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T 19 0 9
The Magazine for Loyola Academy Alumni, Parents and Friends
S P R I N G 2016
CBS correspondent Bill Plante ’55
has covered some of the defining
moments of our time.
Bill O’Keefe III ’80 of Catholic Relief
Services witnesses human suffering around
the world and sounds the alarm that
more needs to be done.
Devices 4 the Disabled
The nonprofit that grew out of a friendship
between Ed Kane ’69 and Bob Shea ’72,
a devastating ALS diagnosis and an
indomitable will to help others in need
5 President’s Week Report
6 Putting Faith into Action
Around the World
William P. O’Keefe III ‘80
8 Loyola Football:
A Winning Tradition
10 Rambler Reunion Report
12 Class Notes
22 In Memoriam
24 Ways to Stay Connected
25 Upcoming Events
Cover portrait of Bill Plante by Mark Knoller
2 A Front Row Seat to History
William M. Plante ‘55
A Winning
The Loyola football
in February to
celebrate the
team’s 2015 victory
at state.
Read more on page 8.
Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ
Kathryn M. Baal, PhD
Robert O. Miller
Vice President of Advancement
Communications Depar tment
Lynn Egan
Director of Web Development and Digital Communications
Robin Hunt
Director of Public Relations
O’Donavan Johnson ’00
Director of Social Media and Campaign Manager
Shelby Walchuk ‘05
Web Content Writer and Graphic Design Manager
Development Depar tment
Thomas J. Cramer
Principal Gifts Officer
Karen Diener
Associate Director of Database Management
Meghan Huffman ‘07
Special Events Manager
Martha S. Ortinau-Rowe ‘05
Director of Annual Giving
Ashley Sanks ‘10
Alumni Relations Coordinator
Joan Schniedwind
Special Events Coordinator
Lesley J. Seitzinger ’88
Principal Gifts Officer
Dennis R. Stonequist ‘90
Director of Alumni Relations and Special Assistant
to the President
Sophie Streeter
Director of Special Events
Tammy Tsakalios
Gift Processor
LOYOLA magazine is published twice a year by
the Office of Advancement and posted online at
goramblers.org/loyolamagazine. Please send class
notes, correspondence, address and email updates and
subscription requests to editor Robin Hunt at rhunt@
loy.org or Loyola Academy, 1100 Laramie Avenue,
Wilmette IL 60091.
Loyola Academy admits students of any race, color and
national origin or ethnic origin.
In this context, Pope Francis and Fr. Nicolas have called the Jesuits to “go deeper.”
Never before has the mission of the Jesuits to push themselves, their students and
learn how
to make
sense of
the world
the Church to deeper analysis, reflection, discernment and prayer been more critical.
and become more
human in the ways
that they think,
pray and love.
they think, pray and love. From its earliest days, Jesuit education has been centered on the
Loyola Academy
exists so that
young people may
Reflecting on the state of our world, Fr. Adolfo Nicolas, SJ,
Superior General of the Jesuits, says that we are suffering
as a result of a “globalization of superficiality.” We
have more information than ever before, but less ability to
think and reflect. We are bombarded with data, but our
ability to discern and assess the most important questions
of our lives gets lost. Perhaps most worrisome is the
superficiality of our human relationships in which “friends”
are “unfriended” with the click of our mouse.
Our mission to pursue the great questions of our experience, while rooted deeply in our
companionship with Jesus and the best traditions of our faith, is desperately needed by a world
awash in information, yet thirsting for meaning. Certainly Pope Francis gives us a beautiful
example of theology in action, that is, faith seeking understanding, in the ways that he joyfully
teaches us what discipleship in a digital age demands of us.
The mission of Jesuit education is to go deeper! Loyola Academy exists so that young
people may learn how to make sense of the world and become more human in the ways that
belief that God invites us to use our minds and hearts to experience God in great ideas,
difficult questions and the realities of human life. St. Ignatius knew that when we do this, we
will hear a call to service, to participate in God’s mission in the ways that we follow Christ and
manifest love and mercy in our humanity.
In a time of globalized superficiality, the world needs Jesuit education. Our mission
today is as urgent as ever. Here on campus, we are charged with hope for the future as we form
the next generation to move beyond the surface and lead the world to deeper wisdom and
more generous and genuine service.
Thank you for all the ways that you breathe life into the vital mission of Loyola
Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ
President, Loyola Academy
S P R I N G 2 016
As an award-winning correspondent for CBS News, William M. Plante ’55 has
reported on stories ranging from the civil rights movement to the election of the
nation’s first black president. He has covered every American president since Ronald
Reagan and helped shape our collective memory of many of the defining moments
of our time—–from the fall of Saigon and the fall of Skylab to the fall of the Berlin Wall.
SUNDAY, that defining moment
in March 1965 when 600 civil
rights protesters marched out of
the tiny Alabama town of Selma
en route to the state’s capital in
Montgomery. As the marchers approached
the Edmund Pettus Bridge, state troopers
and local police brutally attacked them
with billy clubs and tear gas. John Lewis,
a 22-year-old sharecropper’s son who
would later become a U.S. congressman,
sustained a skull fracture that day. Fiftyseven others were treated for injuries at a
nearby hospital.
Bill Plante at Loyola Academy in 1955 (standing,
second from right) with fellow members of the
Loyola Prep editorial team during his tenure as
associate editor
Plante—–who had only a year under his
belt as a CBS reporter—–struggled to strike an
impartial tone as he typed up his notes from
the day on his Olivetti portable typewriter at a
local hotel. As a graduate of Loyola Academy
and Loyola University, he’d developed a deep
commitment to the Jesuit ideal of social justice,
and he was shaken to the core by the bigotry
and bloodshed he’d seen.
In the days that followed, the media
coverage of that brutal showdown on the
Edmund Pettus Bridge shocked the nation—–
and galvanized thousands of voting rights
activists, including Martin Luther King Jr.,
to join the original marchers in Selma a few
weeks later to complete the 50-mile march
Photos courtesy of Bill Plante and CBS News
to Montgomery. It took five days for the
marchers to reach Alabama’s capital.
Plante accompanied them all the way to
Montgomery, despite the hostility that he and
his fellow correspondents encountered from
local whites while reporting on the march.
“We were regarded as troublemakers
because what we did was expose what was
going on for all the world to see,” he noted in
an Associated Press interview.
Five decades after Bloody Sunday, Plante
returned to Alabama to report on the 50th
anniversary of the march that paved the way
for the passage of the 1965 Voting Rights
Act. His coverage included an exclusive
interview with Barack Obama, the nation’s
first black president, in Selma’s National
Voting Rights Museum. It was a moment of
pure poetic justice and proof that, as the
CBS correspondent noted in his reports from
Selma in 2015, “great change is possible in
the span of a lifetime.”
During his 52-year career as a CBS
correspondent, Bill Plante has seen, and
covered, many of the defining moments of
our time.
After graduating from Loyola University in
1959 with a degree in the humanities, he spent
several years working for a CBS affiliate station
in Milwaukee before heading to Columbia
University to study political science on a CBS
fellowship. He’d been there less than a year
when CBS offered him a job as a New Yorkbased reporter and assignment editor.
Plante was thrilled, but there was no time
to sit back and savor his accomplishment.
Trouble was brewing between segregationists
and civil rights activists in the south and, within
two weeks, he was in Mississippi covering the
murder of three civil rights workers.
“This was during the Mississippi Freedom
Summer Project in 1964, when college
students from the north were going down
south to register blacks to vote,” Plante
explains. “They were met with massive
resistance from the locals, and two white
students from New York, as well as a young
black man from Mississippi, were murdered by
the Klan.
Moments from five decades
of award-winning reporting:
1. Bill Plante ’55 as a CBS News
floor reporter at the 1988 Republican
Convention in New Orleans 2.
Interviewing Martin Luther King
Jr. during the march from Selma to
Montgomery in 1965 3. Reporting from
South Vietnam circa 1971 4. Interviewing
Chicago Alderman Leon Despres, who
was famous for his opposition to Mayor
Richard J. Daley, in the late 1960s
5. In the White House press briefing
room during the Reagan administration
in the 1980s 6. Covering an address
by President George W. Bush at the
White House in March 2003 7. At a news
conference with President Bush in the
White House press briefing room
8. In front of Air Force One at the naval
air station in Point Mugu, California,
during one of President Reagan’s trips to
his ranch in the 1980s 9. Commemorating
the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday in
Selma, Alabama, with President Obama
in March 2015
continued on page 4
S P R I N G 2 016
continued from page 3
“I had never been further south than
St. Louis, so going to Mississippi to cover a
race story like this was like being on the far
side of the moon,” he adds. “My sympathies
were clearly with the civil rights workers, but
I knew that the ability to observe and report
without weighting the facts in one direction
or another was the key to being a good
reporter. Keeping my own biases in check
was tantamount.”
November brought new and equally
daunting challenges as the 26-year-old was
dispatched to South Vietnam. It was the first
of four trips that he would make for CBS
News between 1964 and 1975 to report on
the Vietnam War.
“I didn’t know what to expect,” Plante
confides. “It was a whole new world, another
culture. I was attempting to understand what
the U.S. was trying to do there, which I didn’t
comprehend fully at the time because the
questions about our involvement in Vietnam
weren’t being raised in 1964. By the time I
returned in 1967, there were many questions
about what the U.S. was doing and whether
it was ever likely to succeed.”
Since those early days, Plante has
reported on stories ranging from the fall of
Saigon in 1975 and the fall of Skylab in 1979
to the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989; covered
every presidential campaign since 1968;
and served as a CBS News White House
correspondent during the administrations
Bill and I were
classmates at
Loyola Academy.
of Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush,
Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack
Obama. He has received many major
broadcast journalism awards, including
Emmys for his coverage of the U.S. Soviet
wheat deal in 1972, Reagan’s reelection
campaign in 1984, the Reagan-Gorbachev
Reykjavik Summit in 1986 and the death of
Princess Diana in 1997, as well as Overseas
Press Club Awards for his 1971 report
on the India-Pakistan War and his 1975
report on the fall of the South Vietnam
> Bill Plante interviews U.S. Congressman John Lewis, one of the leaders
of the march from Selma, on the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday. View the video at
ill Plante
Although we shared the same daily
in 1955
scholastic grind, what really sticks in
my mind about Bill’s high school career was his formidable
extracurricular workload. He was the announcer on an Evanston FM station’s
early morning classical music program. In the evenings, he operated as a selftaught electrician/lighting director for a variety of North Shore theater and
ballet troupers. In what remained of his spare time, he played the organ at
the Academy’s compulsory Friday chapel services. He was the ultimate serial
moonlighter. Despite this whirlwind of activity, he was then, as he is now, a
bright, witty and loyal friend.
— B R I A N R . VA N V L I E R B E R G E N , J D, ‘ 5 5
and Cambodian governments and the
evacuation of American personnel.
Plante’s penchant for reporting first
surfaced during his Rambler years, when he
wrote for Loyola’s student newspaper.
“I wrote a column for the Prep called
‘Selected Shorts,’” he recalls with a chuckle.
“Although, if memory serves, the column
was mostly about campus gossip—–not
topics of great weight!”
Plante speaks fondly of the Jesuits at
Dumbach Hall, who helped him develop the
discipline and work habits that would later
fuel his success in the field of broadcast
“The Jesuits at Loyola Academy laid a
foundation that served as a reference point
for all of my future endeavors,” says the
Rogers Park native. “They taught me how to
be rigorous in sifting through information.
This has helped me to be fair—–and also to
be thorough—–and it has everything to do
with the way that I learned to deal with the
truth and the search for truth.”
