7. Building plans scrutiny / appraisal; 8. Processing of cancellations, reframes amendments and approved diagrams and general plans; 9. Advising on matters relating to the surveying, registration and transfer of land; 10. Creation of new properties, stand numbering; 11. Town planning circulations scrutiny 12. Township mapping (noting and updating cadastral compilations) 13. GIS (utility infrastructure mapping) 14. Notifying CVEM of property transactions; Town Planning 37 1. 2. 3. 4. Preparation of Master and Local Plans; Preparation of Layout plans Processing of subdivisions and consolidation applications; Processing of Town Planning Applications (special consent / change of reservations /shop licenses / liquor licenses / general) 5. Enforcement of Town Planning Regulations and by-laws / Development Control 6. Building plans appraisal; 7. Carrying out Town Planning research (number and distribution of base stations and number of households in a neighbourhood for future planning and policy formulation purposes); Valuation and Estates 1. Preparation of GVR 2. Maintenance of GVR (updating) 3. Valuation for compulsory acquisition of land; 4. Valuation for sale /purchase; 5. Valuation for change of use; 6. Valuation for mortgage and leasing; City Traffic and Transportation Planning 1. Preparation of Preparation of Harare Traffic and Transportation Master Plan; 2. Preparation of TT Local Plans; 3. Preparation of Harare Public Transport Policies; 4. Route planning and management; 5. Processing of public transport permits; 6. Monitoring of public transport operations; D. Built Environment Management 7. Building Plans scrutiny / appraisal 8. Preparation of Architectural Designs; 9. Preparation of bills of Quantities and estimates 10. Building plans appraisal and approval; 11. Stage inspections during construction of buildings; 12. Programmed maintenance of council buildings; 13. Inspection of Place of Assembly (Halls, stadia, churches etc.) Service Level Benchmarks 2014 Service Amenities Section Refuse collection Turn around time for vehicles to dumpsite per day Refuse collection Current Benchmark Service Level Standard / Service Benchmark (2 loads per day) Desired Level 2 loads for peripheral suburbs High density residential areas Once a 38 3 loads for near suburbs in northern part of CBD High density residential scheduling time per district week areas 3 times a week Low density residential areas Once a week Low density residential areas Once a week CBD – daily night shift CBD – daily night shift Industrial sites – Once a week Industrial sites – 3 times a week Mbare - 2 times a week Illegal refuse dumps : Monthly Tonnage collected daily 360 Mbare - 2 times a week Bin shed collection daily Illegal refuse dumps : Monthly Tonnage collected daily 360 Street Cleaning Street cleaning cycle by area High density residential areas - none High density residential areas - 2 times a month Low density residential areas - none CBD 2 shifts - morning and afternoon shifts High density residential areas - 2 times a month CBD 2 shifts per day Trunk roads - Call on up Shopping centres – daily Trunk roads - weekly Public convenience cleaning services Pay toilets functioning - 80% Pay toilets functioning 100% Public Toilets 60% operational Public Toilets 100% operational Landfill management State of roads accessible 40% efficiency State of roads accessible 80% efficiency Fire prevention mechanism currently 20% efficiency Fire prevention mechanism currently 70% efficiency Flies infestation management. Currently at 30% operations Back filling efficiency levels 30% State of dumpsites 30% usable 39 Flies infestation management. Desired 60% coverage Back filling efficiency levels 70% 70% usable engineered landfill Septic Tank Collection Honey sucking High density non-commercial vehicle turn around time Low density – 6 times 12 times daily Industrial area Manhole management Anti-litter by-law enforcement Anti-litter campaigns levels Available manhole 30 and manned 4 Permits for disposal to be issued annually and paid for by private companies. 