www.stmaryandstnicolas.org.uk LAST REMAINING 2015 CHURCH
www.stmaryandstnicolas.org.uk LAST REMAINING 2015 CHURCH
Parish notes and news Tidings Distributors for Tidings are urgently needed for three areas, Halmer Gate, Cley Hall Drive and St Thomas’ Road. If you can help, please contact Lynn Franklin on 01775 249695. Many thanks. LAST REMAINING 2015 CHURCH DIARIES NOW HALF PRICE ONLY 75p FOR A WHOLE YEAR 200 Club The subscription for 200 Club will remain at £24.00 for 2015. This is due in January. Cheques should be made payable to ‘Spalding PCC’. Thank you. AGAPE Many thanks to everyone who supported the Christmas Appeal. The foodbank was able to make a big difference to many people over the Christmas period as reported in the local papers. It was very much appreciated. Joan Buckley PLANNED GIVING Acknowledgment letters for planned giving are available for collection at the back of the church. FLOWER ROTA The new flower rota can be collected from the back of the church. If anyone is interested in joining the rota, there are a number of gaps available. We should be very pleased to have you on the team. Contact Christine van Egmond on 722122. 11 January 2015 Baptism of Christ WELCOME!… if you’re a visitor or worshipping here for the first time. Coffee is served in the Hall between the 9.30 am and 11 am services. 8.00 am Celebrant: Holy Communion The Revd Michael Bullock Celebrant: The Revd Mike chesher 9.30 am Preacher: The Revd David Hill Family Communion Readers: Marion Brassington & Jean Hill Prayers: Ann Smith Singers Hymn Hymn Hymn Comm Taize Hymn 558 O let the Son of God 589 On Jordan’s bank 714 The king is among us 66 Be thou my vision MP581 River wash over me 14 Tui amoris ignem 280 Hail to the Lord’s anointed 11.00 am Parish Eucharist Service Entry Gradual Offertory Anthem Hymn Post Comm 11.15 am Connect Celebrant: The Revd Frankie Lee Preacher: The Revd David Hill Reader: Gail Dowson Darke in E 34 On Jordan’s bank 92(T187) Christ when for us you were baptised 74 What child is this Christ has no body now but yours 294 Dearest Jesu 93(T87) When Jesus came to Jordan Fellowship and worship in the Maples Room 6.30 pm Evensong Leading: The Revd John Bennett Preaching: The Revd Frankie Lee Readings: Isaiah 42.1-9; Ephesians 2.1-10 Entry Introit Psalm OfficeHymn Magnificat Nunc Dimittis Anthem Hymn Hymn 89 128 15 O worship the Lord Cantate Domino Chant 342 God that madest Chant 2 Chant 22 Behold the tabernacle 174(T248) Breathe on me 469 I heard the voice Pitoni Harris The week ahead TUE WED FRI SAT The Parish Office is open on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday between 9.30 am - 12.30 pm 1 Halmer Gate, Spalding, PE11 2DR (01775 722772) Parish Office Administrator: Lynda Garbow Parish Coordinator: Sarah Chadd email parish.office@stmaryandstnicolas.org.uk www.stmaryandstnicolas.org.uk 10 am 1.30pm 11.15 am 7 pm 10-12 Eucharist - The Revd Alan Fiddyment Pram Service Funeral Joyce Potter Evening Prayer Choir Training SUNDAY 18 January 2nd Sunday of Epiphany 8am, 9.30am & 11am Eucharist; Readings: Revelation 5.1-10; John 1.43-51 11.15am Connect in the Maples Room 6.30pm Evensong Readings: Isaiah 60.9-22; Hebrews 6.17-7.10 The Revd John Bennett (719668) The Revd Mike Chesher (712502) The Revd Frankie Lee (711400)