Read Lukes Lines newsletter - St. Luke's Lutheran Church


Read Lukes Lines newsletter - St. Luke's Lutheran Church
A monthly publication for
Members and Friends of
St. Luke’s Lutheran Church
I am very proud of the many ways the Women’s Ministry brings the healing love of Jesus to hurting
The members of the Women’s Ministry have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The Holy
Spirit does live in them. The Holy Spirit works through them in word and deed to communicate the
Good News about Jesus Christ to Christians and non Christians.
People are free to respond to the message of God’s love with the faith God gives them.
The Women’s Ministry brings the healing love of Jesus to hurting people in loving and caring ways.
They do not bully people into the Kingdom of God. Instead they know that the Holy Spirit is the one
who convinces people of their need, creates faith, and brings change.
Sharing the love of Jesus with hurting people needs a well prepared leadership team. People need
nurturing, they need to be cared for, taught, and continually reminded of God’s wonderful love.
They also need to be challenged to grow, challenged to “work out your own salvation with fear and
trembling” as the Spirit makes them into the kind of strong, mature Christians God plans. Phil. 2:12
The Women’s Ministry is a part of the body of Christ that meets at St. Luke’s, and the body of Christ
that meets in all parts of the world.
The Holy Spirit is with the members of Women’s Ministry as they gather for worship, to hear the
Word of God read and preached, as they gather in their circles to study the Word and pray and
comfort each other. The Holy Spirit is present when they meet informally with people to share their
joys and sorrows, to share their struggles in their life of faith, to sing together, and love each other as
sisters in Jesus. The Holy Spirit is with them as they challenge each other to be more like Jesus in
their relationships with others. When they fail to speak the truth in love, they are learning to ask
pardon from others.
Being a part of being transformed by the love of Jesus is not always easy. But that is spiritual
growth. It takes a mature Christian to be willing to realize that they need to allow God to keep transforming them into the likeness of Jesus.
In your prayers, please give thanks to God for His working through Women’s Ministry.
A brother in Christ,
Deacon Jim
St. Luke’s Lutheran Church
715-423-5990 FAX 715-423-5936
2011 Tenth Street South
Page 1
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494-6305
Greetings in the New Year,
I hope you were blessed with a joyful Christmas celebration with family and friends. I hope you were
able to join us for the Sunday School Christmas service this year. They did a wonderful job helping us
celebrate the birth of our Savior.
As you look ahead, are you making resolutions for the new year? It seems that January is a good time
to evaluate our lives and get a fresh start on things we want to change for the better. This poem gives us
something to think about as we move into 2015.
Determine to be Different This Year!
Last year you many have only paid lip service to the real meaning of Christmas;
This Christmas may you pay homage to it.
Last year you have believed in the power of the pocketbook;
This Christmas may you believe in the power of prayer.
Last year you may have thought about the things you didn’t get;
This Christmas may you give thanks for the blessings you received.
Last year you may have tried not to let your annoying relatives get the best of you;
This Christmas may you be Christ-like and try to find ways to give the best of yourself to them.
Last year you may have stressed about how to give your loved ones all that money can buy;
This Christmas may you help them discover all that money can’t buy (peace, love, joy, hope, and security)
Good words to think about and take to heart as we turn the calendar to a new year. I pray that you will determine to
be different in Christ-like ways this year. I look forward to seeing you in worship. Happy New Year!
Thank you for your prayers, cards, and gifts at Christmas and throughout the year.
We thank God for the many ways He has blessed us through all of you in 2014.
May God bless you in 2015 as we seek to do His will together at St. Luke's.
Brian and Martha Strong
4 week Congregation Study for 2015
Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy
by Eric Metaxas will help you discover the major themes of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s writings and
how he not only helped transform an entire faith community in Germany during World War II,
but his beliefs continue to impact the Christian faith of people throughout the world today.
This small group study features four 15 minute video sessions with Eric Metaxas, and
the content in the guide will lead you through session-by-session discussion topics and
encourage individual reflection between sessions. Cost for study guide is $9. The study
runs the week of January 4 – January 25. This study will be offered at the following times –
please sign-up on the bulletin board or mark this form and turn in to the office as soon as possible.
Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy
______ Sunday morning, (Jan 4) Pastor Paul in the Fellowship Hall @ 9:15 a.m.
______ Sunday (Jan 4) evenings at 6 p.m., Strongs at their home, 1520 Daly Ave.
______ Wednesday (Jan 7) from 7 – 8 p.m., Heather Stainbrook Office Conference Rm
______ Thursday (Jan 8) at 10 a.m., Pastor Tim in Room 103.
______ Saturday (Jan 10) from 7:15 p.m., Martha Strong Office Conference Room
Name _________________________________________________________
To learn about Bonhoeffer before the study begins, come see the movie Bonhoeffer, Agent
of Grace in the Fellowship Hall on January 4 at noon– 1:45 p.m. Pizza and beverages provided.
