Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church


Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church
1900 Meadowbrook Road + Feasterville, PA 19053 + 215-357-1221
A Bible/Faith Sharing Group meets on Wednesday
mornings at 9:15 in Mary’s Chapel (Sept. through May).
The Charismatic Prayer and Praise Group meets on
Monday evenings at 8:00 in the rectory office. All are
welcome to praise the Lord with prayer, song and Sacred Scripture.
Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament is celebrated
Tues. from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in Mary’s Chapel.
Saturday Vigil:
5:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Monday– Friday: 8:30 a.m.
Holy Days:
6:30 a.m., 10:00a.m. & 7:00p.m.
9:00 a.m.
4:00 to 4:30p.m.
Reverend William F. McGeown, Pastor
Reverend Daniel P. Devine, Pastor Emeritus
Deacon Robert J. Stewart, Permanent Deacon
Deacon Eric M. Umile, Permanent Deacon
Sister Diane M. Wolf, S.S.J., Pastoral Assistant
Mrs. Joyce Boag, Director of Religious Education
Mrs. Kathleen McLaughlin, Director of Liturgical Music
Mrs. Susanne Brooks, Coordinator of Youth Ministry
Mrs. Dot Vogel, Parish Secretary
Mr. Fred Perazzelli, Business Manager
St Katharine Drexel Regional Catholic
Principal: Ms. Laura A. Clark, 215-357-4720
Baptisms are scheduled for the first and third Sundays of
each month at 12:15 p.m. Preparations for your child’s
Baptism should begin prior to the baby’s birth. Call the
rectory to register for Baptism
Please make arrangements to celebrate the Sacrament of
Marriage by calling for an appointment with the parish
priest at least six months before the wedding date.
Please contact the rectory if someone is sick, in the hospital, or wishes to receive the Holy Eucharist or the
Anointing of the sick.
Facebook Feasterville
Janice Bauer
James Brennan
Steve Dwyer
Matthew Hastings
Sharon Koob
Ann M. Baldassarre
Stephen J. Clark
Bernie Frederick
Jack James
Fr. William McGeown
Deacon Bob Stewart
Robert Watson
Sr. Diane Wolf, SSJ
Henry Carroll
Kathleen Farrell
Joseph Gnias
James Lomanno
Kevin Leonard
Kevin Shire
Edward Shannon
Diane Steele
Robert Watson
New parishioners are most welcome and are encouraged
to register at the rectory as soon as possible after moving
into the parish. Please call the rectory for an appointment.
DRE Office: 215-357-3445
The Baptism of the Lord
January 11, 2015
As a parish community united in Jesus and dedicated to Mary,
We are called to discipleship through worship and service.
The Baptism of the Lord
January 11, 2015
A Message from our Pastor
Dear Friends,
On Monday at our parish staff meeting, we reflected on our Baptism and its meaning for us today.
All of the staff are “cradle” Catholics so we have
no recollection or memories. All we know is that
our parents had us baptized shortly after our birth.
(You never took the baby out anywhere until he or
she was baptized.) Unlike the children baptized
today, who have many pictures of their Baptism, I
have no pictures, only a baptismal certificate as
proof of my baptism. I am proud of my Catholic
faith and grateful to God for my parents who were
my first teachers in the faith. When I reflect on
my Baptism I realize I was given the gift of faith.
My Baptism is the most significant event in my life
and has had a profound impact in whom I am
Today’s feast of the Baptism of Jesus challenges
us to reflect on the meaning of our Baptism and
how we live our lives. Most of us remember our
birthdays and celebrate them every year. But
how many of us celebrate or even remember the
day of our Baptism? Unless we received the sacrament as adults, few of us recall the wondrous
events of that day when we through water and the
Holy Spirit were incorporated into the life of Christ
and His Church.
Just as Christ heard the Father say, “You are my
beloved Son with whom I am well pleased” truly
we too are the beloved sons and daughters of our
Heavenly Father. Our Baptismal call challenges
us to make our faith meaningful in a society growing increasingly, religiously, pluralistic and disengaged from the church. How often people say, “I
am spiritual, not religious. I don’t need the
Church, I can pray at home”. In our me-oriented
society people fail to realize our need for the
church to nurture our faith.
