clicking here - Early Childhood Council of Boulder County


clicking here - Early Childhood Council of Boulder County
Spring 2015 EQIT
Class Schedule
Saturday Cohort:
January 22, 24
February 7, 21
March 7, 21
April 11, 25
May 2, (May 9 snow date)
All classes are 8:30 am–3:30 pm at
Front Range Community College,
2190 Miller Dr., Longmont
Mandatory Orientation
for participants and their directors,
Saturday, January 17*,
Front Range Community College
*This is a long holiday weekend. If you
cannot make it, you can attend Thurs 1/15
Thursday Evening Cohort:
January 22, 29
February 5, 12, 19, 24**, 26
March 5, 12, 19
April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
May 7 (Monday, May 11 snow date)
All classes are 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm at
the BVSD Education Center,
6500 Arapahoe Rd., Boulder
**Feb. 24th is a Tuesday
Mandatory Orientation
for participants and their directors,
Thursday, January 15,
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm, at the
BVSD Education Center
Registration Deadline:
Applications must include a $50.00
nonrefundable fee (unless waived) and be
postmarked by Thursday, January 8, 2015.
To register:
Contact Jane Wilkinson at 303-931-9177
EQ Trainers & Coaches:
Jane Wilkinson, Jen Moore,
Laurene Phillips, and Lauren Weatherly
Early Childhood Council
of Boulder County
Professional Development
Expanding Quality in
Infant/Toddler Care
Training Series
Spring 2015
ECE 111
Front Range Community College (FRCC)
Boulder County Campus, Longmont
There are additional costs to take the
course for college credit.
Students new to FRCC:
Or call 303-678-3722
Sponsored by the Professional Development Program
of the Early Childhood Council of Boulder County.
For more information go to
Funded by the Expanding Quality in Infant/Toddler
Care Program, Colorado Department of Education
Take for Colorado Department of
Education (CDE) Training Credit
or for College Credit as ECE 111.
What Can the
EQIT Training Certificate
Be Used For?
What Is EQIT?
EQIT is a 48-hour intensive training
series for caregivers working with
infants and toddlers.
There are 16 training modules:
Wonder of Infancy
Care of the Spirit
Responsive Caregiving for
Healthy Relationships
Our Partners: the Families
Cornerstone of Quality: Safety,
Health and Nutrition I
Cornerstone Of Quality: Safety,
Health and Nutrition II
Power of Places and Spaces
Curriculum for Infants & Toddlers
Exploring Early Learning
Learning to Talk, Talking to Learn
Joy of Discovering Literacy
Babies in Motion
Gifts of Culture
Welcoming Children with
Special Needs
Relationship-Based Care
Celebrating Our Profession
On-site, strengths based,
reflective coaching
is available to all
Both the EQIT 48-hour Training Certificate and
the ECE 111 3-college-credit transcript can be
used for:
Director’s Qualification
Early Childhood Teacher Qualification
(formerly Group Leader)
Assistant Early Childhood Teacher
Infant Nursery Supervisor Qualification
This course may also be used to meet
requirements for Family Child Care licenses:
Infant/Toddler License
3 under 2 License
Large Home License
Experienced Provider License
Expanding Quality
in Infant and Toddler
All infant/toddler caregivers act from an
appreciation and understanding of their
impact on each infant and family they
Expanding Quality in Infant/Toddler Care
Initiative will expand the quality and
availability of responsive group care for
infants and toddlers in Colorado by:
Strengthening the skills and
knowledge base of caregivers in infant
and toddler development, responsive
caregiving, working with families and
respecting cultures.
Facilitating professional development
for infant/toddler Professionals.
Supporting leadership and
collaboration at the community level.
Promoting systematic change that will
provide support for increasing
Training Fee: $50.00 per participant.
Fee is waived for those taking the training
for college credit and,
with preapproval, for those with
financial hardship concerns
(contact Danielle Butler at 303-895-3409
or via email at
Early Childhood Council of Boulder County (ECCBC)
Expanding Quality in Infant & Toddler Care Giving (EQIT)
Spring 2015 Application Cover Page
**Applications must be postmarked by January 8, 2015 **
Places are limited and classes may be full before the above date: return application form asap
 Applicant must turn in a completed application to be considered.