More than just a biographical portrait, Bonhoeffer: Agent of Grace sheds light on the little-known efforts of the
German resistance. It brings to a wide audience the heroic rebellion of Bonhoeffer, a highly regarded Lutheran
minister who could have kept his peace and saved his life on several occasions but instead paid the ultimate
price for his beliefs.
This is my last newsletter article as the Vice President of Women’s
Ministry. It has never been a chore to write the new and exciting events
for the women of St. Luke’s. I am sure Connie Zwicke will enjoy it as
much as I have.
The two socials for Advent went very well. Advent by Candlelight “The King Has Come!” was presented by Heather Ruesch, a delightful
speaker and singer. We sang songs, ate delicious desserts and enjoyed
the beautifully decorated tables prepared by the 16 hostesses. There
were 165 in attendance, and the door offering received $132.00 for First
Choice Pregnancy Center. The Spirit of Advent had approximately 45
guests who enjoyed two deserts made by Elizabeth and Priscilla Circles a red velvet cake with white icing, and crushed peppermints on top and a
fluffy peppermint bar. Deaconess Ashley Wenndt shared family traditions, including the candy cane, advent wreath and Christmas tree. The free will offerings received $73.00 for the
Family Center.
The January Joint Meeting is Sunday, January 25, 2015, at noon, in the Fellowship Hall. The circles serving, Eve and
Lois, will prepare lunch for our enjoyment. Please keep working on goals for 2015 and in-reach and out-reach ideas for
voting at this meeting. Plan on attending to share with all the women of St. Luke’s.
Upcoming Event Dates
January Board meeting, Tuesday, January 6, 2015 – 6:00 pm
January Joint Meeting, Sunday, January 25, 2015 - noon
Anna Circle
Dorcas Circle
Eunice Circle
Elizabeth Circle
Eve Circle
Lois Circle
Lydia Circle
Miriam Circle
Priscilla Circle
Rebekah Circle
Sarah Circle
January Circle Meetings
Wednesday, January 14 at 1:00 p.m. at the Bookstore
Monday & Tuesday, January 12 & 13 at 9:00 a.m.
Monday & Tuesday, January 26 & 27 at 9:00 a.m.
Tuesday, January 13 at 9:00 a.m. at the Renaissance
Thursday, January 8 at 1:00 p.m. at Sharon Giese’s
Thursday, January 8 at 6:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall
Monday, January 12 at 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, January 8 at 12:30 in Room 105
Monday, January 19 at 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, January 15 at 3:00 p.m.
Thursday, January 22 at 8:00 a.m.
Wednesday, January 14—Bingo at 2:00 p.m. at Strawberry Lane
Meeting—Thursday, January 8 at Marion Tuxhorn’s
Church Wide Bible Study January 4-25
Bonhoeffer: The Life and Writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
In this four-session video-based small group Bible study, New York Times best-selling author Eric Metaxas will
help you discover the major themes of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s writing and speaking and how he not only helped
transform an entire faith community in Germany during World War II, but how his beliefs continue to impact the
Christian faith of people throughout the world today.
Filmed on location in Germany, Metaxas will take you on a religious journey of Bonhoeffer’s faith and why it
has captured so many people’s imaginations and how it has inspired the Christian faith of so many today.
Pulling themes from all of his major books, Metaxas helps us understand why these spiritual truths meant so
much to Bonhoeffer and how they can be an inspiration and challenge to our faith.
Sessions include: -What is the Church?, -Living in Christian Community, -Religionless Christianity, -Come and
Die. Join us for this informative study on the life of Bonhoeffer. Sign up by calling the church office or by placing your name on the sheets posted on bulletin boards! Several days and times available.
St. Luke’s Sunday School—January 2015
Happy Blessed New Year to you all!
Thank you to everyone who contributed items for SWEPS (South Wood County Emergency Pantry
Shelf) for our November and December Sunday School Mission!
We are in need of one Pre-School teacher as soon as possible. Please contact Sandra or Dawn
at the information below or stop in at the church office.
For January, our mission is Camp Luther Camperships. A representative from Camp Luther will
visit the Sunday School children and give a presentation as well as have a drawing to attend Camp Luther
for free.
Service Project Sunday, which is January 18th, we’ll be making Valentines “God Has Your Heart in
His Hands” for a Senior Citizen Home in the WI Rapids area. The children will also sing for the 10:30
Shepherds & Helpers: There will be a Sunday School meeting directly following the 10:30 service
in Room 105. Please submit your agenda items to Sandra green at as soon as possible.
It’s never too late to sign-up for Sunday School. Join us! Please contact Sandra Green at or 715-323-8112 or Dawn DeMarco at, Co-Superintendents.
Help and Hope for Aging
On Saturday, March 21st, 2014, St. Luke’s Lutheran Church Stephen Ministry will be hosting an event
that addresses issues related to aging. This event will be helpful to aging individuals and their
families. Proposed topics planned are:
What to expect as loved ones age and can no longer care for themselves
Recognizing, Preventing, Strategies for Caregiver Stress/Burden; Role Reversal & maintaining
What does Power of Attorney mean? How to activate the Power of Attorney? What are resources
available to elderly and their caregivers?