4 suburbs covered All suburbs to be covered Trained 300 people on anti-litter Targeting to train 300 people yearly. Environment Section Application for 4 days hazardous waste permit appraisal Site inspections Turn-around time after receiving a request – per request (readily available) Industrial toxic Turn-around time for ad hoc waste disposal industrial visits : scheduled visits management Average sample analysis per day / week /month. Waste incineration 2 working days Per request. Also to conduct inspections once in 2 months Daily inspections Incineration levels 50 – 100 bags per 200 bags per week week Fleet management Vehicle fuel usage management Fleet maintenance Fuel usage per day 70 litres 65 litres per vehicle per day Ad hoc vehicle checklist by driver Fleet distribution Fuel procurement from central stores Vehicle tracking Scheduled every day Planning fuel requirements is done not according to set standards Tracking is done Daily by both driver and transport clerk Scheduled daily Planned according to fare cans required Production of fleet management reports and 40 analyses. Engineering Section Automotive workshop Minor service (light vehicle) Minor service (heavy vehicle) Major service (light vehicle) Major service (heavy vehicle) A – Service (Light vehicle) B – Service ( light vehicle) C – Service ( light vehicle) A – Service (heavy vehicle) B – Service (heavy vehicle) 1 month 1 month 1 month 1 month 1 month 1 month 1 month 1 month 1 month C – Service (heavy vehicle) 1 month Suspension Overhaul (Light) Suspension Overhaul (Heavy) Brake Overhaul (Light) Break Overhaul (Heavy) Clutch Overhaul (Light) Clutch Overhaul (Heavy) Gearbox / Diff Overhaul (Light) Gearbox / Diff Overhaul (Heavy) Engine Overhauls (Light) Engine Overhauls (Heavy) Electrics and tyre punctures 1 month 1 month 1 month 1 month 1 month 1 month 1 month 1 month 6 months 6 months 2 weeks 2 hours 3 hours 8 hours 2 days 3 hours 5 hours 8 hours (1 day) 8 hours (1 day) 16 hours(2 days) 32 hours (4 days) 1 day 2 days 4 hours 6 hours 6hours 8 hours 8 hours 16 hours 10 days 15 days 1 – 2 hours 2 months 2 months 3 months 4 months 6 months 6 months 8months 8 months 12 months 4 hours 5 hours 8 hours 8 hours 5 days 10 days 30 days 30 days 3 months 14 days 14 days 8 hours 4 hours 8 hours 1 hour 24 hours 2 hours 24 hours 8 hours Heavy Plant Workshop 250 hour service 50 hour service 1000 hour service Refuse Trucks hydraulics repairs –minor Refuse truck tailgate overhaul Engine overhauls (<3 cylinder) Engine overhauls (>3 cylinder) Transmission overhaul Undercarriage overhaul Automotive and Heavy Plant Workshop Vehicle periodic service Mobile Plant periodic service Response to reported Ambulance and Fire Tender breakdowns Response to Waste management fleet breakdown Response to all other vehicles all other vehicle and mobile plant reported breakdown 41 Fixed plant periodic services Response to fixed plant breakdowns Central Mechanical Workshop Machining of pump shafts Dismantling and repair of pumps Refuse compactor Tailgate repairs Fabrication and Installation of Tank Stands Overhaul of cone crusher Uninstall dismantle repair and reinstall borehole pump Repair clinical incinerator Repair Laundry machine Fabrication of Donkin Fan Fabrication of boiler tank elements Fabrication and installation of foot bridge Fabrication of boom gate Fabrication of wheel clamp Fabrication of soccer goal posts Fabrication of sliding gate Fabrication of robot post Fabrication of 6 way HMT Bracket Fabrication of robot security screens Public Lighting Response to reported tower light faults Response to reported street lighting faults Response to reported overhead power lines Repair of reported street light faults Repair of reported tower light fault Approval of public lighting designs Design of public lighting infrastructure Construction of a high mast tower light Installation of 1 km stretch of street lighting Installation of decorative lighting Traffic Signals Response to reported faults Repair of reported faults CBD intersections Repair of reported faults Ex-CBD intersections Removal and replacement of damaged signal heads Removal and replacement of damaged poles Approval of traffic signals design Design of traffic signals infrastructure Construction of new traffic signals infrastructure Verification of energy bills Roads Fixing reported potholes on VIP routes Fixing reported potholes on CBD roads 60 days 90 days 30 days 30 days 1 month 3 months 2 months 2 months 6 months 1week 1 – 2 weeks 1 week 1 week 3 weeks 2 months 3 days 1 week 1 week 1 month 1 month 3 months 3 weeks 1 week 2 weeks 2 weeks 3 days - 2 days 2 days 2 weeks 3 weeks 3 weeks 1 day 6 hours 2 days 2 days 3 hours 1 day - 30 days 30 days 180 days 7 days 90 days 90 days 30 days 180 days 90 days 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours 2 hours 7 days 1 day 7 days 10 days 60 days 30 days 2 days 60 days 90 days 24 hours 8 hours 24 hours 7 days 2 hours 90 days 60 days 90 days 30 days 8 hours 30 days 30 days 7 days 60 accounts/ month 200 accounts/ month 24 hours 7 days 8 hours 48 hours 42 Fixing reported potholes on arterial , distributor and bus roads Fixing reported potholes on local streets De-blocking a reported storm water catchpit De-blocking a reported piped culvert Replacing a missing traffic sign Attending to dangerous broken catchpit cover Roads design appraisal Issuance of