Weekly Announcements - Richland Lutheran Church
Weekly Announcements - Richland Lutheran Church
Weekly Announcements December 28, 2014 (509)943-3164 Spiritual Transformation Ministry Admiral Awesome and Prof. Peabody are taking a couple weeks off, and wish you a very Merry Christmas! They look forward to more adventures beginning Jan. 7 as they learn about the ministry of Jesus! Super Kids! is a mid-week ministry for children in 1st through 5th grades. We meet Wednesdays from 6:30 to 7:45 PM, immediately following the 6:00 family dinner in the Prince of Peace fellowship area. Kids can start at any time during the school year, and friends are always welc o m e ! C o n t a c t : J e n n y P a g e (jenny.page@richlandlutheran.org) Super Kids! will not be meeting on December 31. The Monday night women’s Bible study group will begin a new five-week book study on Monday, January 5, 2015, at 7:00 PM. They will read and discuss 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp. Contact Dawn Salyer at (509) 438-9156 if you’d like her to order the books for you, or sign up on the yellow worship slip. Worship Ministry Last weekend’s worship attendance: 452 Average weekly offering needed for 2014: $16,154 Actual weekly offering for last weekend: $12,216.83 Children’s church - This week in Children’s Church we are reading about Jesus as a young boy who is separated from his parents. Even though Mary and Joseph were worried, Jesus knew just where he needed to be! (Luke 2:41-52) The 2015 flower chart is in the narthex. Please sign up for an available Sunday, fill out the white form and return it to the church office with a check for $50. RLC is looking for people to read the Children’s Church lesson at both the 8:30 and 11:00 morning services. If you are interested, please sign up on the yellow slip in your bulletin. Thank you. office@richlandlutheran.org www.richlandlutheran.org Biblical Stewardship Ministry Cornerstone Capital Fund: Income to date: $41,446 Expense to date: $6,000 Balance to date: $35,446 Have Accounting Experience? – Your Council is looking for volunteers with accounting experience or training to serve a three-year term on the Financial Audit Committee. Help us audit our books and financial controls to ensure we record and spend your tithes and gifts properly. If you could help, leave a note in my box at church or send me an email at dllarkin@charter.net. Dave Larkin, Congregation President. For offering to be recorded for 2014, please have it to the church office by Wednesday, December 31, or postmarked before January 1, 2015. Offering envelopes for 2015 are in the mailboxes in the Prince of Peace fellowship area. Please do not use them until 2015. If you did not get an envelope box, please contact Joanne Woehle at 943-3164. Christian Service Ministry Food Pantry – Thank you for all the donations to our food pantry. It is very much appreciated! This is an especially busy time of the year for the food pantry and the food goes fast. In October, we served 227 individuals and in November, 186. Any nonperishable food is always welcome. We especially need cereal, spaghetti sauce and pancake flour. Join us at HeBrews Café for coffee and fellowship in the Prince of Peace Fellowship area. People love the fellowship in the Café and everyone’s participation is appreciated. The signup board is in the narthex. Generally plan for about 80 people, and you don’t have to worry about coffee. The signup for 2015 is posted in the narthex, please consider signing up to host HeBrews Café in the new year! East European Mission Network (EEMN) has a shortterm mission trip to Estonia August 5 – 24, 2015. There will be two weeks of English Bible Camps. One week at Tartu and the second on the island of Saaremaa, where our sister church Holy Jacob is located. Volunteers for this mission trip are needed to teach classes, lead craft time, music or activities/ recess time. For additional information visit the website at http://www.eemn.org/ or talk with Mot and Pam Hedges. Signup deadline is January 31, 2015; however, Estonia has always been a popular mission trip so slots fill up quickly. Hogan Appreciation – Pastor Dave and his wife Elaine have touched many lives during the past years through visitation, preaching, and teaching. After January 1 st Pastor Hogan’s role will change from a paid staff member but they will still be very involved in our church’s ministries. Please mark January 11th on your calendar to celebrate their contributions during a special HeBrews Café. Prayer Requests We rejoice and praise the Lord for all He has done and for all He is going to do! Special needs, Hospital, Sickness and Recovery Ruth Vail – health Carol Larkin – slow growing B-cell lymphoma Phyllis Cook – pain in