When asked about the momentous
changes that he has reported on in the
past half a century, Plante becomes
“Over the sweep of time, you see
that human nature does not change,” he
muses. “You see that it is still flawed in every
respect, despite the best efforts of people
to improve it. That is one reason we still
have war and discontent and poverty and
prejudice. Although things are very different
than they were 50 years ago, we’ve still got a
long way to go.” 4
MORE THAN 1,300 Loyola community members joined us
in November for President’s Week 2015. This inaugural
celebration of our Jesuit mission had something for everyone,
from our elegant President’s Dinner to an exhibition of
student and alumni art at a West Loop gallery, a lunch and
panel discussion featuring Chicago sports leaders, a 5K run
and a President’s Family Mass. Here are a few highlights
from a week of faith, friendship and more!
Loyola A
nt Rev. P
, SJ, with
atrick E
J. Cupic
h (left) a
hop Bla
t the 201
on Nove
5 Presid
mb er 6
ent’s Din
A celebration of our Jesuit mission
Celebrating the gifts that God gave
us: Art lovers immersed themselves in an
exhibition of art created by Loyola students
and alumni at Room 1520 in Chicago’s West
Loop arts district on November 4.
Lunching with Chicago sports
leaders: Loyola sports fans gathered
at Gibson’s Steakhouse in Chicago on
November 5 to lunch and listen in as a
panel of prominent sports figures shared
their perspectives on what it takes to
build champions and community through
sports. The panelists (above, l-r) included:
Bill Wennington, color commentator
for Chicago Bulls radio broadcasts and
former Chicago Bulls center; Jim Phillips,
Northwestern University vice president
for athletics and recreation; and John F.
McDonough, CEO and president of the
Chicago Blackhawks. Pictured below: Fr.
McGrath chats with Loyola parent Patrick
L. Goss (left) and Ronald E. “Reb” Banas
‘81 (right) at Gibson’s.
Running for
others: Loyola community
members of all ages laced up their running
shoes on November 8 and ran or walked for
someone special in their lives to raise funds for
the John D. Aiello Endowed Scholarship. The
scholarship fund, which was established to
honor the memory of legendary Loyola social
studies teacher John D. “Jack” Aiello, provides
tuition assistance for Ramblers in need.
Honoring His Excellency Blase J. Cupich:
More than 400 Loyola supporters joined us in
honoring Archbishop Cupich (above center)
with the Rev. Daniel A. Lord, SJ, Award for
Distinguished Service in the Cause of Youth at
our 2015 President’s Dinner on November
6. The dinner, which raised funds to support
our Jesuit mission, was chaired by Thomas
E. and Susan H. Gordon (above left) and cochaired by Margaret M. Fiorenza and Mark
F. Santacrose ’77 (above right).
Celebrating our faith in community:
Loyola Academy President Rev. Patrick E.
McGrath, SJ, led our faith community in
prayer at the President’s Family Mass in the
Loyola Chapel on November 8.
> View our President’s
Week photo gallery at goramblers.org/
S P R I N G 2 016
Putting Faith into Action
Around the World
In his role as vice president of government relations and advocacy for Catholic Relief Services,
William P. O’Keefe III ’80 is a squeaky wheel for humanity—–a dogged advocate for the
downtrodden who circles the globe to witness the human suffering caused by war, oppressive
regimes, poverty, natural disasters, disease, poor sanitation and environmental degradation
and then sounds the alarm in Washington that more needs to be done.
with preparations for the holiday season last
December, Bill O’Keefe ‘80 was in another
world—–a parallel reality that contrasted
starkly with the Christmas cheer back home.
As he stood in the middle of Victoria
Square in Athens—–a central gathering
point for many of the refugees fleeing from
Syria’s escalating civil war—–the holidays
were the last thing on his mind. Thousands
of refugees from Syria and other countries
had just landed in Athens, exhausted and
disoriented after a perilous journey across
the Aegean Sea. Catholic Relief Services
(CRS) and a host of other humanitarian
organizations were standing by to provide
food and emergency supplies, medical
assistance, temporary shelter, translation
services and legal assistance.
O’Keefe was there on an information-
gathering expedition in his official capacity
as vice president of government relations
and advocacy for CRS, the Baltimore-based
nonprofit tasked with carrying out the
commitment of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to assist the poor
and vulnerable overseas. Before arriving in
Athens, O’Keefe had also traveled to Serbia
and Macedonia.
“I spoke with the refugees in Athens
and listened to their stories, met with local
government officials to find out more about
their response to the refugee crisis and
talked with our local church partners to gain
a better understanding of the realities that
these partners are facing,” says O’Keefe, a
28-year veteran of CRS whose complex and
multifaceted role at the relief organization
involves evaluating humanitarian crises in
101 countries on five continents.
“Essentially, I am heading up the
effort to take our experiences from the
countries where CRS is operating and make
recommendations about what the U.S.
should be doing to better address problems
such as global poverty, disease, natural
disasters and war, as well as the root causes
of social injustices and the drivers of conflict
and war,” he explains.
O’Keefe lays out a couple of examples.
“We have for years been helping to shape
the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS
Relief (PEPFAR), so that it can effectively
reach the poorest, most vulnerable people
around the world. Now we are fighting for
funding so that, in the midst of difficult
budget choices by the White House and
Congress, priorities like PEPFAR are not
forgotten. In the case of Syria, we are
advocating that the U.S. accept more Syrian
1. Bill O’Keefe ‘80 with Senator Tim Kaine discussing foreign policy and their Jesuit roots in 2015 2. Visiting a remote site in South Sudan with colleagues in 2015, as
families displaced by ethnic violence were slowly returning 3. At the Caritas Athens Refugee Center during his trip to Athens in December 2015, where fellow Rambler
Thomas A. O’Connor ’79 happened to be volunteering in the center’s soup kitchen 4. In front of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem while leading a delegation of
American Bishops on a “Pilgrimage of Peace” to the Holy Land in 2014
Bill O’Keefe in Gaza in September 2014
refugees, do more to lead a negotiated
settlement to the war and provide more
funding for humanitarian assistance in the
Middle East and long-term assistance in
refugee-hosting countries.”
O’Keefe’s interest in serving others
started early. “I can trace it back to my
mother, who instilled in us a sense of
responsibility to give back,” he recalls.
“Later, at Loyola Academy, I was introduced
to the Jesuit call to be a man for others.”
After majoring in science at Yale, he
found himself at a crossroads. “I realized that
science was not igniting any real, deeper
passion in me, so I went back to Chicago and
worked in a warehouse while I thought about
what I wanted to do with my life. I had the
idea in my head, which was a bit inchoate,
that I wanted to do something internationally for the Catholic Church, so I decided to
pursue a field of study that would enable me
to work internationally. I applied to Harvard’s
Kennedy School of Government and earned
my master’s in public policy.”
A semester before he graduated from
Harvard, CRS came out to Cambridge to
recruit students for its International Development Fellows Program, which provides
opportunities for individuals interested in careers in international relief and development
to experience CRS programs overseas.
O’Keefe jumped at the chance and was
soon on his way to Tanzania.
“It was a pivotal experience for me,”
he states. “I traveled all over Tanzania and
saw what life was like for very rural, very
challenged villages and communities. I
learned a tremendous amount about the
country and culture from our local partners
there and they learned about planning,
organization and strategy from me. It was
really satisfying to have that exchange and
to feel like I was making a contribution.”
When he returned to the United States
three years later, O’Keefe was totally committed to the idea of a lifelong career with
CRS. Twenty-eight years later, he remains
as dedicated to the ideals of the organization as he was when he returned from that
first trip to Tanzania in 1990.
“I have a fantastic job,” he says simply.
“It is a gift and a blessing to be connected
with people around the world who are
doing this amazing work. Despite the
demands of the job, it is satisfying and it is
fascinating. The world is always changing,
the politics are always changing and the
whole field of humanitarian assistance
and international development is always
changing, so I don’t lack challenges. I used
to joke that I hope we never discover life on
Mars, because we are busy enough down
Despite the grim realities that O’Keefe
often encounters as he travels around the
world, there are many moments of grace—–
such as the one he experienced while working at the Caritas Athens Refugee Center this
past December.
“One of the volunteers at the center
was a homeless man who had nothing—–not
even a place to lay his head—–but he showed
up every day to help the refugees who were
coming into his country. He accompanied
me to the port outside of Athens to meet
a ferry of refugees and help hand out
information about how to get services. It’s
the commitment of people like that, who
do the right thing regardless of their own
circumstances—–as well as the commitment of
my CRS colleagues and our partners around
the world—–that keeps me going when I get
discouraged. There are many points of light
amidst what appears to be darkness.” 4
> View MSNBC’s interview with Bill O’Keefe on the backlash
against migrants after the terrorist
attacks in Paris at crs.org/media-center/crs-news/
S P R I N G 2 016
A Winning Tradition
Loyola football is more than a high school sports program. It’s a close-knit, multigenerational
community of athletes, alumni, coaches and families dedicated to carrying forward Loyola’s timehonored tradition of excellence and the Jesuit commitment to cura personalis, or care for every Rambler.
college, Michael C. Kotowski
‘87 was back in Chicago and
looking to become involved with
the Loyola football team.
Kotowski, who grew up in West Rogers
Park and attended St. Margaret Mary Parish,
had played four years of football for the Ramblers and now wanted to coach at Loyola.
One of his neighbors and fellow parishioners was Michael F. Dooley ‘82. The
two talked and, with Dooley’s endorsement,
then Athletic Director John Hoerster hired
Kotowski to his staff in 1992 as a sophomore
Kotowski was on the sidelines when the
Ramblers won their first Illinois High School
Association state title in 1993 by beating
Downers Grove South 7–0 in the Class 6A
final at Illinois State.
Now with a graying beard, Kotowski was
on the sidelines again in 2015 as the varsity’s
offensive line coach for Loyola’s second
state title. It was the result of a 41–0 win
over Marist in the Class 8A final at Northern
Illinois on November 28. Kotowski’s son,
Paddy, a Loyola junior, was an offensive lineman for the Ramblers.
“The first state title was special, of
on the team. With my son on the team, I know
all of his friends. Being able to share that with
him was special.”
Closeness is a hallmark of the Loyola
football program. Six of the varsity coaches
on John Holecek’s staff played football for the
Ramblers. Peter C. Devine ‘90, Robert M.
“Beau” Desherow ‘93, Ryan T. Gallagher ‘93
and Patrick J. Naughton ‘96 all contributed
to the Ramblers winning the first-place trophy.
“It’s an extended family,” said Jack A.
Kotowski ‘14, a son of Mike Kotowski and former offensive lineman. “You feel like you know
Jack remembers tagging along with his
dad to practices and games. Before playing
for the Ramblers, he was a ball boy. Jack, like
many former players, was at Huskie Stadium
for the state title.
“I grew up with Loyola football,” he said.
“I was not a very good player, but I knew I still
wanted to play. I was happy for them when
they won. I’ve always rooted for Loyola football.”
Loyola (14–0) completed one of the best
seasons in the program’s 107 years of football.
The Ramblers rolled through the always-rugged Catholic Blue undefeated, beating Mount
Carmel 49–21 in the regular-season finale.
Patrick J. Naughton ‘96 (above) held Loyola’s
all-time leading rushing record for 20 seasons,
until Dara Laja ’16 broke it this season.
course, but this one was more special,” said
Kotowski, a history teacher at Loyola. “For
one, I had a bigger role. I know all of the kids
The run during the playoffs was equally
impressive, as the Ramblers knocked off
defending state champion Stevenson 49–0
in the second round, Chicago Tribune No.
1-ranked Homewood-Flossmoor 34–28 in the
quarterfinals and finally Marist.