road trenching permit Direction signs erection Road construction material - aggregates availability Road gravel availability Concrete special casts products (e.g. kerbs, slabs) Concrete catchpit covers availability Paved roads surface rejuvenation 14 days 7 days 12 – 36 months 7 days 3 months 23 hours 14 days 30 days 6months 24 hours 24 hours 21 days 1-2 months 14 days Stock out 3 -4 weeks 7 days 3 – 7 days Ex stock Ex-stock 28 days Ex stock Ex stock Stream dredging Activity is undertaken Stock out Virtually no maintenance at all Central business district storm water drains Once per year cleaning Road side drains maintenance Once in three years Outfall drains clearing Once in four years Land Management and Development Land Survey Title surveys Upto 10 units 10 – 100 units 101+ units Non-title survey Engineering survey Boundary disputes Beacon relocation survey Upto 10 stands 10 - 100 Building plans scrutiny Cancellation, and amendment of diagrams, general plans Lost diagrams reframing Stand numbering Town planning circulations Township mapping City Traffic and Transport Planning Traffic and Transport Master Plan Central Business Traffic and Transportation Local Plan Public Transport Policy not Ex stock Every 5- 7 years Thrice per year Once per year Once every 2 years being Once every 5 years 2 months 3- 4 months 5 – 8 months 2 months 1 month 1 month 2 weeks 6 weeks 2-3 months 2 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks 1 month 2 months 1 week Guided by requirements 5 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks 6 months 1 week 2 weeks 2 days statutory 2 weeks 3 days 3 days 2 months 2 years 1 year 1year 6 months 1 year 6 months 43 Route Authority Permit Road Closure Permits Road show permits Trenching permit Route planning allocation Traffic survey Qudon counts 7 days 10 days 10 days 10 days 5 days 3 months 7 days per street Origin – destination counts 7 days per street Traffic observations Data analysis Road signs Traffic signal layout Junction design Billboard advertising site Approved billboard plan 2 days 2 months 2 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks 1 month 5 days 4 days 5 days 5 days 5 days 5 days 2 months 7 days street 7 days street 2 days 2 months 1 week 2 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks 3 days per per Contact Persons for Works Department Service 1. ENVIRONMENT AND AMENITIES Amenities Refuse collection 2. Landfill Management 3. Septic Tank Collection 4. Anti-litter by-law enforcement 5. Environment Street cleaning 6. Hazardous and toxic waste management 7. Fleet Care and Management Contact Person Contact # and Physical Address: Mr. Don Kelvin Depot Sakupwanya Graniteside 0772260475 04 780954 Mr. Taenda Kelvin Depot Chandisaita Graniteside 0772263310 04 780954 Mr. Don Kelvin Depot Sakupwanya Graniteside 0772260475 04 780954 Mr. Don Kelvin Depot Sakupwanya Graniteside 0772260475 04 780954 Mr. Don Kelvin Depot Sakupwanya Graniteside 0772260475 04 780954 Mr. Clifford Cleveland House Muzofa Mr. Don Kelvin Depot Sakupwanya Graniteside 0772260475 44 04 780954 8. ENGINEERING SERVICES Electrical and Mechanical Head Office I.C.T. Chigariro Office 412 Cleveland House 0772 405 602 9. Automotive Workshop General vehicle repairs and maintenance Shayamano, M. 10. Breakdown recovery service daytime I.E Skaramangas 11. Breakdown recovery service (after hours / MSU weekends) Accident repairs, general vehicle body I Gideon G. repairs and spray painting Auto electrical repairs Katedza A. Bishop Gaul Workshop 04-722946 / 76 Bishop Gaul Workshop 04-7222946/76 Municipal Police HQ 04-7222816/17 Bishop Gaul Workshop 04-722946 / 76 Bishop Gaul Workshop 04-722946 / 76 Bishop Gaul Workshop 04-722946 / 76 Bishop Gaul Workshop 04-722946 / 76 Bishop Gaul Workshop 04-722946 / 76 12. 13. 14. 15. Tyre repair, fitting balancing and wheel P. Robson alignment services Condition reports for disposal purposes M. Shayamano 16. Car washing and Valet services I Gideon G. 17. Vehicle sub-lets to external garages I.E Skaramangas I.E Skaramangas 18. Vehicle history of repair records I.E Skaramangas 1. Heavy Plant Workshop Repair of Plant and Equipment brought to J.M. Zimunya workshop K Muzvidziwa 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. Filed services of all plant and equipment Auto electrical repairs and maintenance Tyre punctures and services Condition reports for bikes, plant and equipment Central Mechanical Workshop Welding repairs, fabrications and maintenance Repair and maintenance of Quarry Plant and Equipment Repair of swimming pools, fountains and pumps & boreholes Repair of cremators and incinerators Repair of refuse trucks, boom gates and stadia turn-styles Public Lighting Maintenance of public lighting