Spiritual Care for elderly “Where do I find hope?” to include information about providing the
message that God loves them, addressing spiritual distress (need for forgiveness, torn relationships)
Specific details are in the works and will be made available in the near future.
Thank you, Jonna Kronholm
We have all learned to live with “voice mail” as a necessary part of modern life. But have you wondered, what if God
decided to install voice mail? Imagine praying and hearing This: Thank you for calling My Father’s House. Please
select one of the following options:
Press 1 for Requests; Press 2 for Thanksgiving; Press 3 for Complaints; Press 4 for All Other Inquiries.
Thank God, He doesn’t have voice mail and He always listens when we pray. After all, remember that God always
answers all “Knee Mail!”
How GriefShare Works at St. Luke’s
Two separate opportunities each Thursday
10:00 AM to NOON and also
Starting January 8 -- 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Contact St. Luke’s at 715-423-5990 for more information
It may be hard for you to feel optimistic about the future right now. If you’ve lost a spouse, child, family
member, or friend, you’ve probably found there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you
feel. This can be a confusing time when you feel isolated and have many questions about things you’ve
never faced before.
“Going to GriefShare feels like having warm arms wrapped around you when you’re
GriefShare groups meet weekly to help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life.
Each GriefShare session has three distinct elements:
Video seminar with experts
Each week your GriefShare group will watch a video seminar featuring top experts on grief and recovery
subjects. These videos are produced in an interesting television magazine format featuring expert
interviews, real-life case studies, dramatic reenactments, and on-location video.
Support group discussion with focus
After viewing the video, you and the other group members will spend time as a support group, discussing
what was presented in that week’s video seminar and what is going on in your lives.
Personal study and reflection
During the week you will have the opportunity to use your workbook for further personal study of the
grieving process and to help sort out your emotions through journaling. Your group will spend time
discussing questions and comments from the workbook study.
When to join a GriefShare group
You are welcome to begin attending the GriefShare group at any session. Each is “self-contained,” so you
do not have to attend in sequence. You will find encouragement and help whenever you begin. You will be
able to continue with GriefShare through the next 13-week cycle and view any of the videos you have not
As we continue in the ReFocusing process, we have taken time to ASSESS our church and see how we
have reached out to the community in the past. We have looked at our past, and our present. Now we take
time to look at our future.
Join us on January 31, from 8:30 – 12:30 in the fellowship hall as we continue to seek God’s guidance for our congregation as we are working on our vision statement, and as we continue to see how God is
calling us to reach out to our community. We will be looking once again at our gifts as a congregation, and
how God wants to use these gifts in the future here in Wisconsin Rapids.
We need your help, your insight, your prayers as we all move forward together in the direction and the vision that God has for us as a family, as a congregation.
The Importance of Confidenality
in Stephen Ministry
Confidenality is a cornerstone of Stephen Ministry because it is absolutely
essenal for building safe, healing, caring relaonships.
Stephen Ministry is confidenal. Stephen Ministers don’t reveal what their
care receivers have told them. Not to the pastors, not to Stephen Leaders,
not to their spouses or friends, and not to other Stephen Ministers.
Why? Because to trust is vital for a caring relaonship to be effecve. Care receivers are experiencing
difficules that leave them feeling very vulnerable. Discussing their innermost feelings is an important
step in the healing process. But in order to open up and discuss that which is troubling them most, care
receivers need complete trust in their Stephen Minister—and the assurance that what they say will not
be circulated to others and become news for gossip.
This assurance builds trust and creates a safe place where care receivers can risk revealing their most
painful issues—problems they might not even discuss with close friends or family. Confidenality helps
create a relaonship that promotes healing and hope.
Another aspect of confidenality is that nobody—except the Stephen Minister, the care receiver, and
the pastor or Stephen Leader who matched the two together—even knows that a care receiver has a
Stephen Minister. Care receivers, of course, are free to tell others about the relaonship and who
their Stephen Minister is, but the Stephen Minister never tells. This means a care receiver can choose
to have complete anonymity so that if he or she doesn’t want people even to know that he or she has a
Stephen Minister, nobody will ever know.
One final point involving confidenality involves the Stephen Ministry model of supervision, where
confidenality is also a key element. (Supervision, done twice monthly, is vital to Stephen Ministry so
that Stephen Ministers can provide the best quality care possible to their care receivers.) In supervision the focus of discussion is on the relaonship between the Stephen Minister and the care receiver,
rather than the details of what is going on in a care receiver’s life. By not revealing a care receiver’s
name or any significant details, confidenality is maintained, and supervision becomes a place where
Stephen Ministers can support and encourage one another in ministry while they provide the best quality care to their care receivers. It’s a model that has enabled life-changing ministry to happen in thousands of Stephen Ministry congregaons since 1975.
Why this talk about confidenality? To build your trust in Stephen Ministry. It is a high-quality caregiving ministry that you can count on should you ever have the need. Confidenality is a cornerstone of
good ministry—and of our Stephen Ministry.
