Writing Application


Writing Application
Writing Application
িনেচর Application এর Format বা গঠন ভালভােব অ সরণ করেব। Application এ To বহার করার দরকার নাই। Beg ও Prayer শ
বহার করেব না। কারণ Beg এর অথ হল িভ া করা যা একজন িভ ক কের থােক এবং Prayer এর অথ হল াথনা । আমরা ি কতার কােছ াথনা কির।
শরা আমােদর এ েলা িশিখেয়িছল িক তারা বহার কের না। তাই আমরা এখন থেক স কটাই িশখেবা।
Suppose you are Rabby Hassan, a student of class x of St. Joseph Higher Secondary School. On
account of illness you could not attend the classes13th to 17th December due to viral fever.Write
an application to the Headmaster asking for leave of absence.
01 January’2015
The Headmaster
St. Joseph Higher Secondary School
97,Asad Avenue ,Dhaka-1207
Subject: An application for leave of absence.
This is to inform you that I am a regular student of your school in class X. I have been studying here for 5 years. I have
shown excellent performance in annual examination. All along, I secured the top position in the examination. But at this
moment, on account of illness I could not attend the classes13th to 17th December due to viral fever.
I have attached the medical report for your kind consideration.
Under the circumstances mentioned above, it is my earnest request to grant me leave of absence. I need your grace to
continue my studies as usual.
I remain
Your most obedient pupil
Rabby Hassan
Roll: 3
Section: A
01. Date (তািরখ)
(space) এক লাইন gap
02. Recipient’s Address ( াপেকর িঠকানা)
(space) এক লাইন gap
03. Subject (িবষয়)
(space) এক লাইন gap
04. The Salutation (স াষণ/
state the topic িবষেয়র উে খ
(space) এক লাইন gap
05.The Body ( ধান অংশ)
(space) এক লাইন gap
06. The Subscription (িবদায় স াষণ)
Your most obedient pupil ( লখেবনা)
07. Name and Identity (নাম ও পিরচয়)
Application to the Head Teacher- 1
we`¨vj‡q ‡h †Kvb cÖKvi wKQy ¯nvcb Kiv wb‡q †h †Kvb cÖKvi Av‡e`b cÎ
1.Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him to set up a literary(mvwnZ¨)
club in the school campus.
2. Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him to set up an English
language(Bs‡iwR fvlv) club in the school campus.
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him to set up a debating(weZ©K)
club in the school campus.
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him to set up a
computer(Kw¤úDUvi)club in the school campus.
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him to set up a common room
(Kgb iæg) in the school campus.
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him to set up a hall room(nj
i“g) in the school campus.
7. Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him to set up a rich library(mg„Ø
jvB‡eªix) in the school campus.
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him to set up a prayer
room(bvgv‡Ri i“g) in the school campus.
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him to set up a reading
room(covi i“g) in the school campus.
10. Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him to set up a Shaheed Minar
(kwn` wgbvi ) in the school campus.
11. Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him to set up a hostel (QvÎvevm) in
the school campus.
12. Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him to set up
a canteen(K¨vw›Ub) in the school campus.
02 November’2014
The Headmaster
……….. High school (cÖ‡kœ D‡jwLZ we`¨vj‡qi bvg)
………….( cÖ‡kœ D‡jwLZ †Rjvi bvg)
Subject: An application for setting up a/an (cÖ‡kœ D‡jwLZ welq)
Dear Sir,
This is to inform you that
we are the students of
oldest and famous schools in the district. The result of
of our school. It has a reputation as it is enriched with
sorrow that there is no (cÖ‡kœ D‡jwLZ welq ) in our school.
D‡jwLZ welq ) in the school premises. It is
D‡jwLZ welq m¤ú‡K© 1/2wU evK¨ AwZwi³ wjL‡Z n‡e)
your school. Our school is one of the
our school is satisfactory. We are proud
almost all the faculties. But it is a matter of
It is our long cherishing desire to have a
also a part and parcel of education. Moreover (cÖ‡kœ
Under the circumstances mentioned above, it is our earnest request to pass the order to set
D‡jwLZ welq ) as quickly as possible to continue our studies.
up a /an (cÖ‡kœ
We remain
Your most obedient pupils
The students of …………..school.(cÖ‡kœ D‡jwLZ we`¨vj‡qi bvg))
set up a canteen m¤ú‡K© 1/2wU AwZwi³ evK¨
the students who come from far places have to go out for taking tiffin that
is risky for discipline and road crossing.
Application to the head teacher -2
Write an application to your headmaster of your school praying for leave of absence.(Abycw¯nZ RwbZ
QywU) [illness]
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school asking for early leave.( Av‡M Av‡M evox‡Z hvIqvi Rb¨)
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school asking for leave after 3rd period.(৩ N›Uvq QywU
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school asking for transfer Certificate.( Qvoc‡Îi
Rb¨)[admission in a new school]
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school asking for character Certificate. (PvwiwÎK mb`
†P‡q) [admission in a new school]
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school asking for Testimonial. (cÖksmvcÎ †P‡q)
[admission in a new school]
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school asking for seat in the school hostel. (QvÎvev‡m wmU
†P‡q) [father’s transfer]
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school asking for full free student ship.(webv †eZ‡b
Aa¨vqb) [father’s poor income]
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school asking for a financial help from poor fund.(
`vwi`¨ Znwej †_‡K mvnvh¨ †P‡q) ,,
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school asking remission of delay fine.( Rwigvbv gIKy‡ci
Rb¨) [father’s poor income]
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school asking for leave in advance.( AwMªg QywU †P‡q)
[elder sister’s marriage ceremony]
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school asking for change of elective subject.(4_© welq
cwieZ©‡bi Rb¨)
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school asking for re-admission in the class. (cybt fwZ©i
Rb¨) [failure in the exam.]
