December 14, 2014 - St. John the Evangelist Parish


December 14, 2014 - St. John the Evangelist Parish
Sunday, January 11, 2015 - Sunday, January 18, 2015 A.D.
St . John &
Blessed Sacrament
The Catholic
Community of
Mission Statement
We the Catholic Community of St. John the Evangelist and Blessed Sacrament, guided by the Holy
Spirit and nourished at the Tables of Word and Eucharist, strive to remain true to our heritage of
faith by living lives of discipleship. We seek to spread the Gospel by being the hands, the feet, the
voice, and the heart of Christ.
Our Stewardship of Prayer
St. John Sanctuary Lights burn
January 9th - 15th
Church: In loving memory of Michael
Houghtaling by Mom & Dad
Page 2
SATURDAY, January 17 (Continued)
3:00 p.m. Rite of Reconciliation (Confessions)
4:30 p.m. Bill Drotoz by family
6:00 p.m. Mass at BLS - John Hastedt by Bill & Pearl
Rite of Reconciliation (Confessions)
SUNDAY, January 18 - Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19/1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20/Jn 1:35-42
MONDAY, January 12 - Weekday
Heb 1:1-6/Mk 1:14-20
8:00 a.m. Virginia Sabo by Richard & Kelly Smith
10:00 a.m. June Vollweiler by Bereavement Dinner
Carol Swanson, 3rd Anniversary, by Ray
11:00 a.m. World Apostolate of Fatima Holy Hour
TUESDAY, January 13 - St. Hilary, Bishop and Doctor
of the Church
Heb 2:5-12/Mk 1:21-28
8:00 a.m. Dan Burtrum by Elmer & Mary Ann Cox
10:00 a.m. Paul Hyde by Bill & Rita Kuchar
1 - 3 p.m. Corpus Christi Prayer Group-Chapel
WEDNESDAY, January 14 - Weekday
Heb 2:14-18/Mk 1:29-39
8:00 a.m. Melissa Wagner by Tom & Carol Mullally
10:00 a.m. David Ur by Betty Karlek
THURSDAY, January 15 - Weekday
Heb 3:7-14/Mk 1:40-45
8:00 a.m. Special Intention of Larry & Barbara Borg
by Mike & Mary Benjamin
10:00 a.m. Dolores Barnewold by Kathleen Lewis
Mary Swanson, 20th Anniversary, by family
FRIDAY, January 16 - Weekday
Heb 4:1-5, 11/Mk 2:1-12
8:00 a.m. David Uhlmeyer by the Patrick Uhlmeyer
10:00 a.m. Mildred Myers by Bob & Karen Demack
10:00 a.m. Mass at Pines of Burton - Connie Miller by
John & Lorraine Trzil
7:30 a.m. Don Gerger by Paul Fike & Louise
9:00 a.m. Mass at BLS - Donald Pollock by Donald &
Barbara Pastor
10:00 a.m. Deceased members of the Plamondon/
Ringlein Families
12 Noon Vincent Seidel by Jo Ann Slabonek
1:15 p.m. BAPTISM: Archer Joseph Konieczka
BAPTISM: Fisher Michael Konieczka
2:00 p.m. P.R.E.P. First Reconciliation
5:00 p.m. Paul Stock by family
Our Stewardship of Treasure
Your Return for Blessings Received
Number of Households
DEC 2014 Sunday
DEC 28
DEC 28
DEC 28
M-T-D Sunday CollectionDEC
JAN 2015
M-T-D Sunday CollectionJAN
JAN 1- Feast of Mary
SATURDAY, January 17 - St. Anthony, Abbott
Heb 4:12-16/Mk 2:13-17
8:00 a.m. Word & Communion
10:30 a.m. P.R.E.P. First Reconciliation
A Blessed NEW YEAR to you and your families!!
THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD - January 11, 2015 A.D.
