0115 IFT World Department - Institute of Food Technologists


0115 IFT World Department - Institute of Food Technologists
by Melanie Zanoza Bartelme
A processing column transition
he December issue of Food Technology
marked the conclusion of J. Peter
Clark’s 12-year tenure as the magazine’s processing column editor. Beginning
this month, the column will be authored by
Tara McHugh, research leader with the U.S.
Dept. of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research
Service (ARS), Albany, Calif. McHugh will
contribute 10 columns annually, and Clark
will continue to handle Food Technology’s
preshow and postshow processing
Clark’s distinguished career includes
positions as director of research at ITT
Continental Baking, where he standardized
the formulation for Twinkies; president of
Epstein Process Engineering; and associate
professor of chemical engineering at
Virginia Tech. Currently, he is chair and
chief technical officer of Foodexus LLC, a
new company that is working to commercialize a patent-pending refrigeration
process he invented. A professional
J. Peter Clark
member of IFT, Certified Food Scientist, and
IFT Fellow, Clark has held numerous IFT
roles. He has a PhD in chemical engineering
from the University of California, Berkeley.
An author and active volunteer who has
traveled the world consulting on food engineering projects for charitable causes,
Clark currently serves as board president of
the Oak Park River Forest Food Pantry. He
and his wife, Nancy, enjoy hosting concerts
at their home and presenting a series of free
folk music performances at their local
Collins joins
CropLife America
anet Collins, immediate past president of IFT, joined CropLife
America (CLA) as senior vice president of science and regulatory affairs,
bringing more than 25 years of experience in regulatory affairs and nutrition
science to the role.
Collins spent the past nine years at
E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Co.,
where she served as global technology manager and senior manager of
corporate regulatory affairs. In that
role, she led corporate regulatory food
strategy development and formal
advocacy implementation; provided
regulatory policy leadership for global
01.15 • www.ift.org
Tara McHugh
library. His plans for the future, in addition
to consulting, include enjoying his three
grandchildren and mentoring young
McHugh, a professional member of IFT
who has a PhD in food science from the
University of California, Davis, has been
with ARS for 21 years, beginning as a postdoctoral researcher and working her way
up to the current position. Her research
focus is on innovative, sustainable processes to improve the healthfulness and
safety of foods and transferring those new
technologies into commercialization via
partnerships with industry.
In addition to raising her two sons,
McHugh counts kickboxing, meditating,
Gestalt processing, and reading among
her interests.
The staff of Food Technology gratefully
acknowledges Peter’s many contributions
to the magazine and enthusiastically welcomes Tara to the team.
standards setting organizations; and
provided regulatory advice and nutrition strategy for DuPont. Prior to her
tenure at DuPont, Collins was director
and lead for global regulatory organizations for Monsanto Co.
“We are excited to have Dr. Collins
lead our science and regulatory team.
With her proven expertise and experience, she brings a globally credible
voice on agricultural science to
CropLife America and can now apply
her knowledge of food and agriculture
to our mission and goals in serving the
crop protection industry,” said Jay
Vroom, president and CEO of CLA.
Collins received a BS and MS in
experimental foods and nutrition from
the University of Georgia, Athens; a
PhD in animal science from the
University of Wyoming, Laramie; and
is a registered dietitian with the
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics as
well as a Certified Food Scientist.
IFT launches learning
management system
FT has released its new learning
management system, which offers
a clean, streamlined interface to
provide a user-friendly experience for
IFT’s learners. The new platform,
Path, now hosts IFT’s eight online
courses, upcoming live webcasts or
“virtual events,” and an on-demand
webcast catalog of more than 50
recorded webcasts. Visit https://
and sign in to explore everything the
new system has to offer, and for a limited time, take advantage of a 15%
discount on courses and webcasts by
entering the code LEARNONLINE1214
at checkout.
