Jan-Feb 2015 - St


Jan-Feb 2015 - St
The Spirit
January/February 2015 Issue
Rev. Philip Armstrong
St. Katherine Greek Orthodox Church
2716 N. Dobson Rd., Suite 101
Chandler, Arizona 85224
Office: (480) 899-3330 Fax: (480) 812-9669 Website: www.st-katherine.org
Rev. Philip Armstrong,
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday
9:00 am -4:00 pm
Closed for Lunch
12:00 pm–1:00 pm
Sunday Worship
8:30 am-Orthros
9:30 am-Divine Liturgy
10:40 am –Sunday School
Weekly Bulletin Deadline
Wednesday, one week prior to publication.
Church Organizations
Altar Boys……………………………… Andre Gib
Bookstore…….. Michael & Chryss Danielek
Dance……………….…………. Carol Bafaloukos
Greek Festival………………. Vange Archuleta
Hrisi Parea…………………...…. Daryl Connell
Hall Rental………………...…… Natalie Lapiers
JOY/HOPE………………….. Fr. Phil Armstrong
Philoptochos……………………. Kathy Connell
Sunday School…..……………… Dean Argeros
YAL…………………………… Stephanie Venetis
GOYA………………..……. Angela & Theodora
Bookstore Hours
Sundays following Liturgy
(in the upstairs room adjacent to choir loft)
Church E-mail Addresses
Office: office@st-katherine.org
Fr. Phil: priest@st-katherine.org
Stewardship – Gary Boyce
Parish Council
President—Elaine Hatupis
1st Vice President—Athena Light
2nd Vice President—Vange Archuleta
Secretary—Florence Bellecy
Treasurer—Demetrios Deliz
Assistant Treasurer—Robert Norton
Josephine Avaneas
Mena Bafaloukos
Zoi Benton
James DeDakis
James French
Tom Morden
Van Vandenberg
2 Vacant positions
Reminder to All Groups & Organizations
Deadline for articles or information for the Spirit
Dec.19 (for January-February)
Feb. 16 (March-April)
April 17 (May-June)
June 19 (July– August)
Aug. 17 (September)-October)
Oct. 16 (November-December)
Please send information to:
Holy Baptism
November 9, 2014
Makrina Seroogy
Godparent: Elesa Kantzos
Parents: Thomas and Eleni Seroogy
November 30, 2014
Ava Blake Papageorgiou
Godparent: Mary-Ann Papageorgiou
Parents: John Papageorgiou and
Heather Kehres
December 14, 2014
Antonios Varsamopoulos
Godparent: Konstantina Stavropoulou
Parents: George and Sophia Varsamopoulos
Holy Chrismation
November 8, 2014
Tikhon (Justin) Olmstead
Godparent: Gary Boyce
November 8, 2014
Sophia (Heather) Olmstead
Godparent: Athena Vasilatos
November 8, 2014
Ignatius (Josiah) Olmstead
Godparent: Robert Norton
November 8, 2014
Procula (Abigail) Olmstead
Godparent: Stephanie Venetis
November 8, 2014
Foteini (Sarah) Olmstead
Holy Matrimony
November 8, 2014
Justin Nathaniel Olmstead and
Heather Marie Olmstead
Koumbaroi: Gary Boyce & Athena Vasilatos
December 7, 2014
Christopher Batchelder and Aranshi Tina Wisto
Koumbara: Josephine Avaneas
November 20, 2014
Christos Papadopoulos
Survived by: Maggie Papadopoulos (sister)
Forty Day Blessings
November 16, 2014
Stephanie Shumand and newborn son, Emmet Jay
November 30, 2014
Anastasia Demopoulos and newborn son, Jaiven
December 7, 2014
Kori Pallas and newborn son, Alexander Kole
December 14, 2014
Dimitra Attwood and newborn son and daughter,
Samuel Wade and Anna Marie
The Orthodox Spiritual Life:
To be mature in Christ means in its negative aspect, to put away childish things:
self-centeredness, insistence on having one’s own way, anger, blaming others, envy,
jealousy. To be a mature Christian in its positive aspect means to be more and more
like Christ. Merely growing up is not enough. We are to grow up into something
that is perfectly mature, and that for us Christians, is Christ. “Be ye perfect as I am
perfect,” said Jesus. Lecomte du Nouy, the French physicist, once wrote, “The perfect man is not a myth: he has lived in Christ.” To be mature is to grow by the pow-
er of the Holy Spirit more and more like unto that perfect man: Jesus. “That you
may grow up in all things into Him who is the head, even Christ” (Ephesians 4:15).