legs Nancy Bergman – continued healing Gayla and Terry Davis – ongoing health concerns Alicia Phaneuf – health Dick Arnst – spot on lung—thanksgiving for healing esophagus cancer/spot on liver Loris Schmidt – low blood counts/recovery from inguinal hernia surgery 10/21 Russ Richman—Hospice care Al Stolte – pain Bea Skinner – recovery from fall/broken ribs John Cagle Joe Sundal – job search Floyd Thompson – ongoing health concerns Carolyn Sparks – not feeling well Carol Romsos—Progressive Supranuclear Palsy/physical and occupational therapy to teach skills to cope Penleys in Jordan Peg Culbert—back and neck pain resolution Lucille Knutson—health Jefferson Tutoring Carolyn Phaneuf—recovery eye surgery 10/17 Paul Hedges—praise able to return to full responsibilities at work Betty Samuel—recovery from knee surgery 9/30 Aiden Lesser—recovery from surgery for a broken arm Neil Todd—new treatment for Stage IV prostate cancer Marcia Vogel—recovery from knee surgery 11/20 Mary Ann (Bill Wedberg’s friend) - cancer Jen Ranta—recovery from knee replacement 11/17 Lisa Corning (from Adamari) - family gathering and for nothing to go wrong Tom Griffin—general healing Doloros Erickson—recovery from fall Irvin Solbrack—recovery from heart attack/surgery Home-bound or Residing at Assisted-living Facilities: Helen Foreman, Elaine Anderson, Helen Hendrickson, Carolyn Sparks, Jeanice Wise, Elsie Knostman, Natalie Hobbs, Gloria Richman, Nancy Olson, Judy Simonen , Roxanne Short, Helen Robinson Non-Member Requests: Please obtain permission to print full names for prayer requests. At the end of the month, the requests below are removed from the bulletin. If you would like them to remain in the bulletin, please write a note on your yellow worship slip. George Sanders (Carolyn Sparks’ grandson) – Army Ranger Clay Underwood—enlisted in U.S. Army/officer training Persecuted Christians/Christian martyrs All who are in the armed forces Ed Quigley (Elaine Davis’ brother) - chemo and radiation treatments Linda Matheison (Elaine Davis) - platelet count to stay up to complete chemotherapy Burr Field (Olsens) - brain cancer Bill & Esther Schauls (Marilyn Schumacher’s brother and sister-in-law) - still very ill Karla Davis (Charles Davis’ niece) - tumor in shoulder Rod Maier (Allen’s brother) - Stage 4 lung cancer, spread to his bones and brain/chemotherapy Tracy (Lori Hogan) - praise that breast biopsy negative Martha (Lori Hogan) - broke leg & tore ankle ligments Des Whelan (Lori’s husband) - stomach cancer Orlando Barillas, Jr (sister Adamari) - become an important man when he grows up Adamari Barillas—to have better grades to make dad proud; Healthy relationships with her friends Adamari Barillas (brother Orlando) - to be an important lady Dave Plypick (Corey Smith’s cousin) - cancer Shelly Dubirstein (Peggy Pilger’s friend) - mother is at end stage brain cancer Kevin McCarter (Donna Williams) - full time employment unemployment ran out two months ago Brad (Ron and Margie Kickert’s son) - recovery from surgery Larry Riensche (Mary Riensche) Those estranged from loved ones at Christmas Jim Cunningham (Jiohnand Barb’s son) - cancer Jane Wilcox—kidney healing and good followup 12/24 for kidney & mental wellness George Carpenter (Lori Hogan) - health concerns What’s happening this week: SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2014 8:30 and 11 a.m. – Worship Services 9:00 a.m. “Good News Today,” TV Ministry (KVEW) 9:45 a.m. Education Hour/HeBrews Café – Prince of Peace 9:45 a.m. Blood Pressure Checks - Library Reference Room 7:00 p.m. Haler/Worgull Growth Group – Friendship Room 7:30 p.m. Union Gospel Mission Service - meet at RLC at 7:00 MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2014 9:00 a.m. Play Date - Gloria Dei Multipurpose Room TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 2014 6:30 p.m. Cub Scouts - Prince of Peace Fellowship Area 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop 248 – Gloria Dei Multipurpose Room WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2014 12:00 p.m. Weekly Announcment Deadline Upcoming Events: Thursday, January 15 – Women’s Book Club: “Empire of the Sun” by J. G. Ballard – Contact: joanne.woehle@richlandlutheran.org THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 2015 - Office Closed FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 2015 9:00 a.m. Bulletin Assembly – Room #124 9:00 a.m. Preview Assembely - Prince of Peace Fellowship Area 6:00 p.m. AA – Room #124 6:30 p.m. Girl Scouts - Room #6 SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 2015 4:30 p.m. Mafraq Prayer Team - Chapel 5:00 p.m. Worship Service – Sanctuary Saturday, January 17 - Annual New Members Event Sunday, January 18 - Fields of Grace at HeBrews Café