Saint George Parish Community - John Patrick Publishing Company
Saint George Parish Community - John Patrick Publishing Company
Saint George Parish Community Under the Guidance of the Holy Spirit 22 E. Cooke Avenue, Glenolden, PA 19036 - December 28, 2014 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Now, there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon. This man was righteous and devout, awaiting the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he should not see death before he had seen the Christ of the Lord. He came in the Spirit into the temple; and when the parents brought in the child Jesus to perform the custom of the law in regard to Him, he took Him into his arms and blessed God, saying: “Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have been your salvation, which you prepared in sight of all the peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel.” The Child’s father and mother were amazed at what was said about Him; and Simeon blessed them and said to Mary His mother, “Behold, this Child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be contradicted - and you yourself a sword will pierce - so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.” There was also a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was advanced in years, having lived seven years with her husband after her marriage, and then as a widow until she was eighty-four. She never left the temple, but worshiped night and day with fasting and prayer. And coming forward at that very time, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the Child to all who were awaiting the redemption of Jerusalem. When they had fulfilled all the prescriptions of the law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, to their own town of Nazareth. The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and favor of God was upon Him. - Luke 2: 22-40 in part Saint George Parish Website Please check out our new Parish Website at There you will find calendar events and updates, Pot of Gold results, Parish Bulletins, a history of the Parish and the Sisters of Saint Joseph, information about the sacraments, photo libraries, links to other Catholic websites, and so much more! Also, visit us on Facebook and Twitter! New Year’s Mass Schedule Please join us. 4:00 PM New Year’s Eve –Wednesday, December 31, 2014 10:00 AM - New Year’s Day - Thursday, January 1, 2015 Saint George All are welcome! Contact Us! New Parishioners Godparents We are pleased to welcome new members to our Parish Community. Please call the Rectory Office at 610-237-1633 to make an appointment to register and to learn more about our parish. Students must be registered in the Parish before registering in the Parish Religious Education Program. Only one godparent is required for Baptism. If two are chosen, one must be male and one must be female. A godparent must be a fully initiated Roman Catholic (Baptized, Confirmed and receiving the Eucharist), at least 16 years of age, if married, must be married in the Church, and in good standing with the Church. A baptized non-Catholic Christian may be chosen as a “Christian Witness” provided there is one Catholic godparent. A former Catholic may not serve as either a godparent or Christian witness. Sacrament of Baptism The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the second Sunday of the month at 11:00 AM. Parents seeking baptism for their child are asked to please call the rectory. Pre-Jordan is required for parents with a first-born child or parents with additional children who have not attended within a two-year period. The next session will be held on January 4, 2015. Pre -registration is required. Sacrament of Matrimony Couples planning a wedding are asked to call the rectory at least one year in advance of the wedding date. Couples are required to attend the Archdiocesan Marriage and Family Life Preparation Program. Sick or Homebound In case of serious illness or advanced age, please call the rectory. Arrangements will be made for the Sacrament of the Sick and for Holy Communion. If you are going into the hospital and you would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick, please call the rectory. Also, when you are hospitalized, please contact the hospital chaplain and our rectory. Bulletin Articles Announcements for our Parish Bulletin can be emailed, written or faxed to the Rectory Office. All articles must be approved by the pastor. Articles must be received no later than Monday mornings at 9:00 AM for publication the following Sunday. R.C.I.A. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, or if you were baptized Catholic but did not complete your sacraments, please contact Sr. Lorraine Muglie, SSJ at the Rectory Office at 610-237-1633 to learn more about our Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Program. Mass Cards Mass cards are available at the Rectory Office. If you would like to have a Mass celebrated in memory of a deceased loved one, or for special intentions, please come to the Rectory Office Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Tree of Life Memorial Food Pantry If you would like to have a leaf or a boulder permanently inscribed in memory of a loved one on the Tree of Life, which is located to in the vestibule by the chapel, please contact Mrs. Mary Ann Zeller at 610-237-1633. Our Parish Food Pantry is available for parishioners and friends who are in need of a meal but cannot provide one for themselves. If you or a friend needs temporary food assistance, please contact Mrs. Lynda Batten at 610-237-1633. All calls are confidential. Donations of non-perishable food items, in addition to turkeys and hams during the holidays, are always welcome. Gift cards are also welcome. Donations can be brought to the Rectory Office Monday thru Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Vigil Candles Vigil Candles, which are located in front of the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph statues in the front of the church, are available for your intentions. Small candles are $2 and will burn for two days. These can be purchased by placing your donation in an envelope and dropping it in the slot provided by the candles. Large candles are $150 and will burn for an entire year. Large candles can be purchased by contacting Mrs. Mary Ann Zeller at 610-237-1633. A plaque with your loved ones name will be placed on the candle and it will remain there throughout the year. Parishioner Census Records If you will be moving within the parish or out of the parish, or if you have a change in phone number or marital status, we respectfully ask that you contact the Rectory Office so that we can update your records accordingly. Parish Staff Rev. Leo P. Oswald, Pastor Rev. Martin E. Woodeshick, Pastor Emeritus - Holy Spirit Rev. Ignatius Marneni, Parochial Vicar (Senior Priest) Rev. James McBurney, O.S.A., Weekend Assistant Rev. James McCartney, O.S.A., Weekend Assistant Mrs. Lynda Batten, Parish/PREP Secretary, Ext. 101 Mrs. Marie Dunleavy, Receptionist, Ext. 113 Mrs. Chris Guidetti, Youth Minister, Ext. 125 Mr. Patrick McCullough, Maintenance, Ext. 104 Sister Lorraine Muglie, SSJ, Dir. of Rel. Ed, Ext. 103 112George - Page 2 Mrs. Patti Scirrotto, Director of Liturgy and Music, Ext. 106 Ms. Ruth Trinkle, Receptionist, Ext. 113 (Saturdays) Mr. Al Zeller, Bingo - 610-532-8271 Mrs. Mary Ann Zeller, Business Manager, Ext. 104 Reflection, Worship and Parish Information Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Saturday 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM Sunday 8:00 AM to 12:00 Noon Phone Number: 610-237-1633 Fax Number: 610-237-9626 Email: Receptionist: Mrs. Marie Dunleavy Ms. Ruth Trinkle (Sat.) Secretary: Mrs. Lynda J. Batten Parish Business Manager: Mrs. Mary Ann Zeller Director of Liturgy and Music: Mrs. Patti Scirrotto Convent 11 E. Lamont Avenue Glenolden, PA 19036 Phone Number: 610-237-1633 Office of Religious Education DRE: Sister Lorraine Muglie, SSJ Secretary: Mrs. Lynda J. Batten Phone Number: 610-237-1633 Fax Number: 610-237-9626 Join us on Altar Servers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Readers, Ushers, and Music Ministry Mrs. Patti Scirrotto Bereavement Ministry Mrs. Mimi Ednie Bingo Program Mr. Al Zeller Holy Name Society Joe Egan Legion of Mary Theresa Murray Ministry Outreach Program Lynda Batten R.C.I.A. Sister Lorraine Muglie, SSJ Youth Group Mrs. Christine Guidetti Rite of Reconciliation 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM Saturday afternoons 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM 1st Sunday of the month at the Holy Spirit Worship Site or by appointment Care of the Sick Please contact the Rectory Office in the event of sickness or hospitalization. