This Week - Ebenezer Christian Reformed Church


This Week - Ebenezer Christian Reformed Church
Christian Reformed Church
January 11, 2015
Ministry Contacts
Church Office: Phone: 780-986-4119 Fax: 780-986-9797
Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-3pm
Bulletin Deadline: Thurs 12pm
Restoring all people to God’s living truth
and equipping them to passionately live it out!
This morning, we welcome Pastor Cecil Van Niejenhuis to our
service. Pastor Cecil will bring us God’s Word this morning as
Pastor Peter is at Red Deer New Life CRC fulfilling a Classical
Appointment. We are glad you are here and invite you to stay for
coffee and fellowship after the service!
Wilbur H had surgery on his hip last Friday. We pray that all went
well and that Wilbur may heal quickly.
LORD’S SUPPER - Next week, January 18, 2015, Lord willing, we
will celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper together.
Welcome and Prayer
Song: Praise the Lord with the
Sound of Trumpet
God’s Greeting and We Greet Each Other
Song: This is the Day
Song: I Love You, Lord
Confession and Assurance
Song: To the River
Children’s Message
(Children ages 3 – Grade 6 leave for Children’s Church)
Song: Thy Word
Congregational Prayer
Thank Offering: Ebenezer Ministries
Youth Unlimited
Scripture: Deuteronomy 8
Message: A Graceful Entry
Song: Seek Ye First
Parting Blessing
Song: The River is Here
OFFICE HOURS - Jenny will be on holidays for the next few weeks
so the church office will be open in the mornings only Monday-Friday,
9am – noon, January 5 – 20, 2015. We will go back to regular office
hours, on January 21. Thank you! Please note: the office will be
closed Monday, January 12 due to prior commitments.
COFFEEBREAK - Invite a friend and join us Wednesdays @9:30am
CRAFT EVENINGS - starting up again on Tuesday, January 13, @
7 - 9 pm at the church library. Bring a favourite project to work on
and visit with other crafters.
24, 2015, from 7-10am. Once again your Council is serving…..this
time breakfast! All those who volunteer within and outside the church
on Christ’s behalf, are invited to this free breakfast as our way of
saying THANK-YOU! Thank you for using your gifts and serving the
way you do. We recognize that we couldn’t run our ministries and be
effective in our community without your willingness to serve. So
come out, and enjoy a great breakfast and social time.
calendars for the 2nd annual Chili Cook-Off! Sunday,
January 25 after the service. Who will take home the
coveted Golden Spoon award for Best Tasting Chili this
year? Bring your favourite chili in a crock pot-- Families with last
names A-M, please bring your favourite chili and a salad to share.
Families with last names N-Z, please bring your favourite chili and
some buns to share! (You do not have to enter your chili in the
contest! Just come and enjoy fun, food and fellowship!)
BABY SHOWER - Ladies, you are invited to our annual first-baby
shower happening Thursday, January 29 at 7:30. Our guests of
honour are Sterling Gallant, son of Shane and Angelica, and Ashton
Debbink, son of Mike and Jenna. Please bring a plate of goodies to
share during our fellowship time. If you wish to participate in our
group gift place your donation in the marked box on the Children’s
Church sign-in table (left of the sanctuary doors). Suggested
donation $3-$5 per baby.
along with the King's University and Inglewood CRC, invites you to a
presentation by Calvin College Physics professor, Dr. Loren Haarsma
at the King's University Thursday, January 15 at 7:30 pm. As modern
science sheds more light on human origins, the questions of the
historicity of Adam and Eve and original sin are generating much
discussion in our denomination. In his presentation, Dr. Haarsma will
summarize both the scientific evidence and the main points of
Christian tradition around humans as God's image-bearers, the
human soul, and original sin. He will also discuss several competing
scenarios for harmonizing long-standing Christian doctrines with
recent scientific discoveries. This is a free public event. For more
information contact Rick VanManen at or
visit the CRC Campus ministry Facebook page.
WORLD MISSIONS - Is God calling you to serve God’s global mis-
GROUNDWORK - Simplicity: Is the point of simplicity just to not
have stuff? Today on Groundwork we study passages from Philippians
and Matthew to understand the spiritual discipline of simplicity. Join
the weekly conversation: subscribe for free weekly email notifications
at; visit to find a
local radio station or listen
in agriculture, food security and justice, health and nutrition? Parlez
vous francais aussi? Come alongside WORLD RENEW staff for 18
months in Niger and see your BA degree come alive with hands-on
experience as you bless others. Details on this substantially funded
volunteer position can be found at or contact
sion field? CRWM has four opportunities available for long-term mission work in Uganda, Mexico, Haiti, and West Africa. Go to
serve to see if these opportunities fit with the gifts that God has given you.
BE A SWAP TRIPPER - Serve With A Purpose in Uganda or Honduras for 4 weeks this summer. SWAP is more than just a mission
trip! It’s a program for youth and young adults (age 14 – 24) who are
looking to plan, learn, grow and serve both globally and locally. Do
More, Be More with SWAP! See details at or
FAMILY FIRE - is an online community exploring Spirit-led family,
marriage, parenting, in-laws, blended families, and intimacy. Find encouraging articles and devotions at Subscribe for regular email updates and connect with our Family Fire community on
YOUNG ADULTS MISSION TRIP - Join a cross-cultural team of
young adults this summer for a unique experience. American and Canadian young adults will join with college students from universities
in Mexico City to learn and serve together in Mexico. Additional details can be found at or contact
EMMANUEL HOME - is seeking a casual kitchen aide/housekeeper
for all shifts including weekends. Please email your resume to or fax to 780-473-0970.
