Osprey Road and Peregrine Road. and Saturday. Sunday 9


Osprey Road and Peregrine Road. and Saturday. Sunday 9
Sunday 9th November 2014
+Welcome to St Peter's today.
A special welcome to our visitors and to any
worshipping with us for the first time.
A loop system is installed in the church; please
turn your hearing aid to the T position. We also
provide large print copies of the Common
Worship Services.
Toilet facilities are available in the Cottages
via the main glass doors.
08.00 Holy Communion
09.30 Act of Remembrance at the War
10.00 Parish Communion
Hymns: 383, 427, 448, The National Anthem
Communion Piece: The Family Table
Voluntary: Solemn Melody – Walford Davis
18.00 Commemoration of the Faithful
Departed – All Souls’ Day service
Hymns: 482, 589, 160
In our prayers this week
Within the Worldwide Church we pray
for the Church in Bermuda, Bishop
Nicholas Dill.
Within the Porvoo Communion we pray
for Agder and Telemark, Norway, Bishop
Stein Reinertsen.
In the Diocese of Gloucester we pray for
Hempsted C of E Primary School, Sarah Smith
and Richard Waller (Headteachers).
In the Diocesan Partnership we pray for
our five overseas partner Dioceses and
especially today the Diocese of Dornakal,
Bishop Prasada Rao.
In our own Parish Calendar we pray for the
Women’s Institute and for the residents of
Osprey Road and Peregrine Road.
08.30 Morning Prayer every Weekday
and Saturday.
17.00 Evening Prayer every Weekday
and Saturday
Leo the Great, Bishop of Rome, Teacher of the
19.30 Bellringers
Martin, Martin, Bishop of Tours, 397
09.30 Holy Communion
Charles Simeon, Priest, Evangelical Divine, 1836
09.30 Flower Guild in Church
19.00 Choir Practice
Sunday 16th November – Second
Sunday before Advent
08.00 Holy Communion
10.00 Parish Communion
18.00 Service of Healing Prayer
If you would like to share a birthday or
anniversary with the Church Family of St
Peter’s, please fill in a form at the back of the
church and return it to the Parish Office.
Ian Hart has been appointed as the new
Youth Worker for the South Cheltenham
Team, subject to DBS checks.
Ian has 10 years’ experience as a Churchbased youth worker and comes highly
recommended. A start date in January has
been agreed. Jennie
The CAB is now operating out of its new
permanent premises at 3 Georges Place,
Cheltenham GL50 3LA. Tel. 527202
Electric Mobility Scooter – free to a
good home. If you know of any person or
organisation who could use a mobility
scooter, please contact Jon and Pauline.
From Ben Evans, Diocesan
Communications Officer – the
November edition of The Messenger is now
available at www.gloucester.anglican.org. If
you have anything you would like to be
included in The Messenger Extended, please
send it to bevans@glosdioc.org.uk
Lest We Forget. During the Centenary of
World War 1 there will be a memorial in
church commemorating those whose names
are on the War Memorial in Leckhampton.
There are pen pictures of those who died
and each will be highlighted on the
Centenary of their death. A candle will also
be lit each Sunday and on the Centenary. My
thanks to Eric, Margaret and Veronica for
helping to prepare the memorial. Paul
Details of other events can be found on the
Diocesan website.
‘In Flanders Field’ – the Leckhampton
Players invite you to an evening of readings
and songs of the First World War on
Tuesday 11th November at 7.45 p.m. in the
Village Hall. Refreshments and bar.
Tickets: £2.00 on the door. Proceeds to the
Royal British Legion and Help for Heroes.
The Revd Eric Cordingly, Rector of
Leckhampton from 1941 to 1954
His daughter Louise Reynolds, who is giving a
talk to the Leckhampton Local History
Society at the P&J Church House on 18th
December at 8 p.m., can be heard on the
BBC Radio iPlayer being interviewed for
Radio 4’s Midweek programme (24 Sep)
about the book ‘Down to Bedrock’ based on
her father’s diaries as a POW chaplain.
A Meeting to pray for the Street
Pastors will be held on Tuesday 11th
November at 10.30 a.m. at St Matthew’s
Church, Clarence Street.
CMS Audio Mission meeting will be held
on Tuesday 11th November at 12.30 p.m. at 5
Parkland Road. Please bring a picnic lunch.
Senior moment, I left out November 30th
when I put up the last rota so we need
people for that Sunday and December 14th
and December 28th. Thank you for your
help. Penny
Open the Book – your prayer support
please for Leckhampton Primary School on
Wednesday 12th November at 9.10 a.m.
Parentalk Live This course on how to be
an even better parent is being held on
Thursday 13 November at the Woodlands
Christian Centre Bristol at 7.30 p.m. See
leaflet in Church
If you would like to fill a shoe box for a child
there are leaflets at the back of the Church
to tell you how to do this. The final date for
returning the boxes is Sunday November
16th. Apologies for the rather short notice,
but St Peter’s always rises to the occasion!
Global Justice – Sustainable
Development meeting on Thursday 13th
November at the Global Footsteps Café in
Portland Street at 7.30 p.m.
