Church of Christ
Church of Christ
May 31, 2015 Volume 3, Issue 22 Third and Kilgore Church of Christ Order of Worship Call to Worship Hymn Scott Reeves Announcements and Prayer Adam Terry—Exodus 24:9-11 Songs of Praise Giving Devotional Randy Dunson Collection Song Scripture Reading Buddy Blue—Matthew 12:1-8 Sermon “Tabernacle Station #6: The Table Of the Bread of the Presence” Exodus 25:23-30 David Heflin Into His Harvest… Luke 10:2 Invitation Song Lord’s Supper Garland Creighton Coby Carter Alan Carter (Bread) Damon Terry (Cup) Colin Chandler (Offering) Chance Chenault Pick Up Trays (Back) Chance Chenault Eldon Hays Closing Song Closing Prayer Jack Merrick Pick Up Cards Asa Terry Eli Terry Josiah Heflin Greeters Nico Francis Susan Smith Ernie & Carolyn Marshall Wednesday Evening 06/03/15 – 7:00 p.m. Worship/Bible Study Devotional David Heflin Song Leader Troy Goyne Closing Prayer Gayle Ferguson Sunday Evening Service– 6:00 p.m. 5th Sunday Singing 21st Street Church of Christ Clovis, NM If you are serving today, please check in with the deacon in the sound room before the service. ELDERS Jim Chandler Johnny Lieb Jack Merrick Adam Terry 575-760-1396 575-760-7345 575-760-7521 575-760-6917 DEACONS Buddy Blue Craig Breshears Kevin Breshears George Brumfield Dustin Cabeldue Colin Chandler Joe Chandler Randy Dunson Todd Pebsworth Delbert Rector Kenny Whitecotton 575-356-3979 575-749-3702 575-276-8519 575-276-8464 575-760-2021 575-760-2129 575-607-5817 575-356-6919 575-309-6982 575-478-2390 575-760-9972 MINISTERS David Heflin Marcus Campbell Paul Smith Church Office 575-356-6150 713-515-5511 505-716-7520 575-356-6150 Van Coordinator Dustin Cabeldue 575-760-2021 We’re on the web! Third and Kilgore Church of Christ 3kyouth ENMU Church of Christ Student Center Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD. From the house of the LORD, we bless you. Third and Kilgore Church of Christ P. O. Box 450 Portales, NM 88130 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Regular Postage Prayer Requests Jaden McKillip - Wynette’s grandson is scheduled for ear surgery in Lubbock on Monday, June 1. Please continue to remember those with ongoing health problems: Becca Aguilar, Juanita Barbee, Shirley Blevins, Lucille Brooks, Joan Clayton, Jack & Geneva Dendy, Gayle Ferguson, Barney & Nico Francis, Alice Gossett, Arlene Griffith, C.H. & Johnnie Justus, Vicki Kelley, Wilma Knudson, Betty Maberry, Anthony Mann, Gene Marshall, Freeda McBride, Daisy McKillip, Orene Onstott, Joyce Pebsworth, Judy Sikes, Lewetta Tivis, Bill & Shirley Wahlman, Pete & Lorene Wells, Maxine Wilhoit. Family & Friends: Luke Adams, Laurie Anderson, Lillie Ashby, Nikki Rush Basart, Kellie Blair, Emma Blea, Elma Cain, April Chandler, Kylie Chandler, William Collins, Sylvia Cowan, Laura Crow, Mary Delgado, Jack Dendy, Jr., Sabrina Elliott, Colleen Ezell, Jennifer Farrell, Carlene Frasier, Roy Gaines, Lydia Gardner, Cathy George, Terry Grice, Shano Gunter, Larry Guthrie, Janci Hays, Ron Heflin, Charlotte Holmes, Matthew Hunton, Kay Hyatt, Judy Knight, Julia (Ophelia de la Garcia’s niece), Ralph Langley, Gary Lewis, Ashley Lopez, Mary Cameron McCarty, Mark McCollum, Brenda Parrish, Kyle Parrish, Marilyn Pate, Shaina Pool, Nelson Rector, Gail Reynolds, Kwayde Shearer, David Sikes, Landon Stewart, Adrian Stroup, Glenda Taylor, Naida Taylor, Gaynelle Thomas, Jenna Thomas, Carolyn Thompson, Virgil Tivis, Kevin Trudo, Leflar Turner, Sandy Vigil, Charles Webster, Bernice Weems, Richard Weems, Bill Whitt, Logan Wilhoit, Megan Wilson, Doris Wood, Kyle Young. Condolences Our deepest sympathy to Mary Taylor and all of the Flen family in the loss of Penny Ann Flen, stillborn daughter of Melissa and Brandon Flen of Portales. Services will begin with a Rosary at 9:30 a.m., followed by Mass at 10:00, on Thursday, May 28, at St. Helen Catholic Church. Church Pantry Shopping List Items we are out of: Sugar Flour Corn Meal Canned Fruit Cooking Oil Peanut Butter Canned or Instant Milk Privileged to Serve Greeters (Before and After Classes) Tammy Chandler Rheanel Breshears Ernie & Carolyn Marshall Greeters (After Worship) Everyone Announcements, Opening Prayer, & Scripture Reading (Sunday & Wednesday) Troy Goyne Song Leaders Curtis Breshears (A.M.) Randy Dunson (P.M.) Johnny Lieb (Wed.) Scripture Michael Terry Communion Devotional Scott Reeves Prayers Barry Sikes (Closing A.M.) Paul Smith (Opening P.M.) Jim Wood (Closing P.M.) Jim Chandler (Closing Wed.) Lord’s Table Hunter Terry Dustin Cabeldue Daniel Swinford (Bread) Buddy Blue (Cup) Paul Smith (Offering) Todd Pebsworth Suggested Items needed: Dried Pinto Beans Canned Meats Canned Peas Canned Fruits Mac-n– Cheese June 7, 2015 Pick Up Trays Lindsey Chisholm Daniel Webster Pick Up Cards C.J. Martin Manuol Villarreal Micah Heflin Lord’s Supper to Shut-Ins Charles Terry Damon Terry Wednesday Devotional 06/10/15: Frank Villarreal Into His Harvest He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.” Luke 10:2 Anniversaries ~ Birthdays– Events Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Ladies