Happy New Year from the Elizabeth Circle
I cannot believe it is the start of another year. 2015! I want to thank you for all your help last year in donating
labels and box tops and books. We put in 75 new and donated books last year. WOW!
Two new sections were added— section 18 (Health) and 19 (Stephen Ministry). There are a few books in
each already. Section 18 has a few cookbooks that might help some with health problems. The books in
section 19 are helpful to people who are not in Stephen Ministry, covering topics needed to cope with life.
Section 17 (Youth) includes 24 Babysitter Club books. I just couldn’t pass up the deal on those books. Not
the new, hip books, but still have good standards to follow.
One that I would like to mention in section 17 is Best Friend on Wheels by Debra Shirley. Two girls become
good friends even though one is in a wheelchair. Once we look at the person we can get past any barriers.
You ladies that like our section 1 (Novels), there was nine new ones added. A couple of different series. As
soon as I go through and get caught up on the books that Bonnie and I got from the library conference, there
will be some more for section 1. We brought back about thirty books.
Two new books were added to section 11 (Grief). To Henry in Heaven by Herbert Brokering is about having
lost a child. I mentioned this one before, but I think it is worth the extra mention. It is very moving and helped
me to understand the happening of it.
Other sections receiving new books were: 2 (History), 3 (Bible history), 4 (Autobiography/Biography), 5
(Inspirational), 12 (Social Issues), 13 (Christian Living), 14 (Personal Development), and 15 (Young Children.)
If you have ideas or requests for new books do not hesitate to leave a note in the Elizabeth Circle mailbox
and it will be taken into consideration. Also, please return any books checked out from our library in a timely
manner so others can enjoy. Thanks again for all your support.
Take some time and invest in YOUR marriage.
ENGAGED ENCOUNTER ( *This is a day retreat for ENGAGED COUPLES
Registration Fee
1/17 & 3/21
Twin Cities
MaKenna Crossing
Registration Fee
2/14-15 &4/11-12
Twin Cities
Mt OliveRetreat Ctr
$200/couple (includes stay & meals)
MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER ( *This is a LUTHERAN Marriage Encounter
Registration Fee
Twin Cities
Minneapolis Blvd Hotel $45/couple (includes stay & meals)
Wydham Grand Hotel
$45/couple (includes stay & meals)
Duluth MN
Country Inn & Suites
$45/couple (includes stay & meals)
Registration Fee
St. Anthony’s Rtrt Ctr
$125/couple (includes stay & meals)
COST: $149.99/person (1/2 specials periodically – FREE registration w/paid registration $149.99/couple)
Registration Fee
Lincolnshire Marriot Resort
Marriot City Center
3/20 –22
Radisson Paper Valley
Monona Terrace Cnvtn Ctr
Oak Brook Hills Marriot Resort
NOTE: The Marriage Encounter & Retrouvaille “Marriage 911” Weekend take a FREE WILL offering during the retreat. Please
contact the church office at 715-423-5990 if you have questions or would like more information about any of the marriage retreats.
January Birthdays
Liz Lee
Rachel Rippier
Dean Fisher
Jacob Najemnik
Ciera Roberts
Donna Szymanski
Betty Tuxhorn
Betty Ehlert
Roger Wagner
Cole Allar
Korey Arneson
Alaina Bechard
Danita Denne’e
Lisa Schulz
Cody Abel
John Higgins
Karlo McIntyre
Shirley Pavlik
Mari Austin
Eleanor Eimerman
Olivia Reichert
Adam Urban
Patti Urban
Gloria Wilcoxen
Suzanne Berg
Brittany LaChapelle
Caroline Narel
Shawn Oleson
Dennis Pelot
Brandon Van Stedum
James Curran
Valerie Brooks
Patrick Fink
Jo Roth
Stephany Andres
Janet Henke
Leonard Shaw
Rhonda Thompson
Lindsay Johnson
Kendra Kreutzer
Makenzi Liebenstein
Nancy Alger
Ole Arneson
Bessie Crotteau
Patrick Lauby
Sally Merk
James Van Duser
Tanya Cassiani
Christina Fane
Paul Henke
Kylee Hett
Marissa Klingforth
Sue Tuxhorn
January 1
January 1
January 2
January 2
January 2
January 2
January 2
January 3
January 3
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January 4
January 4
January 4
January 4
January 5
January 5
January 5
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January 6
January 6
January 6
January 6
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January 7
January 7
January 7
January 8
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January 9
January 9
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January 10
January 10
January 10
January 11
January 11
January 11
January 12
January 12
January 12
January 12
January 12
January 12
January 13
January 13
January 13
January 13
January 13
January 13
Allyson Wolf
Dale Dahl
Amanda Foth
Tom Andres
Patricia Berg
Gerald Geishart
Leland Hunziker
Scott Oleson
Kelly Schlaefer
Kyra Sturm
Randall Wood
Cortlyn Young
Nicholas Berg
John Bingham
David Ehlert
Kristin Henry
Jan Miller
Timothy Walker
Morris Wussow
Shirley Wussow
Donovan Laatsch
Gabrielle Young
Lauren Ellie
Danielle Erdman
Kari Hazel
Lauren Calverley
Herman Ristow
Ben Rucinski
Sadie Rucker
Sheldon Schulz
Bobbi Becker
Devin Dahl
Eileen Pavloski
Doug Van Natta
Cory Weiler
Jon Hillstead
David Romanski
Janet Meddaugh
David Mock
Allen Falkosky
Verna Hager
Tim Hansen
Robert Killian
Donna Rasmussen
Rhonda Arneson
Vicki Balko
Dustin Foth
George Gross
Maxton Klingforth
Trista Marzofka
Sharon Giese
Carol Hagen
Pamela Johnson
January 13
January 14
January 15
January 16
January 16
January 16
January 16
January 16
January 16
January 16
January 16
January 16
January 17
January 17
January 17
January 17
January 17
January 17
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January 23
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January 24
January 24
January 24
January 24
January 25
January 25
January 25
January 25
January 25
January 25
January 26
January 26
January 26
Wendy Koch
Kylie Kronstedt
Hazel Leiser
Kari Abel
Diane Oertel
Stephen Pickett
Mallory Villeneuve
Amelia Gibbons
Nathan Jinsky
Jeremiah Klingforth
Scott Krzykowski
John Plowman, Jr.