To be mature in Christ is part of what it means to be spiritual. It is a life-long task
that is accomplished by the Holy Spirit through daily repentance.
“Putting St. Katherine First in Our Giving for the New Year”
I once read a true story out of a Christian journal. The story related to how a man was
preparing to be baptized. He, in advertently, placed his wallet in his baptismal garment. Just as
he was preparing to go into the water to be baptized he remembered his wallet. He said “Wait,
Pastor, I don’t want to Baptize my wallet”. I chuckled when I first read this story. As I began to
ponder whether the man in the Story would be reluctant in his giving to God. In his statement to
the pastor, in a round about way, he was saying, it’s okay for God to be involved with every part
of my life except my money; His money was off limits ! Unfortunately, many of us embrace
this same attitude.
When we entered the Orthodox Christian Faith through Holy Baptism we made a solemn
commitment to God. We declared Jesus to be Lord of our lives. By Lord is to be understood as
placing one in the position of master, king and director of our lives. Implied in this is that we are
His servants. Further, We are responsible an accountable to Him for how we use our monies. He
expects us to be generous in our giving to His Church (By the way, His Church is ours as well).
Giving is a serious matter to God. It speaks volumes to Him regarding the disposition of our
hearts. He expects us to support His Church, Our spiritual home.
During the month of January, the church places before us, on the sixth, the Feast of Holy
Theophany. On this day we remember when our Lord was baptized by St. John the Forerunner in
the Jordan River. On this day the identity of God as Holy Trinity was revealed to us. On this day
we are reminded of our own baptisms and our personal commitments to God. It is the appropriate time of year to renew our pledge to following the Lordship of the Holy Trinity. And by extention, it is the appropriate time to examine our level of giving to the Church, (which He established).
As we commence the New Year, we are reminded of God’s instructions to Israel to offer
first to God a tithe of all their income (monies, grain, livestock, produce). We call this giving the
“first offering”. The purpose of the “first offering” was to remind God’s people that everything
comes from God. Without our health, God-given talents and blessing; we would have nothing.
Through our first check (bill or pay pal) being made to God’s Church, we are making the statement that God comes first in our lives. And further, everything comes from Him.
Our giving to the Church is an odyssey of faith. At times we struggle with it. We are
tempted to divert God’s monies to larger mortgages, new cars, the latest in technology, and expensive vacations. Yet, the Holy Spirit tugs on our hearts to invest in God’s Kingdom the
Church. Simultaneously, the evil one places thoughts in our minds that the church doesn’t use
these monies wisely, or, I don’t like the decisions of the parish leaders or priest. However, in
spite of the human imperfection of our parish leaders and priest, nowhere does God teach His
people not to give or limit giving. As we surrender control of our finances to God, wonderful
blessings begin to visit us. We discover the mystery of God’s provision. He takes care of us.
Our bills get paid. Unexpected financial blessings come to us. And, the list goes on ……
As we commence the New Year 2015, it is time to exercise our faith in determining our
Stewardship pledge to St. Katherine. Be mindful, that it takes approximately $50/week per family to pay the basic operating needs of the parish (without including the help of the school lease
income or festival income). A few in the parish cannot meet this minimum level of giving due to
financial circumstances beyond their control. The church understands this. The greater majority
can! Many of us can give substantially more, and we should!
Of the $530,000 St. Katherine collects annually, it is used as the following:
Mortgage 37%
Salaries 30%
Utilities 10%
National Ministries 9%
Maintenance 8%
Supplies/Office Equipt 4%
Parish Ministries 2%
The above percentages reveal the deficiencies in our support for the actual ministries of the
church. Because of this deficiency; the youth programs, ministry to the elderly, outreach to the
non-Orthodox, bereavement counseling and other programs suffer. If we exercise just a little bit
of faith in our giving we would be able to pay down our $2,500,000 mortgage in a short time
and, simultaneously, improve our ministries to our own parishioners. These goals are quite realistic!
In closing, I encourage each of us to allow St. Katherine to better serve us. Let us make
an honorable “first offering” to St. Katherine for 2015. Remember the words of our Lord: “Give
and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will
be put in your bossom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.
(Lk. 6:38).
In closing, I wish you blessed, prosperous and healthy
New Year.
In Christ Love,
Fr. Phil
Fr. Phil
Hesychasm—The Practice of Silence
All human beings are alone. No other person will completely feel like we do, think like we do,
act like we do. Each of us is unique, and our aloneness is the other side of our uniqueness.
