MA T 99 Syllabus - Department of Mathematics


MA T 99 Syllabus - Department of Mathematics
Intermediate Algebra
MAT 99 Syllabus
What will I learn?
The catalog description of the course is
"arithmetic operations review, basic
operations on polynomials, solving linear
and quadratic equations and graphing
linear and quadratic functions".
Intermediate Algebra provides a review of
mathematical concepts and operations,
-solving and graphing linear equations,
-rules for exponents and radicals
-factoring polynomials
-rational and radical expressions
How do I contact my
Dr. Mary Nell Bullock
Office Location:
Math Zone Room 204
Office Phone:
Office Hours:
MWF 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Instructor Email:
Important Dates.
Math Zone Hours
Monday - Thursday
9am - 8pm
9am - 5pm
2pm - 6pm
Front Desk:
Jeremy Lyle
Corwin Stanford
Last day to drop/add course.
Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2015
Last day to withdraw from course.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Required Course Materials
College Algebra w/MyLabsPlus
4th Ed (Beecher/Penna/Bittinger)
3rd USM Custom Ed. w/ MyLabsPlus
ISBN: 9781256637660
Access Code:
MyLabsPlus student access kit,
available at the bookstore,
online at,
or with a new text.
Note: Free Access is available for the
first 21 days of the course.
USM email account.
Any non-graphing calculator.
TI-30XIIS is recommended.
How is this class taught?
This course is taught using a variant of the
emporium style instructional method. More
precisely, classes will meet for a traditional
lecture or problem-solving session one class
period per week, and meet in the lab during
other class periods.
During the lecture, the instructor will review
concepts and work problems, focusing on
applications and concepts. During time in the
lab, the course management system MyLabsPlus
(via the website will be
used to complete video lectures, homework,
quizzes, and tests, while the instructor and lab
assistants provide one-on-one assistance. In fact,
during all hours that the Math Zone is open, both
instructors and tutors are available to provide
assistance and guidance.
Temporary access codes expire.
Monday, Feb. 2, 2015
Interim grades are reported.
Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015
Inside this syllabus:
Information on Course Assessments ............. pg 2
Course Objectives & Coverage .................... pg 3
Information about Testing .............................. pg 4
Course Policies & Tips for Success ................. pg 5
Getting Started Guide .................................... pg 6
Course Assessments
Intermediate Algebra
Course grades
MAT 101
How will I be evaluated?
Attendance. You will receive a participation grade for each lecture and class
meeting in the lab. To earn a grade of 100%, you must attend for the entire class
sessions and be alert and attentive. If you fail to meet this requirement, you will
receive a grade of 0% for that class meeting. Laptops, cell phones, and any other
electronic devices should be inactive and put away during all class meetings.
Pre-Homework and Pre-Quiz. Before each lecture, a pre-homework is due, with a
corresponding pre-quiz due the day of class. The Pre-Homework contains videos by
the textbook author(s). You should fill out the Course Notebook while viewing the
video lectures. The Pre-Quiz is a one question “reading quizzes” to assess whether
the video lectures have been watched and the Course Notebook completed.
Post-Homework and Post-Quiz. The Post Homework is a longer assignment following
the lecture, and the Post-Quiz is a content quiz to review the material.
Unit Tests and Final Exam. Unit tests and Final Exams are also administered in
MyLabsPlus. No assistance is provided in MyLabsPlus, and there is no use of outside
materials (websites, notes, etc.) on the test. Specific instructions for testing will be
provided in class prior to the first test (and are available at
mathzone). The Final Exam is comprehensive
Unit Tests
Quizzes and Tests must be taken in the Math Zone.
Final Exam
Open-notes quiz
(taken directly from
Course Notebook)
(Due before the lecture)
Only 1 attempt
Timed (3 minutes)
One question
must be taken at
the Math Zone
no assistance
Shorter Problem Set
Embedded Videos
Unlimited attempts
Save progress
Tools available
View an example
Help me solve it
Past due problems
can be worked for
50% credit until the
corresponding test.