02 November’2014
The Headmaster
………..school (cÖ‡kœ D‡jwLZ we`¨vj‡qi bvg)
Subject: An application for (cÖ‡kœ D‡jwLZ welq )
This is to inform you that I am a regular student of your school in class viii/ix/x. I have been
studying here for 3/4/5 years. I have shown excellent performance in ( ‡h †Kvb cix¶vi bvg )
examination. All along, I secured the top position in the examination. But at this moment, for my
(….KviY..... ) I need (cÖ‡kœ D‡jwLZ welq) I will be thankful to you if you grant me (cÖ‡kœ D‡jwLZ welq). Now
it is quite impossible for me to continue my study without (cÖ‡kœ
D‡jwLZ welq).
Under the circumstances mentioned above, it is my earnest request to
welq). I need your grace to continue my studies as usual.
I remain
Your most obedient pupil
…………… Akter
Class ……
Roll No ……..
grant me (cÖ‡kœ
Application to the Head Teacher-3
we`¨vj‡q ‡h †Kvb cÖKvi wKQy Av‡qvRb Kiv wb‡q †h †Kvb cÖKvi Av‡e`b cÎ
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him for permission to go on a
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him for permission to hold
debate competitions(weZ©K cÖwZ‡hvwMZv) in your school.
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him for permission to arrange a
study tour/excursion (wk¶vmdi) in your school.
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him for permission to arrange a
Milad Mahfil(wgjv` gvnwdj) in your school.
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him for permission to arrange a
drama(bvUK Av‡qvRb) in your school.
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him for permission to arrange a
farewell (we`vq Abyôvb ) party in honour of the outgoing SSC students of your school.
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him for permission to hold the
birth anniversary(Rb¥ e©vwlKx)/death anniversary(g„Zz¨ e©vwlKx )of Kazi Nazrul Islam/Rabindranath Tagore/---- in your school.
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting him for permission to hold a
Baishakhi Mela(‰ekvLx †gjv) on your school premises on the occasion of Pahela Baishakh.
21 May’ 2014
The Headmaster
………..school (cÖ‡kœ D‡jwLZ we`¨vj‡qi bvg)
Subject: An application for arranging (cÖ‡kœ
Dear Sir,
D‡jwLZ welq )
This is to inform you that we are the students of your school. Our school is one of the
oldest and famous schools in the district. The result of our school is satisfactory. We are proud
of our school. Our school arranges (cÖ‡kœ D‡jwLZ welq) every year. But this year no such
programme has yet been arranged. We have decided to arrange (cÖ‡kœ D‡jwLZ welq ) if you
allow us to do it. You know that (cÖ‡kœ D‡jwLZ welq ) is not out of education. In order to perform
it, your kind consideration is badly needed with some financial support. Our Bengali and English
teacher has given their consent to guide us.
Under the circumstances mentioned above, it is our earnest request to
and oblige thereby.
We remain
Your most obedient pupils
The students of………School. (cÖ‡kœ D‡jwLZ we`¨vj‡qi bvg)
grant our demand
Application to the Authority- 4
GjvKvi †Kvb mgm¨v mgvavb Ki‡Z KZ©c‡¶i Kv‡Q Av‡e`b|
Write an application to the Thana Nirbahi Officer/The Upazilla Nirbahi Officer /Deputy
Commissioner /The Concerned Authority/The Mayor/The Union Parisad Chariman/The Upazila
Chairman requesting for (mgm¨vi welq)---------------------------------Write an application to the TNO requesting for repairing (†givgZ) the damaged (fv½v)& bridge of your
locality. (GjvKv)
Write an application to the Chairman of your Union Parished requesting (Aby‡iva) for repairing the
tub-wells (bjK~c) damaged by the recent devastating (asmvZ¡K) flood(eb¨v).
Write an application to the D.C requesting for the construction of a road in your areas.
Write an application to the Chairman of your Union Parished requesting for construction of a
bridge (eªxR wbgvY©)over the canal (Lv‡ji Dci) in your area.
Write an application to the UNO of your Upazilla requesting for a deep tube) well(Mfxi bjK~c) in
your area where arsenic poisoning has been found in the tube-well.
Write an application to the D.C requesting him for a charitable dispensary (`vZe¨/webv cqmvq wPwKrmvjq) for
free treatment in your locality.
--------------hvi eive‡i wjL‡Z n‡e
--------------wVKvbv(cÖ‡kœ D‡jwLZ wVKvbv)
Subject: An application for (removing/repairing/setting up a /taking steps in controlling)(
welq )
Dear Sir,
we are the inhabitants of (GjvKvi bvg) area. Ours is an area of a
large population. About 100000 people live here. We have been living here peacefully. But
now a days we the inhabitants of (GjvKvi bvg) are facing problem for (welq ).Normal life is greatly
This is to inform you that
removed/constructed/repaired/set up/controlled/---) immediately. If necessary steps are not
taken immediately, our existence will become quiet impossible.
Under the circumstances mentioned above, it is our earnest request to take proper
remove/construct/repair/set up/control/---) (welq
peace and safe.
Yours faithfully
On behalf of the inhabitants of (GjvKvi
steps to
) as soon as possible so that we may live in
bvg). (cÖ‡kœ D‡jwLZ wVKvbv)