infrastructure Design of public lighting infrastructure Construction and installation of area 45 Bishop Gaul Workshop 04-7222946/76 Bishop Gaul Workshop 04-7222946/76 0712 889115 0733508474 Bishop Gaul Workshop 04-7222946/76 S. Chigwaza 0772258187 P. Dzikiti 0773390400 Bishop Gaul Workshop 04-7222946/76 Mashandure Public Lighting ZESA Yard Coventry Road Office 412 Cleveland House Chigariro 5. lighting and street lighting infrastructure Approval of public lighting designs Provision of plant and equipment Installation of decorative lighting Management of public lighting energy bills Roads Maintenance of roads and storm water drainage Design of Roads and storm water infrastructure Approval of roads and storm water designs Approval of town planning layout designs Approval of roads infrastructure construction Road works quality control Production of road construction aggregates Production of Asphalt premix Construction of roads and storm water infrastructure Processing of trenching permits LAND MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT Land Survey Execution of title surveys Resolution of boundary disputes Processing of cancellations, reframes , amendments of approved diagrams and general plans Advising on matters relating to the surveying, registration and transfer of land. Execution of non-title (lease) survey 6. Execution of engineering surveys 7. Execution of topographical tacheometric Mubako R. surveys for base mapping 8. Building Plans scrutiny / appraisal 9. Creation of new properties / stand Rupondo F numbering 10. 11. Town planning circulations scrutiny Tapiwanashe A. Township mapping (noting and updating cadastral compilations) GIS (Utility Infrastructure Mapping) Mashonga F.M. . Notifying CVEM of property transactions) 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 12. 13. Mashandure Madanha Muringani Munyonga Zhou Bowa M. Rooms 204 Cleveland House 04-775086 Majena T. Rooms 202, Cleveland House 04-775086 Room 203 Cleveland House 04-775086 Rooms 202 & 203 Cleveland House 04-775086 Rooms 202 & 203 Cleveland House 04-775086 Rooms 208 Cleveland House 04-775086 Rooms 211A Cleveland House 04-775086 Rooms 208 & 210 A Cleveland House Mupfudze M. Chikowore K. 46 Public Lighting ZESA Yard Coventry Road 14. 15. Preparation of Master Plans Kasiyamhuru A Preparation of local plans City Traffic and Transportation Planning (CTTP) City Traffic and Transportation Planning J. Mujegu (CTTP) 1. 04-775086 315B Cleveland House 04 775084 3rd Floor Room 314 Cleveland House 92 Leopold Takawira Street , Harare 0773559579 6. CORPORATE SERVICES AND HOUSING Housing Mission statement: To provide affordable housing delivery services, excellent learning environment, social services and opportunities for economic empowerment. Sections 1. 2. 3. 4. Housing Division District Administration Division Social Services and Education Division Parks and Cemeteries Division Services and Products 1. Planning and Research for Housing Schemes 2. Allocation 3. Management of Housing Cooperative 4. Management of Lease and Purchase agreements 5. Coordination and monitoring of services delivery function in districts 6. Management of Informal Sector Development (Markets and Home Industries) 7. Revenue collection and generation 8. Management of Lease and Purchase agreements 9. Provision of Social Amenities 10. Provision of Education facilities 11. Provision of Social Services 12. Provision of early childhood development facilities 13. Provision of recreational facilities 14. Provision of burial space and crematoria services 15. Provision of leisure facilities 16. Greening and beatification of the City Contact Persons for Legal Services 47 Services and Products Contact Person Contact Number Housing 1.Planning and Research for N.Gumbo 757518 Mbare Housing Schemes 2.Allocation B. Mandizha 777830 3.Management of Cooperative N. Gumbo 757518 4.Management of Leases and N.Gumbo 757518 agreements District 1.Coordination and monitoring District Officers Administration of service delivery functions 2.Management of Informal F.Machipisa 777829 Mbare Sector Development W. Makananzi 777868 Mbare 3.Revenue Collection District Officers Social Services 1.Provision of Social Amenities C. Mitton 777826 Mbare 2.Provision of Education F. Madondo 749555 Mbare facilities 3.Provision of Social Services Social Organizers 4.Provision of Early Childhood F.Madondo 749555 Mbare Development Facilities N. Mugwagwa 749555 5.Provision of recreational F.Madondo 749555 Mbare facilities C. Mitton 777826 Mbare Parks and 1.Provision of Burial and G. Munetsi 710207 Mbare Cemeteries Crematoria Services 2. Provision of Leisure facilities 3. Greening and beautification of the City SERVICES LEVEL BENCHMARK Services and