PART TIME POSITION - The Prairie Centre for Christian Education
(PCCE) is seeking the services of a part-time Administrative Assistant
with the potential to move to full-time. The Prairie Centre for Christian Education is an association of 23 Christian schools in Alberta,
Manitoba and Saskatchewan with offices at The King’s University in
Edmonton. In this job, you will have the opportunity to support the
Executive Director and Director of Learning in shaping and supporting
the future of Christian education in the Canadian Prairies. For more
information, go to: or contact the PCCE office at or 780-465-8384.
Thank You to Our Volunteers
Ushers: Andrew Visser, Dennis Prins, Ruby Prins
Next Week: John Taekema, Andy Lukas, Frank Vande Kraats
Greeters: Gerard & Wendy Benckhuysen
Next Week: Cor & Joyce Hofstra
Coffee Duties: Ted & Joanne Koopmans, Jan & Marischa Kriel,
Brett & Kelly LaBelle
Next Week: Brent & Lisa Kugyelka, Arlene Lien,
Andy & Shirley Lukas
Worship Team: Grace & Team
Next Week: Marianne & Team
Projection & Audio: Jamie & Matt Next Week: Nicole & Mike
Serving Elder: Harold Hofstra
Next Week: Clarence Muizelaar
Nursery: Supervisor– Laura Abma
Infants: Jay Abma, Charlene Van de Kraats, Kaija Meetsma
Toddlers: Michelle Tolsma, Bea Martens, Levi Meetsma
Next Week: Supervisor– Kelly LaBelle
Infant: Kelly LaBelle, Al DeBoer, Susan Van’t Hoff
Toddlers: Bryan Tolsma, Marianne DeBoer, Edson Van’t Hoff
MARRIAGE VIDEO SEMINARS - Keep this date open and join
Church Office Closed
7:00 pm
10 am-12 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
9:30 am
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
Sunday (Jan 18) 10:00 am
7:00 pm
Drop-In @ Pastor’s Office
Craft Evening
Council Meeting
GEMS Leader’s Meeting
Quest for Faith
Worship Service with Communion
“Laugh your Way to a Better
Marriage” Video Series #1 Tale of Two Brains
1st Offering - EBENEZER MINISTRIES - This offering is used to cover
the day-to-day expenses of the church, fund the various ministries at
Ebenezer, cover the salaries of staff, and contributes to the ministry
shares that we are committed to as members of Classis Alberta North
and the CRC Denomination.
2nd Offering - YOUTH UNLIMITED - is a non-denominational, nonprofit ministry organization with the focus of assisting the Church and
its many local congregations with their ministry to our youth. We are
blessed by encouraging, supporting, equipping and partnering with
congregations across North America to reach this generation for
Jesus Christ! Youth Unlimited is one of three ministries incorporated
in an organization called Dynamic Youth Ministries. GEMS Girls’ Club
is a ministry for young girls and Cadets is the companion ministry for
boys. Youth Unlimited is the co-ed ministry for high school youth. For
more info see
Next Week - KING’S UNIVERSITY COLLEGE - TKUC’s mission explains
that they are here to exist to provide university education that
inspires and equips learners to bring renewal and reconciliation to
every walk of life as followers of Jesus Christ, the Servant-King.
They aspire to flourish and grow as a university community faithful to
the biblical vision of the restoration of all things in Jesus Christ,
characterized by creative teaching, passionate learning, rigorous
scholarship, compassionate care, and joyful service. For more info
our 4 part Marriage video series “Laugh Your Way to a Better
Marriage” First evening Sunday, January 18, 2015 at 7:00pm. Other dates to be announced soon. The seminar features 4 sessions:
“Tale of Two Brains” - In this comical and informative session Mark
shows couples how many of their problems are the result of how
Men and Women THINK about life. He shows how most struggles
in marriage are not the result of a HEART problem, but a HEAD
“The #1 Key to Incredible Sex” - In this session, Mark shows the
importance of sex in marriage while incredibly funny, Mark shows
how the sexual messages of our culture are fundamentally flawed
at best and destructive at worst. He then shows steps they can
take to achieving a great and healthy sex life, ending with the #1
Key to Incredible Sex.
“Why Does He/She Do That!?” - Mark Shows how to discover the
true reason why their spouse does what he or she does. A great
“stress reducer.”
“How to Stay Married and NOT Kill Anybody” - In this final session,
Mark shows how to avoid building resentment in your marriage and
the key to staying married for a life time.
Is the program appropriate for my teen/college age child? “People
always tell me ‘I wish I would have learned this stuff BEFORE I got
married.’ It is time we start preventing relationship problems –
not just fixing them.” Many parents have
expressed a desire for their young adults to
hear the information that Mark teaches about
relationships and sex, and Laugh Your Way is
happy to welcome them.
For more information contact Pastor Peter.
-2 Corinthians 4:6
CALENDARS - the 2015 Birthday & Anniversary
Calendars were distributed a few weeks ago. The suggested
donation per calendar is the same as last year, $15.00. Thank you
to all those who have already donated! If you would still like to
make a donation, please put it in a marked envelope in the
Administration Mailbox. Thank you!