2015 Annual Poster Contest Entry Information Limit of Entries


2015 Annual Poster Contest Entry Information Limit of Entries
2015 Annual Poster Contest Entry Information
2015 Conference Theme
“Design with Purpose"
2015 Annual Design Drafting Week
March 23-27, 2015
ADDA the world’s leading organization representing the design drafting and graphic
profession, invites your school to design and participate in the Annual Poster Contest and
the Annual Design Drafting Week March 23-27, 2015.
The Annual Conference will be held in Kansas City, MO. during the designated Annual
Design Drafting Week.
Poster Entries are accepted from Graphic Design Programs, Drafting Design Programs,
Digital Design Programs or other Programs that would support the promotional process.
The Top Five (5) Poster Design Contest entries will receive an achievement certificate and
have their name published on the ADDA website www.adda.org .
The winning entry will appear in promotional material pertaining to Annual Design Drafting
Week and / or the ADDA Annual Conference. The winning poster designer will receive
$250.00 Cash Scholarship and a Conference Attendee Voucher worth up to $677.00.
Conference travel, hotel and other related cost are not included and must be borne by the
first place winner.
Second and Third Place winners will receive $50.00 Cash Scholarship and a Board of
Director Award.
Fourth and Fifth places will receive Honorable Mention Certificates.
Limit of Entries - One (1) Per Student
2015 Annual Poster Contest Entry Information
2015 Conference Theme
“Design with Purpose"
2015 Annual Design Drafting Week
March 23-27, 2015
Quick Contest Facts:
Entries Due By December 18, 2014
o Only Electronic Copies received via email will be accepted.
o Only (1) Poster per email sent
o The Following Information must be included in the Email
 Name of Entrant – Name and Address of School as applicable
 Name of Instructor and Instructor Contact Information
o Compact Disk only accepted where email & internet access is not available.
(Special Circumstances must apply.
Verify and confirm with DSchwartz@wmt.com
o Entries received after December 18th , 12:00 p.m. Midnight CST will be
considered invalid.
Posters must be designed for 11”x 17” Page Size – Portrait or Landscape format
Entries must be original work of the submitting person.
Entries must include the following information.
o ADDA logo (downloadable from the website)
o Title - Annual Design Drafting Week
o Date - March 23-27, 2015
o “Theme” Design with Purpose
Electronic Files must be provided at “300 dpi.”
Only PDF Files will be accepted. Any other format will be disqualified.
Entries designed and produced manually, are to be scanned into the above criteria.
All entries will become the joint property of ADDA and the poster creator or entrant.
ADDA reserves the right to make any changes to artists work.
Maintain all related files, associated with the Poster Contest Entry. Winning
Posters will be required to provide support documentation and original files, if
editing is required or copyright becomes an issue. The entrant will bear all
responsibilities of the entry legality.
Limit of Entries - One (1) Per Student
2015 Annual Poster Contest Entry Information
2015 Conference Theme
“Design with Purpose"
2015 Annual Design Drafting Week
March 23-27, 2015
Name of Entrant __________________________________________________________________
DISCLAIMER: I understand by affixing my signature below, and submitting this form by email or other delivery
system, that ADDA will have the right to publish, reproduce, and promote my work and creation, and I relinquish any
rights to compensation or any other gains due to this process. I also understand that by affixing my signature that
ADDA shall be held harmless for any representations on this work, and I have not purposely reproduced any portion of
this entry without written consent of the rightful owner.
Signature of Entrant _______________________________________________________________
School of Entrant ________________________________________________________________
School Address __________________________________________________________________
City ____________________________________State ____________Zip ____________________
Print Instructor's Name ____________________________________________________________
Instructors E-mail ______________________________ Phone ____________________________
If you are a student of an on-line or correspondence program, validate the below disclaimer as the instructor (by
default) and provide with this form, proof of enrollment in such programs.
DISCLAIMER: I the undersigned, by affixing my signature, I qualify the above named entrant, and testify that they
meet the requirements of the ADDA Poster Contest, they are a full time or part time student, and receive no
compensation as a professional drafter, designer, or graphic illustrator, under the guidelines of the ADDA Code of
Ethics, ADDA Constitution and By-Laws, or any other classification as a professional.
(Instructor’s Signature)
TWO (2) Original Signed Copies of this form are REQUIRED
Must have original signatures (signed in Blue or Green Ink)
Must be mailed and be received by ADDA International prior to
announcing or promoting any entry submitted. Forms with original
signatures may be scanned and included with Entry Submittal Email.
Mail Disclaimer & Release to:
ADDA Poster Contest
105 East Main Street
Newbern, Tennessee 38059
Limit of Entries - One (1) Per Student