All the while, the Loyola coaches
exercised cura personalis, a fundamental
Jesuit principle, according to Athletic
Director Patrick M. Mahoney ’90.
“The coaches do a great job of keeping
everyone involved and making them feel part
of the team,” he said. “It shows up on the field
in the way all the boys are prepared to play,
whether they are a first-team player or a thirdteam player.”
Naughton is one of the more decorated
players in Loyola lore. During his playing
career, he received a state ring in 1993 as a
scout-team running back and owned the program’s all-time leading rushing record for 20
seasons until Dara Laja ‘16 broke it in 2015.
Aside from the success on the field, Naughton believes it’s Loyola’s togetherness that
separates the Ramblers from other teams.
“I’ve had an opposing coach ask me how
his team could be more like Loyola,” Naughton said. “It’s almost like we have this super
secret. But it’s pretty simple. We are men for
others. It might sound corny, but it’s true. Our
guys look out for each other.”
Devine, a product of West Rogers Park, is
another coach who benefited from knowing
Dooley, even if Dooley downplays his involve4
ment. Dooley’s sister, Kate Dooley, was
Devine’s best friend during his youth.
Home from college for Thanksgiving, Devine took a bus from Chicago to
Normal for the 1993 title game. After the
Ramblers won, he wrote a letter to Hoerster.
In it, Devine expressed how he felt like he
was part of the state championship, even
though he hadn’t played since 1989. It was
because Hoerster had cultivated a culture
of family that Holecek has continued today.
“Ever since I can remember, Loyola
has been a big part of my life,” said Devine,
whose father, Richard A. “Dick” Devine
’61, is a member of Loyola’s Athletic Hall of
Fame. “The best part of winning the state
title this season has been sharing it. You
realize how easily it can slip through your
hands, how hard it is to win one. I think
about all of the players and coaches who
came shy of it. To share this with them is
what makes it so special because they were
a huge part of it too.” 4
1. Football is a family affair for Varsity Offensive
Line Coach Michael C. Kotowski ’87 (center) and
his sons Padraig J. “Paddy” Kotowski ’17 (left),
an offensive lineman for the winning 2015 team,
and Jack A. Kotowski ’14.
2. Quarterback Emmett M. Clifford ’16 throws a
pass, while protected by offensive lineman Daniel
L. Kurkowski ’16 at the 2015 state championship.
3. Assistant Coach Timothy T. Feldheim gives
special team instructions to John Shannon ’16
and Joseph M. “Jack” Zitella ’16.
4. Ian C. Swenson ’17 and David T. Terrell Jr. ’17
celebrate the state championship win.
Field Hockey Player of the Year Lindsay M. Getz ’16
Fall Sports Recap
Cross Country: GCAC Champions, All-State
Kathryn House ’16
Field Hockey: Fourth Place in State, Illinois
Player of the Year Lindsay Getz ’16
Golf: GCAC
Second in
and Diving:
Fourth in
State, AllState Olivia
’17, Cassidy
t M. Hic
key ’17
lines up
’18, Margaret
a putt.
Guanci ’18, Shannon Kearney
’18, Maria Kyle ’16, Ella Tierney ’17 and Claire
Voss ’16
Tennis: GCAC Champions, All-State
Doubles Maggie Hines ’18 and Caroline
Witkowski ’17
Volleyball: Regional and Sectional Champions
Football: IHSA 8A State Champions,
Undefeated Season, MaxPreps National
Ranking, CCL Blue Champions, CCL Lawless
Coach of the Year John Holecek, CCL Lawless
Player of the Year and All-State Emmett
Clifford ’16, CCL Defensive Player of the Year
and All-State Ben LeRoy ’16
Golf: CCL Champions, CCL Lawless Coach of
the Year Timothy P. Kane ‘86, CCL Lawless
Player of the Year Michael Banas ’16
Soccer: CCL Lawless Coach of the Year
Baer Fisher
S P R I N G 2 016
CELEBRATING a 50-Year Milestone
Academy, approximately 60 members of the Class of 1965
reconvened for a weekend of reminiscing and reconnecting
at their 50th reunion celebration.
J. Deele
The festivities kicked off on Friday, October 9, with a 9:30 a.m.
tee time at the Highland Park Country Club. Later that evening,
John B. Sullivan ’65 hosted a dinner party at Sunset Ridge
Country Club. Back at Lake and Laramie on Saturday, October
John E .
10, the Class of 1965 was invited to tailgate outside Sach’s
Nesbit t
a n d Cha
rles D. M
Stadium before cheering the varsity football team to a victory
against DePaul Prep. The ‘65ers viewed the game from special
seats at the north end zone. They returned to Loyola Academy that evening for their
official 50th reunion, which included a Mass with Loyola Academy President Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ,
hael P.
followed by cocktails and dinner.
> View our 1965 50th Reunion photo gallery at goramblers.org/1965classpage.
Still rambling after all these years. F I R S T R O W ( L E F T T O R I G H T ) : A. V. Giampa, Robert J. Moody, Michael P. Leonard,
Michael F. Purcell, Howard M. Dennis, William J. McLaughlin, Thomas E. Buster, Arthur F. Morelli, Louis M. Leone, E. W. Kopala, Robert
M. Ahern and Charles D. Mullenix. S E C O N D R O W: Thomas W. Collier, Thomas W. Pettinger, John B. Sullivan, James M. Zarno, Anthony C.
Navilio, Harold W. Ingalls, Timothy M. Rose, James M. Mayer, James W. Ague, Bruce W. Hunt, Gregory E. Corcoran and Paul J. Sullivan.
T H I R D R O W: Joseph W. Koss, Glenn S. Forbes, Edmund Z. DeRossett, Daniel J. Riederer, William J. Schmitt, John E. Nesbitt, Robert F.
Brinkman, Stephen D. Killian, John A. Miller, Thomas J. Endre, John H. Scully and Joseph L. Flatley. F O U R T H R O W: Terence M. Corby,
Stanley R. Mondala, John T. Rank, Paul W. Kalmes, Robert J. Gilmore, Patrick J. Deeley, J. G. Kelly, Michael R. Graham, James R. Murphy,
John J. McGillen, Eugene G. Bassing, David F. Stydahar and James J. Kauss.
the Classes of
1975, 1985, 1990
and 1995
campus more than 300 alumni from the
Classes of 1975, 1985, 1990 and 1995
on Saturday, October 24. Many alumni
began their reunion festivities earlier in the
day, attending a pregame tailgate and the
Loyola Academy vs. Mount Carmel football
game. All four classes returned to Lake
and Laramie that evening to celebrate
Mass together with Fr. McGrath and attend
separate cocktail receptions and dinners
for each class. Notably, Loyola Academy
welcomed back members of its first coed
class, 1995, for their 20th reunion
W E B E X T R A S > View our reunion photo
gallery at goramblers.org/2015reunions.
W I N T E R 2 016
John C. Koller performed in the Old Time
Radio Show at Laguna Woods Theatre with
stage, film and television actress Barbara
Rush. This was Koller’s 30th play since
his retirement. Koller, who turned 80 in
August, lives in Arizona.
Devices 4 the Disabled, an affiliate of the Project HUGS Foundation, grew out of a friendship
between two Loyola alumni, a devastating ALS diagnosis and an indomitable will to help others in need.
ABOVE: Robert A. Shea ’72 (right in photo) at the bedside of Edward J. Kane ’69, who is using his last
days to raise awareness about Devices 4 the Disabled and help raise funds to cover the cost of medical
equipment pickup, delivery, warehouse space, equipment repair and other operational expenses.
A Last Act of Service
DWARD J. KANE ’69 AND ROBERT A. SHEA ’72 have a long history
of helping one another. Now they’ve teamed up to help others through
Devices 4 the Disabled (D4D), an affiliate of the Project HUGS
Foundation with a mission to collect durable medical equipment
from those who no longer need it and redistribute it to those who
need it most.
Although Kane and Shea didn’t know each other at Loyola, they met years
later when they moved into the same Chicago neighborhood. In 2002, the friends
grew closer when Shea was temporarily paralyzed by Guillain-Barré Syndrome.
“I still remember Ed standing at my bed, saying ‘Don’t try to talk, it’s okay,’”
says Shea, who later stood by Kane when he was diagnosed with ALS in 2012.
As Kane lost the ability to move, eat or breathe on his own, he needed a
$30,000 wheelchair—–yet his health insurance had a cap of $2,500 for medical
equipment. Kane paid the rest out of his retirement fund, but wondered: What
about those who can’t afford to pay?
As the two friends mulled over this question, Shea, who served as a volunteer
at Chicago’s Rainbow Hospice, thought about the families at the hospice who
were left with medical equipment when their loved ones passed away. Why not
create an organization that would pick up this equipment, refurbish it and deliver
it to someone who needed it? With this epiphany, Devices 4 the Disabled
was born.
“Many disabled people wait up to eight months to get the equipment they
need because they are waiting for Medicare to cover the cost,” says Kane, who
founded the nonprofit in 2015 and partnered with Rainbow Hospice and PickensKane Moving & Storage to get the charity up and running. “We are committed
to helping everyone get the medical equipment they need when they need it,
especially those with limited funds.” w
> Find out more about Devices 4 the Disabled and view a CBS News
video featuring Kane and Shea at supportd4d.org.
Timothy J. Casey and his wife, Suzanne,
received the St. Jude Apostle Medal from
the Diocese of St. Petersburg in Florida in
November for outstanding service to their
James R.
Voss was the
recipient of
the Canadian Precast/
Concrete Institute’s 2014
John Fowler
Award for
his contributions to
the institute, which
included the creation of the PCI Foundation in 2001. Voss is president and general manager of JVI, Inc., a company he
established in 1981 to develop, design,
fabricate and sell connection hardware.
Under his leadership, JVI, Inc. has flourished and gained widespread recognition
as a well-respected and integral part of the
construction industry.
Thomas J. Mann retired after serving for
33 years as a general reference librarian
in the main reading room of the Library of
Congress. His book, The Oxford Guide to
Library Research (4th ed.; Oxford University
Press), was published in March. He lives in
Washington, DC.
William T. O’Donnell Jr. received the
Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities’ 2015 Public Voice Leadership
Award. O’Donnell was recognized for his
outstanding leadership in making recovery
possible by serving as a voice for those
who struggle with addiction and a strong
advocate for family involvement in the
treatment and recovery process.
Edgar U.
Peyronnin, PhD,
defended his
dissertation on
the preservation
of digital research Edgar U. Pe
yronnin ’7
on a weeke
data at Colorado
nd ride on
Tr ail Ridge
Road in Ro
State University’s
ck y
Mount ain N
ational Park
(CSU) College of
Agricultural Science.
Peyronnin is the director of IT at CSU.
James F. Rianoshek was named executive
director of Boulder County CareConnect
in Colorado, a nonprofit with a mission to
promote the security, comfort and independence of seniors and adults with disabilities. James and his wife, Mary, recently
celebrated 46 years of marriage.
James E. Constable, a fine art scholar and
Harvard Art Museum Fellow, identified a
centuries-old metalcut that is one of the
original works of Leonardo Da Vinci—–and
may be the earliest version of his “Last
Supper.” The
discovery was made after
eight years of scientific testing
revealed that the metalcut is made up of metal
materials and chemicals containing a metal
purity that links it to mines used by Da Vinci.
Robert B. Latousek Jr. was the recipient of
the Anthony J. Gradisnik Award from the
continued on page 14
A 1968 Mini Reunion in Dublin: Seven members of the Class of 1968 convened in Dublin in September and spent a day at the Portmarnock golf course.
Pictured below (l-r): James L. Claus, Dennis M. O’Shaughnessy, Jerry R. Mack, William F. McGinn, Robert W. Hunt, William J. Doyle and William T. Zanoni.