Products Current Service Level Benchmark Housing 1.Planning and Research for On going Housing Schemes 2.Allocation On going 3.Management of Cooperative On going 4.Management of Leases and On going agreements District 1.Coordination and monitoring On going Administration of service delivery functions 2.Management of Informal On going Sector Development 3.Revenue Collection On going Social Services 1.Provision of Social Amenities On going 2.Provision of Education On going facilities 3.Provision of Social Services On going 4.Provision of Early Childhood On going Development Facilities 5.Provision of recreational On going 48 Standard/ Desires Service level benchmark On going On going On going On going On going On going On going On going On going On going On going On going facilities Parks and 1.Provision of Burial and On going Cemeteries Cemetorial Services 2. Provision of Leisure facilities On going 3. Greening and beautification of On going the City On going On going On going Customer complaints handling system Section Housing Contact Person Housing Manager District Administration Social Services and Education Parks and Cemeteries Address Office No. Remembrance Drive District Manager Office No. Remembrance Drive Social Service and Education Office No. Manager - Education Remembrance Drive Social Services Office No. Remembrance Drive Parks and Cemeteries Manage Office No. Remembrance Drive 6 119 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION List of District Officers and their stations 1 2 NAME Mr F.E.K Machipisa Mr B.T Machengedze STATION Head Office Mufakose 3 Mr. A.Guzha Glen Norah 4 Mr. S.A Majogo Mabvuku 5 Mr. E. Bare Tafara 6 7 Mrs. L. Mandoza Mr. Hatumwi Budiriro Glen View 8 9 Vacant Mr. W.Z Nhemachena Hostels Sunningdale 10 Mrs. B. Mbara Kuwadzana 11 Mr. S.H Gara Dzivarasekwa 12 Mr. W. Makananzi Mbare (Acting) Mr. S. Mupindu Warren Park 13 49 DIRECT LINE 777829 689026 698027 611471 493521 2932747 491655 491045 690091192 690162 690165 749879 576140 570820 576680 210468 2932708 217040 216118 780184 224952 MOBILE No. 0772 292 964 0773 552 290 0733 975 225 0772 894 931 0712 726 209 0772 481 665 0775 171 357 0772 423 821 0773 869 370 0772 341 425 0776 879 525 0772 428 809 0739 153 785 0772 301 398 0772 352 824 0735 728 806 0772 294 747 077428006 31 31 28 Kambuzuzuma 14 Mr. S.T. Sithole Borrowdale Hatcliffe 15 Ms. Mverechena Mabelreign 16 Mr.F.C.K Machipisa Marlborough Greendale Highlands 17 Vacant 18 Mr. G. Jumburu Waterfalls Hatfield Mt Pleasant 19 Ms. V. Govera Highfield 210268 224266 226222 2932689 882576 860146 862258 305239 305287 309081 492636 495251 495297 497447 665685/1 2932733 336936 335744 2932735 66245113/3 0712 621 634 0774 325 882 0772 292 964 0772 894 931 0773 303 021 0772 376 187 CORPORATE SERVICES To provide first class legal services to Council Mandate/Functions Provision of legal services to council and its departments Sections 1. Legal Division 2. Committees Division Services and Products Legal Division 1. Reviewing By-laws 2. Drafting and filing Court processes on behalf of Council 3. Instituting Court proceedings on behalf Council 4. Representing council in Courts of Law 5. Providing legal opinions on Court judgments 6. Structuring council external legal practitioners 7. Prompt provision of legal advice to Committees of Council 8. Provision of legal advice to Council departments 9. Provision of legal advice to Council tender Sub Committees 10. Provision of legal advice on negotiation of contracts and Public Private Partnerships on behalf of council departments 50 11. Development of standards for various categories of contracts for Council 12. Aligning Council policies, procedures, systems and structures with the National Corporate Governance Framework Contact Persons for Legal Services Service 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Contact Person Reviewing By-laws CU Kandemiiri Drafting and filing Court processes on behalf of W. Gandanzara C. MaungaCouncil Instituting Court proceedings on behalf of Nkomana W.Gandanzara Council A. Zvoutete Representing Council in Courts of law RP Chimhenga A.Zeure Provision legal opinions on Court judgments structuring Councils external legal practitioners W.Chiwawa Prompt provision of legal advice to Committees of Council Provision of legal advice to Council departments Conveyance Provision of legal advice to Council tender SubCommittees Negotiating and drafting contracts and Public Private Partnership on behalf of Council Development of standards for various categories of contracts for Council Aligning Council policies, procedure, systems and structures with the National Corporate Governance Framework Contact Number 0712 864 356 0772 421 504 0772 914 120 0772 421 504 0774 051 