The question is whether we let our aloneness become loneliness or whether we allow it to lead
us into solitude. Loneliness is painful; solitude is peaceful. Loneliness makes us cling to others
in desperation; solitude allows us to respect others in their uniqueness and create community.
Letting our aloneness grow into solitude and not into loneliness is a lifelong struggle. It requires conscious choices about whoem to be with, what to study, how to pray, and when to
ask for counsel. But wise choices will help us to find the solitude where our hearts can grow in
Henri Houwen
Grief is Like a Thunderstorm
Grief is foreboding like a dark cloudy day. There is darkness, thunder, lightning, searing winds. Torrents of rain begin to fall. Soon the clouds disperse. From behind the clouds, the sun’s rays break out aiming majestic columns of light down toward earth. Then a beautiful rainbow arches across the sky.
How very much like grief. The dark clouds represent the inner grief. The thunder signifies the explosion of our emotions. The torrents of rain express the tears of
mourning that pour out to unburden the heavy clouds of grief. Then, once this happens, the sun appears together with a rainbow to express the relief, comfort and
peace that come once grief is released through mourning.
Such storms have a purpose. They represent the buildup of emotions. Once
released, the skies of the earth as well as of the soul are cleansed and opened to see
more clearly and move steadily along the path of healing.
“Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted.” The soul would
have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears. St. John Chrysostom described this phenomenon: Anyone who prays in anguish will be able, after his prayer, to know a
great joy in his soul. Just a clouds when they gather begin by making the day dark,
then, once they have poured out all the water they contained, the atmosphere is serene and light, so anguish , as it builds up in our hear, plunges our thoughts into
darkness, but then, when it has vented all its bitterness through prayer and accompanying tears, it brings to the soul a great light. God’s influence irradiates the soul of
the one who is praying, like a ray of sunlight.
Without “the resurrection of the dead and the life of the ages to
come” (Nicene Creed), life would be as meaningless and as depressing as Eric Hoffer
described it when he wrote, “We are condemned to death at birth, and life is a bus
ride to the place of execution. All of our struggling and vying is about seats on the
bus, and the ride is over before we know it.” If Christ is not risen, our faith is futile
and we are of all people most to be pitied,? Wrote St. Paul. So, we rejoice that life
is not “a bus ride to the place of Execution,” but a journey from God to God, a
journey to a place prepared especially for us by the risen Christ, Who said, “I
go to prepare a place for you that where I am, you may be also.
(Surviving the Loss of a Loved One by Fr. Anthony Coniaris, pp.107-8)
I cannot believe that it is the year 2015 already. The new Parish Council members elect are: Athena Light,
Florence Bellecy, Tom Morden, Van Vandenberg and Jim DeDakis. The following still remain for one more
year: Elaine Hatupis, Demetri Deliz, Mena Bafaloukos, Zoi Benton, James French, Robert Norton, Vange
Archuleta and Josephine Avaneas. The oath of office will be given and officers will be elected upon ratification from our Metropolitan.
The Parish Council Meetings are the second Monday of each month. The minutes are always posted in the
church office for anyone’s review.
As the New Year begins, our Stewardship Brunch will be held on January 11th in the Community Center following the Divine Liturgy. Everyone needs to fill out a new stewardship card every year to remain in good
standing with the church and be eligible to vote at General Assemblies, run for the Parish Council, or be
Sponsors for Christenings and for Weddings. Stewardship in the Orthodox faith unites us with Christ
through the sacraments, our ministries of the Church, and through our faithful offering of our entire selves to
Jesus Christ. You may pick up a card in the Narthex, at the office or at the Stewardship Brunch.
If you have moved or changed your phone number, please notify the church office so we may update our
Also if you have a family member or know of anyone who is in the hospital, please notify the office if you
wish Fr. Phil to visit them.
We have had some requests to distribute the Spirit by e-mail, printed hand-out at church, or postal mail in
addition to our Web page. Please let the office know your preference if you wish to receive the Spirit other
than the Web page.
I would like to thank all of you for your support and donations to St. Katherine and I’m looking forward to
a wonderful 2015.
Faithfully in Christ,
Elaine Hatupis, Parish Council President
Daughters of Penelope Aegina Chapter #340 News
The Tri-City AHEPA #454 and Aegina DOP #340 will be hosting the Annual District
Convention on June 11th-14th, 2015 at the Wild Horse Pass Hotel and Casino in
Chandler. Special group rate with code “AHEPA” of $89 for a standard room and
$129 for a suite! Reservations must be made by May 26 to guarantee room rates.