Kiana McIntyre
Jill Paulin
Bergen Peden
Candace Rosplock
Ronald Arneson
Rainie Denne’e
Brandon Krause
Mark McAllister
Patsy St. Martin
Megan Grossklaus
Erik Kronstedt
Devin Olson
Arlene Reiter
Katie Van Valen
January 26
January 26
January 26
January 27
January 27
January 27
January 27
January 28
January 28
January 28
January 28
January 28
January 29
January 29
January 29
January 29
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January 30
January 30
January 30
January 31
January 31
January 31
January 31
January 31
A father was at the beach with his
children when his four-year-old son
ran up to him, grabbed his hand, and
led him to the shore, where a seagull
lay dead in the sand. “Daddy, what
happened to him?” the son asked.
“He died and went to heaven,” the
dad replied. The boy thought a
moment and then said, “Did God
throw him back down?”
A Christian home is earth’s sweetest
picture of heaven.
Home is the place where we are
treated best and grumble most.
Excerpts fromChurch Council Meeting - December 9, 2014
NOTE: Complete minutes, financial and ministry reports are posted on the Congregation Bulletin Board in the Fellowship Hall.
Steve Picket called the meeting to order.. Verified we have a quorum, (8 voting board members). Welcome newly elected members. Herb Kronholm opened with devotion.
Minutes of November, 2014 meeting (review and approve)
• A motion carried to accept the minutes from Novembers Church Council meeting with a correction to the
motion under Property Care, Chuck Gibbons seconded the motion.
5. Financial reports - Review and approve
Financial Secretary Report
This November was a five week month which accounted for increased giving over November 2013. In an effort to save envelopes and money, Anne is investigating distributing undated giving envelopes. Many
members give monthly or every two weeks, and currently we are distributing envelopes for each week. The
Council agreed that there is not a need for specific reporting for Christmas, Advent, and New Years, and
dating the envelopes is not necessary.
The Treasurer’s and Financial Secretary’s reports will be approved in December a reported $100 discrepancy
is determined.
Treasurer’s Report – Summary and Notes were provided by the treasurer. Reports were not immediately
available due to a computer issue.
Pastors’ Report - Pastor Paul provided the status of calls, gains/losses, and membership attendance. An adjustment will need to be made correcting an addition error on the report.
A motion carried to accept the gains/losses.
DCE Martha Strong provided a report status on Christian Education & Family Ministry. She read a thank
you note from a college freshmen who received a care package from Saint Luke’s.
Printed reports were received from the Parish Administrator, Ministry of Property Care, Christian Education,
and Youth.
Missions provided a written report and asked for authorization to provide funds to several areas including
1. Matching funds for Lydia Circle for the Lutheran Braille Workers in the amount of $100.00
2. Matching Funds for Elizabeth Circle for the Navajo Lutheran Mission in the amount of $150.00
3. Donation for Peace Campus in the amount of $400.00
4. Installment on our TIM Ministry contract – Baumgartners - in the amount of $300.00
Installment on our TIM Ministry contract – Bakers - in the amount of $625.00
A motion carried to approve the requests for funds.
Social Concerns provided a written report on the Thanksgiving Dinner. Thrivent Action Team money was
raised for Destiny Point. Vera Keller will be shopping with the Director of Destiny Point for supplies for
their new facility. Vera mentioned that the Food Pantry has a tremendous amount of people who use their
services. Christmas food baskets will be assembled in preparation for people who will be delivering baskets on the 20th. Volunteers for delivery would be appreciated.
- - -continued on next page
Discuss Any Other Business For the Good of The Congregation.
