Untitled - Burlington Baptist Church


Untitled - Burlington Baptist Church
We are happy that you are here to worship with us today.
We hope you will feel welcome in our faith community.
Please record your visit with your name and address in our guest
book located in the hall by each door.
You are invited to stay for refreshments following the service.
Large print bulletins
Assisting devices for improved hearing
A supervised nursery for infants and toddlers is available (up to age 4).
Offering envelopes, or PAR Forms (monthly pre-authorized remittance)
You are invited to attend the 7 pm service of story, readings and song.
Christmas cake and cider will be served following the service.
As a courtesy to those people who are allergy sensitive, please refrain from
wearing scented perfumes and other scented products. Thank you.
Message from Deborah and Terry:
“Deborah and I thank you for your many
kindnesses toward us throughout the past year
and especially during the Christmas Season.
We thank God for your prayers and support in
2014. May you receive God’s gifts of grace peace, joy, love in 2015.”
We are affiliated with the Canadian Baptists of Ontario & Quebec,
the Canadian Baptist Ministries, and the Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America
Suppose you were given the Christ Child to hold…close your eyes
and pretend for a moment that Mary had taken Jesus from her breast,
has turned to you, and said, ‘Here, hold this child for a moment,
will you?’ Wouldn’t that undo you, to hold in your arms all of God’s love
for you? I can’t think of anything that would undo me more. And that,
I suspect, is precisely God’s Christmas plan for us: to undo us.”
Pre-Service Carol Sing
Gentlemen of Song
Away In a Manger #42
Silent Night
(George Connell, Hugo Dyck,
Mike Anderson, Frank Patterson,
O Little Town of Bethlehem #37 (Vs 1,3,4)
Manny Tobias)
Prelude “Picardy “ (“Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence”) French J. Bert Carlson
Welcome and Highlights of Church Life
The Rev. Terry Dempsey
Introit “Love Came Down at Christmas”
Call to Worship
Come to worship: Shouting!
God lives and moves among us!
Come to worship: Singing!
Mary invites us to join in her lullaby.
Come to worship: Praying!
We offer our confessions, petitions, and praises.
Come to worship: Listening!
Today may our ears be opened to new understanding
of your story.
Come and let us worship God.
*Hymn “Angels From the Realms of Glory”
#58, Red Book
Prayer of Approach
God, we rejoice when you come to us, for You bring justice and peace;
You rule with grace and truth. Now in this season we rejoice in Your coming
in Christ Jesus. Come, reign among us in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Prayer of Jesus (sung)
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come,
Your will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us
from the time of trial and deliver us from evil, for the kingdom, the power
and the glory are Yours, now and forever. Amen.
Anthem “Come, Come, Emmanuel”
Litany for Advent - Candle of Love
-Joel Raney
Paul, Nicole, Elora and David Mahony
Music for Advent (Choir) “Light Four Candles”
-Yiddish Folk Tune
Responsive Lesson: Song of Mary
Marg Warriner
L: My soul proclaims God’s greatness.
P: My spirit rejoices in God my saviour.
L: For you have looked with favour on your lowly servant.
P: From this day all generations will call me blessed.
L: You have done great things for me, O Most Mighty.
P: Hallowed be Your Name!
L: You have mercy on those who fear You.
P: From one generation to another.
L: You took action with a strong arm.
P: You scattered the proud in their conceit.
L: You pulled the mighty from their thrones.
P: You raised the lowly.
L: You filled the hungry with good things.
P: You sent the rich away empty.
L: You come to the aid of your servant, Israel.
P: For You remembered your promise of mercy, to our ancestors,
Abraham and Sarah, and to their children in every age.
*Children’s Hymn “Hope is a Star”
Word with Children and Prayer
The. Rev. Terry Dempsey
(Please note next Sunday, Dec. 28, children are invited to bring
a favourite gift to share during Children’s Time.)
Gathering of the Offerings
Offertory “The Search for Lodging” (Pedida de la Posada)Mexican -Ruth Heller
The Presentation of the Offering
Grant us Lord, the grace of giving
with a spirit large and free
that ourselves and all our living
we may offer unto thee. Amen.
Offertory Prayer
The Rev. Terry Dempsey
The Gospel Reading: Luke 1: 26-38
Meditation “Mary, Mother of Jesus”
The Rev. Terry Dempsey
Prayers of the People
We pray that those in need, the sick, the grieving, the hurt, will receive God’s
special care.