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Thursday 6:30 PM - Sept. to Easter Baptism Second Sunday of the month at 11:00 AM Please call the Rectory Office for an appointment to schedule a Baptism and Baptism Preparation (Pre-Jordan) Devotions Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - Fridays 9:00 AM to 3:45 PM Miraculous Medal Devotion - Following the 8:00 AM Mass on Saturdays Holy Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet - Thursdays 7:00 PM Daily Readings & Mass Intentions Sunday, December 28 - Genesis 15: 1-6; 21: 1-3, Hebrews 11: 8, 11-12, 17-19; Luke 2: 22-40 - The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph 8:00 AM People of St. George 10:00 AM Tony and Mary Pavese Request by: Pavese Family 11:30 AM Patricia Dougherty Requested by: Charles Dougherty Monday , December 29 - 1 John 2: 3-11; Luke 2: 22-35 - 5th Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord 4:00 PM Arthur and Madeline Mulrooney Requested by: Ann O’Connor Tuesday, December 30 - 1 John 2: 12-17; Luke 2: 36-40 - 6th Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord 8:00 AM Frank Corcoran Requested by: Al and Mary Ann Zeller Wednesday, December 31 - 1 John 2: 18-21; John 1: 1-18 7th Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord 4:00 PM Sylvia DiGiacomo Requested by: Al and Mary Ann Zeller Thursday, January 1, 2015 - Numbers 6: 22-27; Galatians 4: 4-7; Luke 2: 16-21 - Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God 10:00 AM Intentions of the Parishioners of Saint George Friday, January 2 - 1 John 2: 22-28; John 1: 19-28 - Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops and Doctors of the Church (Memorial) 4:00 PM Joseph Pantano Requested by: Bill Battagliese 112George - Page 3 Saturday, January 3 - 1 John 2: 29-36; John 1: 29-34 8:00 AM Edward Noga Requested by: Mary Wizda 4:30 PM Les and Judy Dirsh Requested by: Pavese Family Sunday, January 4 - Isaiah 60: 1-6; Ephesians 3: 2-3a, 56; Matthew 2: 1-12 - The Epiphany of the Lord 8:00 AM Charles McAllister Requested by: Nester Family 10:00 AM Sr. Angeline Clawson, SSJ and the people of Saint George Requested by: Bill Battagliese 11:30 AM Edward Falasco Requested by: Pete Falasco MASSES Daily 4:00 PM Mon-Wed-Fri 8:00 AM Tue-Thu-Sat Weekend 4:30 PM Saturday 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM Sunday 11:30 AM Holy Spirit Worship Site (thru 1/11/15) Holy Days - As Announced Happy New Year! On behalf of Father Oswald, Father Marneni, Father McBurney, Father McCartney, Sister Lorraine and the Parish Staff, we wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year!!! Please drink responsibly and don’t drink and drive. Be safe. Gospel Reflection and Parish Information Gospel Reflection As much as Joseph and Mary are the parents of Jesus, the Son of God, they were also ordinary people who followed traditional customs and complied with the laws of their nation. They were perhaps surprised by the attention given by Simeon and Anna to Jesus and they were most probably very anxious about the importance of their Son in the future. Nevertheless, they raised Jesus as any normal parents would raise their son. They taught Him and disciplined Him. Jesus probably had to do daily chores and learn basic education like any other boy and girl living in Nazareth. Joseph probably had to work hard for a living and Mary did her share of the housework. It is this ordinary life that Joseph, Mary, and Jesus led that make them a role model for any modern Christian family. They led a typical family life, a life surrounded by love, responsibility and caring for each other. We have read and heard of the difficulties and challenges of the family in the 21st century. Maybe we have experienced these difficulties ourselves. Perhaps we worry how our children will grow up or how we can continue providing for their basic needs and education. But if we remember Jesus, Mary, and Joseph and their commitment to each other, despite all their difficulties, we can draw from this and realize that our families, too, can weather and hurdle any challenge or obstacle. It takes responsibility, commitment, and most of all – love. “Lord, may I never cease to hope in You and to trust in Your promises. Inflame my zeal for Your kingdom and increase my love for prayer, that I may never cease to give You praise and worship”. Happy Birthday On behalf of the Saint George Parish Community, we would like to wish all those parishioners who will be celebrating their birthday this week a Happy Birthday and a healthy year: Audrey Alderfer, Joseph Christie, Jr, Kevin Hinchey, Sarah Ajavon, Kathleen Boyle, Reynerio Caballero, Erin Collier, Shawn Frampton, John Kines, Brian McGuckin, Alicia Palmer, Victoria Tran, Debroah Travers, Cynthia Weber, Joseph Donnelly, Dolores Egan, Anne Fitzgerald, Nicole Franz, Peter McGillen, Christian Napoliello, April O’Connor, Anthony Salvato, Nicholas Thompson, Kyla Valver, James Villare, Marica DiDonato, Amanda Donahue, Scott Fairfield, Christine Guidetti, Ryan Martin, David Millhausen, Patrick Zappacosta, and of our dear parishioners who are celebrating their birthday the first week in January. Don’t see your name here? We must not have your birth date on file. Please contact the Rectory Office at 610237-1633 to add it to your records and we will be happy to include Happy Birthday wishes on your special day! Casserole Weekend Next weekend, January 3-4, 2015 is Casserole Weekend. Casserole pans will be available at the doors of the church this weekend for those who would like to make a meal for a homeless person and return it (frozen) to the convent basement on January 3-4. Thank you for your kindness. 