Holy Trinity news sheet - The Parish of Holy Trinity with St. Columba


Holy Trinity news sheet - The Parish of Holy Trinity with St. Columba
Dates for the Diary ‐ Parish events
Today, 21st December, 4.00pm HT Hall, Advent
Course Final Session It is not too late to come if
you have not signed up! Please come along.
Today, 21st December, Fundraising Cake Sale a er
9.30 Service. 17th Fareham Scouts will be selling
cakes again. Proceeds towards their new building.
The sale in September raised £98—for which we
were delighted.
Not the Pike Hike. New Year’s Day, 11am
mee ng at the Harvester Restaurant, Whiteley.
Maurice is leading a 90‐120 min walk around the
lakes and woodlands on New Year’s Day!
We will gather for lunch/snack at M&S restaurant
12.30‐1pm. Contact Maurice on 01329‐288916.
Weekly Gi Envelopes. Please pick up your
Weekly Gi Envelopes from the back of the church.
It is a good me to switch to Bankers Order and
anyone wishing to do so please contact either
Gordon Uphill or Paul Leece
Thank you Jennifer’s family, Helen and Dean and
family, would like to thank everyone for their kind
thoughts and prayers during her recent illness.
Prayca on: Saturday 7th February at St John's,
Fareham in place of the parishes weekend, this is a
day focussing on different ways of praying. Open
to all ages! More details shortly.
Wednesday 24th December between 9‐11 am
Decora on of Holy Trinity Church for Christmas
Please come along to help with the arranging of the
flowers. Dona ons, or flowers and greenery would
be appreciated please.
High Time update
Great News!
A successful grant applica on
has resulted in the award of :
From the Wolfson Founda on towards our
Appeal. Well done John and Sheila.
High Time Prayer for this week:
We pray for plans and good publicity for the
next High Time event:
Date for your Diary: Saturday 15th February
2015 ‐ High Time for a Laugh!
Comedy evening with Comedian Mar n
Smith, music from Fareham College and
buffet supper
7pm at the Slug and Le uce, West Street
Tickets £15 to include entertainment, supper
and complimentary drink.
Please keep the date free ‐ and tell your
friends too!
There will be a raffle. Can you help with
prizes to the value of £20 and more!
Contact: Sally Davenport or Daphne
The Floodligh ng this week is sponsored by
Stella Allen
To celebrate the arrival of a great grandson
No ces
Do you recognise the names of these people
who were associated with Holy Trinity?
Norman Atkins (died 1948)
William Chads (died circa 1924)
Charles Reader (dates unknown)
We have items of furniture at Holy Trinity
given ‘in memoriam’ of each of these people. The
Churchwardens would like to hear from anyone
who has informa on about them or their
2014 Christmas Day Lunch for People Alone
Dona ons towards the cost of gi s and raffle
prizes, small gi s and food items such as mince
pies. See shopping list available at the back of
The Christmas Card Board "Save The World" use
the boards at the back of both churches to send
your Seasonal Gree ngs to your friends at church.
Donate at least some of the money saved to
"Crisis" Best Wishes from World Concern
Commi ee.
What Crisis at Christmas? The Charity "Crisis"
works throughout the year to support the
homeless in our society with a special effort to
meet their needs at Christmas. Details of the
Charity’s work are on the no ce boards and Crisis
Gi Aid envelopes available in the pews (or you
can use Parish Gi Aid envelopes marked
“Crisis”) if you feel able to support their work.
Christmas Tree kindly loaned again from
Wykeham House School. Discs available to write
for prayers for the world and place on the tree
Prayers for the week
People with special concerns: Leslie, David, Shay,
Nathaniel, Michael and Joanne.
Those that have died: Jean Sharpe, Lucy Goddard,
Roy Bowyer, Elsie Pearson, Elsie Stroud, Kathleen
Douglass, Gordon Tree, Jean Graham and Nora West.
Prayers for the people of the Parish who live in:
Napier Crescent, Nashe Close, Nashe Way, Neptune
Road, New Road, Nicholas Crescent, Norse Road.
Eternal God,
as Mary waited for the birth of your Son,
so we wait for his coming in glory;
bring us through the birth pangs of this present age
to see, with her our great salva on
in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Anniversaries of Death—December
16th John Peachey
21st Jean Ma hews
22nd Florence Knight
24th Walter Gard, Hilda Lord
25th Julia Harris
27th Arlene Kerrigan
The Parish of St Paul’s, Sarisbury gives thanks:
 For the possibili es of collabora ve working in the
pending appointment of our Children’s and
Families’ Worker
 For those who have given sacrificially in the past to
open mission possibili es in the present
 For the privilege of being able to host Christmas
Services for local schools
Request prayer:
 For Christ to be revealed to the 1,200 or so people
who will come through our church doors for
services leading up to Christmas
 For a good response to the advert for our full‐ me
Children’s and Families' Worker post which will be
adver sed shortly
No ce Sheet
21st December 2014
4th Sunday of Advent
Monday 22nd December Church open 11am‐3pm
Morning Prayer
HT Church
Tuesday 23rd December Church open 11am‐3pm
Prayer Group
HT Church
Choir prac ce
HT Church
Wednesday 24h December Church open 11am‐3pm
Crib Service
HT Church
Carols by Candlelight
HT Church
Midnight Mass
HT Church
Thursday 25th December
Holy Communion
HT Church
Family Communion
HT Church
Holy Communion
Revd Garry Roberts
Revd Keith Wickert
Holy Communion
Revd Garry Roberts
Revd Keith Wickert
Revd Sally Davenport is at St Johns today
Revd Keith Wickert at St Johns Christmas Eve and
St Peter and St Paul, Exton on Christmas Day
Church Weekday Welcomers, please note the Parish
Office will be closed Wednesday, 24th December and
Monday, 29th December 2014. We are keen for the
church to remain open as usual when the office is
staffed during the Christmas holiday period as it is a
me when people may have a greater need to come in.
Please let Judy or the office know if you are unable to
come in when you are due to during this period.
Welcomers are needed for the rota on 2nd, 4th and 5th
Fridays, 1‐3pm. Please see Judy Jacobs if you can help.
Revd Sally Davenport; Tel: 07500 775926
Email: Sally.Davenport@portsmouth.anglican.org
Asst. Curate: Revd Keith Wickert; Tel: 07717 312426;
Email : keithwickert@aol.com
Asst. Curate: Revd Garry Roberts; Tel: 07554 142729
Email: revdgarryroberts@virginmedia.com
Churchwardens at Holy Trinity Church:
Mrs Sheila Holliday ‐ Tel: 01329 310277
Mrs Daphne Armstrong Tel: 01329 280869
Team Vicar at St Columba Church:
Revd Ruth Schofield Tel: 01329 842300
Readings Today
2 Samuel 7.1‐11, 16; Luke 1.26‐38
Prayer Ministry will be offered a er the service at the
front of the church.
There will be no Junior Church on
Sunday 28th December
Services next Sunday
28th December 2014
Holy Trinity
St Columba
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Readings next Sunday
Jeremiah 31.15‐17; Ma hew 2.13‐18
Parish Office: Tel 01329 232688. Parish Office, Holy Trinity
Church, West Street, Fareham, PO16 0EL
Opening Times: 9am‐12n Mon‐Fri. Email: office@htscf.org.uk
Subscribe to news sheets via the Parish Website.
Website: www.htscf.org.uk