“Prayer is the soul’s supreme desire
expressed in thought and word.”
James Montgomery
*Hymn “Once In Royal David’s City”
#43 Red Book
Commission and Benediction
Choral Blessing
May the Spirit bless you, comfort, love and keep you,
Shine the light upon you and give you peace.
“Picardy” (Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence)
-Gordon Young
Our thanks to all who have participated in this morning’s service including:
John & Mavis Nickorick
Walter Mulkewich, Jennifer Livingstone
Mike Anderson, James Raza
Duty Deacon:
Elizabeth Rennie
Sound Technician:
Jim Rennie
Doreen Jervis, Kaye Lashley-Brown
Doreen Jervis, Gina Winslow
Thank you to our BBC family for your kind thoughts, cards and
e-mails at the time of our loss of Al’s father in his 100th year. His
was a long and good life and we are sad at his passing.
Sylvia & Al Stockwell, John and Rob
Thank you to our BBC family for your continued calls, cards and
thoughtful expressions during our time of grief.
James Raza
Our deepest sympathy is extended to Jean Jolliffe and her family on the death
of Ray. Also, we extend our sympathy to George and Ella Wilbur in the death
of George’s brother, Richard, this past week in New Brunswick.
Terry will be on holidays from December 25 to January 1st.
The Rev. Bert Radford will be preaching on December 28th and will also be
available for emergency pastoral care during that time.
Office Hours : Tuesday, December 23, 9 am - 2 pm; Christmas Eve, 9-Noon;
Tuesday, December 30, 9 am - 2 pm; New Years Eve (Wed), 9-Noon;
Friday, Jan. 2nd, 9 am - Noon.
Please submit announcements to the office by Monday, December 22 for
the Sunday, December 28th bulletin as it will be printed Tuesday morning,
December 23rd.
On Sunday, January 18th, Clint Mix, Director of Congregational Health for
CBOQ will attend our morning worship service and bring greetings from
CBOQ. Following the service, there will be lunch provided and Mr. Mix will
be available to answer questions regarding the most recent CBOQ policies
and procedures, including toward LGBTQ people. To help in preparation,
Mr. Mix has asked that we forward him a list of questions. Please submit
questions that you would like answered to Elizabeth Rennie by January 4th.
2015 Offering Envelopes are available in the foyer today for pick up.
2225 New Street
Burlington, Ontario L7R 1J2
Our Vision Statement
To be an increasingly welcoming, inclusive, and nurturing Christian community of
faith that provides a spiritual home for all ages and actively promotes social justice.
Sunday Worship Services, 10:30 am
Nursery School (4 & under)
Wellness Workshops
* During Church Service
Sunday Evening Forum
Children’s Sunday School /Youth Class
Pancake Supper
*Senior Choir, Thursday, 7 pm
Shrove Tuesday, February
(Linda Mourot)
Lenten Series Study
*Women’s Study Group
Easter Sunday/Sunrise Service
(Peggy Kitchen)
Cabaret, March
*Jessie Woelfle Mission Circle,
Youth Service, June
Second Monday bi-monthly, 1:30 pm
Church Family Picnic, June
Circle of Care
Vacation Bible School, July
Second Wed. of month, 10 am
Welcome Sunday
(Rev. Terry Dempsey, Liz Donaldson,
BBQ & Corn Roast, September
Marleen Hoolboom, Dolly Sarsfield,
First Sunday after Labour Day September
Marg Warriner)
Church Anniversary
*Living the Word: Activities
Third Sunday in October
Mondays, 7 pm (Shirley Lucken)
Adult Bible Study
*Friendship Group
Family Christmas Dinner
Fourth Tuesday of month, 10 am
Christmas Eve Service, 7 pm
(Mo Thomas, Doreen Jervis,
Walter Mulkewich)
Community Dinners Outreach
Provided one Friday each month by
* Indicates September - June
'BBC & Friends'
(Ella Wilbur)
Minister: The Rev. Terry Dempsey, B.A. B.Ed. M.A. M.Div. Tuesday - Friday
Director of Music: Linda Mourot, B.Ed. B.A. M.A.
Office Administrator: Tracey Gallenger
Tues.-Fri., 9 am -2 pm