as - Church of the Good Shepherd


as - Church of the Good Shepherd
No. 175
11th January2015
3 Thackerays Lane, Woodthorpe, Nottingham NG5 4HT
tel. 926 8288
Canon Philip Ziomek BA. BD. VF.
Fr Biju Joseph
Deacon John Wakeling
Schools: Good Shepherd Primary 926 2983:
St Margaret Clitherow Primary 915 0296:
Christ the King 955 6262:
Confessions: Saturday, 10.30 to 11.15 a.m. and 5.30 to 6.15 p.m.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Friday, 12:30 p.m. to 3.00 p.m.; Saturday, 5.30 p.m. to 6.15 p.m.
Mass at the Prison Thursday 6.00 p.m. (Chaplain)
Parish Twitter account: @GSChurchNotts
First Week in Ordinary Time
FEASTS: Monday; St Aelred of Rievaulx, Abbot:
Tuesday; St Hilary, Bishop & Doctor:
Friday; St Anthony Abbot:
Saturday 10th/Sunday 11th January 2014—Eucharistic Prayer 3 with 3rd acclamation
Saturday 6.30 p.m: Intention; Sean Monaghan RIP
Sunday 10.00 a.m: Intention; Cathy Dwan RIP (3rd Anniv)
Good Shepherd
Sunday 11.30 a.m: Intention; Sean Burke RIP
Crisilda Joho
Sunday 5.30 p.m: Intention; For the people
Childrens Liturgy: Juniors; Eileen Swallow Infants; Hannah Icke
Pre-School; Nicola Gaughan/P J Gaughan
Team B: Me dames Dalby & Faulconbridge & Messrs Carter, Huthwaite & Willis.
Second Collection today is for the White Flower Appeal.
9.15 a.m. Good Est of Mr A. Hyman
9.15 a.m. Margaret Regan RIP
9.15 a.m. June Thomas RIP
9.15 a.m. Holy Souls (Radford)
12.00 p.m. Holy Souls (Gaynor)
10.00 a.m. Holy Souls (Felix)
7.30 p.m. Kurian Varkey RIP
12.00 p.m. Lelia Deeney RIP (Requiem Mass)
7.30 p.m. Maureen Byrne RIP
Next Weekend
Saturday 17th/Sunday 18th January 2014
Saturday 6.30 p.m: Intention; Holy Souls (Flynn)
Sunday 10.00 a.m: Intention; For the people
Kurt Barron
Sunday 11.30 a.m: Intention; Holy Souls (McNulty)
Faughy Family
Sunday 5.30 p.m: Intention; Jan Schmidt RIP
Gerard Whittle
Childrens Liturgy: Juniors; Jeraldine Lucas
Infants; Sarah Kirkham
Pre-School; H Cassidy-De-Falco
Team C: Me dames Blazewicz & Byrne &Messrs Byrne Cuming & Steeples
Second Collection Next Week;
Collection last week:£1,736 ;
Standing Orders:£625:
Pastoral Letter This weekend, we have a pastoral
letter from Mgr. Thomas McGovern, Diocesan
Administrator of the Diocese of Nottingham,
concerning marriage and family life. The Bishops
of England and Wales are inviting us to pray and
reflect with them on the how the gift of marriage
and family life and their place in the Church’s in
advance of next October’s meeting of the Synod
of Bishops on the vocation and mission of the
family. To help us, they have produced The Call,
the Journey and the Mission, copies of which are
available from your parish or from the diocesan
website ( If you
would like to share any reflections, please send
them to Father David Palmer, Chair of the
Marriage and Family Life Commission (The
Presbytery, Lenton Boulevard, NOTTINGHAM,
NG7 2BY; by Easter Sunday.
Thank you
White Flower Appeal The Society for the Protection of Unborn
Children (SPUC) will be holding its annual appeal this weekend.
In common with the Catholic Church, SPUC defends and upholds the
sanctity of human life from conception until natural death.
The Society’s work covers a wide spectrum of pro-life, pro-family
issues. It seeks to protect unborn children from abortion and defends
the disabled, elderly and incapacitated from euthanasia and assisted
suicide. SPUC also provides trained speakers for schools and offers prolife support for teachers, parents and medical professionals. Please give
generously to this worthy cause.
Church counting teams There was a hiccup in last week's newsletter
regarding the counting teams for the week-end church collections. The
correct details are shown in today's bulletin. The list of counting dates
for the 2015 calendar year has now been updated and a copy is
available for information on one of the notice boards in the Narthex. A
copy of the list is also available under the Parish Finance section on the
Parish website. If any counters are unable to access the list please
contact Philip Martin ( or 9245685) so
that he can arrange for a hard copy to be provided.
Fairtrade goods will be on sale after the 10.00 a.m. Mass
next Sunday (in the Social Centre if the weather is poor). Do
have a look at the brand new Traidcraft website - to see the whole range of Traidcraft's
work across the developing world.