Currently $15,000 of Pastor Paul’s salary goes to his housing allowance. Paul has requested that for tax purposes his last two paychecks for 2014 be allocated for housing allowance.
A motion carried to designate Pastor Paul’s last two paychecks as housing allowance.
A motion carried to change the time of future Church Council meetings to 6:30 instead of 7:00 p.m.
Holly Johnson described that she greatly appreciated the time that Mike Hoier and Chuck Korn have given to
researching, setting up and installing the new video system. She also said that the congregation continues to
provide funds for the equipment and installation of the new video system. There are about 12 volunteers that
videotape services currently. Going forward it will probably take 4-6 dedicated people, who are trained well.
This may be something that youth will enjoy doing. Several of the people videotaping are doing so as part of
their usher time. This may free up these individuals to just usher which will help fill up some crews.
Pastor Paul closed in prayer
A motion to adjourn carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Paul Schlaefer, Church Council Secretary
January Anniversaries
Randy & Vicki Anderson
Ronald & Jan Frischman
Mike & Debra Alft
Ronald & Laura Hagen
Donald & Michele Hagen
Aaron & Jessica Steuck
Fred & Shelly Szymanski
Andrew & Samantha Villeneuve
Robert & Mary Ceplina
Donald & Jan Clickner
Ronald & Debra Bohn
Glen & Delores Danielson
Jason & Amy Flagel
Robert & Anna Killian
Leonard & Myrna Shaw
Scott & Shelley Young
Jeff & Connie Knuteson
Warren & Marge Kutz
Dale & Karen Easterson
Tristan & Liz Lee
John & Beverly Podvin
January 7
January 7
January 9
January 11
January 11
January 11
January 11
January 11
January 16
January 16
January 19
January 23
January 23
January 23
January 25
January 25
January 26
January 27
January 30
January 31
January 31
Anniversary Blessings!
Adult CPR/AED Class
37 yrs.
9 years
44 yrs.
18 yrs.
2 yrs.
1 yr.
1 yr.
1 yr.
55 yrs.
55 yrs.
41 yrs.
55 yrs.
17 yrs.
33 yrs.
46 yrs.
1 yr.
19 yrs.
64 yrs.
50 yrs.
6 yrs.
67 yrs.
Jason Joling, of the Wisconsin Rapids Fire Department, will offer an Adult CPR/AHA Heart Saver AED
class for interested members of St. Luke’s on Saturday, January 24, 2015.
St. Luke’s has two AED units, one in the education
building and one in the narthex. It is important for
members, especially elders, ushers, staff and others
who are here regularly to know how to use these units
and to know how to react in a medical emergency.
Anyone wishing to learn these basic skills is encouraged and welcome to attend this class.
Instructors, who are members of St. Luke’s, have volunteered their services and are offering this class for
$10 which covers the cost of administration and card.
Please take advantage of this life saving opportunity!
This class is through the American Heart Association.
Individuals taking the class previously will need to take
this course as a “refresher” to keep cards current.
Class is scheduled for:
Saturday, January 24
Room 105
Reservations need to be made by January 20.
Please call the church office @ 423-5990 to reserve
your spot. A minimum of 5 individuals is requested in
order to hold the class.
Elders: 6:00 Harvey Zwicke (Jan. 31-Greg Jensen) 7:45 Jeff Rieckenberg
10:30 Richard Clasen
Ushers: 6:00 Bonnie Rendmeister, Sheldon Rendmeister
7:45 Betty Clouse, David W. Henke, Jeff Martens, Tom Winkler
10:30 Bo Ceplina, Sandra Ceplina, Stephen Pickett, Anne Tietsort
Videographers: 7:45 January 11 & 25 Karen Bencke
10:30 January 4 & 18 Stephen Pickett
Reception Committee: January 4 & 11 Karen Bencke, Becky Krenz; January 18 & 25 Jill Paulin, Deb Alft, Carol Weier
Pew Rack Maintenance: Russell & Donna Zunker
Saturday & Sunday, January 3 & 4
Acolyte: 6:00 Ben Balko
7:45 Julie Brehm
Comm. Asst.: 6:00
7:45 Jon Hillstead
Music: 6:00
Readers: 6:00 Connie Sherd
7:45 Danita Denne’e
Welcome Center Attnd: 6:00 Katie Brandt
7:45 Bea Jaye Herman
Greeters: 6:00 Eleanor Sommerfeldt
7:45 Paul & Amy Henke
Nursery Care: 10:15 Jessica Stainbrook, Kaycea Koch
Wednesday, January 7, 6:15 p.m.
Elder: Steve Bechard Acolyte: Lindsay Hansen
Sound Technician: Travis Plowman
Welcome Center Attnd: Jerri Haferman
Praise Team
Saturday & Sunday, January 10 & 11
Acolyte: 6:00 Lauren Johnson
7:45 Lindsey Nack
Comm. Asst. 6:00 Greg Jensen
7:45 Jon Hillstead
Music: 6:00 Glory Ringers
7:45 Glory Ringers
Readers: 6:00 Connie Sherd
7:45 Danita Denne’e
Welcome Center Attnd:6:00 Brenda Henke
7:45 Karen Bencke
Greeters: 6:00 Jesse Brandl
7:45 Gordon/Emily Hansen
Nursery Care: 10:15 Jessica Stainbrook, Kaylie Marzofka
Wednesday, January 14, 6:15 p.m.
