8 March 2015 - St Michael and All Angels` Church, Abingdon
8 March 2015 - St Michael and All Angels` Church, Abingdon
Easter Flowers. If you would like to make a donation towards lilies and other Easter flowers (£5 suggested), please sign the notice at the back of the church and see Hilary Clare. St Michael and All Angels Faith Journeys - A series of Lenten lunchtime talks in St Nicolas Church, on Wednesdays, at 12.30pm. th 11 March. Following God’s lead through four countries and two continents (or Why have you lived in so many places?) by Rt Revd Henry Scriven CMS Latin America Director. th 18 March. 'A Voice in the Wilderness' by Revd Richard Bittleston. th 25 March. 'One Good Scene Deserves Another' by Eileen Bontempelli Feel free to bring your lunchThe talks are free of charge, but donations are welcomeFurther details from 01235 529462 Commission a hymn We have now launched Phase2 of our fund-raising campaign for a piano. We are offering you the opportunity to commission a new hymn – perhaps to mark a family occasion, as a gift for a friend or maybe in memory of a loved one? For just £50 a time, Paul Sheppy has very kindly offered to write ten new hymns and all proceeds will go to the piano fund. You choose the occasion, theme and tune and Paul will do the rest. 8th March 2015 Third Sunday of Lent Team Rector: The Revd Dr Charles Miller (520144) Team Vicar: The Revd Paul Smith (534654) e-mail: paul315smith@btinternet.com Holy Week Services for the Parish of Abingdon-on-Thames. Palm Sunday – 8.00am Holy Communion at St. Nicolas’ 9.30am Palm Procession/Passion/Sung Mass at St. Michael’s 10.30am Palm Procession/Passion/Sung Eucharist at St. Helen’s 11.15am Holy Communion at St. Nicolas’ 5.30pm Winchester Service at St. Helen’s th st 30 March – 1 April – 7.30pm Mass and Address at St. Michael’s 8.00pm Compline and Address at St. Helen’s nd 2 April (Maundy Thursday) – 8.00pm Sung Eucharist and Watch at St. Helen’s 8.00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper at St. Michael’s 11pm-12.00mn The Watch at St. Helen’s 12.00mn Compline at St. Michael’s rd 3 April (Good Friday) - 10.00am Children’s Service at St. Michael’s 10.00am Good Friday Service at St. Nicolas’ 11.45am Good Friday procession from Abingdon Library to St Nicolas’ 12noon Church in Abingdon United Service at St. Nicolas’ 12noon-1.00pm The Way of the Cross at St. Helen’s 2.00pm Good Friday Liturgy at St. Michael’s 8.00pm Liturgy of Good Friday at St. Helen’s th 4 April 9.10am Liturgy of the Word for Holy Saturday at St. Helen’s 8.00pm New Fire, Vigil and Renewal of Vows at St. Helen’s 8.00pm New Fire, Vigil and First Mass of Easter at St. Michael’s Churchwardens: Mrs Eileen Duckett (522384) e-mail: rayduckett@btinternet.com Mr Laurence King (532202) e-mail: laurencedking@aol.com Parish Office: Mrs Linda Barker (520144) Monday 10.00am – 1.00pm Tuesday 10.00am – 1.00pm Wednesday 10.00am – 1.00pm Friday 10.00am – 1.00pm Web site: http://www.stmichaels-abingdon.org.uk Please join us for coffee or tea after our 9.30am service today. If you are a visitor to St Michael’s and would like us to keep in touch with you please speak to a churchwarden or sidesperson. Please take home copies of this Leaflet for your friends and family who are not in church this weekend. Items for inclusion in this Leaflet to be sent to Anne Gould by Tuesday midday. Telephone 525476, annegould8@gmail.com Sunday 8th March Third Sunday of Lent 8.00am Holy Communion (1662) at St. Nicholas’; The Revd. Paul Smith. Morning Praise at St. Helen’s; The Revd. Dr Charles Miller. Sung Mass at St. Michael’s; The Revd. Paul Smith. Sung Eucharist & Litany; The Revd. Dr Charles Miller. Holy Communion at St. Nicolas’; The Revd. Christopher Seaman. Eucharist with hymns at St. Helen’s; The Revd. Dr Jane Baun. 9.15am 9.30am 10.30am 11.15am 5.30pm .r Mass will be preceded by a welcome and a short period of silence before 9.30am 1st Reading 2nd Reading Gospel Exodus 20.1-17 1 Corinthians 1.18-25 John 2.13-22 Psalm 19 Psalm 19 Response: The heavens are telling the glory of God. The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure and gives wisdom to the simple. Response Hymns - New English Hymnal Introit:Christ is made the sure foundation Offertory:Come thou Holy Spirit come Communion:Jesu thou joy of loving hearts Communion:Just as I am Recessional:Oh for a closer walk with God Collect Almighty God, whose most dear Son went not up to joy but first he suffered pain, and entered not into glory before he was crucified; mercifully grant that we, walking in the way of the cross, may find it none other than the way of life and peace; through Jesus Christ, your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen 205 139 292 294 414 The statutes of the Lord are right and rejoice the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure and gives light to the eyes. Response The fear of the Lord is clean and endures for ever; the judgements of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. Response More to be desired are they than gold, more than much fine gold, sweeter also than honey, dripping from the honeycombe. Response Please pray: that our worship may always be in the beauty of holiness; for a deeper understanding of the message of the Cross; for all those in need, especially victims of abuse; for our continuing pilgrimage through Lent. Monday 9th March – Friday 13th March Morning Prayer at St. Helen’s at 9.10am. Evening Prayer at St. Helen’s at 5.10pm. Wednesday 11th March Holy Communion at St. Helen’s at 10.30am. 7.00pm at St. Michael’s – Mass, with the Stations of the Cross. Thursday 12th March Said Mass at St. Michael’s at 12.30pm followed by a light lunch. Friday 13th March Morning Prayer at St. Nicolas’ at 10.00am. Sunday 15th March Fourth Sunday of Lent/Mothering Sunday 8.00am 9.30am 10.30am 11.15am 5.30pm 1st Reading 2nd Reading Gospel Holy Communion (1662) at St. Nicholas’; The Revd. Prof. John Barton. Family Mass at St. Michael’s; The Revd. Paul Smith. Deacon and Preacher; The Revd. Corinne Smith Sung Eucharist at St. Helen’s; The Revd. Dr Jane Baun. Family Service at St. Nicolas’; The Revd. Paul Smith. Choral Evensong at St. Helen’s; The Revd. Dr Charles Miller. Exodus 2.1-10 2 Corinthians 1.3-7 Luke 2.33-35 Clergy Rota for St. Michael’s 22nd March – The Revd. Paul Smith. Deacon; The Revd. Corinne Smith. 29th March – The Revd. Paul Smith. Deacon; The Revd. Corinne Smith. 30th March – 1st April – The Revd. Paul Smith. Deacon; The Revd. Corinne Smith. 2nd April (Maundy Thursday) – The Revd. Paul Smith. Deacon; The Revd. Corinne Smith. 2nd April (Good Friday) – The Revd. Paul Smith. Deacon; The Revd. Corinne Smith.