Parish Friday Soup Luncheons: We need to build on this very
successful activity, which supports those who “watch” before
the Blessed Sacrament on Fridays (12.30 p.m.—3.00 pm),
some of our young mums from Little Lambs and yes, believe
it or not, we encourage people to pop in while passing along
“The Lane”. We don’t want to lose this vital part of the
parish, but are dependent, as in all things, with voluntary
labour. Could you help? If so, please sign the clipboards at
the back of the Church. Details are available on the brochure
near the clipboard.
Tea Dance or Good Shepherd Strictly! : The last “T dance”
on the 7th January was really well attended with a total of 30
people enjoying the afternoon. Book the date for the next
one on Wednesday, 4th February on the newly re-varnished
floor of the Marian Hall from 1.30—4.00 p.m. Ron, the
Master of Revels, has kindly offered to give some extra Parish Gift Day & Ministries: As above we can only operate
tuition for those new to dancing or wishes to improve their when everybody comes together, discerns their ministry and
skills. This is at the slightly earlier time of 12.30 p.m.
offers it as a gift to the whole community. This year we need
Diary Date: The Social Committee wish to build upon the many new Lectors. Training will be given! Also Church
success of the “Burn’s Night” last year. The piper is booked Cleaners—”How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord God of
and a date fixed for Friday 23rd January. Please keep your Hosts”, says the psalmist. We echo the words thanks to the
diary free that evening and look out for ticket sales from the team of people who come every Monday. There are so many
other things you could be involved in. Please don’t be shy. It
Box Office soon.
is impossible to adequately run the parish without the
Secret Santa Prizes: A number of the prizes remain strength of each one of us realising the grace of our baptism
unclaimed, but are still available for collection. Wines & and putting ourselves at the disposal of all. Please sign one of
Whiskeys etc. Plus unknowns. Please bring your “Secret the cards and return it to the “blue basket” or one of the
Santa” ticket in to gather your prize. We are able to store clipboards. Thank you.
them until the end of the month, but any unclaimed on the
1st February will be available as a lucky dip during Sunday First Sacrament Programme: Parents of Children and
Coffee. Thank you.
catechists in our First Sacraments programme will note that
Society of St. Vincent de Paul: A gentle reminder dear reader our next parents meeting is on Monday, 12th January at
that next weekend (17th/18th January) is food/clothing 7.00 p.m. prior to the children’s celebratory Mass the
collection for Emmanuel House and the Soup Kitchen. May following Sunday. The theme this month is “Celebrating”.
we advise that clothing should only be left on the designated
weekends as storage is a problem for donations left at other
“A message from SVP”. We would like to thank you all for
your support throughout the year 2014. Your generosity in
so many ways is overwhelming and humbling. Not only have
you contributed financially in a very big donation in
September, but so many individuals are still contributing
large sums ever since. You have also given food and clothing
to Emmanuel House, the Soup Kitchen and the Food Bank.
What is most striking is the way that so many of the parish
organisations have come together—the children with their
“smartie collection” for the camp, “Faith in Action” for their
contribution in raising awareness, the Social Committee for
the pantomime and the refreshments. Not forgetting the
youth of the parish, who helped us with the Christmas
Luncheon so willingly and cheerfully and also provided us
with an enormous number of Christmas hampers for
distribution to our own and other Nottingham Conferences.
There were those too, who donated the turkey and the
young girl who ran a marathon—just two examples of your
generosity to the SVP. A blessed New Year to all. Sheila”.
Faith Formation Programme: The new semester began last
Thursday and was enjoyed by all, except those who didn’t
make it! If you are a parish catechist, or parent with children
likely to prepare for First Sacraments or Confirmation this is
a must for you. Thursday evenings at 7.00 p.m. for soup, with
DVD presentation and cheese and wine refreshment, as well
as lively discussion. Why not come this Thursday for a
“taster”. You will enjoy it. Next Thursday’s topic is “The
Eucharist in The Two Economies”.
Bereavement: This week the parish leads funeral rites for
Mary Taylor RIP on Wednesday, 14th January at 10.40 a.m.
at Wilford Hill Crematorium Chapel. Your prayer for her
family would be much appreciated. On Wednesday evening
at 4.30 p.m. we receive Lelia Deeney RIP in Vigil at the Good
Shepherd Church. Her Requiem of Thanksgiving follows on
Wednesday at 12 noon. Maria Deeney, Lelia’s daughter
continues to fulfil a vital role as Governor on the Board of
the Good Shepherd School and will be well known to many
who will wish to keep Lelia very much in prayer and her
family in this time of bereavement.
Situations Vacant: St. Teresa’s Catholic primary School, Eucharistic Acclamations: Please note this week we shall use
the 3rd Eucharistic Prayer with it’s acclamation :
Nottingham seek to appoint a School Business Manager—
“Save us Saviour of the World,
further details are available from the school on (0115) 915
your cross and resurrection
5762 or The closing
have set us free”.
date for applicants is the 26th January at 12 noon.
Children’s Liturgy: Catechists are gently reminded that their
packs for the coming semester have been prepared by
Gabrielle and are now available for collection from the
narthex. Please ensure you have yours as soon as possible.
Sunday Missals Have you thought of buying one of the new
Sunday Missals from the Repository? They are rich with not
only the Sunday celebration of Holy Mass, but so much
Catholic Piety to nourish your spiritual life.