CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD No. 163 19th October 2014


CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD No. 163 19th October 2014
No. 163
19th October 2014
3 Thackerays Lane, Woodthorpe, Nottingham NG5 4HT
tel. 926 8288
Canon Philip Ziomek BA. BD. VF.
Fr Biju Joseph
Deacon John Wakeling
Schools: Good Shepherd Primary 926 2983:
St Margaret Clitherow Primary 915 0296:
Christ the King 955 6262:
Confessions: Saturday, 10.30 to 11.15 a.m. and 5.30 to 6.15 p.m.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Friday, 12:30 p.m. to 3.00 p.m.; Saturday, 5.30 p.m. to 6.15 p.m.
Mass at the Prison Thursday 6.00 p.m. (Chaplain)
Parish Twitter account: @GSChurchNotts
Twenty-Ninth Sunday of Ordinary Time
FEASTS: Wednesday;
St. John Paul II.
Saturday /Sunday 18th/19th October 2014
Saturday 6.30 p.m: Intention; Philip Wood Int
Sunday 10.00 a.m: Intention; For the people of the parish.
Cath Verhoevan
Sunday 11.30 a.m: Intention; Saneesh Skariya RIP
Crisilda Jojo
Sunday 5.30 p.m: Intention; John Edwin Warren (sick)
Childrens Liturgy: Juniors; G Gibney: Infants; T McDonnell/S Kirkham/K Dunlop
Pre-School; A Hardwick/E Hall:
Team B: Madame's Dalby & Faulconbridge & Messrs' Carter, Huthwaite & Willis.
Second Collection today is for World Mission Sunday (The Building Fund next week but envelopes any time)
9.15 a.m. John & Joseph Murphy RIP.
9.15 a.m.
9.15 a.m. Holy Souls (Nov)
9.15 a.m. Ints. of the LCM Sisters.
12.00 p.m. Bernard Manley RIP
10.00 a.m. Private intention.
6.00 p.m. Tony Gallagher RIP
6.00 p.m. non this week.
7.30 p.m. P.R. Peter RIP
6.00 p.m. Kathleen Nealon RIP
7.30 p.m. Special Intention (Molly)
Next Weekend
Saturday /Sunday 25th/26th October, 2014
Saturday 6.30 p.m: Intention; Hugh Healy RIP (ann)
Christ the King Academy
Sunday 10.00 a.m: Intention; Robert Myers RIP (ann)
John Bateson
Sunday 11.30 a.m: Intention; John Garvin RIP (ann)
Walter D’Aguir
Sunday 5.30 p.m: Intention; For the people of the parish.
Bethan & Samuel Jones
Childrens Liturgy: Juniors; Pat Barton:
Infants; Maggie Tempest:
Pre-School; H Cassidy-De-Falco:
Team C: Madame’s Blazewicz-Bell & Bryne & Messrs’ Byrne, Cuming & Steeples.
Second Collection Next Week; Building Fund
Collection last week: £1,888 ;
Standing Orders: £599;
The Flower Festival Photographic Disc by John
Evans is available to purchase for only £3.50.
Profits in support of the parish restoration fund.
See Narthex poster for full details. Good Shepherd
Church tea towel can be got from the Repository
at £5 each. Perfect Christmas gift. All profits in
support of the restoration fund. Parish contact:
Monica Purdue
St.Peter's Group The group next meets on Wed
22nd October at 7.30pm. Come with a friend
maybe. Please bring your prayer requests and
petitions. Prayer can change lives. What about your
lapsed catholic friends? We'll pray for the world
and all its needs. Do you need healing in body or
estate? Does your next door neighbour have a
concern.? Bring them and lay them at the Lord's
feet. Because of a change in venue please contact
Sandra or Stuart for details Tel 9666171.
Thank you
Have you browsed the "Case4Restoration" cabinets in the
parish centre recently? New items now available: count down to
Christmas notices (ideal for little ones), sets of advent candles
perfect for the home. Require assistance? Do not hesitate to
contact the office or Jenny on a Sunday morning.
Lighthouse CDs
A big selection of inspiring and wonderful
CDs are now available to purchase. Unpacking the truths of our
faith in a format that is easy to use and can be listened to over
and over again. Also perfect to help spread the word of God to
friends and family. Give a gift that lasts. Parish contact: Stuart &
Sandra Buck.
Parish Bazaar: We are now working towards the Bazaar
booked for St. Cecilia’s day, 22nd November. Thank you to all
who have already started collecting for this. We are looking for
new tombola prizes, toys, and bric a brac etc.
Faith in Action: Fairtrade products will be on sale after the
10 a.m. Mass today. Catalogues of ideas for Christmas presents
will be available to browse or to take home.
Educaid for Missions: Miriam Mason-Sesay of Educaid (see The Good Shepherd Primary Catholic Voluntary Academy will address us at Holy Mass next The Governors are seeking to appoint a KS 2 Class Teacher. A
weekend (18th/19th October) and invite our support for this temporary appointment of two terms until July 2015. For
further details please contact the school office. Tel: 0115
work the following week. Let us all listen attentively!
