Weekly News PDF - Anglican Parish of Kapiti


Weekly News PDF - Anglican Parish of Kapiti
Anglican PARISH
4th Sunday in Lent
15 March
For God so loved the world,
that he gave his one and only Son...
22 March
1st Reading
Numbers 21: 4-9
Psalm 51: 1-12
2nd Reading
Ephesians 2: 1-10
Hebrews 5: 5-10
Gospel Reading
John 3: 14-21
John 12: 20-33
The Sentence of the Day: “O give thanks to the Lord, for he is
gracious: and his mercy endures forever.” (Ps 107, 1)
The Collect of the Day: Jesus, they hung you on a cross because you
love sinners; save us from our self-righteousness, and from our
contempt for those who differ from us, that we may more closely
follow you. Amen
Intercessory Parish Prayer
Our Parish 24/7
Prayer Chain is co-ordinated by
Marion Henderson, ph 905 1171 or
email, marionhenderson@xtra.co.nz.
Contact Marion with any prayer
requests. Ann Desmond will coordinate the Chain 15 March to 12 April
as Marion is away. Contact Ann
ph 297 0506 or email
Please pray for Hennie as his
installation draws nearer.
And for Sarah and their children.
Hennie will be installed into
the Parishes of Foxton & Shannon on
Sunday 12 April, at 3pm at
All Saints Parish Church,
Main Street, Foxton
Give thanks for the life of Pappy, faithful friend and guide dog to Sandy.
Parish Diary
Midday Eucharist at 12noon
Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
Messy Church, Parish Hall, St Paul’s
This Week
Have a good one!
17 March
St Paul’s Guild, Parish Lounge, St Paul’s
18 March
AAW Diocesan Gathering, St Paul’s
23 March
Marksmen, Parish Hall, St Paul’s
25 March
Just Girls, Parish Lounge, St Paul’s
27 March
Parish Palm Cross Working Bee, St Paul’s
19 April
Parish Service followed by A.G.M., St. Paul’s
Coming Up
Today is Messy Church at 4pm in the Parish Hall at St Paul’s. Our
theme this month is The Reluctant Superhero. Invite someone to
join us for a gooey surprise …..!! All are welcome.
St Paul’s Ladies Guild are meeting on Tuesday 17 March at 2pm in the
Parish Lounge. Our speaker will be Jill Lane, remembered for her ‘Loved
4 Life TM’ talk, but this time her subject is ‘Trains to Morocco’- sounds
exciting! Visitors are most welcome. Kath Batchelor ph 905 5736.
Association of Anglican Women are meeting on Wednesday 18 March at
St Paul’s at 11am. The guest speaker is AAW’s New Zealand
President Margaret McLanachan. AAW Diocesan members will
be joining us and parishioners are warmly welcome to join us
too. Everyone is invited to share in the Mid day Eucharist at 12 noon and
then a shared lunch in Parish Hall.
St Paul’s 11am Congregation are invited to a shared lunch after next
Sunday’s service (22 March). Please bring something to share.
St Paul’s Flower Roster We are looking for some extra volunteers to
help us. Our aim is to have some people to call on, if need be. We are
more than happy to support anyone willing to help, who may be unsure
of themselves initially. Are you able to help us? We would be delighted
to hear from you. Ann Ritchie ph 297 9022 or Kath Batchelor ph 905 5736.
Kapiti Foodbank would like to extend their gratitude to all around
the Parish who contribute to the Foodbank, especially to those who
have recently offered flour and sugar. If you are able to help, they
are in need of toilet rolls at the moment. Many thanks.
Holy Week, Good Friday & Easter
Details of these services for all Churches will be
published next Sunday.
Parish Palm Cross Working Bee will be taking place on Friday 27 March
at 10am at St Paul’s. We are providing hot cross bus for morning tea.
Next Sunday, we will let you know where and when to drop off your
flax. Remember, the fresher the flax is, the better! Thanks
Lectionary Readings for Sunday 15 Mar 2015
4th Sunday in Lent - Violet
Psalm 107: 1-3, 17-22 A Psalm of thanksgiving for the healing
powers of God
Numbers 21:4-9 Despite the Lord having provided them with ‘manna from
heaven’ in the desert, the Israelites rebel against Moses’ leadership and against
God. They repent, following a plague of poisonous snakes, and in answer to
Moses’ prayers the Lord provides the means for their healing.
Ephesians 2:1-10 The writer to the church at Ephesus asserts that we were
once all ‘dead through sin’. In his mercy God has now made salvation accessible
to those who have faith in Christ. He emphasises that faith itself is a ‘freely
given gift from God’, not dependent upon good works.
John 3:14-21 Early in his ministry Jesus teaches Nicodemus, a councillor of the
Pharisees, about the kingdom of God. He declares that the Son of Man must be
lifted up, as Moses ‘lifted up the serpent in the wilderness’, so that all who
believe in him may share in a lasting and spiritual enlightenment.
PO Box 32, Paraparaumu, 5254
Vicar Revd Henry Resink
Parish Directory
04 904 7300 Deacon for Resthome & Retirement Villages
021 156 7990 Revd Maureen Ellis
04 905 9424
Priest responsible for St Mark’s
Intermediate Youth
Revds John & Barbara Bonifant 04 905 3301 Christine & Paul Bull
04 902 3320
Priest responsible for St Peter’s
Senior Youth Group—K.A.Y.G
Revd Lynda Wards
04 234 1170 Adrian Tofts
021 068 0550
Priest responsible for St Paul’s 11am service House Groups
Revd Sarah Nothnagel
04 293 2037 Kathleen Fleck
04 298 5630
Priest for Prayer & Pastoral Ministries
Revd Lynda Wards
04 234 1170 Paul Bull
04 904 7300
Priest & Missioner to the Corporate & not
for profit world
Terry Parminter
Revd Jon Hartley
021 466 566 Richard Harrow
04 297 3511
04 297 9642
Deacon for Community Engagement
Parish Administrator/Vicars PA
Revd Carrole Lewis
04 904 7300 Becky Devane
04 904 7300
Deacon for Messy Church
Revd Carrole Lewis
04 904 7300 Office
located at St Paul’s Church,
cnr of Langdale Ave & Kapiti Road,
Parish Office opening hours: 9am—12noon Tuesday to Friday
St Mark’s, Raumati Beach
St Paul’s, Paraparaumu
St Peters, Paekakariki