Bible Study- 2 3 4 5 6 Jim Chandler Cody Webster Delbert & Char Rector43 yrs. Kercida Merrick Colin & Tammy Chandler-21 yrs. Warren & Janie Funk-61 yrs. Chesney Carter Garland Justus Robin Pebsworth 9 11 12 6:00 p.m. 7 Heartland CCC Devo 8 Ladies Bible Study2:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 10 Lindsey Chisholm 14 Church Cook-Out 15 Ladies Bible Study- 16 17 6:00 p.m. 21 Father’s Day Kylee Smith Chet & Tanna Chenault3 yrs. Lathan Lieb 22 23 24 25 Mary Garcia Joan Goyne Eli Terry Tanna Chenault Christeen Weems 28 4th Sunday Pot Luck Natalie Pebsworth 18 29 Benjamin Blue 13 Adam & Jeanie Terry-26 yrs. Karl & Carol Terry-33 yrs. 19 20 Mike & Kristie Terry-22 yrs. Sissy Hays Ruth Sikes 26 Life Line Screening 27 Clark & Pat Colson-60 yrs. Sharon Lieb 30 If we have missed your birthday or anniversary, please let us know in the office. Wayne McAlister Life Groups have dismissed for the summer and will resume in the fall. W e W elco m e Y o u t o W o r sh i p a n d S t ud y G od ’ s W o rd W i t h U s! Sunday Tuesday Wednesday Bible Class Worship/Communion Evening Worship Life Groups Ladies’ Bible Class Midweek Service 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Various Times 9:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. For the Record Budget Report May 24, 2015 Sunday AM Class Sunday AM Worship Sunday PM Wednesday 94 182 52 Contribution, 05-24-2015 Weekly Budget $4,487 Difference Budget, Year-to-Date $5,579 -$1,092 $117,159 Contribution, Year-to-Date $112,040 YTD Total Below Budget -$5,119 Announcements Congratulations Congratulations to Ja’Lisa Pinkert. She graduated from the Christian Women’s Job Corp. Attention Men The summer quarter begins in June. Volunteers are needed for the Wednesday evening devotionals. A sign-up sheet is on the foyer table. Children’s Worship Needs You! We are in need of a few volunteers to help during Children’s Worship. We mostly need an extra pair of hands to help with the younger ones. If you can help, please sign-up or talk with Sherri Chenault or Katie Heflin. Ladies’ Bible Study Ladies, join us for Bible Study on Monday nights at 6:00 p.m. The Study is Breath, The Life of God In Us. 5th Sunday Singing The Area-Wide 5th Sunday Singing will be hosted by 2lst Street Church of Christ in Clovis on Sunday, May 31 at 6:00 p.m. Refreshments will be served following the song service. Meals on Wheels June is Third & Kilgore’s month to help deliver Meals on Wheels. If you can help with this community service, please see Judy E. Terry. Heartland CCC Devo Sunday, June 7at 2:30 p.m. is our next opportunity to lead worship at Heartland. Participants are needed for fellowship, singing and encouraging the residents. Please make plans to come. Your presence will be a blessing. Church Cookout Everyone is encouraged to come. Sunday, June 14 we will have a cookout after the evening services. Please bring trimmings, desserts, or homemade ice cream. The rest will be provided. Don’t forget lawn chairs, blankets & bug repellant. We look forward to fellowshipping with you, our church family! Wedding Together with their parents Amber McCasland & Matt Westfall most cordially request the honor of your presence at the celebration of their marriage June 20, 2015. At seven thirty in the evening. 1305 Virginia Ave Friona, TX 79035. Reception to follow. RSVP Email: or Text: 806-626-1442. Thank You Notes You make the world a brighter place. Thank you for the Hamburger Buns!! NM Christian Children’s Home Life Line Screening We are hosting a health screening event at our building on Friday, June 26. More details to follow in the coming weeks. There are a couple of complimentary screenings we can offer if you or someone you know might need one. Talk to David, if interested. Church Family Retreat Retreat Theme 2015: Prayers Of The Harvest. Save the Date: August 7-9. Signups for the retreat will begin soon. Engagement Daniel Webster & Audrey LeDoux are engaged. They are planning a August 15 wedding. Sermons Podcast David’s sermons are now available on a weekly podcast. You may subscribe to the podcast on our website and once you have subscribed, the sermons will be automatically available to you through this service, downloaded directly to your computer, other electronic device or smart phone. Go to, click on the Harvest icon on the left side of the home page. It will direct you to the page where you will subscribe. This service is free! Summer Quarter Bible Class Teachers June, July, August SUNDAY MORNING Cradle Roll & Toddler TBA God Made Everything Good 10 2 Yrs-6th Grade Vacation Bible Sunday School Missionary Journeys of Paul, & the Puppet Pirates of the Black Bean 15 Teens Helping with VBS Adults David Heflin Pentateuch Auditorium Adults Joe Chandler New Disciples Class Elders Conf. Room 15 WEDNESDAY EVENING Cradle Roll & Toddler TBA God Made Everything Good 10 2 yrs-6th grades Katie Heflin & Susan Smith Life of Paul 17 Teens - Girls Jeanie Terry Titus 2 31 Teen - Boys Colin Chandler TBA 15 Adults David Heflin TBA M-P #A