Elder: Jeff Rieckenberg
Acolyte: Kaitlyn Schoff
Sound Technician: Wyler Lubeck
10:30 Rayna Robison
10:30 Todd Wenzel
10:30 Glory Ringers
10:30 Todd Wenzel
10:30 Pat Berg-N/Shannon Hardy-OL
10:30 Shirley Collins
Welcome Center Attnd: Pam Hilke
Praise Team
Saturday & Sunday, January 17 & 18
Acolyte: 6:00 Adam Urban
7:45 Jadyn Wagner
Comm. Asst. 6:00
7:45 Jon Hillstead
Music: 6:00 St. Luke’s Choir
Readers: 6:00 Connie Sherd
7:45 Danita Denne’e
Welcome Center Attnd: 6:00 Jean Elmer
7:45 Karen Bencke
Greeters: 6:00 Sharon Koch
7:45 Donna Rasmussen
Nursery Care: 10:15 Shanna Kreutzer, Kayden Kreutzer
Wednesday, January 21, 6:15 p.m.
Elder: Richard Clasen Acolyte: Julia Andres
Sound Technician: John Hoelzlhammer
Second Sunday after Christmas
10:30 Abigail Hammitt
10:30 Todd Wenzel
10:30 Bev Dahn-N/Carla Brizzee-OL
10:30 Marge Hinrichsen
Second Sunday after the Epiphany
10:30 Abigail Wenzel
10:30 Sunday School
10:30 Todd Wenzel
10:30 Ray Jacob-N; Anne Tietsort-OL
10:30 Jayne Deering
Welcome Center Attnd: Randy/Dixie Plowman Praise Team
Saturday & Sunday, January 24 & 25
Acolyte: 6:00 Alaina Bechard
7:45 Easton Brise
Comm. Asst. 6:00 Greg Jensen
Readers: 6:00 Connie Sherd
7:45 Danita Denne’e
Music: 6:00
7:45 St. Luke’s Choir
Welcome Center Attnd: 6:00 Brenda Henke
7:45 Michelle Cisewski
Greeters: 6:00 Kathy Spencer
7:45 Lori & Lindsay Hansen
Nursery Care: 10:15 Jessica Stainbrook, Lauren Johnson
Third Sunday after the Epiphany
10:30 Kaycea Koch
10:30 Todd Wenzel
10:30 Todd Wenzel
10:30 St. Luke’s Choir
10:30 Julie Spice-N; Holly Johnson-OL
10:30 Carla Brizzee
Wednesday, January 28, 6:15 p.m.
Elder: Steve Bechard
Acolyte: Jacob Krause Welcome Center Attnd: Julie Spice
Praise Team
Sound Technician: Mike Hoier
Saturday, January 31
Elder: Greg Jensen
Acolyte: London Kubisiak
Welcome Center: Marcy Clark
Reader: Jan Wehland
Greeter: Jan Deitz
Christmas joy and excitement surrounding the birthday of Jesus was a
special time for the preschool/4K children. They enjoyed all the projects
and activities in preparation and the pageant/program presented for their
families. The message that Christmas is Jesus’ Birthday and the reason
for our celebrations was very evident.
In January preparations for the 4K Circus begin. The circus will be presented under the St. Luke’s Big Top
on January 30th. We anticipate seeing lions and tigers, strongmen, tightrope walkers, acrobats, and a variety of other performers. We look forward to popcorn and music and exciting festivities surrounding a circus.
The 3’s will have special weeks and all the children will be reviewing and learning shapes in God’s world, as
well as working on number sets and counting. Our Bible stories will begin to follow Jesus’ life as an infant and
then as he begins His preaching and teaching as an adult. We will learn that He loves each one of us and is
forgiving to us. He is our special friend.
Registration for the 2015-2016 school year will start January 2nd. We invite families to visit the classrooms
and talk to the staff and see the school in action. You can register by calling the preschool office at 715-4235990 or by stopping in to fill out a preliminary form. Forms will also be available at the Welcome Centers of
the church and the main church office. The 4K class options are 5 or 3 days per week. The 3’s classes meet
2 times per week, either M/W or T/Th. A child needs to be 3 or 4 before September 1, 2015 to be eligible.
We look forward to having your child join us for an exciting school experience!
Great thoughts from Martin Luther King, Jr.
On excellence: “If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven played music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth
will pause to say, here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.”
On repentance: “We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad
people but for the appalling silence of the good people.”
On character: “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”
Our Sympathy to the Following
Members & Friends of St. Luke’s:
Randy Steuck & family at the death of his
brother-in-law James Breitenstein.
John Botcher & family at the death of his
brother Timothy Botcher.