May we be grateful for our Catholic faith and more
importantly share the gift of faith in work and
In His Spirit,
Father Bill
Assumption BVM Sick List
Please pray for all the sick of our parish and all who
care for them: Charles Schultz, 3rd, Joseph Barbee,
Louis DeSiato, Marie Bontempo, Dot & Joe Oschell,
Debbie Kohn, Pat Bassett, Dennis McDonald,
John Sullivan, Michelle Tobin,Denise Ang, Paul Gray,
Kelly Gray, Barbara Bersin, and Mary Ann Daley.
Assumption BVM Parish Deceased List
Please pray for all the deceased of our parish,
especially Arthur “Skip” Geist.
March for Life — January 22
Again this year, on Thursday, January 22, 2015, we
will have 10 seats reserved for Assumption BVM on
the St. Ephrem’s bus. Please contact Bill Miller as
soon as possible with your reservation at 215-3571191. The bus will leave after the 7 AM Mass and
return by 8:30 PM. The cost of the trip will be $25.
This includes dinner on the way home at a restaurant
north of Baltimore (usually a Golden Corral).
Please try to make this important March for Life.
Aid For Friends
Please remember Aid for Friends when you are
preparing your meals. Please take a tray from the
container in the back of church, fill it with food and
return it to church. Any questions? Please ask the
ushers or Church Sacristan. Thank you.
Blessed Margaret of Castello Home
Thank you to all who participated in the wonderful donations of diapers, wipes, gift cards, and other baby
items through the generosity of Assumption’s Love
Tree Project. Know that by your charity, you touch the
lives of so many in need.
Our United Way number is 08986.
Youth in Action
Join in the Fun with Youth in Action this Monday,
January 12 from 6:10 to 7:45 PM. We have a craft
project planned. We need all 7th & 8th graders to
plan for the future. This is your parish group so bring
a friend and join in the fun. For all questions, please
call or email Amy Knorr at 215-431-4538 or
PREP (Parish Religious Education Program)
Many people have asked “How can I help with the
World Meeting of Families — Philadelphia 2015? One
way is to Host a Family, since the number of visitors
expected greatly exceeds the number of hotel rooms
in the region.
Homestay, a Dublin company, works every day to
match host families with visitors with an online
system .
For more information, please visit
www.worldmeeting2015 under Host a Family, or
Please email if you have
any questions about Homestay.
The Savio Boys Choir
Is named after St. Dominic Savio, the patron saint of
choir boys. CDs of their music will be available in a
few weeks to help fund the Choir’s trip to Spain. For
more information check the website: or listen to the music:
Parish Adult Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
Saturday, January 24, 2015—6 PM—9:00 PM
ALL Parishioners who volunteer in any way such as
ushers, collection counters, youth leaders etc. are invited to join us for a parish night of food and friendship. Please fill out the form below so we can have a
count for setting up and for food. Remind your friends
to join us. Responses are due by Friday, January
16th. Don’t procrastinate. Fill out the form now and
drop it off at the rectory or in the collection basket.
-------------------------------------Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
(Please print)
Parents of students who will receive sacraments in the
spring are reminded that there will be informational
sessions on January 15 for First Reconciliation and
Eucharist, and on January 29 for Confirmation.
Letters with details were sent home through PREP
and school.
Confirmation students have received their red folders.
Completed folders are due on March 2nd. Please
return signed and sealed sponsor eligibility forms as
soon as possible.
There are no PREP sessions on Sunday, January
18 and Monday, January 19. Please note: Sunday,
January 18 was not included on the calendar that
went home in August.
Safe Touch lessons will be presented to all PREP
students on January 24th and 25th. Please see the
Christmas letter for additional details. If you have
questions, please call 215-357-3445.
We congratulate the following volunteers who are
celebrating special anniversaries and who were
recognized at a Mass for Catechists at the Cathedral
on Saturday. Lisa Burns, Patty Criniti, Mary Taylor,
Tara Schwartz, and Bob Watson all received the St.
John Newmann Award for 5 years in catechetical ministry. Rich Korimsak earned the Our Lady of Guadalupe Award for 15 years of service. Our deepest
thanks go to these, and to ALL of our volunteers who
are so faithful in coming each week to share their faith
with our parish children.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
RCIA is the process by which persons enter the
Catholic Church. It is for those who have never been
baptized, for those who were baptized in another faith
tradition, and for those who were baptized Roman
Catholic but never completed their sacraments of
initiation. Anyone interested in learning more about
the RCIA process is invited to call Joyce Boag at
Note from Joyce Boag -Director of Religious Educ.