 For center-based applicants: the applicant must include her or his Director’s signature acknowledging
the applicant's participation in the EQIT course.
 Applicant must attend the mandatory orientation and all training sessions.
 Applicant must complete all training requirements in order to receive their certificate of completion.
Information about the training:
48 hours of training and up to 8 hours of on-site coaching will be provided.
A training notebook and other resources will be provided.
The aim is for a maximum of 25 participants per cohort.
A final certificate documenting the completion of 48 hours of state approved training will be provided.
All applicants are welcome, however priority is given to those providing infant toddler care in Boulder
Jane Wilkinson
 For questions or more information contact:
ECCBC EQIT Coordinator
Ph: 303-931-9177
 $50.00 materials fee.
 Fee is waived for those: 1) taking EQIT for college credit, 2) employed in a center/home with a current
CCCAP fiscal agreement, or 3) for financial hardship.
 Fee is due with the application and is non-refundable.
College Credit:
EQIT may be taken for 3 college credits through Front Range Community College (FRCC).
There is additional course work.
Participants are responsible for FRCC tuition and fees.
Contact Jane Wilkinson (contact details above) to enroll.
Disability Accommodations:
If you have special needs due to a disability and wish to request accommodations in order to participate
in this training activity, please notify Danielle Butler, ECCBC Programs Director at 303-895-3409 at least
six (6) weeks in advance of the first class meeting so that appropriate arrangements for reasonable accommodations can be made.
Boulder County Early Childhood Educators Achievement
Annually, ECCBC proudly publishes the names of child care providers who undertake and complete
EQIT on the Boulder County Early Childhood Educators Achievement brochure.
* Keep this page for your Records *
Early Childhood Council of Boulder County (ECCBC)
Expanding Quality in Infant & Toddler Care Giving (EQIT)
Spring 2015 Application Cover Page
**Applications must be postmarked by January 8, 2015 **
Places are limited and classes may be full before the above date: return application form asap
Spring 2015 Class Schedules
Front Range Community College
2190 Miller Drive, Longmont
Classes: 8:30am - 3:00pm
Jan 24, Feb 7, 21, March 7, 21, Apr 11, 25, & May 2
Snow date May 9
**Mandatory Orientation for Participants and their Directors**: Saturday, Jan 17, 8:30am - 11:30am
At Front Range Community College. This is a long holiday weekend and if you cannot make it, you
may attend Thurs 1/15 orientation session.
BVSD Education Center
6500 Arapahoe Road,
Classes: 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Jan 22, 29, Feb 5, 12, 19, 24*, 26, March 5, 12, 19,
April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, May 7,
Snow date May 11
* Feb. 24 is a Tuesday
**Mandatory Orientation for Participants and their Directors**: Thursday, January 15, 6:00pm - 9:00pm
At the BVSD Education Center.
Steps to Complete the Application:
1. Please complete all pages of the application, including signatures. Provide any required documentation.
2. Make your $50.00 check or money order payable to The Early Childhood Council of Boulder
County (ECCBC). Please do not send cash.
3. If you have registered (at FRCC) to take the course for college credit, are employed in a center/
home with a current CCCAP fiscal agreement , or have applied for financial hardship, no payment
is necessary at this time.
4. Mail or deliver your completed application including the payment to:
Jane Wilkinson
ECCBC EQIT Coordinator
1285 Cimarron Drive, Suite 201
Lafayette, CO 80026
* Keep this page for your Records *
Early Childhood Council of Boulder County (ECCBC)
Expanding Quality in Infant & Toddler Care Giving (EQIT)
Spring 2015 Application Cover Page
**Applications must be postmarked by January 8, 2015 **
Places are limited and classes may be full before the above date: return application form asap
Which cohort are you applying for?