112George - Page 4 Can you host a family during the World Meeting of Families September 22-27, 2015? You can find out more at under “Get Involved” and follow links to “Host a Family.” Cards are also available at the doors of the church with more details. Pope Francis will be joining us!!! Please pray for his intentions and safe travels. God bless you. Masss Counts, Offerings and Pot of Gold Results Due to the holiday season, this week’s Parish Bulletin issue was printed in advance. As a result, Mass counts, Offerings and Pot of Gold results are not published. We invite you to contact the Rectory Office at 610237-1633 or visit for Pot of Gold re- Please Pray for Our Sick Where there Please keep the following people in your prayis great love, ers: Kay Adams, Mary Batty, Terry Cary, Josethere are phine Cerino, Bert Daly, Helen Daly, George always mirDoney, Joe Egan, Paul Felker, Marie Flynn, acles. Nancy Gerace, Nicholas Giafes, Larry Green, Aidan Hammond, Joseph Higgins, Walter Higgins, Helen Horton, Arthur James, Sr. Mary Loftus, IHM, Lou Mazzenga, John Mazzerella, Greg Oaster, Kathleen Cardell Pearson, Lillian Reid, Mickey Scalpato, James Schneider, Tom Shannon, Anthony Sulpizio, Suzie Widerwax, Joseph Wirth, Cheryl Yezuita and Alison Zane. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held in Saint George Chapel every Friday from 9:00 AM to 3:45 PM. It will not be held on Friday, January 2, 2015 in celebration of New Years. Adoration will resume on Friday, January , 9, 2015 at 9:00 AM. Rosary Group The Rosary Group will not meet on Thursday, January 1, 2015 in celebration of New Years Day. They will resume on Thursday, January 8, 2015. Please join us. Holy Name Pinochle League The Holy Name Men’s Pinochle League will meet on Friday, January 2, 2015 at 7:00 PM in the Parish Hall. For those who would like to attend Mass for First Friday, please join us at 4:00 PM on January 2nd. Thank You A total of 26 casseroles was collected during Casserole Weekend this month. This is a wonderful increase!!! Our goal is 25-30 per month. Thank you, one and all, for taking the time out of your busy holiday schedule to make a meal for someone who is homeless. On behalf of St. John’s Hospice, we thank you, once again! PREP, Parish and Local Events PREP PREP Classes PREP classes will not be held on Monday, December 29, 2014. Classes will resume on Monday, January 5, 2015 at 4:45 PM and 6:45 PM. On behalf of the entire Religious Education Program, we wish everyone a Happy New Year!!! First Penance First Penance will be celebrated on Saturday, February 7, at 1:00 PM in the church. Parents are asked to please remind their children to practice the proper form for confession and the Act of Contrition. Please check our website at for PREP emergency closings and class updates during inclement weather. Teach the Children Please see the insert in today’s Parish Bulletin for the continuation of Teach the Children and the Christmas story. We ask parents to read and share this information with their children. Ask George Beginning Sunday, January 11, 2015, you will find located at the front doors of the church a Question Box ( entitled Ask George), which has been placed their for our parishioners and friends who have general questions about the sacraments, Church teachings, parish activities or events, or issues of the Church. If you take a moment to write down your question and place it in the box, we will be happy to answer it in the Parish Bulletin as space and time permits. Q: What are relics and why can’t I purchase them? Relics of saints are commonly classified in three categories: first, second and third class. First-class relics are di ossibus, which means “from the bones” of the saint. Second-class relics are ex indumentis, meaning “from the personal effects” of the saint, such as clothing that he or she wore during his or her lifetime. Third-class relics are the items that the saint used during his lifetime, such as pen and paper, breviary, kneelers, etc., or something that has been touched to a first - or second - class relic. The Church does not sell relics because