S P R I N G 2 016
Centaur Systems, including Latin Flash
Drill, Latin Vocab Drill and Tutrix.
A 1984 Mini Reunion at Grandpa’s: Five former track and
cross-country runners from the Class of 1984 gathered for
their annual summer reunion at Grandpa’s restaurant in
Glenview to catch up and reminisce about their running
days. Seated: Michael P. Doyle. Standing (l-r): Edward I.
“Ted” Stevens, Javier A. Nunez, John J. Gatti and Thomas
M. Theisen.
1974 continued
Wisconsin Association
of Foreign Language
Teachers (WAFLT) for his
contributions and service to
the classics profession, the
WAFLT and the American
Robert B.
Classical League over the
Latousek Jr. ’74
past three decades. He
is best known for the software programs
he has authored through his company,
Patricia D. Reilly-Murphy, LdM, retired in
August from a 35-year career in Chicago
radio sales. She spent 35 years at WXRTFM, most recently as the station’s general
sales manager.
John A.
Haderlein, an
attorney in
Darrow, the
famous turnof-the-century
lawyer who
John A. Hade
rlein ‘78
as Clarence Da
some very
unpopular people,
in a one-man show at Waukegan’s Three
Brothers Theatre in August.
Edward W. “Ted” McNabola was appointed to Loyola University School of Law’s
Board of Governors. McNabola earned his
JD in 1992 and his MA in 1995 from the
Sen. Daniel W. Kotowski received the Paul
Simon Courage in Public Service Award
from Lutheran Social Services of Illinois,
which recognized the senator for his work
on behalf of nonprofit organizations, and
the 2015 Senator Penny Severns Memorial
Award from the Coalition of Citizens with
Disabilities, which honored Kotowski for his
ongoing support for people with disabilities
who live independently in the community.
Charles B. Donlea’s first novel, Summit Lake,
was published by Kensington Publishing
A Rambler wedding: David A. Behof ‘92 and Jacqueline M. Zur ‘01 were married in June at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in Glenview with a cadre of Ramblers
there to help celebrate the nuptials (l-r): Loyola Academy Principal Kathryn M. Baal, PhD; John R. Weiss ’78; Loyola Vice President for Admissions and Enrollment
Genevieve B. Atwood; Loyola Dean of Students Peg Culhane; Dr. Anthony W. Savino ’66; Loyola Executive Assistant to the Principal Julie Meier; William G. Seng
’66; Katie M. McKeown ’01; Michael R. Denten ’74; Jordan M. Lau ‘00; Michael D. Reagan ’78; Therese A. Coughlin ’01; Stephanie N. Rejzer ’01; Richard A.
Reagan III ’74; Andrea Reagan Stebbins LdM ’72; John S. Reagan ’68; Kimberly A. Denten Clark ’01; John E. Zur Jr. ’66; the bride and groom, Jacqueline M.
Zur Behof ’01 and Loyola Registrar and Institutional Researcher David A. Behof ’92; Alexandra E. Weiss ’10; Joshua M. Becker ’00; Christopher S. Dorgan ’92;
Thomas S. Heidenrich ’92; Samantha A. Weiss ’14; Ryan P. Crotty ’00; Mary Grace Weiss ’12; Jonas J. Zalatoris ’00; Mary Kate Johnson Zalatoris ’00; Colleen A.
Dugan Biedenbender ’01; Loyola Library Coordinator ChrisJon L. Simon ’86; Cheryl M. Sychowski ’01; John K. “Jack” Seeberg ’10; Loyola English teacher Ryan J.
Gibbons ’95; Loyola Assistant Principal for Student Services Charles W. Heintz; Loyola English teacher Katherine K. Seeberg ’01; Loyola physical education teacher
Douglas Berger; Jennifer Seeberg ’05; Loyola English teacher Daniel Seeberg ’75; and Loyola Assistant Principal for Academics Timothy Wesley.
Charles B. Donlea ’90
Corporation in February. The novel, which
is also available as an audiobook, will be
featured in a Reader’s Digest special edition
in May. Kensington Publishing has already
purchased the rights to Donlea’s second
novel, which will be published in 2017.
Donlea belongs to a private ophthalmology
group and does his fiction writing during the
early morning hours.
Timothy S. Wambach will repeat his August
2005 charity run from Orlando to Chicago
this summer—–this time to raise awareness
and support for people living with severe
physical disabilities. Wambach will be accompanied by members of the Keep On Keeping
On Foundation, or Team KOKO, which he
established with fellow Ramblers Daniel P.
Joyce ’95 and David A. Kunicki ’95. If fellow
alumni would like to participate in the run or
volunteer, please visit TeamKOKO.org.
Mark M. King and his eight-year-old
daughter, Soleil, started a company called
Toad & Tadpole. King, who previously
worked as a strategy consultant, and Soleil,
his “chief kids officer,” focus on designing
products and experiences for families. One
of their products, a pair of heirloom stuffed
sea otters called Tremendous and Tiny,
was named a 2015 crafts finalist for Martha
Stewart’s American Made contest. Another
product, Soleil’s Table, helps families cook
together. The King family celebrated the
birth of Soleil’s little brother, Connor, in
Peter C. Lee, a Loyola Academy trustee,
cofounded Summit Trail Advisors, an
independent, employee-owned investment
advisory firm based in New York, Chicago
continued on page 17
U.S. Navy Cmdr. Michael P. O’Hara, PhD, ‘91 (left) with a fellow officer aboard the USS Dwight D.
Eisenhower during Operation Enduring Freedom in 2009. “The aircraft is an FA-18F Super Hornet,”
says O’Hara. “On that day, I was flying with the Jolly Rogers of Strike Fighter Squadron 103 on a
routine surveillance mission.”
Serving Our Country
FTER U.S. NAVY CMDR. MICHAEL P. O’HARA, PHD, ’91 saw the movie
Top Gun in the 1980s, he began to dream of a career in the military. “The
Navy seemed like a way to combine the Ignatian value of service with
something that looked like a lot of fun,” says O’Hara today. He pursued
his dream with unwavering dedication as
he graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy
and became a naval flight officer, deploying to the
Persian Gulf in 1998 for Operation Desert Fox and
again in 2000 to enforce no-fly zones during Operation
Southern Watch.
Subsequent assignments brought O’Hara to
Kabul, Washington and back to sea as an airwing
intelligence officer for Operation Enduring Freedom.
Today, he holds a PhD in political science from
Columbia University and teaches strategy to midcareer officers at the U.S. Naval War College.
“Flying jets off of aircraft carriers was one of the
at the U
greatest experiences of my life,” he confides. “But
.S Naval
War Coll
preparing military leaders to think strategically about
complex obstacles to peace and stability is even more meaningful.”
O’Hara and his students examine the challenges of leadership at the intersection
of national policy and military strategy. “Military force is but one tool, one aspect of
national power. Civilian and military leaders must understand its limitations as well as
its utility.”
His friends and experiences from Loyola continue to energize him today. “My
teachers and coaches helped mold who I am, and my experience on Loyola’s crew
team was critical to my success in life. Meeting Loyola’s expectations of a studentathlete required persistence and toughness. Loyola taught me to work not merely
for accolades, but with others toward something more. All of our efforts require a
greater purpose and, for me, that purpose has been service to the nation, which has
been the path that my life has taken.”
S P R I N G 2 016
Stopping Cancer in Its Tracks
MAGINE A MOMENT IN THE FUTURE when your doctor tells
you that you have cancer and then writes a prescription for
medicine that will keep your cancer from spreading with no
toxic side effects. You take the medicine and go on with your
life, grateful that the devastating side effects of yesterday’s
therapies—–including radiation burns, nausea, hair loss and
life-threatening infections—–are a thing of the past.
If Gregory T. Crimmins, PhD, ’98, succeeds in his latest
venture, that scenario may soon be a reality.
Crimmins—–a PhD in molecular and cell biology who has
trained and worked at the University of California, Berkeley; Harvard
University; Tufts Medical School; and
the FDA—–regards the fight against
cancer as one of the major failures of
modern medicine.
“Despite the use of brutal
treatments,” he explains, “cancer
rates are the same as they were
in the 1940s, 25 years before Neil
Armstrong walked on the moon.”
Because it’s generally not
one tumor that kills a person,
ins, PhD,
but the unrelenting spread
T. Crimm
of cancer cells, Crimmins
Re m e d y
recently cofounded Remedy
Plan, a biotech firm dedicated to the
development of cancer containment therapies that will stop
cancer cells from spreading without toxic side effects.
To find out more or support the development of this exciting
new therapy, visit remedyplan.com or reach out to Greg directly
at greg@remedyplan.com or 510.552.0105.
> View Greg Crimmins in a video about Remedy Plan’s
cancer containment therapy at remedyplan.com/press.
Daniel R. Bruzzini, MD, MBA, ’86, (shown above introducing Indonesian
midwives to his Helping Babies Breathe program) retired from the Air Force in
October 2015 after 25 years of service. He is now saving the lives of our youngest
Americans as the medical director of Onsite Neonatal Partners.
A Physician for Others
combat operations in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman and
Afghanistan; saving the lives of children used as human
shields in war zones; and embedding with medical
personnel in Afghanistan to improve maternal-child
care at the request of Afghan President Hamid Karzai,
former Air Force Col. Daniel R. Bruzzini, MD, MBA, ’86, knows a
thing or two about saving lives in less than optimal conditions.
So it seems fitting
that this physician for others
would use the lessons
that he learned from the
battlefield and other
low-resource settings to
develop three lifesaving
programs, including
the world’s first and
only pediatric trauma
Col. Bruzz
ini air eva
and critical care training
cuating a
with a seve
re hear t d
program, which prepares
military healthcare personnel for the intense
needs of children affected by natural disasters, humanitarian crises
and war, and the Helping Babies Breathe program, which solves
95 percent of the problems that lead to infant mortality in the
developing world by teaching midwives how to resuscitate infants
with $20 worth of reusable medical equipment.
During his last military assignment, Bruzzini developed the
How to Resuscitate a Newborn program.
“This program outlines each of the critical steps needed to
save a newborn’s life, from jump starting the heart to intubation,”
says the 47-year-old physician today. “It turns chaos into control
and is now saving the lives of newborns in more than 40 countries
around the world.”
1997 continued
agency. Three more coffee shops and a bar
in Chicago are in the pipeline.
and San Francisco. To learn more, visit
Marc R. Wezowski was named partner at
Husch Blackwell. Wezowski practices intellectual property law. He was an associate
at Leydig, Voit & Mayer and spent time as a
research associate at Northwestern University’s Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer’s
Disease Center. Wezowski also worked as
an associate in the legal department at
Federal Signal Corporation and taught in
the Department of Molecular, Cellular and
Developmental Biology at the University of
Walter Dayton,
son of Kasia O.
McCormick ‘98
Kasia O. McCormick
(nee Krynski) and
her husband, David,
celebrated the birth
of their second child,
Walter Dayton, in
November. Walt joins his
big brother, Henry.
Matthew A. Cherry, former NFL wide
receiver turned filmmaker, was one of BE
Modern Man’s “100 Features” published
in June 2015. Cherry was recognized for
his drive to reinvent himself with a career
that he is passionate about. His film credits
include The Last Fall (2012) and numerous
music videos in the neo soul genre. Although Cherry didn’t go to film school, he
is currently enrolled in screenwriting and
directing classes at UCLA. His next goal is
to direct television.
