This Week - Ebenezer Christian Reformed Church


This Week - Ebenezer Christian Reformed Church
Ebenezer Christian Reformed Church
February 15, 2015
CHILDREN’S CHURCH – will be starting a collection today after the children’s
This morning we welcome Ron DeVries to
Classical Appointment at Hope CRC in Stony
our 3 part in: Laugh your way to a better
7:00pm, coffee to follow. We are glad you
coffee and fellowship after the service!
the pulpit as Pastor Peter is on a
Plain. We invite you back tonight for
marriage! The session will begin at
are here and invite you to stay for
message. They will be collecting for an organization through
World Renew called “Free a Family.” Free a Family helps people
overcome poverty through community programs in agriculture,
health, nutrition, literacy, and more. The end result for all participants is nutritious food, clean water, improved health and increased income. This gives your child an opportunity to tithe and
helps a family around the world who is less fortunate.
Song: Across the Lands
God’s Greeting and We Greet Each Other
Song: Hosanna, Praise is Rising
Time of Confession and Assurance
Song: Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying
Children’s Message
(Children ages 3 - Grade 6 leave for Children’s Church)
Thank Offering: Ebenezer Ministries
and plan to join us for our 3rd Annual Family Day Tobogganing
Party tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. just 2 km west of the PetroCan
station in Millet on Secondary Hwy. 616 (look for the balloons on
the north side of 616). We’ll have a fire, hot chocolate (BYOMug) and a whole lot of fun for all ages! So grab your sleds,
snowboards or x-country skies, lawn chairs, and a mug and come
on out! If you're planning on coming out and your last name
begins with the letters A-D, please bring a bag of marshmallows,
G-K 1 doz. hotdogs, M-S hotdog buns, T-W A tin of hot chocolate mix (for water).
LET’S GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER - Engage in fun and fellowship
around the table! Get to know your church family on a smaller scale by
signing up for either Dinners For 6 or Supper Club! For more information or
to sign up, see the brochures available in the foyer (a copy is also in your
mailbox) or use the following link: If you want to
get in on round 1, please sign up by Feb. 18!
SENIORS - You are invited to the Deunk home for lunch and fellowship after
Congregational Prayer
church on March 1st. Regardless of age, you are welcome if you consider yourself a
senior! We live just 10 minutes drive from the church. Directions: Go south on the
church road, then west on Glen Park road, over hwy 2A and QE Hwy. Turn right
(north) on Range Road 255. God 1 1/2 miles, we are on the right hand side (east
side), a cedar log bungalow with green roof. Any questions call Joe 780-719-3001
or Grace 780-722-4826.
Scripture: John 17
GOLF TOURNAMENT - Ebenezer Classic looking for committee members! Plans
Canadian Foodgrains Bank
Offertory Prayer
Sermon: Prayer
Song: Jesus, All for Jesus
Parting Blessing
Song: Shine On Us
are underway for our 3rd Annual Ebenezer Classic Golf Tournament! This
has been a great fundraiser for Ebenezer's debt repayment and a great
community event, but it requires many hands to make it successful.
Please give Josh Van de Kraats a shout if you're interested in joining the
position will be in need of gifted people to service as Discipleship, Deacons and
Pastoral Care. If you feel gifted in any of these ministry areas, or know of someone
who might be a great fit, please pass your name or their name on to a Council
HOPE MISSION - THE COLDEST NIGHT OF THE YEAR This event is a fantastically
fun, family-friendly walking fundraiser that raises money for the hungry, homeless
and hurting in Edmonton. The WALK (2 or 5 or 10 km) is held on Saturday, Feb 21
and provides participants the opportunity to experience a hint of the challenges
faced by those experiencing homelessness, while raising much needed revenue for
Hope Mission. As individuals or by forming a church team or by signing on to an
existing team, you are encouraged to join in the fun and benefit a great cause. If
you can’t participate by walking, please consider sponsoring a church member who
is walking. The website (full of further information) has links to enable you to sign
up, create teams, or sponsor existing walkers.