Page 3
W or ds fr o m Fr. An dre w
Once you’re baptized, you’re baptized for keeps…Just as
once we’re born into the world, there’s no going back!
A little known fact is that your baptismal record also
includes the date and place for Confirmation, Marriage(s),
Holy Orders, Religious Vows, Annulments. It can serve as
a legal document for matters concerning citizenship, social
security and adoption. Just for the record, do you know
where and when you were baptized? Do you know who
your Godparents are? If the church where you were
baptized has closed, those records can be found in the
Archives of the Diocese where the church was located,
such as the Archives of Lansing/Detroit located in their
respective archives.
Continued on page 8
S a v e
Rosary Makers
Eagle's Nest
Faith Ringers
RCIA Team Mtg
January 12-17 Altar Cleaning - Alyce Heldt, Cathy
Cleven, Beth Brancheau, George Kidd
4:15 PM
4:30 PM
7:00 PM
WEDNESDAY - January 14
S a v e
T e a r
S a v e
* T e a r
When a person is baptized, the once-in
-a-lifetime event is recorded in the
baptismal registry of the place where
the baptism takes place. The entry
includes the names of person’s
parents, date and place of birth, name
of the officiant, and the names of
Godparents. Though it is customary to
have two baptismal Godparents, the
minimum required is only one who is a
practicing confirmed Catholic.
Traditionally, there is
usually a Godfather and Godmother. In some cultures,
there are multiple persons. Recently, one little one had
fifteen Godparents!
3:00 PM
4:30 PM
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
TUESDAY - January 13
Upon baptism, you begin your membership into the
Church, the Body of Christ. You become a precious Child
of God, God’s temple, a member of the Church.
Eagle's Nest
Eagle's Nest
MONDAY - January 12
T e a r
In order for baptism to be acceptable, water must be used
along with the formula: I baptize you in the name of the +
Father and of the + Son and of the + Holy Spirit.
Likewise, there must be the intention that you are being
baptized into a formal church community.
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM
4:30 - 7:30 PM
5:30 PM
S a v e •
SUNDAY - January 11
The occasion of Jesus’ Baptism gives us
opportunities to freshen up on some reminders:
Week at a Glance
T e a r
Last weekend, as we celebrated Epiphany,
Jesus was “a child with Mary his mother.”
This weekend, Jesus is being baptized by
John in the Jordan - most likely, he is 30
years young. The Jordan River is rather small in size, not
much more than a creek by today’s standards. It receives
its gentle waters from the lush Sea of Galilee and
eventually empties into the Dead Sea. Near the spot
where the waters enter the Jordan, many pilgrims gather to
renew their baptismal promises.
St. John the Evangelist, Davison
4:30 PM - 8:30 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
Singing Angels
Eagle's Nest
Men's Club
Eagles' Nest
Celebration Choir
THURSDAY - January 15
8:45 AM
9:00 AM
3:30 PM
4:30 PM - 8:30 PM
7:30 PM
Scripture Study
Soup Kitchen
Blanket Ministry
Eagles' Nest
Narcotics Anonymous
FRIDAY - January 16
7:30 PM
7:30 PM
SATURDAY - January 17
Baby Bottle Drive
3:00 PM
SUNDAY - January 18
Baby Bottle Drive
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Eagle's Nest
11:00 AM
Coffee & Donuts
4:30 - 7:30 PM
Eagle's Nest
5:30 PM
January 19-24 Altar Cleaning - Members of St.
Theresa Guild
Blessed Sacrament, Burton
Office Hours:
Happenings at Blessed Sacrament
Week at a Glance
Tuesday & Thursday
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
9:00 AM
Blessed Sacrament P.R.E.P. K – 4
T e a r
SUNDAY - January 11
12:30 PM
1:00 PM
St. Anne Guild
Legion of Mary
S a v e
MONDAY - January 12
Parish Office Open
Spaghetti Dinner
Knights of Columbus
FRIDAY - January 16
10:30 AM
8:00 PM
S a v e
Parish Office Open
9 AM - 1:00 PM
The Baby Bottle Drive begins the Weekend of January 17th
and 18th. After all Masses bottles will be available on the
table in the hallway. You are encouraged to take these
bottles home and fill them with loose change. The filled
bottles should be returned the weekend of February 7th and
8th. The money goes to help women at the Lapeer County
Pregnancy Resource Center.