(Due the day of the lecture)
Contents quiz,
``Test-like'' condition
Longer Problem Set
More difficult topics
and/or problems
Unlimited attempts
Save progress
Tools available
View an example
Help me solve it
Past due problems
can be worked for
50% credit until the
corresponding test.
Three attempts
Timed (30 minutes)
3-5 questions
must be taken at
the Math Zone
no assistance
(Due at the same time)
A 90% - 100%
6 Unit Tests (55%)
(lowest unit test grade can be replaced by final exam)
B 80% - 89%
70% - 79%
D 60% - 69%
0% - 59%
Attendance (10%)
Final Exam (20%)
(final exam may replace lowest test score)
Quizzes (5%)
Homework (10%)
(lowest four quizzes and four homework scores will be dropped)
What should I be able to do at the end of the course?
The goal of the course is to provide a solid foundation of fundamental mathematics skills and to prepare students for further study of
mathematics. The emphasis of this class is on basic mathematical rules, operations, and methods. In particular, this includes rules for
simplifying and manipulating expressions including basic arithmetic, exponents, and radicals. Furthermore, methods for solving equations
and inequalities for some functions are covered. The following table provides a list of learning objectives for the course. More detailed
objectives are posted at
Arithmetic &
Linear Equations
Functions, Formulas, &
Linear Functions &
Exponent Rules
Evaluate Arithmetic Expressions.
Identify functions.
Apply algebraic properties of real
Solve linear inequalities and express
their solutions.
Find the slope of a line, write the
equation of a line, and graph linear
Apply exponent rules to simplify
Use formulas to solve problems.
More Polynomials &
Rational Functions
Rational Exponents &
Combine polynomials (by adding,
subtracting, or multiplying)
Solve polynomial equations by
Understand the meaning of radicals
and rational exponents.
Factor out the Greatest Common
Factor (GCF), and factor by
Combine rational expressions.
Use rules for exponents/radicals to
simplify expressions involving
radicals or rational exponents.
Find domains of rational functions.
What is the outline of the course?
Textbook Sections
Lecture 1:
R & 1.2
Review, Algebraic Expressions and Absolute Value
Lecture 2:
Order of operations & Properties of Real Numbers (e.g. Associative)
Lecture 3:
An Introduction to Linear Equations and Problem Solving
Lecture 4:
Problem-solving with Formulas and with Linear Inequalities
Lecture 5:
An Introduction to Functions and Graphs of Equations
Lecture 6:
Lecture 7:
Exponents and Exponent rules
Lecture 8:
An Introduction to Polynomials and Multiplying Polynomials
Lecture 9:
Factoring: GCF, Factor by Grouping and Trial & Check
Lecture 10:
Factoring: Special Products & Solving Equations by Factoring
Lecture 11:
An Introduction to Rational Functions & Combining Rational Exp.
Lecture 12:
An Introduction to Radical Expressions and Rational Exponents
Lecture 13:
Product & Quotient Rule for Radicals, Combining Radical Exp.
Lecture 14:
An Introduction to Linear Functions & Graphing Linear Functions
Rationalizing denominators with one or two terms
Course Objectives
Intermediate Algebra
Preparing for your Test.
Each test is password-protected and must be taken in the Math Zone.
Unless other arrangements are necessary for your test, each test will occur
during a normal class period (as indicated on the weekly schedule).
Each test has an associated practice test which can be taken as many
times as desired. To prepare for your test, complete any late assignments
for the unit, and work the practice test until you obtain your desired score.
At your test, fill out your scratch paper completely, Once your test is
finished (but before it is submitted), call for a proctor pick up your scratch
paper. Once your test is submitted, be sure to review any incorrect
problems, as the test can only be reviewed at this point. If you notice any
problems you missed due to syntax errors, let your instructor know promptly
with a description of the problem.
Testing Policies.
What should I bring?
Student ID
A student ID is required for testing.
Scientific Calculator
Any non-graphing calculator.
Pen or Pencil
... and leave behind?