PHONE ___________________________________
NUMBER ATTENDING _______________
I am very excited to share some happy news! At the
11 AM Mass on Saturday, January 17, George Leyrer
and I will celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage. Members of our parish family are welcome to witness our
exchange of vows. No gifts, please — your prayers
and good wishes will be gratefully accepted, and your
presence would truly enhance our celebration.
St. Katharine Drexel Regional Catholic School
A Message from the Principal
Happy New Year! I hope you enjoyed a wonderful
Christmas season. All of the students and teachers
are happy to be back in school after a nice, long
break. Everyone is already hard at work!
During the month of January, we are focusing on the
virtue of Charity. Our students are reminded that
charity is the greatest of the theological virtues by
which we are called to love God above all things and
love others for God’s sake. We encourage our students each day to model this virtue by refraining from
judging others and to generously share with those in
Catholic Schools Week is celebrated at the end of the
month. Ms. James and some of our faculty members
are planning for this memorable week. We will host
an Open House which will highlight our new
Pre-Kindergarten program. More specific details will
be communicated soon. We hope you will consider
visiting us during our Open House and tell your family
and friends.
As we embark on this New Year, may you be given
opportunities to know Him more, walk in faith, and
grow by His grace!
Ms. Clark
31st Annual Penny Party
Set sail on the USS Assumption for the 31st annual
Penny Party Basket Night on Friday, February 20,
2015 at 6 PM. One hundred percent of the proceeds
will go towards tuition assistance scholarships for
Assumption BVM families with children at St.
Katharine Drexel Regional Catholic School. The
Penny Party is the only fundraiser that supports this
cause. If you are interested in donating new, unused
items, in volunteering before or after the party, or in
purchasing tickets, please call Maria Leszczyszyn at
(215) 953-1285.
Hope to see you there !!
Mother Boniface Spirituality Center
3501 Solly Ave., Phila., PA—267-350-1830
YOUNG ADULT EVENT entitled “I’m Single and I
Know It—What Now? On Wed., January 14, 2015
from 7:00—9:00 PM. In the Gospel of Matthew,
Jesus asks “Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator made them male and female….. If
that is the case, then why are many of us single?
What is God asking of us in our current single state?
Come join fellow young adults at this event and dig
into the meaning of living the single vocation in relation to God’s divine plan for us. Fee: Free Will Offering. Please phone to register at least 3 days prior to
the event.
Announced Masses for the week of 1-11-15
5:00 PM
8:00 AM
11:00 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
5:00 PM
8:00 AM
11:00 AM
Florence & Horace Maxwell
Fredrick & Dorothy Carr
Gene DeMezza
Daniel Milillo
Deceased members of the
Sroba & Germak Families
Rose Shannon — 1st Anniversary
Hubert Murray — 1st Anniversary
Souls in Purgatory
Charles Mozi
Thomas Jefferson — 20th Anniv.
Anthony Carlini
Please Note
If an Announced Mass is being said in honor of a
loved one or member of your family and you would
like to bring up the gifts for that mass, please sign up
with one of the ushers the week before the mass is
scheduled. Thank you.
Pre-Cana at Christ the King Parish
Christ the King Parish offers a Pre-Cana program for
engaged couples on Friday evening, January 30th and
Saturday, January 31st at Christ the King Convent,
Morrell Park. The program is open to CTK couples
and engaged couples from neighboring parishes. For
information or registration, please contact Rich Green
Are You a Mandated Reporter?
As part of our Catholic commitment to safe environments, the Archdiocese recently updated its policies
and training curriculum for mandated reporters of child
abuse and neglect. These new policies reflect the
Church’s commitment to always do more, as well as
new Pennsylvania laws that go into effect on December 31, 2014. If you have direct contact with children, you may be a mandated reporter. Nora
McDonough is our Safe Environment Coordinator and
will be working with our parish in the coming weeks to
educate mandated reporters about their responsibilities and how to properly report child abuse to ChildLine, PA’s 24-hour child abuse reporting hotline. In the
meantime, she can be reached at 215-357-3445. As
we continue to do all we can to keep our children safe,
also know that the Office for Child and Youth Protection provides services, resources and support toward
healing for victims and survivors of child sexual abuse
and their families. Victim services can be reached at 1
-888-800-8780 or via email at
Archbishop Wood Winter Registration Week
January 26th to January 30th
Business Office Hours 8 AM to 3 PM