T e a r
THURSDAY - January 15
There will be no class on Sunday, January 18th due to
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday. Class will resume on
Sunday, January 25th.
10:30 AM
7:00 PM
8:00 PM
Thank you to the three young adults who participated in the
three kings procession on The Feast of the Epiphany at the
6:00 p.m. Mass.
S a v e
WEDNESDAY - January 14
9 AM - 1:00 PM
4:00 PM
8:00 PM
T e a r
TUESDAY - January 13
Page 4
SATURDAY- January 17
6:00 PM
SUNDAY - January 18
9:00 AM
4:00 PM
Euchre Party
All You Can Eat Spaghetti Dinner
Tuesday, January 13
4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Blessed Sacrament Hall
$7.00 includes salad bar. Salad Bar only: $4.00.
Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus.
Euchre Party at
Blessed Sacrament
Sunday, January 18th
Doors open at 4:00 p.m.
Play starts at 5:00 p.m.
$12.00 includes food & refreshments.
Thank you Fr. Carl and our Magi, Wenzel Coughlin,
Pete Misale and Eddie Coughlin for a beautiful Epiphany
celebration at the 9:00 a.m. Mass.
Stella Fielder, Worship Commission
Thank you to all of the 'Christmas Angels' who
donated so generously to our flower fund this year. And to
the Angels who also donated their precious time during this
busy, Holy Season to decorate the Church. We are truly
grateful. We are blessed to have your willing hearts and
hands: Jean Burcar, Dorothy Burley, Judy Davidson, Kevin
Dunkel, Joyce and Sam Hall, Pat Ockerman, Janet
Weyker, and Bob Zielinski.
Thank you, Stella & Gary Fielder, Art & Environment.
THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD - January 11, 2015 A.D.
Little Rock
Scripture Study
Page 5
Soup Kitchen
Thursday, January 15th
6 week study starting
Tuesday, January 20th or
Thursday, January 22nd
Time is running short. Please sign up, today, if you would
like to participate in The Eucharist (a LRSS 6 week study).
We need to have books for you! Class dates and times are
Tuesdays, January 20th - February 24th, 10:45 a.m. 12:15 p.m. or Thursdays, January 22nd - February 26th,
7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
The registration forms are at the Family Center or the
Parish Office. Remember – ALL ARE WELCOME!
Any Questions? Please call Mary Beth Balaze at
50 & Over Club
Tuesday, January 20th
Starting with Mass at 5:00 p.m. in the Family Center Youth
room. Potluck to follow in the Activity Room across the hall.
Please bring a dish of your favorite food to pass. If you
have any questions please call Anna Schuller at
(810) 653-0816. Hope to see you there.
Catholic Adult Faith Enrichment
Wednesday, January 21st 6:30 p.m.
Little Caesar's, Davison (Back Room)
Are You Smarter Than a Confirmation Candidate: A night
of fun and faith, moderated by Father Carl.
Come early to feed your body and stay for the meeting to
feed your soul. Please remember to use SCRIP, to make
your food purchases.
Deacon David Fons
"Why Sunday Matters"
Join us for 8:00 a.m. Mass in the
Chapel, and we’ll carpool it over to
North End Soup Kitchen, located in the north end of Flint
on Stewart Avenue and North Saginaw. We will return
by 1:30 p.m.
