shakespeare competition 2014-2015
shakespeare competition 2014-2015
IONS ON T T A L U T HE A S R S H G E I A I I ¡abre tu ventana! K X R G C E EAT PE SP N T THE AN M R R O F O E c A AR ! E CO MPETITI O N The Anglo Mexican Foundation´s annual Shakespeare Competition for high schools in Mexico is a wonderful event, full of emotion, drama, and excitement, not to mention a vehicle for developing a deeper understanding of the English language itself and a celebration of the work of perhaps the best playwright of all time, William Shakespeare. Alejan dra as Helena, in All´s Well That Ends Well, Act 1, Scene iii Sonnet 116 FINALS argaret, in María Renée as M Act I Scene ivHenry VI Part 3, Sonnet 105 FINALS Nine Olinca students participated in this year´s workshops held by Mr. Stuart Cox, British actor and director, each one memorizing and performing a 20-line speech from a Shakespeare play and a sonnet. Internal finalists were: Alejandra Romero and María Renée Lavalle from 11th grade. Alejandra and María Renée performed at the Teatro Helénico on March 18th, with representatives from schools such as Greengates, the American School Foundation, the Lancaster School, Churchill College and The Modern American School, among others. SINCERE CONGRATULATIONS ON THE WONDERFUL PERFORMANCES! LANGUAGES Performances by our semi-finalists ¡abre tu ventana! María Renée Alejan dra Tonan t zin a Fabiol Amaranta Mariana Alejo Jessica Ana “LOVE ALL, TRUST A FEW, DO WRONG TO NONE,” FROM ALL´S WELL THAT ENDS WELL, BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE The semi-finalists with their coaches and teachers Teatro Helénico Ceremony at the Mr. Stuart Cox, British actor and director