Calving/Trimming Chute - Hi-Hog


Calving/Trimming Chute - Hi-Hog
Calving/Trimming Chute
Maximize accessibility
Item Number 125
The versatile calving chute is very
popular with vet clinics, 4-H’ers, and
ranchers. Whether you’re calving heifers,
grooming show cattle, or performing
general treatments such as preg tests,
semen checks, embryo transfers,
C-Sections, starting calves, milking out
cows, treating utters, or treating feet.
The calving chute includes all the core features of
our larger calving pen. Like the calving pen the
calving chute provides full access to both sides
of your animal. The included connectors make it
easy to integrate this chute with existing penning.
Many ranchers locate the calving chute where
they can easily lead an animal such as in an
existing alley way.
1. The calving chute comes with our rugged
self-catch automatic head gate. This head gate
is based on the one found on our Parallel Axis
Squeeze Chute and is identical to the head
gate on our calving pen / maternity pen.
4. The head gate has three adjustments on
each side at both the top and the bottom. This
adjustability makes this a very versatile chute
capable of holding new born calves right up to
mature bulls.
5. If you are preparing unbroken livestock for
show you will appreciate the addition of HiHog’s heavy duty head tie-up bar.
6. The chute includes a solid reinforced steel
checker plate floor for superior durability.
7. The floor includes heavy traction bars welded
in two directions for livestock stability.
8. Because the animal is standing on the floor
they can’t run away with the chute.
9. Ratchets in the rear of the calving chute
floor allow the 66″ high side split panels to be
safely squeezed together to hold your animal
centered in the chute.
2. The self-catch automatic head gate sets
quickly with a simple chain set. As long as the
chain is set to the correct width you should
never miss an animal.
10. The provided tail chain can be latched
across the rear of the calving chute to hold
your cow secure.
3. The head gate opens full width in and out to
avoid hip-lock
11. The chute includes four independent split
panels hinged at the head gate.
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May 2013
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12. The upper and lower split panels can be
latched together to act as one side panel.
13. Swing the bottom panel out on either side
of the chute to give access for a calf to get
started on the cow
14. Swing all the side panels out and insert the
grooming posts in one of the two receivers on
each side of the chute floor to have full access
to your livestock for unrestricted trimming and
15. There are enormous stresses where the
head gate is attached to the steel floor which
is why Hi-Hog has extended braces to provide
additional durability.
16. The calving chute comes with connectors
on all four corners of the chute so you can
connect with any of Hi-Hogs panels. This
makes it possible to easily add panels to make
a calving pen or to integrate this item in with a
calving barn penning.
17. Add a palpation cage to the back and this
chute makes an inexpensive starter squeeze