Genevieve M. LeFevour (above), a
shareholder at Johnson and Bell, Ltd., was
named one of the “Forty Illinois Attorneys
Under Forty to Watch” for 2015 by the Law
Bulletin Publishing Company, publishers of
Chicago Lawyer magazine and the Chicago
Daily Law Bulletin. LeFevour specializes
in medical malpractice, employment law,
general negligence, premises liability
and transportation law and also defends
security consultants and loss prevention
Michael A. Salvadore was named to the
Crain’s Chicago Business “40 Under 40”
Class of 2015. In 2011, Salvadore opened
Heritage Bicycles General Store, a growing
company in Lakeview that sells bikes and
coffee, and soon followed with a coffeeonly shop in Uptown. In Fall 2015, Salvadore opened Heritage Branded, a creative
Jacqueline M. Zur— see David A.
Behof ‘92
Andrew R. Weissert (photo at bottom)
married Erin Ashenfelter in May. Weissert
is a political strategist for the Illinois
Republican Party.
Michael Brennen married Madeline Henry
in Chicago in August.
continued on page 19
Ramblers at the wedding of Erin and Andrew R. Weissert ‘03 (l-r): Lauren E. Miller ‘11, Michelle L. Miller ‘11, Matthew D. Robbins ‘03, Meredith E. Weissert
‘10, John C. Kubasiak ‘03, Erin and Andrew R. Weissert ‘03, Adam Weissert ‘07, Elizabeth N. Ireland ‘10, Michael J. Ireland ‘03, Frank E. Weissert ‘71, Joshua
D. Berg ‘03, Thomas S. Grego ‘03 and R. Brian Patterson ‘03
W I N T E R 2 016
The Rambler Behind NBA-TV
Peter T. Bowen ’88, vice president and Chicago market manager of Cumulus
Media, hammed it up with Chicago Bulls mascot Benny the Bull and Chicago
White Sox mascot Southpaw at a November 2015 celebration at U.S. Cellular Field
after Cumulus negotiated multiyear broadcast rights for the two teams.
Coming Home
to Chicago Radio
UNE INTO WLS-AM 890 this spring and you’ll get full
coverage of the 2016 Chicago White Sox season. Next
fall, WLS-AM will also become the radio home of the
Chicago Bulls.
You have Peter T. Bowen ’88 to thank for that. The
Loyola alumnus, who has longstanding relationships
with both teams, brokered both radio rights deals with his
Cumulus Media CEO in Atlanta.
“We cannot wait to bring year-round sports to some of
the world’s greatest fans,” says Bowen,
who returned to Chicago in 2015 to serve
as vice president and market manager of
Cumulus Media’s Chicago radio cluster,
which includes The Loop-FM 97.9,
WKQX-FM 101.1, WLS-FM 94.7 and WLSAM 890. He now oversees all Chicago
operations for Cumulus Media, from
sales and finance to the personalities
featured on each station.
Before coming home to
ow e n
Peter T. B
Chicago—–a move Bowen maintains
that he made partly because he wanted his son,
Luke ’18, to attend Loyola Academy—–he served as the director
of sales for CBS Radio in Los Angeles from 2012 to 2015. Prior
to his relocation to the West Coast, Bowen spent more than
two decades in Chicago radio, including 16 years with CBS
Radio, where he worked his way up to director of sales for the
seven-station group and served as vice president and general
manager of the Top 40 radio station WBBM-FM 96.3 and the
classic hits station WJMK-FM 104.3.
EVEN YEARS OUT OF LOYOLA and two years into
a fast-paced career providing complete broadcast
coordination for Turner Broadcasting’s production for
NBA-TV, Bridget K. Morris ’06 brought home her first
The budding broadcast professional was
recognized by the National Academy of Television Arts and
Sciences with a News and Documentary Emmy Award for her
contributions to “Inside the NBA on TNT: Playoffs.”
Morris, who studied electronic media and electronic media
production at Eastern Illinois University and graduated with a
degree in mass communications, first discovered her passion
for live television while working on Chicago Cubs and White
Sox broadcasts during a Summer 2009 broadcast production
internship for Trio Video.
“My internship included long days at U.S. Cellular Field,
learning the ins and outs of live-broadcast sport events,” says
Morris. “By the end of that summer, I knew that I wanted to
pursue a career in live television.”
When the opportunity arose to work for NBA-TV—– which
features exhibition, regular season and playoff game telecasts
from the NBA and related professional basketball leagues,
as well as NBA-related analysis programs, specials and
documentaries —– Morris jumped at the chance. Within two
weeks, she’d packed up her apartment and headed south to
Atlanta, where Turner Broadcasting is headquartered.
Morris, who will celebrate her fifth anniversary with Turner
Broadcasting in April 2016, recently spent a week in Toronto,
coordinating the live pregame coverage leading up to the 2016
NBA All-Star Game on February 14.
Bridget K. Morris ’06 on the job as associate production manager for NBA-TV
in Atlanta
2004 continued
Lauren Bestvina Hai, DVM (BVSc), graduated from the University of Sydney Faculty
of Veterinary Science in November 2014.
She is currently working as a small animal
veterinarian at VCA Plainfield Veterinary
Hospital in Plainfield, Connecticut.
D. Aghai
won the
D. Aghai
States trial for the 2015 World Rowing
Championship in the Straight Pair, a twoboat without a coxswain. Aghai is currently
training in Sarasota, Florida, for the 2016
Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. He is in the
top 12–16 rowers, according to his former
Loyola coach, Matthew P. Baldino ‘93.
Aghai will know this spring if he is selected
as one of the 12 rowers who will compete
in the Olympics. Contributions to help
Aghai, who is paying his own way, can be
made at gofundme.com/aghai.
Jennifer A. Jhin and John C. Plunkett
(above) married in October at St. James
Chapel in Chicago. Jhin received her
BA from Cornell University and Plunkett
received his BA, an MA in architecture and
an MBA from the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign. Both currently work
and reside in Chicago.
Bridget Carney was named the corporate
development manager of the San
Francisco Marin Food Bank.
Colleen G. Gorman married Patrick
Derrico in September. Gorman (below,
center) celebrated her nuptials with
Ramblers Christopher R. Heredia ‘05 (left)
and Irene M. Brown ‘06 (right).
George T. Saad ‘08 (left)
with his croquet partner and
mentor, Howard Holdsclaw
George T.
Saad claimed
his first
croquet title at
the 2015 Midwest Regional
by the United
States Croquet
in communications and mathematics at
Santa Clara University from 2010 to 2014.
Anthony C.
Colosimo was
honored as one
of nine selections
on the Chicagoland Collegiate
Athletic Conference Gold
Glove Team for
his accomplishments, including two errorless Anthony C . Colosimo
seasons, on the
Purdue University Calumet baseball
Molly B. Hulseman joined the women’s
lacrosse coaching staff at the University
Michigan in September. Hulseman was
a four-year attacker/midfielder starter at
Loyola University Chicago and helped
the Greyhounds advance to four NCAA
tournaments. She graduated in 2015 with
a bachelor’s degree in biology and was
honored by her athletic peers with the
2015 Rev. Francis J. McManamin Unsung
Hero Award.
continued on page 20
Blase J. Viti joined the startup DRIVIN
as a business analyst. In January, he
began a term as president of Chicago
Art Partnerships in Education (CAPE),
a nonprofit that funds art programs for
low-income schools.
Ashley V. Letrich was named
assistant coach for the water polo
team at California State University
Northridge for the 2016 season. She
spent the 2015 season as an assistant
at Washington & Jefferson College
in Washington, Pennsylvania. She
returns to the West Coast, where
she was a four-year letter winner
and psychology major with minors
Michael R. Beddome (right) married Michel Dominguez in Cocoyoc, Mexico, in May 2015.
The couple changed their last names to Dominguez-Beddome.
S P R I N G 2 016
2011 continued
Molly K. O’Brien was named Case Western Reserve Female Athlete of the Year for
her accomplishments on the softball field
as a four-year starter and second baseman.
people contact him with the offer. He sang
“Go Rest High on That Mountain” by Vince
Gill at the Allstate Arena in Rosemont at an
August concert. Watch his performance at
Aldana is a senior at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Luke J. Ford, a junior at Holy Cross, was
selected to the 2015 Academic All-Patriot
League team for football. He is majoring in
Peter E. Pujals, the starting quarterback
for the Holy Cross football team, was
selected as a preseason second-team AllAmerican by USA College Football.
Zachary R. Aldana (above left) was selected by Kelly Clarkson (right) to perform
for her “Piece by Piece” tour. Clarkson saw
a video of Aldana on YouTube and had her
George D. Kanellitsas received the
National Congressional Gold Medal for
George D. Kanellitsas ‘15 (second from left) with his
parents and Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (right)
initiative, service and achievement at a
ceremony presided over by the Hon. Nancy
Pelosi in June. Kanellitsas was one of five
recipients from the State of Illinois and
267 nationwide to receive the prestigious
medal. While in Washington, Kanellitsas had
a private meeting with Congresswoman Jan
Schakowsky, who congratulated him on his
remarkable achievement. 4
A Class of 2012 Mini Reunion in Tuscany: Fifteen Ramblers took time off from their studies in Europe in March 2015 to gather for a weekend of R&R at a chateau
and winery in Tuscany. F R O N T R O W ( l – r) : Gabrielle M. “Gigi” Patton, Casey A. Turro, Emily C. Phelan, Madeline G. “Maddy” Bednar, Reed C. Michalek, Hayley R.
Johnson, Lauren E. Kriz and Ellen L. Ruscello. B AC K R O W: Timothy M. O’Connor, Matthew J. Saletta, John O. Nigh, James Charles “Charlie” Dowdle, James E.
“Jeb” Brault, Michael A. Mandera and Scott M. Suhey.
A Talent for
Recognizing Talent
Jess Godwin ’01 at a Youth Empowerment Performance Project rehearsal in 2015
A Powerful Voice
for Positive Change
Godwin ’01 spent 2015 thanking the important
people in her life with a series of DIY videos, stories,
art pieces and Chicago-area service projects. Each
month, she dedicated a different chapter to a specific
individual. As she approached the final chapter,
Godwin recruited more than 100 artists from the Chicago
music and theater scene and
joined forces with the Youth
Empowerment Performance
Project to produce “When the
Snow Thaws,” a music video
highlighting the struggles of
homeless youth. The yearlong
project, which culminated
in 12—–a live performance
at Chicago’s Athenaeum
Theatre in December—–
and ac tr
ngwri ter
benefited 19 agencies that
Singer, so
win ’01
Jess God
work with homeless youth.
Godwin, who once described herself as a “misfit with soul,”
has also produced Greater >Than, a music video about bullying,
and Be a Light, which addresses the damaging labels that we
give ourselves. “If we were all kinder to ourselves,” she said in
2013 when Be a Light was released, “just think about the positive
impact it would have on the rest of the world.”
When she’s not performing or volunteering, Godwin
teaches songwriting at her studio and music and theater
at Columbia College and with the Northwestern University
Cherubs program. View her music videos at jessgodwin.com.
talent in the raw back in 2012, when a young South
Sider named Chancelor Bennett released his free
debut mixtape, “10 Day.” The fledgling artist would
later gain global acclaim as Chance the Rapper.
“I met Chance through working with the Kids
These Days band in Chicago,” Corcoran told The Fader, a New
York-based music magazine. “I was a huge fan.”
One day, Corcoran ran into Chance and his father at a local
radio station. After peppering Corcoran with questions about
music promotion, the elder Bennett called him the next day to
say, “We want you to work with us.”
At the time, Corcoran was a DePaul University student
working behind the scenes to promote other up-and-coming
talents. But Chance’s father (a deputy chief of staff for Mayor
Emanuel) also recognized a good thing when he saw it. He told
Corcoran, “You’re not a pro, but you guys will learn together.”