holy things should never be used to make a profit. That would be tantamount to simony, an abusive practice specifically outlawed by the Church. The Code of Canon Law specifically prohibits the sale of sacred relics: “It is absolutely wrong to sell sacred relics.” (Canon 1190.1). Thank You From the Ronald McDonald House Thank you so much for your donation to the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House. Your contribution helps us support families or seriously ill children during the holiday season and throughout the year. Please keep those can tabs coming! Want to get more involved? To learn more, please visit The Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House supports families of seriously ill children by creating a community of comfort and hope. Programs include two Ronald McDonald Houses, two Ronald McDonald Family Rooms, and Ronald McDonald Camp. 112George - Page 5 Catholics Returning Home Beginning Monday, January 19, 2015 at 7:00 PM Nativity of Our Lord Parish Conference Center Warminster A place for non-practicing Catholics who are seeking answers about the possibility of returning to the Catholic Church. For more details, please contact Charlie Scally 267-884-2970. Partners in Faith Formation of Children Saturday, January 24 - 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM Gwynedd Mercy University Partners in Faith Formation of Children with ASD, IDD and Other Disabilities will be holding a mini-conference for parents, clergy, catechists and DRES, with Deacon Larry Sutton, PhD, Psychologist and Author as the guest speaker. All are welcome. Looking Ahead to 2015 March 7 - Man-Up Philly: Men’s Spirituality Conference March 13 - Training Workshops w/Augustine Institute March 21 - M.O.M. - Heart of the Home Renewal Center March 28 - Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conference April 16 - Enrichment Day for Secretaries and Receptionists September 22-27 - World Meeting of Families Please check our website at for links and updates on these upcoming events. Beauty, A Path to God A Weekend Retreat, which is entitled Beauty, A Path to God, will be held on January 23-25, 2015 at Mother Boniface Spirituality Center, 3501 Solly Avenue in Philadelphia. This retreat is an invitation to embrace a spirituality of beauty. Grounded in the foundational writings of Hans Urs von Balthasar, it explores the ability to introduce components of prayer, joy and spirituality into our lives today. They will focus on the beauty that resides in key aspects of a strong spiritual live, exploring the beauty inherent in appreciating the present moment, the beauty associated with forgiveness and the beauty that comes from gratitude. They will also explore darkness as a path to beauty, understanding that great beauty often has its origins in times of spiritual or emotional darkness. The presenter will be Father Anthony Ciorra, Assistant Vice President for Mission and Catholic Identity at Fairfield University in Connecticut. The fee is $160 for the weekend and includes meals and lodging. For details and reservations, please call 267-350-1830 or 1831 at least ten days prior to this retreat . Rediscover the Love in Your Marriage! The Retrouvaille Marriage Program offers help for struggling marriages. Tens of thousands of couples have successfully saved their marriages by attending a Retrouvaille weekend and the six post sessions that follow it. Retrouvaille is not just a social gathering or series of seminars, but rather a way to rediscover and rekindle the loving relationship in your marriage. The next program begins on the weekend of February 13-15 at the Family Life Center in Malvern. For more information, please visit or call 1-800-470-2230. Parish, School and Archdiocesan News Respect Life March for Life Every life is a gift! March with us on Thursday, January 22, 2015, as thousands of people from across the country converge on Washington, DC in a show of solidarity to pray for an end to legalized abortion in our country. Mass will be held at 10:00 AM at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC, with Archbishop Chaput. Please visit for more information. Sisters of St. Joseph Chance Drive The winners of the Sisters of St. Joseph Chance Drive are as follows: Grand Prize Winner - Kathleen O’Rourke, Bayhead, NJ Seller - S. Ann Francine Mead, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ $500 Winners Jane Turk, Glenside, PA Pat Friess, Philadelphia, PA Cathy Vining, Fort Washington, PA Barbara McConnell, Washington, DC Ann Brownholtz, Ambler, PA Salvey Family, Longport, PA Dale Brown, Warminster, PA Glenna Harkins, Philadelphia, PA