503 0772 958 685 0772 929 284 0712 510 448 SERVICE LEVEL BENCHMARK Service 1 2 3 4 5 6 Current Service Level Standard/Desired service level benchmark Reviewing By-laws Eleven (11) by-laws per year Three (3) by laws per quarter Drafting and filing Court Prescribed by Court rules Prescribed by processes on behalf of Council Court rules. Instituting Court proceedings Within fourteen (14) days Within seven (7) on behalf of Council from receipt of instructions days from receipt of instructions Representing Council in Courts Prescribed by Court Rules Prescribed by of law Court Rules Provision legal opinions on Prescribed by Court Rules Prescribed Court judgments Court Rules Instructuring Council’s external Seven (7) days from date of Five (5) days 51 by 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 legal practitioners Prompt provision of legal advice to Committees of Council Provision of legal advice to Council departments Conveyance receipt Prompt Prompt Seven (7) days from date of Seven (7) days from receipt date of receipt Seven (7) days from date of Five (5) days from receipt date of receipt Provision of legal advice to Prompt Prompt Council tender SubCommittees Negotiating and drafting Thirty (30) days from date of Twenty-one (21) contracts and Public Private receipt days from date of Partnership on behalf of receipt Council Development of standards for Thirty (30) days from date of Twenty-one days various categories of contracts receipt from date of for Council receipt. Aligning Council policies, Thirty (30) days Thirty (30) days procedure, systems and structures with the National Corporate Governance Framework If you want to comment or contribute on the level service provision or product quality please feel free to contact us at your convenience through the following:Complaints Redress Mechanism Approach the Legal Manager, Room 130, Town House. Legal Manager will identify the complaint Legal Manager brief the responsible person Legal Manager will instruct the responsible person to assist the complaint Legal Manager will then refer the complaint to the responsible person. The responsible Officer then debriefs the Legal Manger If you are dissatisfied with service/product received please contact us as follows: Formal letter: address your complaint to the Corporate Services and Housing Director Email messages to Landline telephone calls: General lines 781810-6/ 52577-9/ 753487 (Direct Line) Visiting in person: Office 130, Town House, J. Nyerere Way, Harare Committees The division seeks to provide an effective communication link between the council, its committees and Departments, the state and the public to ensure prompt and appropriate action is taken to give effective to all resolutions of Council and all its committees. Mandate/ Functions 52 Provision of secretarial and administrative services to Council, and committees and subcommittees Services 1. Preparation and distribution of Agenda, notices, Council and Committee meetings 2. Recording and distribution of minutes of the proceedings of Council and its Committees 3. Provision of effective communication link between Council, its departments (preparing and distributing schedule of decisions of respective committees and Council meetings) 4. Capacity building for Councillors and development of staff 5. Filing and retrieval of documents 6. Updating Council’s governance documents 7. Disbursing councillors monthly and travelling allowances and arranging for travelling and accommodation 8. Preparing the Department’s Capital and Revenue Estimate 9. Typing of documents, Agenda and Minutes 10. Duplicating reports, agenda and minutes 11. Delivery of mail and provision of stationery 12. Telephone receipt and transfer of incoming calls 13. Arranging and promoting public participation in local government Contact Persons for Services 1 Services Preparation and distribution of Agenda, notices, Council and Committee meetings Person Responsible C. Banga L. Masuka D. Njanina S.K. Chimbetete H. Mufema G. Katsande L. Chikadza C. Banga L. Masuka D. Njanina S.K. Chimbetete H. Mufema G. Katsande L. Chikadza C. Banga L. Masuka D. Njanina S.K. Chimbetete 2 Recording and distribution of minutes of the proceedings of Council and its Committees 3 Provision of effective communication link between Council, its departments (preparing and distributing schedule of decisions of respective committees and Council meetings) 4 Capacity building for Councillors and C. Banga development of staff 5 Filing and retrieval of documents 6 Updating documents Council’s C. Nharo s. Mumanyi governance C. Banga L. Masuka 53 Contact Numbers 0772 998 178 0773 400 046 0773 782 701 0773 004 937 General lines 781810-6 0772 998 178 0773 400 046 0773 