Graphing Calculators & Calc. Lids
During the test you must abide by the following testing policies:
Cell phones (or mobile devices)
(1) You may not visit any website other than MyLabsPlus
(and within MyLabsPlus, only your test)
Notes or other paper(s)
(2) You remain in the testing area for the duration of your test.
(3) No item from the list of items to leave behind should be brought
into the testing area.
Bags or personal items
Hats or headphones
A score of zero is given when a testing policy has been violated.
What if I need to reschedule a test?
Testing Policies
In the event of unscheduled, documented absences, a “Petition for Alternative Test Date” will need to be completed
(available at the Math Zone desk) and submitted to the Math Zone Director. In addition, documentation must be provided
to the Office of Student-Oriented Services (R.C. Cook University Union - Room 221), indicating that the absence is
documented and excused. These steps should be completed within two school days of the absence. Incomplete (no
documentation submitted) or late petitions will not be
accepted.In the event of scheduled absences or conflicts,
the student should contact the Math Zone Coordinator to
Take a test for a scheduled
schedule an alternative date prior to the due date for the
absence before the due date.
course. Retakes of tests will not be rescheduled.
For an unscheduled,
documented absence...
Fill out a test petition from the
Math Zone desk or online at
In the event of scheduled absences or conflicts, the
student should contact the Math Zone Coordinator to
schedule an alternative date prior to the due date for the
course. Retakes of tests will not be rescheduled.
What if I want to retake a test?
One test retake over the
course of the semester is
allowed. Students wishing to
Submit documentation to
use their test retake must have
completed a practice test for
Student-Oriented Services.
the associated unit with a
score of 70% before a second
attempt is allowed. In addition, they should proceed to the "Test Retake"
tab in their MyLabsPlus course for specific instructions just prior to the test.
Students failing to follow these instructions will not receive credit for their
second attempt.
One Test Retake
for Unit tests
70% on Practice
Test Required.
Students must register online for a test appointment, and the test retake
must be taken on the scheduled date. Test retakes will occur about one week after the first attempt
(the schedule is posted on
What if I want to retake the final exam?
The final exam will be offered one additional time, at the date indicated on the weekly schedule. This
date will not be rescheduled for any reason. Semester grades will already have been entered, so
resulting changes to grades will be initiated via a change of grade request, and not immediately
available in SOAR. To support the additional test attempt,
a workshop on topics from College Algebra will be offered
in conjunction with the Office of Professional Development
One attempt to retake the
and Educational Outreach. However, enrollment in the
workshop is not necessary in order to retake the final
Final Exam
exam. Information regarding how to register for the final
exam retake will be emailed to students after final exam
Offered after the conclusion
of the semester
Workshop through Office of
Professional Development
offered for review.
What is the Fast Track Policy?
The Fast Track Policy is for students earning an A on the first
two tests of the semester. Students in the Fast Track
program are allowed to take tests early and finish the
course as soon as all assignments and tests are completed.
More information about the Fast Track Policy is located at
ODA Policy
If a student has a disability that qualifies under the American
with Disabilities Act (ADA) and requires accommodations,
he/she should contact the Office for Disability
Accommodations (ODA) for information on appropriate
policies and procedures. Disabilities covered by ADA may
include learning, psychiatric, physical disabilities, or chronic
health disorders. Students can contact ODA if they are not
certain whether a medical condition/disability qualifies.
The University of Southern Mississippi
Office for Disability Accommodations
118 College Drive # 8586
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001
Voice Telephone: (601) 266-5024 or (228) 214-3232
Fax: (601) 266-6035
Individuals with hearing impairments can contact ODA using
the Mississippi Relay Service at 1-800-582-2233 (TTY) or email
Suzy Hebert at
Make-up Policy
The makeup policy for tests is covered in the section of the
syllabus devoted to testing.
Homeworks & Quizzes:
All other make-ups (homework, quizzes, etc.) will be handled
by your instructor. Only serious, verifiable circumstances will
be considered, and documentation must be provided. If
homework assignments are not completed on time for
reasons other than unscheduled, documented absences,
problems can be worked for 50% credit up until the date of
the test on the associated unit.
Missed quizzes (for reasons other than unscheduled,
documented absences) cannot be made up.