Looking for a New Home
My name is Peppi, short for Giuseppi,
which is Joseph in Italian. I'm looking
for a new home. My master, Fr. Francis,
can't take me with him when he moves
to the new Senior Residence for priests. I am a fine cat, all
black, male and about 6 years old. I'm neutered, litter
trained, declawed front and back, teeth cleaned and had
one tooth extracted recently. I am well mannered, I don't
jump on counters and tables. I love a little attention but I
get a little stressed with other animals around. If you can
help me out, please call Fr. Francis at 743-4533. He will
gladly let you come and check me out. Thank you.
Recently Deceased
Carol Lubiato, brother of Mary
(Mike) Benjamin; Bill Lang, husband
of Holly Lang, Chandler Anschutz,
son of Bill & Shelly Anschutz; Ernest
Richards, father of Mark (Julie) Richards. To their family
and friends, we offer our prayers & sympathy.
St. John Travel Club
Father’s trip is full and MONEY IS
NOW DUE for people signed up.
Kingston Trio Trip at Soaring Eagle Casino on Monday,
February 16th still has openings and MONEY IS NOW DUE
for people signed up.
March trip was cancelled due to not enough people. Call
Maxine 653-7980 for info.
Sunday, January 25
at 2:00 p.m. Family Center Activity Room
Remember Andy's Attic!
Join us for a presentation by Dcn. David on the importance
of the day of Sunday and of having time for leisure. Dcn.
David prepared this presentation as part of the completion
of his seminary studies. Come learn about what true leisure
is and why Sunday is different from any other day. There
will be a talk and time for discussion and questions.
If over the holidays you purchased new
furniture and appliances, please consider
donating the items you no longer need to
Andy's Attic. You may drop them off at
the yellow barn, northwest of the St. John
Family Center.
Page 6
Imperial Cities Tour
Tickets available in the Parish Office.
Reservations are now
being taken for our
upcoming Trip to
Prague, Vienna and
Budapest next August
24-September 3, 2015
with Father Andrew.
Included is Round
Trip from Davison to
Detroit Metro Airport,
11 days, 14 meals, Hotels, fees, tour guide, bus driver, air
taxes and fees/surcharges , transfers. Early bird booking:
Double $3949 - Single $4,699 - save $200 before February
25, 2015 (Cancellation waiver and Insurance of $260 per
person recommended). All Limited to one bus of 44
passengers. Brochure available from the Parish Office or
on our website. Click on the "View All News" button on the
homepage, then click on the Imperial Cities Tour
news story.
Carol Klein
of Burton
Robert Rubio
of Burton
A big basket of thank you notes are
being sent to the following: Richard &
Marsha Anderson, Nancy & Tom
Burcar, Bob Colwell, Dawn & Al
DeBuck, Kevin DeBuck, Louie
Donajkowski, Rosemary Gunnels,
Melissa & Danny Gunnels, Carl
Knieper, Diane & Greg Mischel, Carol
Monroe, Rita Morgan,
and Tom Wittstock. They sacrificed their precious Holiday
Hours to decorate the Church and Chapel for The Holidays.
Pamela Darga
of Davison
Leah Raffaelli
of Davison
Patricia Sheehy
of Flint
William & Mary Lynn
of Otisville
Terrence & Elizabeth
of Davison
A parishioner in convalescing and needs
rides to doctor appointments. If you can
help, please call Dawn Marra at
Vianney Nights Dinner Auction
Saturday, February 7
Sponsored by St. John Vianney Catholic School. Doors
open at 5:30 PM. Dinner is being catered by Luigi’s and
Italia Gardens, wonderful items are available for the highest
bidder in the Silent and Live Auctions, fun Raffles are
planned, and entertainment is provided by the Blue
Hawaiians. Tickets are $40 per person until January 30th
and $45 per person after the 30th. Call the SJV school
office (235-5687) or visit our website ( for
tickets and further information. The best of the whole
evening is your support of Catholic Education for our
precious children!
Help is needed selling SCRIP at STJ after each Mass on
the first weekend of the month. If you can help please call
the Parish Office at 810-653-2377.
