- All Saints, Bellair.
- All Saints, Bellair.
Reminder of Sharing Memories Major Anniversary celebrations for St Mark - 90 years and All Saint's Bellair 125 years are coming up in 2016 and 2017 respectively. Please can you bring along your photos or documents or stories about your life in the parish for us to scan and compile for the publications we are preparing. All are welcome to be part of the planning team for these events, please give your name to Revd Canon Dr Delysia Timm.. Website Update www.allsaintsbellair.org.za Facebook Page Latest insights Total Page Likes 265 265 0.0% New Likes 1 0 0.0% Weekly Total Reach 1,205 1,042 15.6% People Engaged 141 111 27.0% PARISH OF BELLAIR All Saints with St Mark’s Chapelry, Hillary www.allsaintsbellair.org.za 24th May 2015 Day of Pentecost WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS AND TO OUR REGULAR PARISHIONERS. Thank you for being with us today. We pray that you will experience God’s wonderful love in Christ Jesus and the presence of the Holy Spirit. If you are visiting, please sign the visitor's book at the back of the church. If you would like to join the church parish please speak to the sides-person on duty. Birthdays, Anniversaries and Years Mind : May 2015 Birthdays 26th Melissa Soupen, Alisha Soupen; 30th Athan Crouch Anniversaries We remember our loved ones who have gone before us 24th Robert Lee;28th Margaret Griffiths Collect Almighty God, on the day of Pentecost you sent your Holy Spirit to the disciples with the wind from heaven and in tongues of flame; inspire our hearts, set them on fire with his joy and power and send us out as witness to the wonder of your love, through Jesus Christ our Lord; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit one God now and for ever. Amen. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. CONTACT DETAILS Revd Canon Dr Delysia Timm Priest in Charge rector@allsaintsbellair.org.za Revd Beryl Florens Assistant Priest parishofallsaints@telkomsa.net Phumzile Xaba pumlalorraine@gmail.com Church Dina Singh Wardens paul.singh@engenoil.com Zonke Khumalo zonke.khumalo@tigerbrands.com Alt Warden Anne DuPlessis annedupe@gmail.com Treasurer 031 464 1755 / 083 5950183 031 459 1248 / 083 379 3502 031 465 0440 / 082 224 2174 031 4632091 / 083 2685767 082 5132026 Intro : Gradual Offertory Communion : : : : Recessional : 031 4647010 / 084 5491439 Parish Banking Details Acc: Parish of All Saints, Bellair Parish Postal Address Bank : FNB Branch Code :250 837 P O Box 15142, Bellair Account Number: 537 7001 4794 Telephone Phone 031 4655470 Next Week : Sunday 31st May 2015: Trinity Sunday All Saints 7.30am St Mark :9.30 am Celebrant and Preacher : Revd Canon Dr Delysia Timm Readings : 1st Reading Isaiah Psalm 29 2nd Reading Romans 8:12-17 Gospel John 3:1-17 Hymns 729 We have come into this place OHP Light of the world 287 I love You, Lord 689 Thine be the glory 241 Holy Spirit, we welcome you OHP Still 142 Father we love you 151 For I’m building a people of power St Mark 8.00am Celebrant : Revd Canon Dr Delysia Timm Preacher : Revd Canon Dr Delysia Timm 1st Reading : Ezekiel 37:1-14 2nd Reading : Acts 2:1-21 Psalm : 104:24-39 Gospel : John 15:26-27, 16:4-15 Service Times/Weekly Events / Daily Readings Sunday 7.30am 9.30am 4th Sunday of every month All Saints’ Holy Eucharist and Children’s Ministry St Mark’s Holy Eucharist /Children’s Ministry Readings for the week Next Sunday–Trinity Isaiah 6:1-8 Psalm 29 Romans 8:12-17 John 3:1-17 