Citizens Advice Bureau
Pip & Jim’s Big Appeal fundraiser
A special evening will be held at the Spice
Lodge, Montpellier Drive, on Monday 17th
November at 7.30 p.m. to include dinner and
a raffle. The cost is £25, of which £10 will go
to the Church repairs appeal, currently
focussed on the spire. Please see poster in
Church or contact 573508 or
Overall admission is free, with a retiring
collection for the Brinckman High School in
Kasulu, Tanzania. Please see the notice in
‘Reclaim the Night’ March
This will be held on Tuesday 25th November
for women and girls. Meet at 6.45 p.m. at
Montpellier Gardens by the entrance from
Montpellier Walk for a one-mile walk which
will end at The Brewery. Wear something
purple, bring a flashlight and make a
difference. See the poster in Church.
UoG Inter Faith Week Our annual
celebration will take place on Wednesday
19th November from 7 to 9.30 p.m. at the
University Park Campus with the theme
‘Faith and Compassion’. Please contact Jo
Parkin of the chaplaincy team at
Cheltenham Tree Group – the annual
tree sale runs from 29th November to 14th
February 2015 at their nursery in Charlton
Kings. See poster in Church or contact Peter
on 578983
Charlton Kings Choral Society
conducted by John Wright will give a St
Cecilia’s Day concert on Saturday 22
November at 7.30 p.m. in the Pittville Pump
Room. Programme includes Parry: Blest Pair
of Sirens and Handel: Ode on St Cecilia’s
Day, and an organ concerto. With soloists
Phillipa Lay (soprano), James Gilchrist (tenor)
and Fiona Brown (organ). Tickets £15 from
the Town Hall box office.
‘Getting environmental messages
across to win hearts and minds’
A talk for the Gloucestershire Churches
Environmental Justice Network will be held
in the Jerusalem Room at 4 College Green
on Thursday 4th December at 12.15 p.m.
Please bring your own lunch.
If you would like to participate, please
contact Arthur Champion on 01242 665152
‘The Sun in Winter’
A day for those who suffer from depression
will be held at the Parish Centre, St
Lawrence Church, 32 Church Lane,
Barnwood, Glos, on Saturday 22nd
November from 10 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. The
cost will be £40 (£25 unwaged). The day will
be led by experienced counsellors Gill Riley
and Sue Ingleby. Please see the poster in
Church or contact
Spirituality Network for
Gloucestershire - A Quiet Day for
Advent This will be led by the Revd Diane
Daymond, Methodist Minister and Quiet Day
leader, at The Marist Centre, Nympsfield
near Stroud from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on
Thursday 4th December. The cost will be
£10. To reserve a place please contact the
Revd Pauline Green on 01454 311936 or at
pgreen@clara.co.uk See poster in Church.
St Christopher’s Church – Our
Windows: a Different Perspective
A talk by Adrian Barlow will be held at St
Christopher’s in Warden Hill on Sunday 23rd
November at 2 p.m. after a lunch at 12.30
p.m. Lunches must be pre-booked from Pam
on 236472 or Reg/Isabel on 243099 and the
charge is £5.
Leckhampton Quiz Night will be held in
the Village Hall on Saturday 6th December at
7.30 p.m. Make up a table of four (£16) and
come along for conviviality and fun – you
don’t need to be a MENSA candidate!
Refreshments of mince pies and a bar will be
available. Contact Tina Peacey to book your
table on 243035.
The Senior Citizens’ Christmas party
will be held at the Town Hall on Wednesday
10th December with tea and entertainment.
The exact time will be given later but it will
be about 5 p.m. Please make your own way
there – transport home will be arranged.
Tickets need to be ordered and distributed,
hence this early notice. Please ring Edna.
County Community Projects are very
grateful for your donations of food and still
have a pressing need for them. Tinned pies
and tinned meat products as well as tinned
vegetables are very welcome. A crate can be
found in the porch.
More information about this year’s
Christmas Hamper Scamper project
can be obtained at
Thank you. Penny and Andrew
Emmanuel Church – Festival of
Decorated Christmas Trees
Why not join us for this Festival, and
consider entering a tree yourself? Get those
thinking caps on!
Friday 12th December from 6 to 9 p.m. –
Carol singing and mulled wine among the
Saturday 13th December – from 11 a.m. to 5
p.m. then a Carol concert at 7 p.m. by the
Cotswold Male Voice Choir and Naunton
Park Primary School
Sunday 14th December – from 2 to 6 p.m.
Information and entry forms from
emmanuel.church@btconnect.com or ring
Jackie Dunlop on 01242 580731
The Parish Magazine is available in
Church. November edition out now. Great
value. For delivery to your home, contact
Online Newsletter is at
Contributions should be given to the
Parish Office by 10am on Thursday. You
can post them through the letterbox in the
Glebe Cottages or call in (Monday - Friday
9am-1pm) E-mail: parishofficeleckhampton
@btinternet.com or phone 513647
Prom Praise 2015 at the Royal Albert
Hall. This is a wonderful experience – a
Christian ‘Last Night of the Proms’. It will be
held on Saturday 25th April 2015 and will
cost approximately £47. A coach is being
arranged by the Revd Maz Allen and if you
wish to attend, a £40 deposit per person is
required by 21st December. Please contact
the Revd Allen at 19 The Oaks, Up
Hatherley GL51 3TS with your details.
Gift Aid Envelopes are available at the
ends of pews for visitors and impulsively
generous regulars. Gift Aid helps us turn
every £1 given into £1.25. Please remember
to fill in your full name (first name and
surname) and your address (particularly your
postcode). Many thanks.