LENT DEVOTIONS - The ashen crosses on our foreheads on Ash Wednesday remind us of our mortality, our limitations. The ashes that float from forest fires and
smokestacks speak of the limitations of this created world. But as we journey with
the Anointed One toward the cross, we know that we journey toward a New Creation as well. This Lent, join the Office of Social Justice in pondering creation care
with Lent devotions delivered to your inbox. Sign up at
for Ash and Oil: Remembering we are Dust, Leaning toward a New Creation.
FREE WEBINAR - Join us February 18 when Duane Kelderman presents "Five
Factors of Significant Change". This webinar explores five factors that are present in
virtually every instance of deep change. Understanding them can help leaders to
see whether they are leading in ways that can maximize chances for significant
change. For details and registration for this free, one-hour event visit
Thank You to Our Volunteers
Ushers: Dennis VanBeek, Andrew Visser, John Taekema
Next Week: Dennis Prins, Ruby Prins, Andy Lukas
Greeters: Jason & Yoka Tolsma
Next Week: Cadets
Coffee Duties: Henk & Mennie Siderius, Michelle Opdendries, Howard& Freda Oudman
Next Week: Christina Prins, Evan & Susan Schuurman, Jon & Janna Prins
Worship Team: Joanne & Susan
Next Week: Grace & Team
Projection & Audio: Ted & Josh
Next Week: Jamie & Matt
Serving Elder: Josh Van de Kraats
Next Week: Pete Vlieg
Nursery: Supervisor– Glen Hostra
Infants: Glen Hofstra, Carolyn DeKlerk, Brianna Tolsma
Toddlers: Bent Kugyelka, Dick DeKlerk, Jason TerDenge
Next Week: Supervisor– Glen Hofstra
Infants: Christine Hofstra, Carol Wassink, Maggie Van’t Hoff
Toddlers: Dale Hofstra, Gea TerDenge, Jolene Vlieg
(hopefully) fast approaching
and this means another great
season of soccer! The adult
league is for male andfemales
from Grade 12 and up!
Registration will be on March
7:00pm9:00pm, and March 3, 2015
Trinity CRC, 13427-57 St NW.
The league runs from the
beginning of May until the end
of June, every Tuesday
evening, and possibly some
Thursday evenings. Cost is
$25, which gets you a t-shirt
and a
year-end wrap up
party. The field is located at
Christian School, 5940-159
Ave NW. ALL skill levels
welcome! Any questions,
please contact either Amy
780-994- 8823/, or
7 8 0 - 3 1 8 - 0 4 9 9 /
When Jesus said the
greatest command was to love
God, he made it clear it’s also
neighbour. Together, let’s
study Luke 10:25-37 and
discuss what that really
means. Join the conversation
each week: subscribe for free
weekly email notifications at or
to find a local radio station or
listen now.
Ministry Contacts
Church Office:
Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-3pm
Phone: 780-986-4119
Bulletin Deadline: Thurs 12pm
WORKSHOP - What is
forgiveness? What is it
not? How do we forgive
oth er s ?
Ou r sel v es ?
What about forgiving
God? Join Rita Martino,
counsellor at Cornerstone Christian Counselling in Edmonton as we
explore these topics on Thursday, February 19
and Tuesday, February 24, 2014 from 7-9 p.m.
here at Ebenezer. Rita enjoys an interactive style
while presenting her topics so there will be lots of
room for questions and discussion. Questions?
Contact Evan Schuurman, Pastoral Care Elder at
780-720-3539 (cell) or 780-986-5608 (home).
A CHURCH ON OUR KNEES - Classis Prayer Summit,
March 15/15. The churches of Classis Alberta North are invited
to gather in unity for a day of worship, prayer and praise. The
CAN Prayer Summit will be held at Trinity Christian Reformed
Church. Please visit the Prayer Summit website: http:// Or visit us on
facebook (The Better Thing: CANPrayerSummit 2015), for
more information on this special and important event.
