Anglican P K ARISH


Anglican P K ARISH
Anglican PARISH
19 October 2014
29th Sunday in
Ordinary Time
26 October
1st Reading
Isaiah 45: 1-7
Joshua 1: 1-9
2nd Reading
1 Thessalonians 1: 1-10 Ephesians 4: 11-16
Gospel Reading
Matthew 22: 15-22
Mark 1: 14-20
The Sentence of the Day: “O Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness; let the whole earth stand in awe.” (Ps 96: 9)
The Collect of the Day: God of nations, help us to reflect and share
the goodness that surrounds us. Help us to win justice for poor and
rich alike, and bring trust and friendship to all our different races, in
the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
Intercessory Prayer
Intercessory Prayer throughout the Parish
Jesus taught us to pray; to lift our hearts and burdens to God. What an awesome privilege?! There are many ways we pray for others; we pray individually
and in groups and we also have several ways of organised prayer:
The 24/7 Prayer Chain is coordinated by Marion Henderson; phone 04 905
1171 or email
Specific names can be given to the parish office for inclusion in the news
sheet. This is for one calendar month only.
You can write your prayer on a ‘post-it’ and stick it up on one of the prayer
walls, either at St Paul’s or St Mark’s.
A parish prayer group meets each Friday in the Searle Room at St Paul’s between 11am-12noon. Kathleen and John Fleck oversee this group.
There is always someone available to talk or pray with you during or after
any service.
In your prayers, please pray for:
≈ Dan.
≈ Give thanks for the safe return of Adele & Griffin Cherrill who have been
to Fiji in preparation for a Fiji Mission Trip in 2015.
Parish Diary
Mid-day Eucharist 12noon Every Tues, Wed, Thurs & Fri at 12noon
Messy Church, St Pauls
St Paul’s Guild, Parish Lounge
26 Oct
Combined Service at St Paul’s with Bishop
27 Oct
28 Oct
St Mark’s Guild, Rita King Cottage
2 Nov
All Soul’s Service, St Paul’s
This Week
21 Oct
This Week
Please pray for Vestry and
ordained staff as they meet
for a retreat this weekend to
pray together and take
counsel under the Holy Spirit.
Next Sunday (26th October) there is a combined service at St Paul’s at 10am.
Please note
Bishop Justin will be here and this is the only service in the parish.
Labour Day Parish Fair. Any items for the fair can be dropped off at St Paul’s from
tomorrow/Monday 20th October onwards. If you have any questions, please call
Christine Bull, ph 04 902 3320.
St Paul’s Guild, at 2pm on 21 October in the Parish Lounge. Speaker: Jill Stansfield
of Kapiti Coast Older Persons Council on ‘World Health Organisation checklist of
essential features of age-friendly communities. St Mark’s Guild, Women’s Fellowship (AAW) and any other interested parishioners are warmly invited to attend. As
a fundraiser we would appreciate a $2 donation (including raffle) from everyone.
Thank you. Kath Batchelor, 905 5736.
St Mark’s Guild The next meeting is Tuesday 28 October at 2pm. There are no
meetings in November or December. However, the Christmas lunch is on Thursday 4 December in the Rita King Cottage at 12.30pm.
All Soul’s Service, at 5pm on Sunday 2 November. A service to remember all
those who have died in the Parish over the last 18 months and any other friends
or relatives you would like to have mentioned. Please give their names to the Parish office or Deacon Maureen, 905 9424.
St Marks Spring Festival Thanks to everyone who made the festival such a
success. A special thanks to Heather & Doug Wakeling for the use of their home.
$500 was raised and is going into the St Marks building fund.
Diocesan Information Two documents are available at each church; ‘Into the
third year of our journey together’, address by Bishop Justin at the recent Ministry
Conference & ‘Diocesan Synod news 2014’. If no copy is available, please contact
Becky in the Parish office.
There are two weekly electronic bulletins and one monthly ‘Bishop’s letter issued
by the Diocese. If you wish to be on the distribution list and be well informed of
Diocesan news, then please send your email address to Karen Stewart asking to be added to the list.
Lectionary Readings for Sunday 19 Oct 2014
29th Sunday in ordinary Time - Green
Psalm 96:1-9 A call for all nations to praise the Glory and Salvation of the Lord.
Isaiah 45:1-7 Isaiah prophesies the Lord’s using a pagan king to work his will.
Cyrus, the Persian ruler, is to subdue Babylon and free the Jews from captivity,
bringing about the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the restoration of the Temple.
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 Paul’s greetings to the Christians in Thessalonica, whose
Church he founded in 49AD on his second missionary journey. He greets them in
the name of God, giving thanks for their labour of love and support for the new
church. Their faith is widely spoken about, even in Macedonia and Achaia.
Matthew 22:15-22 The Pharisees were angered at Jesus openly criticising their
stewardship, and sought ways to trap and arrest him. Asked whether it is rightful
for a Jew to pay taxes to the Romans, Jesus’ reply indicates we have obligations
to our temporal leaders as well as to our heavenly Father.
Chris Durrant
Revd Henry Resink
021 156 7990
Parish Directory
Deacon for Resthome & Retirem’t Villages
Revd Maureen Ellis
905 9424
904 7300
Priests responsible for St Mark’s
Revds John & Barbara Bonifant 905 3301
Priest responsible for St Peter’s
Revd Lynda Wards
04 234 1170
Priest responsible for 11am Service
Revd Sarah Nothnagel
904 7300
Priest responsible for Messy Church
Revd Hennie Nothnagel
293 2037
Parish-wide Prayer & Pastoral Ministry
Revd Lynda Wards
04 234 1170
Deacon for Community Engagement
Revd Carrole Lewis
904 7300
Revd Jon Hartley
021 466 566
Children & Youth
Youth Church & Intermediate Youth
Adele Cherrill
904 3665
K.A.Y.G—Senior Youth Group
Adrian Tofts
021 068 0550
House Groups
Kathleen Fleck
Parish Administrator
Becky Devane
904 7300
904 7300
Terry Parminter (Vicar’s Warden) 297 3511
Richard Harrow (People’s Warden) 297 9642
Paul Bull
Parish Office Hours: Monday—Friday 9am - 1pm
904 7300