There is no better time to give our program a try. Every
week we buy groceries, gas, clothes, and restaurants.
Purchasing with SCRIP gift cards helps support our Parish.
STJ cards will be sold after each Mass on the first
weekend of each month. Order Form can be obtained on
line at the St. John website (
or visit the Office Mon. - Fri. between
8:30 a.m. & 4:00 p.m.
THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD - January 11, 2015 A.D.
Page 7
St. John Religious Education
Middle School EDGE
Calendar and General Information
Our Edge class Mass is scheduled for 5pm on Sunday,
February 22nd. We are actively seeking volunteers.
Please talk with your student about being a reader, gift
bearer, altar server, usher, or greeter.
Still accepting donations of Lays brand snacks
(individual and large bags), juice boxes and 8oz.
bottles of water.
Seeking a refrigerator for the Edge room. If you are
getting new appliances, please consider donating your
old fridge to Edge.
Fri, Jan 16-Sun, Jan 18 High School Retreat at Subiaco
Sat, Jan 17
10:30 a.m. First Reconciliation
Sun, Jan 18
2:00 p.m. First Reconciliation
Sun, Jan 18
No Sunday School, P.R.E.P. or EDGE
Mon, Jan 19
No P.R.E.P. or EDGE
Sun, Jan 25
9:00 a.m. Confirmation Retreat at BLS
6:15 p.m. First Eucharist Parent Mtg
Mon, Jan 26
5:30 p.m. First Eucharist Parent Mtg
Tues, Jan 27 5:30 p.m. First Eucharist Parent Mtg
Sat, Jan 31
4:30 p.m. Initiation First Eucharist
Noon Initiation First Eucharist
Sun, Feb 1
Just a reminder, if your child is feeling ill please have
them stay at home. Religious Education is important
but the health of all children is a top priority to us.
High School & Young Adult Ministry
The Baby Bottle Drive begins the
weekend of January 17 and 18. After all the
Masses bottles will be available for you to
take home and fill with your loose change.
We are asking you to return the full bottles
after all the Masses the weekend of February
7 and 8. The money collected goes to help
the women at the Lapeer County Pregnancy
Resource Center. The center provides
clothes, baby formula and diapers to women in need.
They also have training and education classes for the
new mothers. Your loose change helps fill the needs
many new mothers have.
Just a reminder P.R.E.P. fees can be paid at the
P.R.E.P. office or by dropping in the collection in an
envelope marked ‘P.R.E.P. Fees.’ Please make checks
payable to St. John P.R.E.P.
P.R.E.P. Pre-Kindergarten - Grade 4
If you are planning on attending
March for Life taking place Wednesday,
January 21 to Friday, January 23,
please let me know to reserve your
Help is needed on Saturdays, January 17 to February
28, to work the kitchen for the Basketball League. We
need help from Noon for set up until 4:30 p.m. If you
want to volunteer please let me know.
This year’s One Day Retreat for Confirmation students
is being held at Blessed Sacrament on Sunday,
January 25. The retreat will start with students
attending the 9:00 a.m. Mass. Lunch will be provided
but please bring a snack to share. The Retreat will
end at 4:00 p.m.
Catholic Heart Work Camp 2015 is already in the
planning stages. If you are attending we need a
$85.00 deposit by February 1. The cost of the camp
this year is $355.00. Students do have an opportunity
to raise the money by signing up sponsors or working
Saturdays at the Basketball League.
If your child has not turned in their
Reconciliation book, please drop it off at the
P.R.E.P. office as soon as possible.
Tour of the Reconciliation Rooms
will be on January 11, 12 and 13 during our
P.R.E.P. sessions. Parents are invited and encouraged
to attend with your child.
First Reconciliation is Saturday, January 18 at 10:30
a.m. and Sunday, January 19 at 2:00 p.m. Choose the
service that best meets your schedule.
