Syllabus - Wilkes University
Syllabus - Wilkes University
Wilkes University - Division of Engineering & Physics Fluid Mechanics -ME 321 - Syllabus A. GENERAL INFORMATION: Required Course for all ME & EnvE majors. INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Perwez Kalim. Professor of Mechanical Engineering CONTACT INFO: SLC-139, Office Hrs: visit my webpage, Phone: 570-408-4827, Fax 570-408-7881 WEB PAGE: http://staffweb., e-mail: TEXT BOOK: Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Roberson & Crowe, 10th Ed. John Wiley & Sons, ISBN13: 978-0470-25977-1 REFERENCE: Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, Munson, Young and Okiishi, 3rd Ed. John Wiley B. CATALOG DESCRIPTION: ME 321 - FLUID MECHANICS - Three Credits, Thermodynamics and dynamic principles applied to fluid behavior, ideal, viscous, and compressible fluids under internal and external flow conditions. Three hours lecture a week. Prerequisite: ME 231, Corequisite: ME 322 C. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: The course in fluid mechanics is a foundation course in the Mechanical Engineering curriculum and is required of all ME &GSE majors. It prepares students to solve problems of Fluid Mechanics and provide opportunities to design Fluid flow systems. The course presents many ideas and principles of fluid mechanics that are completely new to the student. Primary emphasis is given on problem solving and let them recognize the physical limitations in designing a fluid system. Student will gain competency in solving complex engineering problems in a systematic way. The learning objectives are: to learn principles and applications of fluid mechanics and solve applied principles of fluid mechanics. 1. Prepare students to handle physical and applied problems of fluid mechanics in order to Apply Newton's law of viscosity to analyze simple behavior of liquids and gases (a, c, e)* Use the hydrostatic pressure equation to predict pressure variations in fluid columns and compute forces and moments on submerged surfaces (a, c, e) Measure pressure with manometers and transducers (a, c, e) Compute fluid acceleration (local & convective) at a point given the velocity field (a, c, e, k) Solve problems using equations of mass, momentum, and energy (a, c, e, k) Use control volume analysis to determine forces, flow rates and flow property changes in confined flows (pipes) and free jets (a, c, e, k) Determine volumetric and mass flow rates, velocity correction factor, rotational, irrotational, and multi-dimensional flow, flows (a, c, e, k) Identify Reynolds number, friction losses. Distinguish cases where the energy equation must be used (such as incompressible flows in pipes and ducts) instead of the Bernoulli equation and where Bernoulli’s assumptions are not valid (a, c, e, i, j, k) Analyze and select pumps and turbines. Learn characteristics curves and cavitation issues in turbomachines (a, c, e, i, k) Analyze pipe/fluid system using energy and hydraulic gradient lines (a, c, e, k) Design pipeline system and analyze open channel flow (a, c, e, k) Communicate learning/design experience in the form of formal/informal writing and engage in PowerPoint presentation of the design to class and review peers (d, e, f, g, j, k) Employ contemporary issues during project design and learn lifelong learning issues (i j) * The letters in parenthesis refers to ABET general outcomes D. MAPPING OF THE COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES TO ABET (Criterion 3) OUTCOMES: The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) Criteria 2000 define a number of program outcomes that all graduates of ABET accredited Engineering programs must have. How this course relates to these outcomes are listed below: Outcomes a, c, and e are central to the course. Knowledge of fluid mechanics principles is the key to the employment of continuity, momentum and energy equations in variety of fluid engineering applications. In designing fluid systems and components, the understanding of the principles of fluid Mechanics plays a very crucial role. Much of the homework emphasizes the application of the principles of fluid mechanics in quantitative and qualitative analyses of various types of fluid systems. Outcomes d, j, and k are addressed in the design-project component of the course. The outcome d is partially addressed by virtue that project teams are construed of students who belong to different majors. When students work on design of a fluid systems, the knowledge of fluid mechanics analysis tools and techniques as well as the knowledge of contemporary issues are necessary (such as environmental impact, new technology and others) are necessary. Outcomes f, g, and i: They are occasionally considered in the class discussions. Outcome f is inculcated in students by educating them about the importance of professional, ethical, and plagiarism issues. Project reports are checked by plagiarism software. Outcome g is addressed through graded formal report, PowerPoint oral presentation to the class in professional manner along with peer review. Lifelong learning issues, is specially discussed when the engineering licensure (FE) issues are discussed. The students take sample FE exam available on my website tested through a quiz. These considerations also provide some exposure to outcome h. E. F. TOPICS COVERED: 1. Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics & properties, Fluid Statics, and Fluid measurements 2. Continuity, and energy equations 3. Momentum principles 4. Energy Principles 5. Boundary Layer Theory, Lift and Drag 6. Turbo-machines (Turbine and Pump) 7. Open Channel Flow (5 (4 (4 (5 (3 (6 (3 classes) classes) classes) classes) classes) classes) classes) PREREQUISITES BY TOPIC: Knowledge of differential and integral calculus, and Word, PowerPoint, Excel & MATLAB is necessary. G. HOMEWORK, QUIZ, AND EXAM, PROJECT SCHEDULE: see HW schedule below Quizzes may be given, therefore presence in class is critically important. No make-up quiz will be given. More than 3 unexcused absences will force the final grade to be lowered down by 0.5 grade from the maximum achievable. Unethical behavior like cheating in exam or homework, plagiarism will cost a grade of "zero" irrespective of the last performance. Each student must bring the book in the class. Calculator is must in the exams and advised to bring in class. One minimum score quiz will be dropped. Design project: See my website, select a project Exam: Three 55 minutes tests are planned. All tests will be closed book unless otherwise announced. Make up exams will not be given unless proof of legitimate reason (why one missed the exam) is provided. The Registrar will announce the final Exam schedules. H. GRADING: Quiz & HW =15 Pts, 3 Hour Exams@ 15 Pts=45 Pts, Design Project = 15 Pts. Final Exam=25 Pts, The grade scale is based on the aggregate score calculated using the above distribution. Individual exams or a project is not the representative of the final grade. Grading scale is A (90 and ), B+ (85-89), B (80-84), C+ (75-79), C (70-74), D+ (65-69), D (60-64) I. METHODS OF ASSESSMENT: Graded Quiz and special HW Course Evaluations by students Graded Exams Design Projects Instructor Judgment Program skills surveys (performance criteria) Good luck. Let us have a great semester. Prepared by: S. Perwez Kalim/Page 2 ME 321 – FLUID MECHANICS HOMEWORK SCHEDULE Employ 3 steps methodology to solve homework problems: 1) Write what is given in the problem (known data), 2) Draw the schematics (understand the physics of the problem), and 3) Analyze or solve the problem. Only selected homework assignments will be collected and graded. It is student’s responsibility to do the homework after the relevant material has been discussed in class. Homework must be stapled before submission. HW# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PROBLEMS - The homework solutions will be available on the course website after due date For the most part, homework will not be graded Ch 1/1, 5, Ch2/6,8, 12,20, 24,35 Ch 3/13, 18, 21, 36(kPa), 63, 67, 70 Ch 4/4, 24, 62, 73, 90, 91, 96, 100 Ch 5/12, 16, 18, 39, 46, 61, 92, 105 Ch 6/17, 25, 26, 41, 46, 47, 50, 61, 83 Ch 7/8, 11(Assume V= Vm(1-r/ro), 28, 33, 39, 45, 50, 72, 74, 83 Ch 10/12 (part e- find the shear stress at the wall using equation 10.11), 58, 66, 76, 78, 81, 83, 87 (Note: use eqn. 10.39 instead of Moody diagram to find the friction factor f) Ch 15/7, 12, Turbomachines notes GROUP DESIGN PROJECT Each student must belong to a group and each group must either pick one project from the following list or choose a project of their own choice as long as it is approved by the instructor. This must occur by September 15th. o Two copies of final report must be submitted o The project report must conform to the report writing format and guidelines- check out the website o The project will be presented in the class as scheduled. A copy of your PowerPoint presentation must be provided in advance. You will have the opportunity to evaluate the work of your peers. o Presentation Date: Business Attire is compulsory, the presentations will be made during Lab hours- all sections combined. Each student in the group will be graded for his/her communication skills. Check out website to know how to grade presentations. The presentation must be done on PowerPoint and business attire is necessary. Maximum time for the presentation is 10 minutes and 5 minutes for questions (Total 15 minutes). Important Dates to Remember Each group must select a project by Interim project report Last week of September Before Thanksgiving Break Note that if interim report is not submitted- no final grade will be awarded for the project Final Report Submission Date Dec 4th, anytime Presentation Date: Dec 5th in class and/or during evening lab hr. Maximum time for the presentation is 10 minutes and 5 minutes for Q/A Prepared by: S. Perwez Kalim/Page 3