Convention Registration Package is $175 and includes Glendi, Scholarship Luncheon, and Grand Banquet. The rate for Sons and Maids is $100. AHEPA Committee
Chair is Jim Dedakis and DOP Committee Chair is Niki Pallas. Please watch for flyers with full details about the event coming soon!
SS Athanasius &
8:30am Orthros
9:30am Divine Lit
10:40am Sunday Schl
25 St. Gregory the
8:30am Orthros
9:30am Divine Lit
10:40am Sunday Schl
8:30am Orthros
9:30am Divine Lit
10:40am Sunday Schl
11:15am Stewardship kickoff Breakfast
7:00pm Parish
Council Meeting
8:30am Orthros
9:30am Divine Lit
11:10am Parish Council
Oath of Office
11:30am Vasilopita Sale
5:30-6:30pm Level 1
6:30-7:30pm Level 2
7:30-8:30pm Level 3
6:00 -7:10 pm Inquirers
7:10pm Bible Study
27 Greek School
5:30-6:30pm Level 1
6:30-7:30pm Level 2
7:30-8:30pm Level 3
6:00-7:10pm Inquirers
7:10pm Bible Study
20 Greek School
5:30-6:30pm Level 1
6:30-7:30pm Level 2
7:30-8:30pm Level 3
6:00 -7:10 pm Inquirers
7:10pm Bible Study
13 Greek School
Holy Theophany
8:30am Orthros
9:30am Divine Lit
& Great Blessings of
Eve of Theophany
9:30am Vesperal Lit
6:30pm Philoptochos
Dec 28
January 2015
4:15-5:45 pm
9:30am Divine Lit
7 St. John the
– Office
ClosedSt. Basil the Great
8:30am Orthros
9:30 Div Liturgy
Three Hierarchs
9:30am Div Lit
Jan 1 New Years 2
3:000-5:00pm Holy
5:00pm Vespers
3:00-5:00pm Holy
5:00pm Vespers
17 St. Anthony the
9:30am Divine Lit
3:00-5:00pm Holy
5:00pm Vespers
3:00-5:00pm Holy
5:00pm Vespers
6:00pm Agape Ball
At Holy Trinity
Cheese Fare Sunday
8:30am Orthros
9:30am Divine Lit
10:40am Sunday Schl
Meat Fare Sunday
8:30am Orthros
9:30am Divine Lit
10:40am Sunday Schl
Great Lent Begins
Clean Monday
7:00pm Great
Presidents Day
-Church office is
Closed -
6:00pm Presancti
fied Liturgy
5:30-5:30pm Level 1
6:30-7:30pm Level 2
7:30-8:30pm Level 3
6:00-7:10pm Inquirer
7:10pm Bible Study
24 Greek School
5:30-5:30pm Level 1
6:30-7:30pm Level 2
7:30-8:30pm Level 3
6:00-7:10pm Inquirer
7:10pm Bible Study
17 Greek School
10 Greek School
5:30-5:30pm Level 1
6:30-7:30pm Level 2
7:30-8:30pm Level 3
6:00-7:10pm Inquirer
7:10pm Bible Study
7:00pm Parish
Council meeting
8:30am Orthros
9:30am Divine Lit
10:40am Sunday Schl
11:30am Philoptochos
Communi-Tea Event
5:30-5:30pm Level 1
6:30-7:30pm Level 2
7:30-8:30pm Level 3
6:00-7:10pm Inquirer
7:10pm Bible Study
Presentation of Our
8:30am Orthros
9:30am Divine Lit
8:30am Orthros
9:30am Divine Lit
10:40am Sunday Schl
3 Greek School
Feb 1
February 2015
7:00pm First
28 Third Saturday of the
9:30am Divine Liturgy &
Memorial Service
3:00-5:00pm Confession
5:00pm Vespers
21 Second Saturday of the
9:30am Divine Liturgy &
Memorial Service
3:00-5:00pm Confession
5:00pm Vespers
14 First Saturday of the
9:30am Divine Liturgy and
Memorial Service
3:00-5:00pm Confession
5:00pm Vespers
Philoptochos Corner
Happy New Year! As we begin 2015, we reflect back on all the philanthropic achievements
we were able to accomplish in 2014 with the support of our members and parishioners, under the
guidance of Father Phil. We thank all of you for helping us make a difference in the lives of
those less fortunate. When everyone works together, there is no end to the ways we can make a
difference in our church, our community, our country and even the world. It is so rewarding to
be able to share the blessings the Lord has given us by helping others.