Joe Casasanpa, Bloomfield, CO Margie McLaughlin, Margate, NJ On behalf of the Sisters of St. Joseph, we thank you for supporting their annual chance drive. God bless you! Pope Francis’ Pledge to End Slavery As Pope Francis and leaders of other churches and religions signed a declaration pledging to work together to help end modern slavery in the world by 2020, he urged governments, businesses and all people of good will to join forces against this “crime against humanity.” “Tens of millions of people are “in chains” because of human trafficking and forced labor, and it is leading to their “dehumanization and humiliation,” Pope Francis said at the ceremony on December 2, the U.N. Day for Abolition of Slavery. Every human person is born with the same dignity and freedom, and any form of discrimination that does not respect this truth “is a crime and very often an abhorrent crime,” the pope said. Inspired by their religious beliefs and a desire to “take practical action,” the pope and 11 leaders representing the Muslin, Jewish, Orthodox, Anglican, Buddhist and Hindu faiths made a united commitment to help eradicate slavery worldwide. Pennsylvania Catholic Conference For more information, please visit Vocation Corner Pray for vocations. Encourage the gift. 112George - Page School News Our Lady of Angels This is an update on OLA’s Camp Out for Hunger Campaign in memory of Deacon Fosbenner. On Thursday, December 4, Kevin Fosbenner went to the four schools involved in this project; Our Lady of Angels, St. Mary Magdalene, St. Dorothy and St. Pius X, and loaded the items the children collected onto his truck. Then the OLA Executive Board, along with Jodi and Kevin Fosbenner, Ms. McGuire, Mrs. Cochran, Mrs. Bennetta and Mrs. Boylan, had the opportunity to go to Xfinity Live to see first-hand whey they had been collecting for these last few weeks. At the sports complex in Philadelphia, the students saw the amazing amount of food people from all over the area donated to WMMR’s campaign. They got to see a live performance of the Preston and Steve Show and listened to them talk about the school’s efforts on the radio. Parents who were listening to the broadcast heard Preston, Steve, Casey, Jodi and Kevin Fosbenner talk about their efforts of the schools in memory of their father. When the broadcast was over, the students went behind the scenes to get pictures with the morning show crew, as well as Pierre Robert. It was a memorable day. Students experienced the enormity of the Camp Out for Hunger Campaign and saw the part they played to help those in need. All told, the four schools involved, as well as OLPH Parish, collected two tons of food to donate to this wonderful cause! Thank you, one and all, for your amazing generosity! Cathedral Ambassadors The Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul conducts an evangelization ministry with Cathedral Ambassadors. This enthusiastic group of trained Ambassadors staffs the Basilica every day of the week and is comprised of volunteer parishioners from all over the Archdiocese. They answer questions, offer assistance and give tours. Cathedral Ambassadors are assigned 4 hour shifts. The schedule is flexible - one day or more a month. They are provided training and materials to support their evangelization ministry. Learn more about our Cathedral Basilica at email Something to Think About When Queen Victoria reigned in England, she occasionally would visit some of the humble cottages of her subjects. One time, she entered the home of a widow and stayed to enjoy a brief period of Christian fellowship. Later on, the poor woman was taunted by her worldly neighbors. “Granny,” they said, “who’s the most honored guest you’ve ever entertained in your home?” They expected her to say it was Jesus, for despite their constant ridicule of her Christian witness, they recognized her deep spirituality. But to their surprise she answered, “The most honored guest I’ve entertained is Her Majesty the Queen. “Did you say the Queen? Ah, we caught you this time! How about this Jesus you’re always talking about? Isn’t He your most honored guest?” Her answer was definite and scriptural, “NO, indeed! He’s not a guest. HE LIVES HERE!” Her hecklers were put to silence! Youth Group Newsletter January 2015 Dear Saint George Parish Youth Members, Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. As we enter into 2015, we resume our dedication of service to our Parish Community. If you haven’t joined our group, please consider making this your New Year’s resolution to become involved in your Parish Community. With the start of this year, our program