Academic Honesty Policy
The following is taken from the Undergraduate Bulletin:
“When cheating is discovered, the faculty member may give
the student an F on the work involved or in the course. If
further disciplinary action is deemed appropriate, the student
should be reported to the dean of students. In addition to
being a violation of academic honesty, cheating violates the
Code of Student Conduct and may be grounds for
probation, suspension or expulsion. ”
In particular, any instance of cheating cannot be replaced
by a second attempt.
Lab Policy
The following policies concern use of the Math Zone.
Violating the rules listed below may result in one or more of
the following: loss of lab attendance credit, being asked to
leave the Zone, and/or a zero on an assignment or
1. Only students in eligible MAT courses may enter the Math
Zone. Friends, private tutors, etc. must find other premises
(e.g. the library).
2. You are expected to be respectful of others.
3. Food, drinks, or tobacco products are not allowed.
4. Cell phones, laptops, and other electronic devices should
be inactive while working in the Math Zone.
5. You are expected to be actively working on mathematics
while in the Math Zone, not visiting other websites or working
on assignments for other classes.
What should I do to be successful?
Use your time in class effectively.
Sit near the front, avoid distractions, and participate.
Ask questions if confused and don't be afraid to respond to questions that are
Learn the exact definitions of all new terms the first time they appear, so that
misunderstandings do not prevent you from answering questions.
Use your time in the lab effectively.
Get help right away from the Math Zone staff with any problems you have.
Organize your work;
Keep video notes/class handouts/homework scratch paper together.
Also, when working problems, model the same step-by-step,
organized work as your instructor.
Adequately prepare for the tests.
Finish any remaining homework from the unit, and work the practice test until
you get a score you would be happy with.
On the test, read the problem carefully twice and then read the last sentence
of the problem one more time
Other Resources
Student Success Center
Offers tutoring through the
First Year Initiative (FYI)
McLemore Hall, Second Floor
Phone: 601-266-5003
Math Tutoring Center (MTC)
Offers tutoring through the
Department of Mathematics.
Southern Hall (Room 205)
Mon. - Thurs. 1pm - 5pm
Outside of the class and lab...
Get to know your classmates and find times to work and study together.
Establish a consistent schedule for completeing homework and studying for the course.
Time management is especially crucial for math and science courses as they require more time than many other subjects
Use study tools / tutors / online resources responsibly!!
It doesn’t matter how high you score on your homework if you cannot complete problems independently.
Any resource can be misused... be sure to consistently check that you can work problems without assistance.
Additional Tips:
If you are a pen and paper person, print out your homework assignments, and bring it to the Zone.
We will still provide tutoring; after you’ve finished, enter the problems into MyLabsPlus, and rework any missed problems.
Make good use of the video lectures.
Unlike a traditional lecture, you can pause, rewind, and rewatch the video lectures as many times as you need.
Getting Started
Unlock a computer.
To begin with, log in to your
computer. If you are using a Math
Zone computer that is not logged
in, use the following information:
password: student
Open a Browser.
Click on either the Firefox (most stable) or Internet Explorer
icon on the desktop. Our homepage is set to the website you
will be using to complete your coursework.
Have you taken
a course at USM
using MyLabsPlus
Use your student id number as your login
name (with the w, e.g. w123456), and
your password from a previous semester.
If you do not remember it, click the
"Forgot Password" link on the login page,
and a message to reset your password
will be delivered to your eagles email
Login ID
& Default
Use your student id number as your login
name (with the w, e.g. w123456), and the
default password "usmmlppw"
password: usmmlppw
Open the Course.
Once you have logged in, you
should see a course list.
Do you have
an access code?
Have you taken
this course
Click "Temporary Access".
Clicking the "Temporary Access" tab in your
MyLabsPlus course will display a temporary
access code.
Enter Access Code.
Click on "Course Home" to
enter code.
Begin Work.
You are now free to begin
exploring your course and
starting your assignments.
Use the toolbar on the left
side of the page to
navigate, and look at the
course homepage for an
overview of your schedule
and your grades.