The High School Subiaco Retreat is Friday, January 16
to Sunday January 19. If you have not attended a
weekend retreat there is still time to register. This year
we are blessed with both Deacon David Fons and
Kevin Wojciechowski joining us for the weekend.
Parents encourage your students to attend. The
retreat encourages them to stay connected with their
faith and develop a deeper relationship with Jesus.
And it looks like we will be able to go sledding again.
Download Our New Parish App!
Our new app is now
available to download for
iPhone and Android
smart phones. Stay
connected with our
parish throughout the
week with instant
notifications, an easy-toaccess event calendar,
and the ability to quickly reply to or share messages via
Facebook or Twitter. Also, enjoy a bunch of additional
features like prayers, daily readings, helpful reminders to
silence your phone before Mass or Confession, and much
Help foster a stronger parish life and better engage the
New Evangelization.
Download our app today at or search
your phone's app store for myparish.
With the cold and flu season upon us,
there’s a lot of sneezing and coughing
these days. Please refrain from receiving
the Precious Blood at Mass when you
have a cold or upper respiratory infection.
Though our Eucharistic Ministers wipe the lip of the cup
after each communicant has received, common sense and
good judgment should always be used, mindful that we are
called to be a community that cares for one another.
Sanctuary lights burn by the Tabernacle, to
show the real presence of Jesus (Body, Blood,
Soul, and Divinity) in the Eucharist. You may
request that a sanctuary light burn in memory
of a deceased loved one, in honor of a birthday,
anniversary or any special event.
At St. John, the light burns for a 7 day period
(Friday to Thursday) and a donation of $10.00
is suggested. You can request the church or
chapel light by calling the parish office at 653-2377.
At Blessed Sacrament, the light burns for 2 weeks (Sunday
to Saturday) and a donation of $20.00 is suggested. You
can request the Sanctuary Light at Blessed Sacrament by
calling the St. John Office at 653-2377
The suggested stipend for a Mass Intention is $10.00 at
both parishes.
Page 8
Words from Fr. Andrew continued from page 3
Just in the time for the New Year, we have a
bottle of Holy Water for each household to
take home and to use in your daily/weekly
walk with the Lord.
Just as we bless
ourselves with Holy Water each time we
enter/leave the church, it is customary to
bless ourselves at various times - upon rising,
at bedtime, going on a trip, returning home,
and when family members gather for prayer.
Complimentary refills are available anytime from our
baptismal fonts. Personal holy water fonts are also
available to be placed by the front/back door of our home
or bedroom.
On a personal note, thank you for your many kindnesses at
Christmas. Thank you for your generous gifts, cards,
delicious treats and faith-filled prayers and well wishes.
How overwhelming! Be assured of my heartfelt gratitude
and prayerful thanks.
Here’s to a great mid-January week!
Father Andrew
THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD - January 11, 2015 A.D.
404 N. Dayton Street - Davison, MI 48423
Business Hours: Mon.-Fri. - 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
PASTORAL STAFF (All Area Codes are 810)
Rev. Andrew A. Czajkowski, Pastor
653-2377 (ext 222)
Rev. Carl A. Simon, Parochial Vicar
Deacon Dan Fairweather
St. John Family Center /Wellness Center
505 N. Dayton Street - Davison, MI 48423
Mon.-Fri. 5:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
September - April only
St. John Parish Hall
450 N. Dayton Street - Davison, MI 48423
Hall Rentals
810-652-0304 (ext. 269)
St. John Cemetery and Mausoleum
Located at Richfield and Oak Roads
502 N. Dayton - Davison, 48423
404 N. Dayton - Davison, 48423
Mon.-Fri 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Evenings, Saturdays and Sundays by appointment
St. John Community Services
425 N. Genesee Street - Davison, MI 48423
St. John Christian Service
Outreach East
St. John Contact Information
Bingo Hotline
EDGE Office
FAX Number
Music & Liturgy Office
P.R.E.P. Office
Preschool Office
RCIA Office
Voice Mail
Youth Ministry
658-4776 (ext. 238)
652-0304 (ext 278)
658-4776 (ext. 272)
Page 9
6340 Roberta Street - Burton, MI 48509
Business Hours:
Tuesday & Thursday
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Liturgy & Services Schedule
Saturday: 4:30 p.m., Vigil for Sunday
Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12 Noon and 5:00 p.m.