782 701 0773 004 937 General lines 781810-6 0772 998 178 0773 400 046 0773 782 701 0773 004 937 General lines 781810-6 0772 998 178 781810-6 781810-6 0772 998 178 0773 400 046 D. Njanina S.K. Chimbetete 0773 782 701 0773 004 937 General lines 781810-6 0772 916 251 781810-6 7 Disbursing councillors monthly and S. Mugezi travelling allowances and arranging for travelling and accommodation 8 Preparing the Department’s Capital and S. Mugezi Revenue Estimate 0772 916 251 781810-6 9 Typing of documents, Agendae and R. Tinorwirashe Minutes N. Chitewere 781810-6 781810-6 10 Duplicating reports, agenda and minutes C. Banga R. Tinorwirashe S. Magore 11 Delivery of mail and provision of S.Nharo stationery C.Banga 0772 998 178 781810-6 0772 998 178 781810-6 12 Telephone receipt and transfer of C. Bope incoming calls 13 Arranging and promoting public J. Murimi participation in local government C. Muchena 781810-6 781810-6 SERVICE LEVEL BENCHMARK Services Current Service Level 1 Preparation and distribution Prepare the agenda 9 days before of Agenda, notices, Council date of dispatch. Type and and Committee meetings duplicate in 1 day. Dispatch 7 days before the meeting 24 hrs before the meeting for special meeting 2 Recording and distribution of minutes of the proceedings of Council and its Committees 3 Provision of effective Dispatch action slip in one day communication link after the final set of minutes. between Council, its Action slips for Record proceedings of meetings instantaneously. Prepare manual draft minutes in 1 and half days. Type the minutes in 1 day. Edit the minutes in one and half days. 54 Standard Level Benchmark Prepare the agenda 9 days before date of dispatch. Type and duplicate in 1 day. Dispatch 7 days before the meeting 24 hrs before the meeting for special meeting Record proceedings of meetings, type the minutes, edit minutes and have final copy 3 days after the meeting. Dispatch action slip in one day after the final set of minutes. departments (preparing and distributing schedule of decisions of respective committees and Council meetings) recommendations 1 day after Council. Summary of decision 1 day after the meeting. Initial follow up 14 days after dispatch of action slip 4 Capacity building Councillors development of staff 5 Filing and documents 6 Updating Council’s Quarterly governance documents 7 Disbursing councillors Arranging travel and 7 days from date of monthly and travelling accommodation 7days from date departure allowances and arranging of departure for travelling and accommodation 8 Preparing the Department’s Annually (on going) Capital and Revenue Estimate retrieval for Induction course for Councillors and two weeks of swearing in. Capacity building workshops for Councillors at least 2 per year. 1 staff refresher course per year Action slips for recommendations 1 day after Council. Summary of decision 1 day after the meeting. Initial follow up 14 days after dispatch of action slip Induction course for Councillors within 2 weeks from department. Capacity building workshop 2 per year. Classification and indexing upon receipt of correspondence. Filing 1 day Retrieval of documents 15 minutes dispatch/delivery of outgoing mail, half Quarterly of Classification and indexing upon receipt of correspondence. Filing 1 day Retrieval of documents 15 minutes dispatch/delivery of outgoing mail, half a day Annually (ongoing) 9 Typing of documents, Typing agenda 1 day 1 day Agenda and Minutes Typing minutes 2days 2 days Written enquiries to be Prompt acknowledged in 48 hrs and substantive responses 7 days after acknowledgement 10 Duplicating reports, agenda 1 day 1 day and minutes 11 Delivery of mail and Delivery of mail 1 day provision of stationery 12 Telephone receipt and Instant response to telephone Instant response transfer of incoming calls enquiries. To address the within 24 hrs 55 problem within 24 hours 13 Arranging and promoting Quarterly meeting public participation in local government Quarterly meeting Customer Complaints Handling System Approach the Acting Committees Manager Office 115, Town House Acting Committees Manager will identify the complaint Acting Committees Manager will instruct the responsible person to assist the complaint If you are dissatisfied with service/ product received, please contact us as follows: Formal letter – All correspondence to be addressed to Corporate Services and Housing Director, Town House, Julius Nyerere Way/ Speke Avenue, P.O Box 990, Harare E-mail messages: Landline telephone calls 781810-6/ 752577-9 Visiting in person: Office 115, Town House 7. Finance Department Sections 1. Revenue collection and billing 2. Financial Controlling and Reporting 3. Management Accounting REVENUE COLLECTION 