PPnF Weekender - Anchorage Running Club


PPnF Weekender - Anchorage Running Club
Peak Performer’s and Friends
Weekly Email
December 19, 2014
For our precious few hours of daylight on Winter Solstice, Fairbanks and Willow are offering up
races - Alaskan runners really know how to live it up:) Gotta love the "all day race" on Sunday
in Fairbanks.
After all of the running this year, it is time to gain some lost calories back - Join the fun at
the New Year's Day party at Casa Grover - see details below for a terrific way to start the new
year! You will not leave hungry - promise!
The Dome is closing at noon on Christmas and New Year's eve. We will not have Wednesday
dome runs on those two evenings. The next ARC dome run will be on Wednesday, January 7,
The New Year is just around the corner, and there are a couple of events to put on the
New Year’s Eve Northern Lights Resolution Run Start the party early! Join the last Anchorage race of 2014. Run and dance yourself into 2015.
Music, lights, and an awesome course will ring in the New Year! The Northern Lights
Resolution 5K-ish Run starts and finishes at the Alaska Airlines Center. Start time is 6:00 pm.
December 31st. Limited to 1,000 participants. Check it out at:
Annual New Year's Day Celebration at Grover home Please mark your calendar for the runner's January 1, 2015 open house, pot luck and all-daylong movie extravaganza at the home of Parry and Linda Grover. The open house starts at
8:00 a.m. New Year's Day and will continue as far into the evening as the most die-hard movie
fan can endure. We will have food and beverages throughout the day, including Brooks Wade's
famous deep fried turkeys. Please bring a pot luck dish. Food offerings are expected to morph
from breakfast to brunch, to lunch, and to dinner and dessert as the day progresses. Take time
out to run, walk, bike or ski and come and go as often as you please. Socialize with friends.
Runners and family welcome.
This year's movie theme is "any movie about music or in which music plays a major role".
Examples of movies "about music" include Muscle Shoals, Woodstock, The Wrecking Crew, the
Commitments, etc. Movies in which music plays a major role include Ray, Forrest Gump, Oh
Brother Where Art Thou, The Blues Brothers, Crazy Heart and many, many more. Please bring
your favorite music movie in DVD or Blu-ray format. (No, you don't have to bring The Sound of
Music unless it really, truly is your favorite.) As in years past, movies will be selected to play by
majority vote of folks in the living room when a movie ends. They will select the next movie to
be shown.
The Grover home is located at 1307 W. 13th Avenue, on the corner of N Street and 13th
Avenue next to Inlet View Elementary School. Please call Parry or Linda at 276-8982 for
directions or with any questions. We hope to see you here on New Year's Day.
Postmark – Anchorage
Meet at the Postmark parking lot (Postmark & Northern Lights) at 8:00 am. 7.2 miles out and
back on the road. Coffee afterwards.
Happy Fun Group - Anchorage
The Happy Fun Group will meet each Saturday during December in the parking lot at the Abbott
Loop Community Park near the large A-frame picnic shelter in the northeast section of the
parking lot. The park is about a quarter of a mile south of Lore Road. We will meet at 9:00 am.
We go out for a half-hour then turn around and run back. We usually go to breakfast afterward
for those interested. Happy Fun Group is a diverse group so you usually can find someone that
runs or walks at the same pace you do. If you have any questions email Rich Wenrich at
rjwenrich@aol.com or phone him at 223-8337.
Santa/Yeti 5K Run – Anchorage
If you were checking the Runner’s Calendar please note that this event has been cancelled.
27th Annual George Bloom Memorial Mid-Day Sun Fun Run – Fairbanks
Race time 11 am – UAF Patty Center
6.5 miles – hilly, run regardless of temperature
Contact: David Bloom 452-5441; Frank Ganley 452-1369
Sponsored by: Running Club North
Winter Solstice Distance Festival – Willow
5K, 13.1, 26.2 & 50 mile distances
Start time 9:00 a.m. at the Willow Commuinity Center, Parks Hwy Mile 70
Groomed winter trails in & around Willow
Contact: wilrunco@gmail.com
Sponsored by: Willow Running Company
Visit website for details and to sign up
Dawn to Dusk, Part 2, All Day Run – Fairbanks
Race time 10:58 am to 2:48 pm – Location TBD
Contact: George Berry 687-8769
Sponsored by: Running Club North
Run from dawn to dusk
Weekly PUB RUN – Anchorage
Location: Skinny Raven - 800 H Street. This event is every Tuesday. Free registration for new
participants starts at 5:15 pm. Walkers start at 5:30 pm and runners start at 6:00 pm. Many
prizes to give away with a different vendor every week – another way to kick the mid-work week
Run or Walk with Friends” – Anchorage
Meet 6pm – Westchester Lagoon – Meet Wednesdays throughout the year. Walk or run with
friends for 1 hour on the Coastal Trail.
Anyone interested in having a group run or other running-related message listed in the PP&F
Weekender can submit the particulars by email to Akpeaksmail@gmail.com. Or you can contact
Margaret Stroble at zmail.stroble@gmail.com or Pat Shipley at rpshipley@gci.net.