______Saturday Cohort
______Thursday Cohort
Legal First Name: ________________________ Legal Last Name: ______________________________________
(Please print clearly & legibly)
Name you prefer to be called: ____________________________
Certificate will be mailed to :
Home Address: __________________________________________________________________________________
(Zip Code)
Center/Business Name: ___________________________________________________________________________
Center / Business Address: ________________________________________________________________________
(Zip Code)
Cell Phone: _________________
Home Phone: _________________
Work Phone: _____________________
Email Address: __________________________________________________________________________________
(Please print) All correspondence will be through this email address.
Please check all that apply:
_____ I am currently employed in a licensed childcare center.
Type of License____________________ License number _______________________
_____ I am currently a licensed family childcare provider.
Type of License____________________ License number_______________________
_____ I am currently a licensed family child care provider and in the process of applying for:
_____ Standard Family Child Care License _____ Infant/toddler License
_____ 3 Under 2 License
_____ Large Home License
_____ Experienced Provider License
_____ I am currently providing exempt childcare for children from only one family.
_____ Other, please explain: _______________________________________________________________
What is your first language? ______________________________________
Do you read and write English? _____ Yes
_____ No
Will you take this EQIT class for college credit (ECE 111) at Front Range Community College, Boulder
County Campus in Longmont? _____ Yes
_____ No
Page 1 of 3
Early Childhood Council of Boulder County (ECCBC)
Expanding Quality in Infant & Toddler Care Giving (EQIT)
Spring 2015 Application Cover Page
**Applications must be postmarked by January 8, 2015 **
Places are limited and classes may be full before the above date: return application form asap
Please complete the following two sections about your educational background and work history. You may
use additional paper if needed or attach a resume in place of filling these sections out.
Name & Location
of School
Area of Study or Training
High School
Associate's Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Master's Degree
Name & Location
of Employment
Position or Job Title
# of Children
ages of children
Dates of
What are your long-term plans for working in the field of early care and education? ______________________
Why are you interested in participating in the EQIT training program? _________________________________
Please provide the following information about the children in your care:
 How many infants and/or toddlers is your home or classroom licensed to care for?
Infants (0 - 12 mo) ______ Young toddlers (13 - 24 mo) ______
Older toddlers (25 - 36 mo) ______
 How many infants and/or toddlers are in your immediate care? __________
 Please tell us briefly about the children in your care, any problems or special needs. ___________________
Page 2 of 3
Early Childhood Council of Boulder County (ECCBC)
Expanding Quality in Infant & Toddler Care Giving (EQIT)
Spring 2015 Application Cover Page
**Applications must be postmarked by January 8, 2015 **
Places are limited and classes may be full before the above date: return application form asap
Complete this section acknowledging your understanding of the training program.
If you are employed by a childcare center, your Director must sign this application and agree to attend
the MANDATORY ORIENTATION in January 2015.
, give my support for the employee named on this application to
participate in the Expanding Quality Infant Toddler Training Program. I understand that the employee
will receive approximately 6-8 hours of on-site coaching and agree to allow the employee to meet with the
coach during working hours. I understand that if the employee becomes Infant Nursery Supervisor qualified as a result of this training I am encouraged to provide a salary increase in recognition of this accomplishment.
I will attend the checked orientation with the applicant (check one):
_____ On Thursday, January 15, 2015 from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm at BVSD (Thursday Cohort)
_____ On Saturday, January 17, 2015 from 8:30 am - 11:30 am at FRCC (Saturday Cohort)
Director’s Signature
, agree to attend all sessions of the Spring 2015 EQIT training
program, including the mandatory orientation, and to complete all assignments to the best of my ability.
My check for my $50.00 materials fee is enclosed __________.
Or my fee is waived for: 1) Taking as college course ______, or 2) current CCCAP fiscal agreement ______,
3) hardship waiver _______ .
Sponsored by the Early Childhood Council of Boulder County Funding provided by the Expanding
Quality in Infant Toddler Care Program, Colorado Department of Education and CCCAP Boulder County Department Housing &
Human Services.
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