Dr. Luis Mendonca, DVM - Kansas State University
Dr. Luis Mendonca, DVM - Kansas State University
Kansas State Research & Extension presents: Dr. Luis Mendonca, DVM Calving School Speakers: Dr. Luis Mendonca “Handling Calving Difficulties” Dr. Jaymelynn Farney “Cow Herd Nutrition thru Calving Season” Plan to join us and increase the number of calves you have at weaning. Jared Petersilie jaredp11@ksu.edu LaCrosse 785-222-2710 Ness City 785-798-3921 Dighton 620-397-2806 Dighton Jan. 21st @ 6 p.m. Lane Co. Fairgrounds Major Topics: ● Signs of calving ● How to manage a difficult birth ● Keeping Calves Healthy ● Recognizing normal and ab● Demonstrations using normal calving artificial cow and still born calf Please RSVP to your Local Extension Office by Jan. 15th. Free will donation meal provided. Kansas State University is committed to making its services, activities and programs accessible to all participants. If you have special requirements due to a physical, vision, or hearing disability, contact Jared Petersillie at 785-222-2710.