9262983 Email: . The
Swimathon: Thank you to all who have already offered
closing date for applications Is NOON on Friday 31st October.
sponsorship to Team Adrian & Team David. They hope to
achieve 20 lengths of the pool at Carlton Forum on Sunday November : The month of the Holy Souls. Please note
16th November from 10.00 am. Our thanks to our young that the month opens with the weekend 1st/2nd as the
people who have “signed up” to join them. We shall be Solemnity of All Saints, which ranks third in the Church as a
forming them into two teams with either of the above. great festival of anticipation of the Kingdom of Heaven (the
Adrian has been employed by Carlton Forum as a life guard . 5th Glorious mystery of the Rosary) after Easter and
Annual Shoe Box Appeal. Linda has been busy organising Christmas (in that order). After this we use the Solemn
this once again for us. Filling a shoebox with all kinds of Commemoration of the month beginning with All Souls Day;
interesting and useful gifts and sending it on its way to a this year falling on Monday, 3rd November to pray for the
child in need overseas is such a lovely idea. Imagine the Holy Souls preparing with the Lord for the joy of Heaven.
excitement of a boy or girl opening up their box and Each one of us in death will need the Masses and prayers of
discovering all the surprises you have chosen just for them! others to assist us to co-operate fully with the Redeeming
We’ll do our best this year to reach as many children as Christ. Purgation or cleansing of actual sin and of the
possible with a shoebox as a tangible expression of the consequences of it that our human frailty has created, for
Eternal Father’s love. Our own children will delight in yes the Lord has won our Salvation, but we have to fully
reaching out to other children, living in difficult accept it by a life of infinite love with Him. He’s got His work
circumstances (think of the success of the SVP “smartie” cut out! Let us all help in this month. Envelopes for your lists
appeal!) . Half term will be a good time get the ball rolling of your family and friends—our beloved dead—are available
and there will be leaflets available in the narthex to support for your Masses in November and beyond. The envelopes
your ideas of filling the boxes which must be away around will lie on a shrine on the Sanctuary to remind us of our need
mid-November to reach the children in time. Exact dates of to remember and pray. Please note the following dates.
collection will follow. Spare shoeboxes for this appeal can be Sunday, 2nd of November at 2.45 p.m. Annual visit of prayer
and consecration of Redhill Cemetery. Please meet at the
left in the narthex for others to fill if you have them.
Chapel arch for Rosary procession. Please note this devotion
HOST is looking for kind, friendly and hospitable people who is open to all and not just families with beloved ones buried
are inspired by the idea of welcoming an international at the cemetery. Sunday, 9th November is Remembrance
student at university here, and far from their family at home. Sunday, when we unite with the nation in lament for those
This could be for a day/week/ or Christmas Day and you who lose their lives through warfare and violence. Sunday,
don’t need to live near the Universities as students will travel 16th November the Parish Bereavement Supporters, invite
for the privilege of meeting you, learning about real life in all and especially those who have shared funeral rites in the
this country and sharing their own cultural experience with community this year to come in prayer at 2.45 p.m. in the
you. “HOST” is a voluntary activity but details can be found Church. The Bereavement Ceremony lasts for just under an
on their office ‘phone 0207 739 6292 or
hour and is followed by afternoon tea refreshment in the
Marian Hall. Red grave lights will be available from Sheila’s
The Good Shepherd is served by the
repository to support our prayers this month.
following public transport links. From the
City centre and reverse along Thackeray’s Lane Hospitalization: All entering hospital must be made aware
that their presence might not be noticed unless request is
nos. 25, 56, 57 & 59.
made for Chaplaincy service. We do our best but the
Along Mansfield Road 57, 58, 59 and of course the Pronto
interpretation of the Data Protection Act prevents Chaplains
bus is run by Trent Barton as the
from knowing of your presence. Please therefore ensure that
“Calverton Connection” along Mansyou or your representative informs the parish priest of
forthcoming or emergency entry to hospital. This should
field Road with the Stop just opponever be put off under any circumstance. The Church has a
site “The Vale”.
particular ministry to the sick and the parish has a Pastoral
Support Team of incredible Eucharistic Ministers, (Sr. Aine &
The Heat is on! Thank you for helping us to keep the
Kath in the QMC & City Campus’), Deacon John and your
Church warm, by not leaving the doors wide open and
priests to attend to visits, Sacraments of Confession, Divine
propped back. We can save money (and the environment)
Eucharist and Penance. There are “Hospital/Home Referral
further by ensuring all water taps are switched off and all
Forms” available in the narthex.
lights extinguished—especially if we leave the Centre last
thing. Your kind co-operation is greatly appreciated.
Funerals: Bear in mind our Holy Faith may be very dear to us,
Funeral Rites: We offer the husband (Eric) and the family of but not perhaps to all members of the family. To ensure
Margaret Winifred Broughton RIP to your kind prayer. Her Funeral Rites fulfil your wishes have it written in your will to
funeral rites take place on Friday, 24th October at 3.45 p.m. ensure it is not subject to a Humanist ceremony!!!
in the small Chapel at Bramcote. May she rest in peace.