Saturday: 6:00 p.m., Vigil for Sunday
Sunday: 9:00 a.m.
Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.
WORD & COMMUNION (St. John Chapel)
Saturday: 8:00 a.m.
Saturday, 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. at St. John Church
Following 6:00 p.m. Mass at Blessed Sacrament
Other times by appointment only.
Call St. John parish office.
(St. John Chapel)
Thursday: 11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Sacrament Information
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Parents are asked to
attend a preparation class for their first child. Please
call St. John Parish Office to make arrangements.
Arrangements are to be made with a priest or deacon
at least nine months in advance of the marriage.
Bulletin Information
Articles for the bulletin may be submitted by
e-mail or in writing by 8:30 a.m., Monday prior.
This icon indicates that more information regarding
this item is available on our website:
“In my Father’s house, There are many rooms.”
John 14:2
Eucharistic Adoration St. John Chapel
Thursdays 11 AM - 9 PM
Dennis Cornell
Fresh Ice!
St. John Parish Hall
and Family Center
Banquet Facilities
810-652-0304 (ext 269)
Friday Discounts
Catering Kitchen
Seating for up to 500
Round or Rectangle
Lighted, ample parking
Handicap Accessible
St. John
Catholic Cemetery and
Located corner of Oak & Richfield Roads
502 North Dayton St.
Davison, MI 48423
Loving choices just made
easier and smarter!
St. John Most Holy
Gift Shop
Tuesday & Thursday
9:00 a.m. - 12 Noon
Saturday ~ 3:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Sunday ~ 9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Please visit us soon and make us your
first stop for beautiful gifts
and accessories that proudly
reflect and celebrate our
Catholic heritage and traditions.
Sandy Versteeg
Bernie & Rose Tholl
Snow Plowing, Snow Removal,
810-653-SNOW or 810-691-8850
Michael Dickerson & Tim Candela
Please tell them thank you for
advertising in our bulletin. Thank you
for supporting our bulletin advertisers.
While we cannot guarantee the work
or integrity of each advertiser, we
hope that in general the folks
advertising in the church bulletin share
the business ethics and values that we
teach here at The Catholic Community
of St. John & Blessed Sacrament.
25 lb bag $3.50
Call the office at 653-2377
to place your order.
Pick up Monday-Friday
9AM - 2:30 PM
Please pay for your
ice order in the
St. John Parish Office.
Meeting rooms
also available
36” color TV with
satellite & DVD
White Boards
Padded chairs
Catering kitchen
450 Building
Electronic and Paper Played
Doors open at 4:00 p.m.
Early Bird at 5:30 p.m.
With Regular Games
Immediately following.
Page 10
Full basketball court
with scoreboard
Floor hockey & volley
ball nets
Locker rooms with
Doors open at 4:30 p.m.
Early Bird at 6:30 p.m.
With Regular Games
Immediately following.
Blessed Sacrament
St. Joseph Hall
Bingo Hotline:
810-652-0304 (ext 269)
Create Your Perfect Event!
Our jackpots rollover from night to
night, so the prize
stays close to home!
Check out our website
6340 Roberta St. Burton
Wednesday & Friday
at 10:30 a.m.
Seating for up to 300
Full Kitchen
Round Tables or
Rectangular Tables
Padded Chairs
Please remember when planning parish
events to notify Tina Simmonds, facilities
coordinator, of any changes needed to
building heating/cooling and
parking lot lights.