General Mills scholarship/
internship winners
eeding Tomorrow, the foundation
of IFT, has partnered with General
Mills to recognize the exceptional
leadership and scholastic achievements of two graduate students
pursuing advanced degrees in food
science. Congratulations to the 2015
recipients, Kartheek Anekella and
José Estrada Andino, who will each
receive a $5,000 scholarship and a
12-week paid internship in the summer
of 2015. To learn more about Feeding
Tomorrow or to explore a similar program with your organization, please
e-mail Amanda Perl at aperl@ift.org.
Anekella is currently a student
at North Carolina State University
pursing a PhD in food science and
microbiology. He completed his undergraduate degree at the Vellore
Institute of Technology University in
India and his master’s at McGill
University in Montreal, Canada. He is
looking forward to working on a collaborative project and a team involving
people from R&D, marketing, and
sales. “I want to leverage my academic product development
experience in an industrial setting
where the product launch rate and
decision making is much faster,” said
Estrada Andino is a student at
Louisiana State University pursuing a
PhD in protein chemistry, chronic
disease prevention, and research
and development. He completed his
undergraduate degree at Zamorano
University in Honduras and his master’s at Louisiana State University. He
is eager to better understand the current and future trends and strategies
of the food industry, specifically in the
areas of new functional ingredients
and health promotion. “In the long
term, the technical skills, business
qualities, and leadership development
provided by General Mills will support
my career contributions to the food
industry in the USA and abroad,”
he said.
Rosskam wins
leadership award
kip Rosskam, a professional
member of IFT, was recently
presented with SmartCEO
Magazine’s Circle of Excellence
Award in the International Business
category. The annual awards program recognizes excellence in
Philadelphia’s business leaders.
Rosskam is president and chief
operating officer of David Michael &
Co. In accepting the award, he noted,
“The power that we all have in this
room is the energy and passion we
create in our businesses…it gives us
the competitive edge.”
McLellan serving on
NAREEE Advisory Board
.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom
Vilsack has reappointed Mark R.
McLellan to serve on the National
Agricultural Research, Extension,
Education, and Economics (NAREEE)
Advisory Board, which advises the
Secretary of Agriculture and landgrant colleges and universities on top
national priorities and policies for food
and agricultural research, education,
extension, and economics.
McLellan, a professional member
of IFT and an IFT Fellow, was nominated for the appointment by the
Institute of Food Technologists. He is
vice president of research and dean of
the School of Graduate Studies at
Utah State University and a Certified
Food Scientist. FT
Section & Division meetings
British Columbia
Feb. 25: Suppliers’ night. Burnaby, B.C. Contact Mike
Dolling at 604-653-5215 or mikedolling@phillipsingredients.com, or visit http://bit.ly/1u3kGsR.
Feb. 18–19: Suppliers’ night. Orlando, Fla. Contact
Luis Martinez at 904-268-8999 or luism@darifair.com,
or visit http://bit.ly/1tdgCTb. See ad in the Classified
Marketplace section on page 84.
New York
Feb. 10: Student night. New Brunswick, N.J. Contact Gerri
Cristantiello at 201-905-0090 or nyiftoffice@optonline.net,
or visit http://bit.ly/1yGwa3x.
Feb. 27: Hockey night. Newark, N.J. Contact Gerri
Cristantiello at 201-905-0090 or nyiftoffice@optonline.
net, or visit http://bit.ly/1yGwa3x.
Feb. 23: Suppliers’ night. Portland, Ore. Contact Zak
Wiegand at 541-368-7840 or zak@tilth.org, or visit
Southern California
March 4: Suppliers’ night. Anaheim, Calif. Contact
Linda Rogers at 714-282-0919 or scifts@pacbell.net,
or visit http://bit.ly/1zEyMU0. See ad in the Classified
Marketplace section on page 83.
South Eastern
Feb. 4: Food industry expo. Atlanta, Ga. Contact Shirley
Barber at 207-839-3064 or shirley@maine.rr.com, or visit
01.15 • www.ift.org