Since that time, “Pat the Manager,” as Chance affectionately
refers to Corcoran, has been busy building a steady buzz for the
artist out of a North Side office with about a dozen employees.
Although nearly every record label has courted Corcoran,
Team Chance has remained fiercely independent. By marketing
through social media and releasing the rapper’s music for free,
they have honored Chance’s desire to “keep the focus on the
music instead of the money behind it.”
“Our mentality is that this is open, this is free,” Corcoran
told Chicago Tribune reporter Greg Kot. “We don’t have investors and parent companies that need to meet monthly profit
margins. Chance has never sold a record, but I guarantee you he
makes similar if not more money than some of the bigger acts.
It’s not traditional, but it’s what feels good to us.”
Artist manager and cofounder of Artist MGMT Patrick W. Corcoran ’08
(standing, fourth from left) on the Saturday Night Live set in December 2015 with
Chance the Rapper (seated, fourth from right, in Sox hat), the first independent
artist to perform on Saturday Night Live in the show’s history
S P R I N G 2 016
The Loyola Academy
community joins in prayerful
of those who have passed away and offers
condolences to their families.
Ann F. Ahern, grandmother of Coady J.’09, Sean P. ’11
and Colleen E. Ahern ’14.
Thomas R. Ahern ’52, brother of James J. Ahern Jr.
’48 RIP.
Joan M. Andersen, mother of Paul J. Andersen ’81.
William R. Anton, grandfather of William J. ’09, Kelly M. ’11 and Kacey E. Anton ’15.
Edita L. Arambulo, grandmother of Alexander P. ’01, Malcolm A. ’07 and Marcus P. Maier ’08.
Ronald J. Banas, father of Ronald E. Banas ’81.
Germaine Y. Barkemeyer, grandmother of Michael J. Barkemeyer ’10.
David J. Barnes ’55.
Mary Moats Bashford, sister of Karen Moats Thompson LdM ’78.
Robert J. Bates, father of Robert J. Jr. ’69, Christopher J. ’70, John J. ’72 and Joseph A. Bates ’74.
Dr. Michael J. Beierle ’63.
Barbara C. Beierwaltes, mother of Cathy Beierwaltes Johnson LdM ’88.
James H. Benbennick ’44, brother of Claude J. ’43 RIP and Thomas C. Benbennick ’46.
Christina M. Bennett, mother of Andrew V. ’80 and Paul F. Bennett ’86.
John F. Bolger ’44, father of Victoria Bolger Roselli LdM ’93 and Dimitra Bolger Zelden LdM ’94.
Mary Ann Bonk, grandmother of Allison M. ’12, Jeanine M. ’15 and Daniel S. Achtel ’17.
Mary Eleanore Bourke, mother of John J. Sr. ’80, Timothy E. ’83 and Patrick J. Bourke ’91 and grandmother of John J. ’16, Margaret A. ’18 and Caroline M. Bourke ’19 and John III ’03 and Katie T. Demand ’10.
Thomas W. Boyle Jr. ’62.
Joan Bradford, wife of Walter T. Bradford Jr. ’50.
Daniel C. Bredemann ’65.
Rev. Joseph T. Brennan, SJ, Loyola trustee 1989–95.
Edward J. Britt ’36, brother of William J. Britt ’40 RIP.
John W. Broderick ’52.
John Clemons Brons ’55.
Dr. Edward F. Brufke ’48, Loyola faculty 1953–57, father of Edward P. Brufke ’75.
Richard A. Buckingham, MD, father of Richard A. Buckingham ’67 and grandfather of Colleen A. ’07 and Charles H. Shaw III ’09.
Patricia Buehler Blankenship, grandmother of John M. ’12, Thomas M. ’12 and Molly E. Buehler ’15.
Joseph A. Burik, father of Paul P. ’72 and David
Burik ’74.
Edmund J. “Bud” Burke, father of Kevin J. ’77 and Terry
E. Burke ’79 and grandfather of Katina A. ’14 and
Coleen D. Burke ’17; Catherine C. ’08 and Michael
E. Gagliardo ’08; and Gabriela I. ’04, Luca E. ’06 and
Giovanna G. Lenzi ’07.
James J. Campbell ’77, brother of Robert W.
Campbell ’75.
Patricia O’Connor Campion, mother of Timothy M. Campion ’73.
Denise K. Carey, wife of Patrick W. Carey ’67.
Audrey Marek Carter, mother of Claudia M. Carter ’97.
Richard P. Casavechia Sr., father of Richard P. Casavechia Jr. ’91.
John F. Casper Jr., grandfather of Michael P. Casper ’92.
Rosemary J. Catino, grandmother of Ryan M. ’07, Steven M. ’10 and Charles F. Freedman ’18.
Maureen Cavanaugh, grandmother of Grace Oliver Daday ’09 RIP and Molly C. ’03 and Claire Oliver ’07.
Roberto Celio, father of Roberto Dominic Celio ’17.
Angeline E. Christiansen-Gaertner, sister of Anthony A. Anton ’78.
H. Scott Clark Jr. ’65, brother of Mark E. Clark ’74.
James W. Clark, grandfather of Megan M. ’95, Nora O. ’01
and Patricia C. Lyons ’03.
Aimee M. Coath, sister of James E. ’78 and Joseph W. Coath ’78.
Charles W. Cole ’48, brother of J. Steven ’55 and Thomas D. Cole ’62.
Sarah Simkins Cole, mother of Brian P. Perkins ’96.
Claire Compernolle, mother of Paul J. ’70, Thomas M. ’72 and John J. Compernolle ’78; grandmother of John T. ’06, Daniel ’07, Thomas J. ’09, Teresa C. ’11 and Henry J. Belton ’16 and Meghan K. ’01, Kevin M. ’03, Catharine E. ’08, Timothy R. ’08, Carolyn C. ’10 and James E. Compernolle ’11; and wife of Julien J. Compernolle ’44 RIP.
Joseph B. Connolly ’48.
Mary McDonough Connolly, wife of Frank A. Connolly Jr. ’49.
Suzanne E. Considine, wife of Thomas J. Considine, MD, ’49 and mother of Patrick J. ’79, Thomas J. ’80 and Timothy G. Considine ’82.
Thomas E. Cooper Sr., father of Thomas E. Jr. ’74 and Robert J. Cooper ’75.
Wilfred W. Copa, father of Kathleen T. Copa LdM ’73 and Kimberly Copa Bartlow LdM ’77.
Sydney Hass Corbett, mother of Thomas J. Corbett Jr. ’74 and grandmother of Clarence T. ’06, Jacqueline H. ’08 and Kevin F. Corbett ’16.
Carol J. Corcoran, mother of Gregory E. Corcoran ’65.
Eugene R. Corley ’47.
Roy F. Corrigan, grandfather of Eliot J. ’14, Owen A. ’15 and Isabella M. Buscaglia ’17.
Emily Jo Cracknell, grandmother of Joseph J. ’02 and Benjamin P. Annotti ’05.
Dennis M. Crean ’58, brother of C. Lee Crean ’51.
Richard D. Cudahy Sr., father of Daniel M. Cudahy ’83.
James K. Cullinan ’52.
George Cummings, father of Thomas G. Cummings ’72 and
Maureen Cummings McCormack LdM ’74 and
grandfather of Kimberly A. Cummings ’97.
Richard L. Curry, father of Richard L. Jr. ’72 and Michael J. Curry ’75.
Ellen Torrey Graham Cusack, mother of Theodore W. Cusack ’70 RIP and Patti Cusack Zeleznak LdM ’75.
Evelyn Myss Daley, mother of Patrick J. Daley, MD, ’70.
Loretta Daley, sister of Vincent R. Jr. ’58, Thomas B. ’69 and William H. Daley III ’71 and daughter of Vincent R. Daley Sr. ’32 RIP.
Lambert J. Deegan ’44.
Shirley M. Desmond, grandmother of John S. Desmond Jr. ’96.
William M. Devine Jr. ’52.
Richard J. Doherty ’71, brother of Mary Doherty Glynn
LdM ’81.
Patricia A. Dohr, wife of Ronald Dohr ’53.
James P. Dolan, father of Maureen Dolan McNair LdM ’76.
Julia C. Dowdall, mother of Matthew E. ’84 and Peter A. Dowdall ’86 and grandmother of Maeve T. ’10, Margaret A. ’11 and Matthew J. Dowdall ’14.
Norma J. Duffy, wife of James J. Duffy, MD, ’40 RIP.
J. Michael Dunn ’67, brother of Timothy J. Dunn ’69.
Robert J. Dunn ’73, brother of William J. Jr. ’72 and Timothy J. Dunn ’79.
Barbara Simkins Durment LdM ’79, sister of Margie Simkins Sullivan LdM ’71.
George R. Eggert, father of Laura Eggert Schnier LdM ’80.
Patricia A. Enberg, mother of Kevin M. Enberg ’82.
Dennis A. Ewald, father of Dennis N. Ewald ’91.
Mary Celeste Faems, sister of Michael J. ’67 and Donald F. Faems ’70.
Carol Hopkins, Loyola faculty 1974–97,
mother of Matthew L. Hopkins ’75
and grandmother of L. Jack ’10, Danny
T. ’11 and Claire F. Sheridan ’16.
George C. Hough, grandfather of Sara N.
’95 James P. ’98 and Matthew J.
O’Malley ’97.
Sheila Murphy Hulseman, mother of Richard L.
’77, Paul J. ’78, Joseph L. ’81, Thomas J. ’83
and William D. Hulseman ’94 and grandmother
of Colin ’04, Patrick J. ’05, Conor ’07, Michael M.
’08, Sean M. ’09, Molly B. ’11, Brendan C. ’12, Brian D.
’14, Kathleen M. ’15, Devitt J. ’16, Delia A. ’18 and
Emmett C. Hulseman ’19.
Joseph J. Humenik, father of Mark J. Humenik ’81, Mary
Humenik Kilrea LdM ’78 and Ann Humenik Maslowski
LdM ’79.
Edward L. Hynes IV ’75.
Julie M. Iverson, sister of Robert A. Iverson Jr. ’83.
Theresia Jabon, mother of David C. Jabon ’78.
Patrick J. Kealy ’61, brother of Arthur P. Kealy ’63 RIP.
John L. Keeley Jr. ’58.
Louis Keesey, grandfather of Clare A. ’07 and Grace R. Keesey ’10.
William M. Kerrigan Jr., son of William M. Kerrigan Sr.
’49 RIP.
Rudolph Klepitsch, father of Gary M. Klepitsch ’82.
Anthony G. Kloiber ’87, brother of Frank J. Kloiber Jr. ’89.
Cynthia S. Kovacevic, mother of Daniel N. Kovacevic ’12.
Stanislaw Kowalczyk, father of Elizabeth Kowalczyk Enarson ’95 and Debra Kowalczyk LdM ’86.
Mary P. Krackenberger, mother of Peter F. ’94 and Michael
P. Krackenberger ’96 and Kathleen Krackenberger
Baker ’01 and grandmother of Colin J. ’16 and Ryan C.
Hegg ’16.
Brian J. Krakora ’71, brother of Kevin A. Krakora ’85.
Eileen Ryan Lahart, mother of Dr. Christopher J. ’74 and Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ, ’79.
F. Vern Lahart ’45, father of Dr. Christopher J. ’74 and
Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ, ’79.
Margaret Behrens Later, grandmother of Philip Later ’16.
John H. Leahy ’55, brother of Terence P. ’58 RIP and Thomas K. Leahy ’60.
Rita “Sally” Lee, grandmother of John L. ’13 and Brian J. Bavlsik ’15 and mother-in-law of David Bavlsik, Loyola faculty 1993 to present.