Registration is now open on the website or call Trinity CRC at
(780) 475 2662. Register early and register many! Hope to see
you all there!
SPECIAL LENT SERIES - "So, what are you giving up for
Lent?" Has anybody ever asked you that question? Lent does
involve self-denial,
denial, but it’s much more. It’s a season to focus
on the hope of Jesus Christ. The Today Devotional is offering a
special devotion series to help you refresh, refocus, and renew
7:00 pm
1:00 pm
10 am-12 pm
7:00 pm
Laugh Your Way to a Better
Marriage Video Series Part 3
Family Day Tobogganing Party
(see announcement)
Drop-In @ Pastor’s Office
9:30 am
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
Quest for Faith
7:00 pm
Forgiveness Workshop
(see announcement)
Sunday (Feb 22) 10:00 am
Cadet Sunday
–Psalm 5:3
1st Offering - EBENEZER MINISTRIES - This offering is used to cover the day-today expenses of the church, fund the various ministries at Ebenezer, cover the
salaries of staff, and contributes to the ministry shares that we are committed to
as members of Classis Alberta North and the CRC Denomination.
2 Offering - CANADIAN FOODGRAINS BANK - CFGB is a crucial partner in World
Renew’s ministry. Through its CFGB account and partnerships, World Renew is
able to access funding as soon as disasters strike, without first having to solicit
funds. Because of a generous annual contribution from the Canadian government,
this CFGB funding is often matched 4:1, enabling World Renew to do even more
ministry. Today, please give generously so that World Renew can replenish its
CFGB account and sow even more seeds of hope wherever there is need. For more
information and to donate, visit or call 1-800-730-3490.
Next Week - CALVINIST CADET CORPS - an independent (non-denominational)
youth ministry organization whose purpose is to provide the local church with a
ministry program that will enable them to effectively share Christ's love with boys
from their church and community. Founded in 1952, the Corps has more than 600
clubs throughout North America. We encourage any evangelical Bible believing
church to consider using our ministry programs. The organization uses the title
"Calvinist" to honour the Protestant reformer, John Calvin, who devoted his life to
the religious education of God's children. For more info see
WEEKEND – March 6TH- 8TH at MARRIAGE VIDEO SEMINARS - Keep these dates
Camp Nakamun! We invite you to
consider the art of neighbouring for
the sake of God’s mission: What does
it mean to be present in our neighbourhoods? How do we love our
neighbours in real and concrete ways?
What practices can we begin so that
we can better engage and serve our
neighbours in faith and hope? Join us
for learning, fun, fellowship, food and
family time... This is a great event for
us to be better equipped and empowered as God’s people right in the
midst of where God has placed us.
$125/Adult - $58/Teen under 18 $29/Child Includes Accommodations,
meals and all activities. To register,
Wilk or in
Central Alberta, Rick or 403-505403
open and join our Marriage video series “Laugh Your Way
to a Better Marriage” Sunday evenings: Feb 15, March 1,
@ 7:00pm. The titles of the two upcoming sessions:
“Why Does He/She Do That!?” - Mark Shows how to
discover the true reason why their spouse does what he
or she does. A great “stress reducer.”
“How to Stay Married and NOT Kill Anybody” - In this final
session, Mark shows how to avoid building resentment in
your marriage and the key to staying married for a life
Is the program appropriate for my teen/college age child?
Mark believes every teen, college and single adult, should
experience the Laugh Your Way seminar “People always
tell me ‘I wish I would have learned this stuff BEFORE I
got married.’ It is time we start preventing relationship
problems – not just fixing them.” Many parents have
expressed a desire for their young adults to hear the
information that Mark teaches about relationships and
sex, and Laugh Your Way is happy to welcome them.
For more information contact Pastor Peter.