Under the chairmanship of Maria Morton & Zoi Benton, with the help of our members and
our parishioners, we were able to provide food baskets for several families from our Parish for
Thanksgiving and Christmas, along with a gift for each of the children. Barbara Georgousis
lead our chapter’s assistance to Chandler Christian Community Center. With their help, our
chapter adopted a family from CCCC for Christmas and filled their wish list. The gifts and
food were delivered to the very grateful family. We have a great resource available to our parishioners in need at Chandler Christian Community Center, through their food bank. With your
assistance, we are able to help them make this resource available. Our donation box for nonperishable foods is in the Community Center and donations are always welcome. We will periodically update you with specific needs. We were also able to provide clothes, blankets Christmas Stockings and Holiday Goodies to Whole Life Foundation, an organization led by Isabel
McMahel, that helps homeless and working poor families in the Phoenix area. Our AGAPE
Group moms, dads & children helped fill the stockings for children in need, to be distributed by
Whole Life Foundation.
Mena Bafaloukas did a great job chairing our Holiday Bake Sale. There were many ladies
who took time out of their busy schedules to help with the baking and the sale. Thank you all
for supporting us. Proceeds helped our ministries as well as our beloved church.
Please support our upcoming Agape Ball, the fundraiser for Camp Agape, on January 10th at
Holy Trinity GOC. This important fund raiser helps us pay the expenses of running the camp
for families with a child who has cancer and putting a little joy in their lives.
We look for your participation and support of our upcoming events:
Sunday, January 4 - Annual Vasilopita Sale – in the Community
Center - following the liturgy
Monday, January 5 – Meeting & Vasilopita - in the Community Center
Saturday, January 10– AGAPE Ball @ Holy Trinity GOC –
Fundraiser for Camp Agape
Sunday, February 8 – Communi”Tea” Membership Event
Philoptochos is an important ministry of the
18 or older, please join us. Both men & women
need your help and talents to continue our phil-
church. If you are
are welcome. We
anthropic work.
With love in Christ,
Kathy Connell
Philoptochos President
Daryl, Linda, Vange, Ann & Gus (Your Hrisi Parea Ring Leaders)
Wish You a Healthy & Happy New Year!
We would like to start the New Year by thanking all who have worked hard in
the past year to make our events a big success and a lot of fun for everyone. We would
also like to thank Vange for keeping us all informed about Hrisi Parea and church
events, as well as what’s going on with our seniors. Our November Thanksgiving
Social was a fun afternoon topped off with some delicious pie. In December our
seniors joined the senior group from St. Haralambos for a bus trip to Prescott to see
the holiday lights. It was nice to spend time with the St. Haralambos group and see
how they decorate for Christmas in other parts of Arizona. Thank you to all who participated in this fun trip.
We have many events planned for 2015, beginning on January 14th with our
Dinner Meeting. Being our first event for the year, we will have a short meeting and
election of new officers followed by dinner. Old and new members are welcome to join
us for this event. Watch for flyers in the Sunday Bulletin.
In February we will be having our Annual Old Fashioned Valentine Party, complete with nostalgic music to bring back memories of days gone by. Put on your dancing shoes and join us for this evening of fun & nostalgia. Flyers will be distributed to
our members, with more details.
We always welcome new members to Hrisi Parea. Anyone over 50 can join. The
cost for membership is only $5.00 per year. See one of the officers if you are interested in joining. Membership dues are in order the beginning of the year.
Why not start 2015 off with a New Years Resolution to share a little fellowship time
with our seniors. It’s a free gift that goes a long way!
Daryl Connell - President
Our 1st annual Christmas Party was a fun time. Everyone enjoyed a nice
Pot Luck dinner, while the children watched a movie about giving. After
dinner we enjoyed some Christmas music while the children decorated Christmas cookies. Then the moms & dads helped the children fill Christmas stockings for Whole Life Foundation in Phoenix, to distribute to children in needy
families. For some, this may be the only Christmas gift they receive. Projects
like this one help our children learn the importance of philanthropy while having fun at the same time. This is one of the focuses of the Agape Group,
teaching our children that Philanthropy can be fun and rewarding. The group
also kicked off their project to help St. Innocent Orphanage, an Orthodox Orphanage in Mexico that is run by Father Nick Andruchow. They collected
household and personal items for the orphanage from the list they received.
This list is available in the Narthex, if anyone would like to contribute. You
can contact Lisa Bafaloukas or Maria Morton to make contributions. We
have a dynamic group of young women in our Parish and we look forward to
helping this group move forward. Please join us.