Jean Leisten, mother of Christine Leisten Grimm ’96, Michelle Leisten Jennings ’99 and Kathleen A. Leisten
’95 and sister of Thomas R. Moloney ’59.
Lucille E. Lepucki, grandmother of Christopher M.
Lepucki ’03.
John B. LoGiudice, grandfather of John A. ’92, Peter M. ’96 and Anthony J. LoGiudice ’02.
William A. Looney ’33.
Nora M. Loverde, grandmother of Stephan P. ’96, Joseph V. ’03 and Kimberlie M. Loverde ’07 and Natalie Loverde Lannessa ’99.
George W. Luetkemeyer ’62.
Rev. George F. Lundy ’65.
Kevin P. Lynch ’84, brother of Michael W. II ’78 RIP, Sean P. ’84 and Brian D. Lynch ’88.
J. Michael Lyons ’60, father of Patrick M. Lyons ’87 and son of Joseph H. Lyons ’26 RIP.
Joseph Mara Sr., father of Joseph ’80 and Robert J.
Mara ’91.
Donald R. Markham, father of Deziree J. ’07, Devan T. ’15 and Dylan J. Markham ’16.
Sharyn J. Fahey, sister of Martin M. Jr. ’70 and James R. Fahey ’71, Diane Fahey Alston LdM ’75 and Dawn Fahey Hayes LdM ’78.
Charles V. Falkenberg Jr. ’48.
William O’Loane Feeley ’43, father of William C. ’67 and Stuart T. Feeley ’78.
Michael D. Felish, father of Margaret K. ’09, Michael A. ’11, Moira R. ’17 and Matthew M. Felish ’17.
Rev. Robert E. Finn, SJ, ’55, son of Robert E. Finn ’30 RIP and brother of Joseph M. Finn ’67.
Gary W. Fitzgibbons ’67.
Dr. John E. Flynn, MD, ’39.
William Francois, father of Robert W. Francois ’89.
Stefanie Freeman, mother of Dennis P. Freeman ’71 and
grandmother of Kelly McDermott Hassenfelt ’98 and
Brian P. ’90 and Sean T. McDermott ’93.
Maureen Fuechtmann, mother of Thomas L.
Fuechtmann ’92.
John P. Galante Sr., father of John P. ’78 and Daniel J. Galante ’83.
Donald J. Galassini, grandfather of Christopher J.
Rothing ’94.
David R. Geeve ’87.
Frances Reilley Gerlach, wife of Paul J. Gerlach ’51.
Jean Glunz, wife of Louis J. Glunz III ’47; mother of Louis J.
IV ’80 and Peter W. Glunz ’88; and grandmother of
Gavin S. ’13, Ross C. P. ’15 and Aidan B. Sullivan ’18.
Iraida Pineiro Goepp, DDS, mother of Robert C.
Goepp ’80.
Joan Bruns Golden, mother of Kevin P. Golden ’70.
William J. Gorman, father of David L. Gorman ’80.
Patricia Ann Gotta, grandmother of John B. Begley ’09 and Amy L. ’15 and Megan P. Dormin ’15.
Randy Gover, grandfather of Rachel N. Nieman ’11.
Christine Kutsch Gregory, sister of Kevin P. ’69, Patti LdM
’71, David J. ’73 and John H. Kutsch ’86.
William P. Gutekanst, father of Joseph P. ’69, Daniel E. ’77
and Vincent A. Gutekanst ’82 and grandfather of Caelinn E. Donahue ’12.
Ilija M. Gvozdenovic, father of Olga M. Gvozdenovic ’99
and Tamara Gvozdenovic Silva ’01.
Jamie Haberkorn, mother of Jack M. ’12 and Max D.
Haberkorn ’15.
Joanne C. Hagman, grandmother of Elyse M. ’09, Eric G.
’11 and Eva P. Hagman ’15 and mother of Carl Hagman,
Loyola faculty 1988–94.
Bernard J. Hallenberg ’46.
Dr. James L. Hancock, father of James B. ’68 and Keith A. Hancock ’74.
James E. Hayes ’48, father of James J. Hayes ’89.
Jeanine Healey, mother of Francis J. Healey Jr. ’75.
Thomas J. Hebson ’51.
Louis G. Hector Sr. ’45, father of Louis G. Jr. ’76 and Charles A. Hector ’85 and brother of Richard M. Hector ’48 RIP.
Janet M. Hertel, mother of Mark S. Hertel ’89.
Walter G. Heyek, father of Erwin J. Heyek ’78.
Frank W. Hianik, father of Mark W. ’78 and Richard J. Hianik ’80.
Thomas P. Hickey Jr. ’54, father of Brendan M. ’84 and Sean P. Hickey ’90 and son of Dr. Thomas P. Hickey
’25 RIP.
Annette Hickie, mother of Brian M. Hickie ’89.
Michael E. Hielscher ’78, brother of James J. ’73 and
Thomas M. Hielscher ’74 and son of Robert E.
Hielscher ’46 RIP.
David R. Hoolahan ’58, brother of Rev. Michael J., CP, ’50 and Richard P. Hoolahan ’55.
Charmaine J. Massi, grandmother of Amelia C. ’07 and Veronica A. Filippini ’10 and Matthew J. ’94, Christopher R. ’98, James V. III ’00, Gretchen L. Proesel ’02.
Edward J. McCabe, grandfather of Theodore R. ’98 and Susan Kozelka ’04.
David T. McCann, grandfather of Robert F. ’02, Ryan ’04 Siobhan P. ’07 and Devin M. Carey ’09.
Eleanore M. McCarthy, grandmother of Emily M. ’98, Cathleen M. ’01 Thomas M.’04 and Margaret M. Cramer ’06 and Connor J. ’03, Neal H. ’05 and Kevin H. McCarthy ’09 and Thomas J. Cramer, Loyola staff 2006 to present.
Ronald J. McDermott ’82.
Christopher D. McDonnell, son of J. Brian McDonnell ’61.
Carolyn McDonough, wife of Walter W. McDonough ’30 RIP and mother of William W. ’66 and Richard J. McDonough ’67.
Timothy McGady, father of Shannon McGady Pachnik ’00.
Nora P. McGeean, mother of William P. McGeean ’68.
Henry McGill, grandfather of Margaret S. McGill ’18.
Donna R. McGovern, mother of Terrence J. McGovern ’75.
John A. McGuire Jr. ’60.
Philip J. McGuire Jr. ’52.
John J. McHugh ’52.
Steven L. McKeag, brother of James M. McKeag ’90.
Terry C. McKerr ’65.
Frank P. Mertes ’53.
William E. Mick III, father of William E. ’00 and Patrick T. Mick ’02.
Jane Minifie, mother of Lloyd H. Minifie ’62.
Arlene Montana, grandmother of Arlene Y. LaRoe ’10.
Jeffrey P. Moran, father of Caitlin Moran Lamberty ’03.
Patricia A. Moran, mother of Brian K. ’81 and Edward A.
Moran ’82.
Anna Mueller, grandmother of Carl A. ’79 and Thomas A. Unger ’82.
Fred Murabito, grandfather of Peter J. ’10, Mary L. ’11 and Jane E. Dahm ’14 and father-in-law of Joseph L. Dahm,
Loyola faculty 1980 to present.
Patricia Padden Murphy, mother of Gerald S. Jr. ’75; Rev. Francis J., CSC, ’76; Patrick J. ’78; and Daniel J. Murphy ’79.
John F. Murray ’56.
Martin J. Murray, grandfather of Jessica K. ’12 and Bridget J. Schnoor ’16.
H. John Naper ’60.
Diane Marie Nierzwicki, wife of Robert J. Nierzwicki ’73.
Raymond C. Nierzwicki, father of Raymond J. ’71, Robert J. ’73,
Richard J. ’75 and Ronald J. Nierzwicki ’77 and grandfather
of Kaitlyn E. ’06, Stephanie M. ’08, Maureen S. ’10 and
Bridget K. Nierzwicki ’13.
S P R I N G 2 016
Robert M. Niesen ’53, father of Keith E. Niesen ’84.
Mary D. Nugent, wife of Richard E. Nugent ’64.
Mary O’Connor, mother of Joanne O’Connor Padgitt
LdM ’76.
Rosemary H. O’Connor, mother of Thomas J. ’73 RIP and William J. O’Connor ’75 and grandmother of Patrick O’Connor ’05.
Denis B. O’Keefe ’61, father of D. Michael ’86 and Timothy
J. O’Keefe ’88 and brother of John F. ’56, James P. ’64 and
Philip J. O’Keefe ’65.
Shirley J. O’Loughlin, mother of John A. ’59, James M. ’62
and Thomas M. O’Loughlin ’65 and grandmother of James
M. ’86, John T. ’86 and Mark C. O’Loughlin ’87.
Grace M. Oliver ’09, sister of Molly C. ’03 and Claire
Oliver ’07.
Terence K. O’Reilly ’67.
Vincent E. Ori ’63.
Anthony V. Pape ’80, brother of William S. Pape ’77 RIP.
Stella Z. Pappas, grandmother of Estelle A. ’11 and Ian P. Pappas ’13.
Daniel J. Pavlak ’65, brother of John J. ’63 and Richard M. Pavlak ’66.
Harry M. Pawlowski Sr., father of Harry M. Pawlowski Jr. ’84.
Eleanor Perry, mother of Leslie Perry Schwarzbach ’73 and grandmother of Scott A. ’81 and Jeffrey J. Malik ’84.
Robert Petkofski ’78.
Michael J. Phelan ’84, father of Mary Kate Phelan ’18; brother of Thomas P. ’80, Christopher J. ’81 and Matthew R. Phelan ’87; and son of Patrick E. Phelan ’56 RIP.
William H. Phelan, father of John M. ’76, William H. Jr. ’78 and Thomas W. Phelan ’81 and grandfather of William ’10, Emily C. ’12 and Mary C. Phelan ’16.
Suellen McGlynn Piggott, mother of William T. Piggott IV ’05.
Vacilios Poulos, father of Peter V. Poulos ’88.
John E. Pridmore, father of John D. ’72, William F. ’73 and Robert l. Pridmore ’76.
Jerome R. Provencher Sr. ’55, brother of Melvin G. Provencher ’49.
Margaret Quinn, mother of Stephen T. ’64, Daniel B. ’65 and Dennis M. Quinn ’68.
William J. Quinn, father of William J. ’61, George M. ’64 and Patrick J. Quinn ’68.
Michael Reid Sr., father of Robert J. Reid Jr. ’89.
William H. Remien III ’49, brother of Jerome Remien ’52 and son of F. Henry Remien ’24 RIP.
William F. Richer Jr. ’61, brother of Michael P. Richer ’62 and son of William F. Richer ’33 RIP.
David L. Riley, Loyola faculty 1993–2011.
Marian T. Riordan, grandmother of Patrick J. ’16 and Erin M. Riordan ’18.
Vincent P. Riordan Jr. ’48, father of Vincent T. ’74, James P. ’78 and Thomas P. Riordan ’77.
Caroline Robbins, sister of Katharine L. Robbins ’11.
Dr. Michael Rodriguez ’80, brother of Gabriel M. ’75 and Peter A. Rodriguez ’82.
Charles S. Rollings Jr. ’45, father of James F. ’73 and
Michael T. Rollings ’81 and grandfather of Catherine L.
’03, Christopher ’04, Mark ’04 and Julie M. Rollings ’08
and Paula K. ’03, Virginia ’07, Elizabeth C. ’08 and Earl E.
Webb ’11.
John M. Romano ’67, brother of Frank J. Romano ’65 and son
of Frank J. Romano ’40 RIP.
Robert M. Rowden, MD, ’52, brother of Frederick F. Rowden
’56 RIP.