Monday Ecclesiasticus 17:24-29 Psalm 32:1-8 Mark 10:17-27 8.00am St Mark’s Combined service Tuesday 6.30pm 8.00am Music Group Practice All Saints Morning Prayer Ecclesiasticus 35:1-12 Psalm 50:7-15 Mark 10:28-31 Wednesday 9.00am All Saints Holy Eucharist Ecclesiasticus 36:1,3-17 Psalm 79:8-13 Mark 10:32-45 Thursday 8.00am All Saints-Morning prayer Ecclesiasticus 42:15-25 Psalm 33:1-9 Mark 10:46-52 Friday 8.00am All Saints-morning prayer Youth Fellowship / Servers Training Ecclesiasticus 44:1-13 Psalm 149:1-5 Mark 11:11-26 Saturday 2.30pm WAG (Woman and God) 2nd Saturday of the month Ecclesiasticus 51:11-22 Psalm 19:7-14 Mark 11:27-33 Diary for May/June Saturdays Wednesdays June Tuesday 9th Saturday 13th Saturday 13th Saturday 20th 10.00amSM Confirmation Classes 7.00pm SM Candle light prayer service (regardless of load shedding) 9.00am 10.00am 2.30pm 9.00am Regional Clergy meeting-St Barnabas, Bluff Men’s Breakfast—St Mark WAG meeting—St Mark Lay ministers workshop - St Barnabas, Bluff Thank you A special thanks to all who helped in the preparation of today’s service; Lay Ministers; Readers; Side Persons; Flower Panel; Sacristan; Tea Hostesses, the Organist and the Music Group. May the Lord richly bless you all. Sunday 24th PRAYERS Diocesan Prayer Diary Northern Luzon (Philippines) – Vacant Nigeria, and the President, Dr Goodluck Jonathan Durban, St Faith, including the Clergy: Malusi Msimango & Sibonisile, Bonginkosi Buthelezi, Petrus Mahlangu & Babongile, Thato Tsautse Week of Prayer for Renewal - Rivers of Living Waters The Diocese of Natal Elective Assembly 15-17 July, and nomination process for the new bishop of Natal or Archbishop and Ma Leah Tutu; for their life and witness Prayer for Renewal Sunday 24th May : Rivers of Living Water Jesus said, “Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within, them.” (John 7:38-39) On Pentecost Sunday we remember the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Church. The Spirit is not given for our own benefit. The gift of the Holy Spirit is living water flowing outward from the members of God’s Church into a thirsty and dying world. These rivers of living water empowered the early Church to move out to bring Christ to the ends of the earth, as He had commanded them. Prayer We thank You, God, for the rivers of water poured out on Your Church. As we remember that first outpouring on Your Church on the Day of Pentecost, we ask You to pour out Your Spirit on us again today. Make us eager to go out in Your power to take the good news of Jesus wherever we go. Amen. Prayers for the Sick John & Thora A'Bear, Alan Evans, Elizabeth Keith, Ian Watson, Natalie, Margaret Nurcombe, Maureen Horsley, Danielle Jade Weineck ,Lerato Molefe. Please notify Revd Canon Dr Delysia Timm of any illnesses, hospitalisations and deaths in the parish. PORTFOLIOS Pastoral : Anne du Plessis, 0845491439; Zonke Khumalo 0825132026; Melanie Smith 0839614048 Fellowship: Pauline Ramsamooj 0728221012;Judy Hawker 0732211536; Yashegan Naidoo 031 4632689; Sanele Khumalo 0711305684 Social Responsibility: Beverley Naidoo 0828838845; Andile Zwane 0719649824; Dina Singh 0832685767; Busi Molefe 0719043624. Education, Teaching & Counselling: Mpume Jele 0842143888; Pinkie Nkomonde, 0824931252; Phumzile Xaba 082242174 Property Maintenance, Admin & Finance Responsible : Parish Executive Committee Anyone interested in working with any of the portfolios or making any suggestions, please contact the portfolio holder.