continues to offer many activities for your involvement. Play tryouts will be held this month. If you are considering trying out for our play, please encourage your parents to become involved too! It takes many hands for a successful production. The youth program will be sponsoring a Family Bingo Night once again, at the end of this month. Please join us for an evening of fun and games. I look forward to your participation in the many activities sponsored. Anyone interested in donating items received for Christmas; possibly duplicate presents, we would be most happy to receive them. Thank You! Please, always check Facebook or the Saint George Website at to see if any changes occurred due to inclement weather. Tuesday, January 06, 2015 Production Meeting- for our annual CYO Play will be held in the Convent at 7:00 PM. All parents are encouraged to participate in this production. Tuesday, January 13, 2015 Auditions – will be held in the Parish Hall at 6:00 PM. All youth are welcome. Be prepared to read, dance and sing. Tuesday, January 20, 2015 Hot Chocolate & Cookie Service Night: All are welcome to come and enjoy some quality time with our friends while preparing Family Bingo packets. Please meet in the Parish Hall at 6:30 PM. Friday, January 23, 2015 Family Bingo Night – Open to all! Doors open at 6:00 PM – games begin at 7:00 PM. $5.00 game pack includes 16 games with a door prize entry ticket. There will be many prizes to win, goodies to purchase and a fun time to be had. High school students are needed to assist. Please make an effort to help us with Bingo. Thank you. We encourage all of our youth to become involved in our Parish Community, most importantly by attending Mass each week, and with the activities that are offered throughout the course of the year. God Bless You, Mrs. Chris Guidetti Join us for Bingo!!! Every Wednesday and Sunday Saint George Parish Hall Early Bird Starts at 6:30 PM Includes: Regular Bingo, 4 Corners, Postage Stamp, or 2 Bingo’s on one card. Matinee Bingo Sundays at 4:00 PM Cookie Jar - Played on all 12 Regular Lap games. Increases $200 per week until the prize is won. Please join us! 112George - Page 7 COLLINGDALE FAMILY DENTISTRYY • Residential & Commercial • Windows & Doors • Additions (610) 461-2559 • Kitchens & Baths • Log Home Dealer/Builder • Decks • Basement Renovation • New Home Const. • Siding • A.D.A. Work MICHAEL COOPERSTEIN, D.M.D. MARIA CAPACIO, D.M.D. 610-583-3454 224 Clifton Ave., Collingdale Caring... as only a neighbor can. A good neighbor is someone you can always count on to be there. We'll be there when you need us most. EXCLUSIVE "SERVICE GUARANTEE" (610) 532-3120 Bart H. Cavanagh Sr., Supervisor SPACIOUS FACILITIES • AMPLE PARKING • CONVENIENTLY LOCATED TO YOUR CHURCH (610) 622-0863 Fax: (610) 622-2571 FUNERAL HOME PRIVATE CREMATORY ONSITE 100+ SEATING IN NEW CHAPEL BIG NEW PARKING LOT (610) 583-0148 NEW LOCATION 343 S. CHESTER PIKE, GLENOLDEN LAW OFFICES-WILLIAM G. HALLIGAN ELDER LAW ATTORNEYS FAMILY FUNERAL HOME & PRIVATE CREMATORY 301 Chester Pike • Norwood 822 East Baltimore Ave. East Lansdowne, PA 19050 MARCHESANI Trish Garrity-Marchesani / Supervisor If you are not satisfied with any aspect of our service you will not be charged for that service. Terri's Auto Tags MCCAUSLAND CAUSLAND GARRITY GLENOLDEN Titles • Transfers • Permits EXXON Licenses • PA Lottery Notary Public Chester Pike & Oak Lane • Glenolden MON-SAT 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM Now Offering SUNDAY 9:00 AM - 10:00 PM Insurance Quotes GREG ADEY 583-0727 • Front & Plum Sts., Media (610) 566-6030 • Free On-Site Parking • Home, Evening, & Weekend Consultation Available MEETING ALL THE LEGAL NEEDS OF SENIOR CITIZENS PETER P. TOZER Attorney-at-Law 505 Chester Pike, Prospect Park, PA 19076 (610) 532-4200 Bonner & Prendie Wishes To Thank You For Supporting Our Students and School Dona ons can be made to our 2014-15 Annual Appeal via our website: WWW.BONNERPRENDIE.COM For more informa on please contact the Advancement Office at 610-259-0280 ext 3275 PA Lic. #006806 Licensed & Insured RIGHTWAY WATERPROOFING CO. Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. 610-789-3717 • ONLINE PROOFING Center for Sight of Delaware County Randy W. Haynes, RTRP 175 Angora Place • Secane, PA 19018 TAX PREPARATION Phone: 484-437-4395 The IRS does not endorse any particular tax return preparer. For more information go to Experienced Home Care & More Bathing • Dressing Meals • Medications 484-832-8668 St. George Alumni Class of 1975 ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! 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