For more information contact Kathy Connell: 602 524-1959
Dean S. Pappas Memorial Bookstore ~ Happy New Year
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Father Armstrong, the
Parish Council, and the entire Saint Katherine Community for supporting our
bookstore in its new location during the past year. We especially are grateful to Irene Pappas for giving us the opportunity to serve God and all those
who frequent the Dean S. Pappas Memorial Bookstore. The response has
been wonderful and we truly are blessed for all of your visits, questions and
special orders. We have beautiful ICON Calendars now available. The calendar has 12 frame-worthy Icons that are just too beautiful to describe; there
are only 4 left, so hurry in. We just received several new Icons, so come
choose a great addition to your Icon Altar/Prayer Space. We only have two
incense censors (w/long wooden handles) left in stock; a new order will be
sent out in February. Our newest incense is called “Lemon Flower” (from St.
Anthony’s Monastery in Florence) and one of our newest book titles is :
Thirty Steps to Heaven: The Ladder of Divine Ascent for all Walks of Life
from the Ancient Faith Ministries catalog: “Archimandrite Vassilios interprets the Ladder for the ordinary Christian without sacrificing any of its
beauty and power. Now you too can accept the challenge offered by St.
John Climacus to ascend closer to God with each passing day”. Bring the
New Year in with a prayerful purchase; we truly appreciate your support.
We wish you many blessings in the New Year.
Love in Christ,
Chryss and Michael Danielek
Place your business ad here!
Contact the Church Office
(480) 899-3330
Full page-$300
1/2 page-$150
1/4 page-$80
Business Card-$50
The above prices are for the 6 issues of
the Spirit
(1 year)
Independent Beauty Consultant
(602) 952-0611
Email: bavellone@marykay.com
P.O. Box 12242
Chandler, AZ 85248
Leavitt Air
Licensed, Bonded,
Agape Ball
AZ Philoptochos
7th Annual Agape
Mezethes - Buffet
Specialty desserts, coffee, tea
Cash Bar
Silent Auction & Drawings
$40 Per Person
DJ Nick Bafaloukas
Greek & American Music/Dancing
Hors d’oeuvres—6:30 pm
Buffet & Dancing—7:30 pm
Cocktail Attire—Black Tie Optional
Holy Trinity Cathedral
1973 E Maryland Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Sponsored by Holy Trinity, Assumption, St. Haralambos & St. Katherine Philoptochos Chapters &
The Metropolis of San Francisco Philoptochos Board. For reservations contact:
Assumption - Michele Genetos 602-692-1015, St. Katherine - Kathy Connell 602-524-1959,
Holy Trinity - Alex Anagnopoulos 602-738-6053 or St. Haralambos - Julie Karoutas 623-313-8720
Won’t you please give your heart to a child!
In 2008, the Arizona Philoptochos chapters with the guidance and support of the
Metropolis of SF Philoptochos and financial support from chapters throughout our Metropolis opened our first family cancer
camp in Northern Arizona. This June marks our eighth year hosting Arizona families in need of your AGAPE. These camping experiences are made possible through your love and support. Your generous tax-deductible donations help touch the lives
of many cancer–afflicted children and their families. A $300 donation can help us send a child to camp; while a $1200 donation helps send a family of four to camp this June.
Philoptochos Veterans Luncheon
Inspired by the tribute to our veteran’s, presented at the National Philoptochos
Convention, St. Irene Philoptochos sponsored a Veteran’s Day Luncheon to
honor the veterans from St. Katherine GOC. Pictured in the photo are the veterans with the Color Guard from Dobson High School ROTC.
Please Join Us
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Following Divine Liturgy
For a Complimentary Stewardship
Pancake Breakfast
Become a steward and help us grow our
community. Together we can make a difference.
The Spirit
Non -profit
U.S. Postage
Chandler AZ
Permit No. 38
St. Katherine Greek Orthodox Church
2716 N. Dobson Rd. Suite 101
Chandler, AZ. 85224
Call us today to book your Special Event
One of the best and largest facilities available in the East Valley !
Facility Amenities
Seating capacity for 350 plus dance
floor, stage, and bar
Full kitchen with walk-in
Plenty of parking
Tables and chairs available
Auditorium seating for 400 people
Reception packages available
Facility Uses
Wedding Receptions
Quinceniera Receptions
Baptism Receptions
Business Meetings & Conferences
Inside Basketball Court
For information on fees & availability call :
(480) 899-3330