1. Rates and clearance 2. Billing Queries 3. Receipt of payment 4. Meter reading 5. Delivery of Statements (Bills) 6. Attending of written complaints 7. Attending of telephone complaints 8. Email acknowledgements 9. Debt Collection FINANCIAL CONTROLLING AND REPORTING 1. Payment of salaries 2. ZIMRA and NSSA statutory returns 3. Other statutory returns 4. Payment of supplier creditors 5. Payment of service creditors 6. Audited accounts 7. Finance advice 8. Cash flow management MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTS 1. Stakeholders consultations 2. Budget preparation 56 3. Budget approval, implementation and monitoring 4. Raising of capital finance REVENUE COLLECTION Service and Products Contact Persons 1 Service Products Rates clearance 2 Billing corrections Internal Mr. Issah 3 Reception of Payments Public Mrs. Kanda 4 Meter Readings Public Mr. Marufu 5 Bill Printing internal Tavaziva 6 Attending to written complaints/ queries Attending to telephone queries/ complaints Email acknowledgements/ queries Business licenses creation of accounts Debt collection Public Mr. Mwango Public Mr. Mango Public Mrs. Mahiya Rowan Martin 04753000 Building Public Ms Muzavavi Building Public Mr. Nheya Rowan Martin 04753000 Rowan Martin 04753000 7 8 9 10 and Internal/public Person Responsible Public Mr. Mtero Contact Number and Office/Location Rowan Martin Building 04753000 Rowan Martin Building 04753000 Rowan Martin Building 04753000 Rowan Martin 04753000 Rowan Martin 04753000 Rowan Martin 04753000 Rowan Martin 04753000 Building Building Building Building Building SERVICE AND PRODUCTS CONTACT PERSON MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING SECTION Service and Products Person responsible 1 Stakeholder consultations Tendai Kwenda and Stanely 2 Budget preparation Ndemera 3 Budget approval implementation and monitoring 4 Raising of capital finance SERVICE LEVEL BENCHMARK REVENUE COLLECTION SERVICE AND PRODUCTS 1 Rates Clearance 2 Billing queries Current Service level benchmark 5 days 15minutes 57 Contact Number 0772 258 195 0731 251 195 04 774 139 04 773 574 0772 292 050 Standard / desired service level benchmark 2days of formal request 5minutes 3 4 Receipt of Payment Meter reading 7minutes 25 days or more 5 6 Delivery of Bills Attending to written complaints 14 days 30days 7 Attending to telephone complaints Email acknowledgements Debt collection immediate 8 9 7 days 60 days reminders 90 days final demand 120 days litigation 3minutes 22 working days to complete cycle 10 days Acknowledge 48hrs, response 14days immediate Acknowledge within 2days 30 to 90 days 60 days reminders, 90 days final demand 120 days litigation Task 5: Section Customer Complaints Handling System If you are dissatisfied with service/ product received, please contact us as follows: Formal letter – Mr. T Kwenda , A/Finance Director , Rowan Martin Building ,P O Box 1680 Harare Mr. R Makwembere 0712 860 748 or 04 753001 Mr. T Kwenda 0772 258 195/ 0731 258 195 or 04 774139 Mr. S Ndemera 0772 292 050 or 04 773574 E-mail messages : 58 Annex 1: Guiding Legislation 1. Constitution of Zimbabwe 2. Urban Council s Act (Chapter 29:15) 3. Regional, Town and Country Planning Act (Chapter 29:12) 4. Labour Act (Chapter 28;01) 5. Prevention of Corruption Act (Chapter 9;16) 6. Water Act (Chapter 20;24) 7. Public Health Act (Chapter 15;09) 8. Health Services Act (chapter 15;16) 9. Education Act (Chapter 25;04) 10. Procurement Act (Chapter 22;14) 11. Model Building by laws 12. Housing and Building Act (Chapter 22;07) 13. Housing Standards Control Act (Chapter 29;08) 14. Environmental Management Act (Chapter 20;27) 15. Roads Act (Chapter 13;18) 16. Valuers Act ,1996 (N0 5 of 1996) 17. Civil Protection Act (Chapter 10;06) 18. Burial and Cremation Act (Chapter 5;03) 19. Architects Act (Chapter 27;01) 20. Health Professions Act (Chapter 27;19) 21. Urban Development Corporation Act 22. Audit Office Act (Chapter 22;18) 23. Shop Licenses Act (Chapter 14;17) 24. ZINWA Act (Chapter 20;25) 25. Civil Aviation Act (Chapter 13;16) 26. Municipal Traffic Laws Enforcement act (Chapter 29;10) 27. Public Finance Management Act (Chapter 22:19) 28. Services Levy (repeal) Act 1979 (No 36 of 1979) 29. Names( Alterations) Act (Chapter 10;14) 30. Urban Areas ( Omnibus Services) Act ( Chapter 29;14) 31. Local Authorities Employees (Pension Schemes) Act (Chapter 29;09) 32. Provincial Councils and Administration Act (Chapter 29;11) 33. Finance Act (Chapter 23;04) 34. National Social Security Authority Act Chapter 17;04) 35. Liquor Act (chapter 14;12) 36. Commuter Omnibus Act (Chapter 29;14) 37. Cemeteries Act (Chapter 5;04) 38. Official Secrecy Act (Chapter 11;09) 59
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