Charles A. Rubey Jr., father of Brian A. Rubey ’83.
James B. Ryan ’62, brother of John V. Ryan III ’58.
Ferdinando B. Schiappa, MD, father of Dr. Ferdinand B. Jr. ’72
and Dr. Jeffrey A. Schiappa ’75 and grandfather of
Vanessa M. ’05 and Michael B. Schiappa ’13.
Marie E. Shanley, mother of Charles W. Jr. ’67, Michael S. ’68
RIP, Timothy P. ’73 and Brian R. Shanley ’79.
Barbara Byrnes Shelly, mother of Joseph D. Shelly III ’79.
Philip Sheridan, MD, father of Dr. Philip H. Sheridan Jr. ’78
and grandfather of Caroline A. Collins ’10; Elizabeth J.
’02, Daniel ’04, Justin M. ’10 and Meghan G. Pappano ’12;
and Emily R. ’10, Molly E. ’10, Abigail M. ’11, Madeline C.
’13, Sarah C. ’14 and Nancy C. Sheridan ’17.
Richard A. Shiman, Loyola administrator 1962–96, father of
Brian D. Blasingame ’84.
Anna H. Silha, mother of James B. ’75, Gary A. ’77 and
Jeffrey B. Silha ’82.
Barbara Jean Skrak, mother of Michael T. ’68 and James R. Skrak ’73.
Dorothy Slowiak, grandmother of Karlie A. Slowiak ’12.
Marie T. Smith, mother of Jesse C. ’67 and Gregory N.
Smith ’75.
Jesse C. Smith Jr., father of Jesse C. ‘67 and Gregory N. Smith ‘75.
Maribeth K. Stanmeyer, wife of Robert E. Stanmeyer ’60 RIP and mother of Mark R. Stanmeyer ’87.
William A. Stanmeyer ’52, brother of Robert E. Stanmeyer ’60 RIP and son of Alfred E. Stanmeyer ’23 RIP.
Elizabeth J. Sullivan, grandmother of Michael A. ’95, Katherine J. ’98 and Timothy J. Sullivan ’05.
Jonathan M. Sullivan ’95, brother of Daniel E. Jr. ’89 and Patrick D. Sullivan ’95 and son of Daniel E. Sullivan ’64.
Anthony J. Sweeney, MD, ’65, brother of Thomas X.
’66, James E. ’68, John P. ’70, Dr. Philip P. ’72 and Peter A.
Sweeney ’73 and son of Anthony J. Sweeney ’33 RIP.
Nora Sweeney, grandmother of Daniel E. ’84, Martin F. ’86, Timothy P. ’88 and Michael S. McGrory ’94.
Lincoln S. Tamraz, grandfather of Ashley Lucca Kilbane ’01.
Shannon Conroy Taylor, daughter of Daniel F. Conroy ’64,
granddaughter of William T. O’Donnell Sr. ’40 RIP and
niece of William T. O’Donnell Jr. ’67.
Nicholas C. Tedeschi, father of Brian C. Tedeschi ’90.
Robert C. Theisen ’47, father of Robert J. ’80 RIP,
Christopher T. ’82, Thomas M. ’84, William A. ’87 and
Michael F. Theisen ’93 and brother of Jerome J. Theisen
’40 RIP.
Margaret M. Tonelli, mother of Thomas J. Tonelli Jr. ’82.
Renee D. Tracy, mother of Brian M. Tracy ’95.
Audrey Ulm, mother of Scott J. Ulm ’76.
Pamela A. Valaitis, mother of Paul W. ’94 and Peter C.
Valaitis ’98.
Richard F. Van Arsdale Jr. ’66.
Carmen Vazquez, mother of Hector Vazquez, Loyola faculty
Sara E. Vogt, grandmother of Henry J. ’16 and Helen G.
Hebson ’19.
Robert E. Walsh, grandfather of Liam A. ’17 and Caitlin A.
Walsh ’19.
Rose Walsh, wife of Edmond E. Walsh ’48.
Lorant Welles, father of Lorant E. Welles ’87.
Eugene A. Winter, father of Donald P. Winter ’74.
Betsy Wolod, mother of Hannah Wolod ’01.
Gregoria Embudo Yanong, mother of Roy P. E. Yanong,
VMD, ’82.
Vito Zenzola, father of Rosemary Morrissey, Loyola faculty
1995 to present and grandfather of Alyssa Morrissey
Sullivan ’03.
Nancy Moloney Zimmerman, daughter of Donald J.
Moloney ’48.
Yolanda Zurawski, mother of Salvatore J. ’81, Rolando Jr. ’84
and Francis G. LaTorraca ’86 and grandmother of
Francesca A. LaTorraca ’16.
As of January 11, 2016
To include your departed loved one, please contact Patricia
A. Griffith at 847.920.2421 or pgriffith@loy.org.
For an alphabetical listing of all deceased Loyola and Marillac
alumni on record, visit goramblers.org/alumnidirectories.
Ways to
Stay Connected
Join our prayer community.
Download our PrayLA app to
your mobile device from Apple’s
App Store or Google Play. The app includes
an audio recitation of St. Ignatius’s Daily
Examen of Consciousness featuring the
voices of Rambler alumni and community
members. You can use the app to send
prayer requests and set reminders to pray
the Examen or read the daily reflection.
Join our Facebook community
of nearly 6,700 alumni,
parents and friends at
facebook.com/goramblers to keep your
finger on the pulse of local and global
Loyola life.
Tap into our LinkedIn community
of more than 3,000 members at
linkedin.com/company/loyolaacademy and select alumni or parents from
our featured groups.
Join our community of
nearly 3,300 followers on
Twitter @LoyolaAcademy
(twitter.com/loyolaacademy). Follow
Fr. McGrath at @frpatmcgrath.
Follow us on Instagram and
share your Loyola moments
using #LoyolaAcademy and
#goramblers in the post. Your photos could
be featured on our feed.
for its spring open house. To
join us or for more information,
contact Brendan Falls ‘01 at
Saturday, May 7
Reunions for
the Classes of
2006 and 2010
6 p.m.
Details on back cover.
Scholarship Donor
and Recipient Mass and
Saturday, June 11
10 a.m. Mass, followed by breakfast
The Class of 2006 will gather for
its 5-year reunion and the Class
of 2010 for its 10-year reunion from
8 to 11 p.m. Reunion locations will be
announced soon.
If you’re a scholarship or tuition assistance
benefactor or are considering becoming one,
you won’t want to miss this inspiring morning
as our tuition assistance recipients share their
stories and express their gratitude.
Reunion for
the Class of 1961
Sunday, May 15
President’s Week 2016
Tuesday, November 1 to
Sunday, November 6
Mark your calendar! Join us for a week of
festivities and camaraderie as we bring
the Loyola community together for faith,
friendship, fine arts, recreational activities
and more.
For more information about the Ramble, the
scholarship donor and recipient gathering or
President’s Week 2016, please contact Special
Events Director Sophie Streeter at 847.920.2714
or sstreeter@loy.org.
Young Alumni
Big Shoulders
Give Back Day
Saturday, April 23
St. Viator School
4170 W. Addison Street in Chicago
Don’t miss this great opportunity to relive the
service outings that were such an integral part
of your LA experience! We will partner with the
Big Shoulders Fund for a day of service at St.
Viator School, helping to prepare the campus
2016 Calendar
Ramble 2016:
Community. Commitment.
Saturday, June 25
The Class of 1961 will celebrate its 55-year
reunion, beginning with Mass in the Loyola
Chapel at 6 p.m., followed by cocktails and
Ramblers Golf Outing
Monday, September 12
North Shore Country Club
11:30 a.m. Check in and lunch
1 p.m. Shotgun start
Prizes and hors d’oeuvres follow.
Hit the green to benefit Ramblers in need at our
22nd annual Ramblers Golf Outing.
50th Reunion Celebration
for the Class of 1966
Friday, September 16,
Saturday, September 17 and Sunday,
September 18
Join us for three days of reunion activities. We
will begin the festivities on Friday evening with
an alumni-only cocktail party. On Saturday,
we’ll tailgate at noon before the 1 p.m. football
game against St. Francis of Wheaton. We’ll
celebrate Mass at 5 p.m. followed by the official
reunion cocktail and dinner party. On Sunday,
we’ll gather for a final post-reunion brunch.
Sign up for our Class of 1966 reunion
committee and help us plan an unforgettable
reunion weekend. For more information, visit
goramblers.org/1966classpage or contact
Dennis R. Stonequist ’90 at 847.920.2443 or
Reunion for
the Class of 1956
Saturday, October 8
The Class of 1956 will celebrate its 60-year
reunion with a 5 p.m. Mass in the Loyola Chapel,
followed by cocktails and dinner.
Athletic Hall of Fame
Induction and Dinner
Friday, October 14
The celebration begins at 6 p.m.
Loyola welcomes your nominations at
goramblers.org/halloffamenominations. We will
announce our 2016 inductees in June.
Reunions for
the Classes of 1976, 1986,
1991 and 1996
Saturday, October 15
Join us for a 6 p.m. Mass for all four class years in
the Loyola Chapel, followed by separate cocktail
receptions and dinner celebrations for each
class year.
For more information about alumni networking
events or reunions, please contact Director of
Alumni Relations Dennis R. Stonequist ‘90 at
847.920.2443 or dstonequist@loy.org.
> Visit goramblers.org/schoolcalendar for school events and goramblers.org/athleticcalendar for athletic events.
Nonprofit Org
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11O O L A R A M I E A V E N U E
Our Mission
To form women and men for meaningful
lives of leadership and service in imitation of
Jesus Christ through a college preparatory
education in the Jesuit, Catholic tradition.
Spring 2016
Community. Commitment. Compassion.
Ramble online auction
To reach a wider audience and free up
more space on the dance floor, we’ve
added a dedicated online auction to
our live and silent auction options. Bid
from your couch. Bid from your car. Bid
anywhere, anytime between 10 a.m.
on Sunday, April 17, and 10 p.m. on
Sunday, April 24.
Nearly half of our auction items will
be featured online only at goramblers.
org/ramble—–including popular items
such as tickets to sporting events, vacation
home getaways and travel packages.
Every bid supports tuition assistance for
Ramblers in need, so tell your family and
friends and let the bidding begin!
Save the date and join us for our
47th annual Ramble
a celebration of our Jesuit identity and
the committed and compassionate supporters who
work together to make the dream of Jesuit education
at Loyola Academy come true for young people
of every income level.
Saturday, May 7
5:30 p.m.
Mass in the Loyola Chapel
7:30 p.m.
Dinner and Live Auction
in the West Gym
Please RSVP by April 21.
Our annual Ramble transforms the
lives of hundreds of young people
from all over the city and its suburbs
by generating 30 percent of the
approximately $3.8 million in tuition
assistance that we award to Loyola
students each year in a single night. Your
gifts of time, talent and treasure make it
Become a Ramble volunteer.
To join us, please contact Mary Mulhall at
marymulhall@me.com or Elizabeth Price
at priceshugrue@comcast.net.
Be an event sponsor.
For information about Ramble
sponsorships, please contact Vice
President of Advancement Robert O.
Miller at 847.920.2428.
6:00 p.m.
Cocktail Reception
and Silent Auction
in the West Gym
Black Tie Preferred
Join the
Ramble 2016 team.
Chair s
th Price
at the R
an d Ma
the offi
for Ram
ble 201
Be a guardian angel.
Help a Rambler experiencing
unexpected financial need by making an
online donation to our Guardian Angel
Fund at goramblers.org/ramble.
Questions? Please contact Director
of Special Events Sophie Streeter at
sstreeter@loy.org or 847.920.2714.