Kincraig timetable - Blackpool Borough Council
Kincraig timetable - Blackpool Borough Council
Dates for your Diary - A lovely time for expectant BABY SHOWER COFFEE MORNINGS and visiting services...FREE LUNCH Mums to get together...raffle, prizes out more or to book a place please PROVIDED! If you would like to find call in or Tel: 354059. ISORY BOARD - The group KINCRAIG CHILDREN’S CENTRE ADV offer advice, assistance and meet once a term, the purpose is to how their services can develop challenge to the Children’s Centre on . We are looking for parents and in line with the needs of local families Centre services to get involved carers who actively use our Children’s are keen to hear your views in the development of the Centre. We other parents you know. If you and opinions, as well as feedback from nding the next Advisory Board would like more information about atte the Children’s Centre Team. meeting please speak to a member of ‘Growing & Learning Together’ Visit Kincraig Children’s Centre & Anchorsholme Library Family Space Activity timetable kpool’s Childcare Partners Kincraig Children’s Centre is part of Blac dcare in your area…please call in scheme offering Ofsted registered chil if you would like more information. We are All Equally Different’ At Kincraig Children’s Centre we endeavour to ensure there are no barriers to anyone accessing our services. For information on disability or any aspect of children’s centre services in another language please pop in to the centre or call 354059 for more information. CONTACT US Blackpool Children Centre’s are provided by Blackpool Council. J113621 1214 January – March 2015 Kincraig Children’s Centre Kincraig Road Bispham Tel: 01253 354059 CHILDREN’S CENTRES MONDAY THURSDAY Date/Time Venue Activity/Course Date/Time Venue Activity/Course 9.30 – 11.30 Kincraig Children’s Centre Baby Weigh In Clinic: health Visitors on hand for advice and guidance on child development…and a friendly chat!! Please call in – no appointment necessary. 9.30 – 10.30 on 22nd January & 5th March 2015 Kincraig Children’s Centre Employment Support: Jean Osprey is in the centre to offer information, advice and guidance on volunteering, training, adult education, CV writing, childcare and employment. 1.30 – 2.30 Kincraig Children’s Centre Blackpool Coastal Housing Drop-In Surgery: A representative will be available every fortnight to offer support and advice for tenants. Why not use the Laptops to access BCH housing web-site? 1.00 – 3.00 Kincraig Children’s Centre Adult Learning Accredited Courses: Child Development 6 week course commencing on 08/01/2015. • Identify how play supports development and well-being • Learn the difference between child and adult directed play • Learn factors that stimulate child’s play • Identify a range of activities that promote inclusive play 1.30 – 3.00 Kincraig Children’s Centre Play Together – Learn Together: a group run by Health Visitors ‘Positive Parenting’ Team to help improve your child’s development through play. (Term Time Only) Weekly Kincraig Children’s Centre Weekly midwifery session by appointment only through your midwife. Free Healthy Start Vitamins available in the centre. Date/Time Venue Activity/Course Date/Time Venue Activity/Course 10.00 – 12.00 Kincraig Children’s Centre FREE Family Law Clinic: Fortnightly clinics held in the centre by WH Derbyshires & Sons Solicitors for families seeking a legal service for divorce, finance and children’s proceedings. Please call the centre to book an appointment. (Appointments out of office hours by arrangement or telephone appointment if required) 11.00 – 12.00 Kincraig Children’s Centre Tiddly-Om-Pom-Poms: a fun music making group for Mums and Dads to share with their children (3 months to 3 years term time only). 10.30 – 12.00 Bispham Community Centre Parent and Toddler Group: health visitors on hand for advice and guidance on child development...and a friendly chat and a brew! 1.30 – 2.30 Kincraig Children’s Centre Baby Massage: courses run in Kincraig Children’s Centre throughout the year. Places can be booked through your Health Visitor or you can call in to the Centre or tel 354059 to book a place. 1.30 – 2.30 Kincraig Children’s Centre Baby Sign: for children aged 4 months to 18 months. A course to help parents recognise that they have the unique ability to foster their child’s communication development at this early stage. Courses are run throughout the year, if you would like to find out more or book a place please ask at reception or call 354059. (Creche provided – places are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment) FRIDAY TUESDAY Family Learning Adult Courses are run throughout the year. Learning in your own time at your own pace in our friendly Children’s Centre information on future courses can be found on our website or call in or Tel: 354059 for information or to book a place. (Creche places are limited – please book early to avoid disappointment). WEDNESDAY Date/Time Venue Activity/Course 1.30 – 2.45 Kincraig Children’s Centre Wriggling Bookworms: A group for parents and children aged 18 months – 3 years to support their children with communication and language development, early reading and literacy skills through play arts, crafts and a lot of fun!! (term time only) Weekly Kincraig Children’s Centre First Steps to Pregnancy: information and guidance sessions (by appointment only through your midwife). Don’t forget to pick up your FREE Healthy Start Vitamins while you’re here! DAILY - FREE LAPTOP AND INTERNET USE FOR OUR LOCAL FAMILIES IN THE CENTRE CAFE!