Villages weekly sheet for Sunday 22nd February 2015


Villages weekly sheet for Sunday 22nd February 2015
Services for Sunday 1st March
Second Sunday of Lent
St. Edburg’s, Bicester 8.00am
Emmanuel, Bure Park 10.30am
St Peter’s, Bucknell
St Mary’s Launton
Holy Communion
Family Service
Holy Communion
All Age
Evening Service
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
All Age
The Clergy Team
Team Rector Revd Verena Breed
Team Vicar Revd Becky Mathew
Team Vicar Revd Ian Biscoe
New Communities Minister
Capt John Bentley
07852 976630
Asst Priest Revd Bob Atkins
Team Curate Revd Peter Wright
Administrator: Susan Wynne-Jones 323375
Revd Becky Mathew’s Email:
St Peter’s, Bucknell
HYMNS Holy Communion
22nd February 2015
161 - Father hear the prayer
we offer
190 - Forty days and forty
516 - O love how deep
32 - And can it be
Bicester Area Team Ministry
St Mary’s Launton & St Peter’s Bucknell
Sunday 22nd February 2015
We welcome you to our churches today.
Please take this leaflet home with you.
Notices for this week:
You will find more details in Church
Open for Coffee
St Mary’s, Launton
HYMNS Holy Communion
22nd February 2015
Saturday 28 February
10am - 12noon
in St Edburg’s Church
190 - Forty days and forty nights
379 - Lead us heavenly Father lead us
150 - Do not be afraid
252 - Guide me O thou great
Lent Group 2015
Check out our website at or
This week, please remember in your prayers:
Prayers for the Church: Pray our worldwide Anglican church and especially the Diocese of
Maseno in Kenya. Continue to pray for the appointment of a new Bishop of Oxford. Pray for
the people of St Edburg's church in Bicester.
Prayers for the world: For diplomats and peace workers, for all those skilled in reconciliation.
Prayers for the local community: For the ability to respond to change and growth. For our
children as they return to school and for all those working in education.
Please pray for the
following people:
Elizabeth Gold
Iris Setchell
Jim McInness
John Harbison
John Harris
For those who have
died recently:
Iris Butlin
Mildred Johnson
Richard Kiernan
Ted Hawkins
Women’s World Day of Prayer
Service in St Edburg’s Church, Friday,
6th March at 10.30a.m
Readings for next week
Genesis 17.1-7,15-16
Mark 8.31-38
All are welcome to join an informal
weekly study group at the Vicarage (The
Spinney) during Lent starting on Thursday
26th February at 7.30-9pm including
Further dates: Thursday 5, 12, 19 & 26
A Bible study followed by a time of
Please let Becky know if you'd like to participate. There will be no charge for
Trinity Camerata Concert
Could you please let
Revd Becky know if you
would like your name
added or taken off our
prayer list. This is used
at our Sunday service
and through the week.
Community Café
Tuesday afternoons
2.30 - 4.30pm
Launton Parish Hall
Are you free at 2pm to help set up
Sunday 1 March at 3.45pm
in St Edburg’s Church
Tickets: Adults £10 on the door
Fairtrade fortnight starts today.