Rosemarie Loock & family at the death of
her father Joseph Crabb.
Dan Kleinhans & family at the death of his
mother Phyllis Kleinhans.
Patricia & Kim Marth & family at the death
of husband and father Clarence Marth.
Jean Elmer & family at the death of sisterin-law Kelly Steinke.
Amanda Bohn & family at the death of her
grandmother Shirley Lau.
Betty Ehlert & family, Bea Henke, Janet
Henke & families at the death of brother
and brother-in-law Augie Henke.
Family & Friends of Erma Schoenholz.
Bethesda Thrift Shop:
The 120 volunteers from the Bethesda
Thrift Shop in the Rapids Mall want to wish
you all a very Joy-filled New Year!
As we begin another year we want to thank
you all for your support by shopping at our
store. We had a very successful year and
many lives of our intellectually and physically handicapped folks we serve were
enhanced by your support of the Bethesda
Thrift Shop. Please continue that support
and ask others to come and shop with you.
January sales include 50% off on Yellowtagged clothing and special sales on items
that we need to clear out.
Thanks again!
Senior Women
Senior Women will meet
on Monday, January 5 at
9:30 a.m. at Grace’s
Restaurant. All senior
women of St. Luke’s are
Stamping Group
The Story Behind Epiphany
Epiphany is the Christian festival celebrated each year on January 6. Along
with Christmas, Easter and Pentecost, it
is one of the oldest Christian holy days.
• God will never lead you where his
strength cannot keep you.
—Barbara Johnson
• Those who deny freedom to others
deserve it not for themselves, and,
under a just God, cannot long retain
—Abraham Lincoln
Stamping Group will meet on Monday,
January 19 at 9:00 a.m. Anyone wishing to
help is welcome to come.
Get the most from the coming year
The festival was first celebrated in the
Eastern Church (Orthodox) and was
adopted in the Western church by the
fourth century. Epiphany commemorates
the first “showing forth” or manifestation
of Jesus to the Gentiles, particularly the
Magi or Wise Men. The Epiphany story is
meant to explain that Christ was not just
for the Jews, but for non-Jews (Gentiles)
as well, anywhere in the world.
To get the most out of the coming year,
we must put the most into it; and we put
the most into it by living in a spirit of earnestness, not trifling with the golden
hours, but receiving each as a precious
gift from God. Only such earnest purpose
makes the day a blessing, insures progress from good to better, and causes us
to live in eternity while we are in time.
The eve of Epiphany is called Twelfth
Night and relates to the arrival of the
Wise Men from the East at the birthplace
of the Lord in Bethlehem.
• I’ve learned that how you do your work
is a portrait of yourself.
—James Freeman
Come to St. Luke’s Chili Cook-off/ Cookie Bake-off sponsored by BIC (7th & 8th) Youth
Attend the supper, sample the chili and cookies and vote for your three favorites and best display. There
will also be a house chili, fixings, veggies and dessert served from the kitchen.
Admission is $4 for adults and $2.50 for children (5-10 yr) Under 5 - free.
Enter your favorite chili recipe or chocolate chip cookie recipe - give it a creative name, bring a crock pot of
your chili and a few dozen cookies and make a table display to show it off. There will be scrip certificates
for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and best display. Chili winners will have their name added to the plaque on the wall.
Please be set up by 11:30 a.m. with your display and please bring your own card table/extension cord.
There is a $10 entry fee which covers admission for your team of up to three people.
Entries are due by January 14th. Don’t Delay!!
Chili Cook-off & Chocolate Chip Cookie Bake-off Entry Form 2015
Name of Entry ____________________________________________
Team Members (up to three names) ____________________________________________
Phone or email ______________________________________ Entry Fee: $10 Paid ___________
St. Luke’s Supports Attending Camp Luther
Camp Luther just south of Eagle River was established in 1946 as a special place in the
North Wisconsin District of the LCMS for children and adults to retreat from our busy
lives and grow closer to God. With more than 215 acres on the beautiful Three Lakes/
Eagle River Chain of Lakes, the beauty of God's creation is all around us
Summer programs are provided for PreK - 3rd grade weekend camps, week long camps for 3rd - 12th
grade youth and a variety of family and adult programs are provided throughout the year. It is St. Luke’s
Congregations desire that every child have the opportunity to attend a program at Camp Luther. Each year
our 7th and 8th grade youth are encouraged to participate in a weekend retreat at camp. Three to five full
camperships are given out to children who have never attended camp before through the districts Every
Kid to Camp program for 3rd - 8th graders. St. Luke’s also provides full scholarships to 3 youth (4th 12th grade) who have attended camp in the past and wish to go again through the Wenger Camp Luther
Fund. We also have a St. Luke’s campership fund that assists all families who wish to attend summer
camp with a percentage of their fee and can be used for scholarships to the confirmation weekend camps.
One of the Lenten meals is used to raise funds for this scholarship assistance. Members may donate to the
Wenger Camp Luther Fund and the Camp Luther Campership Fund through out the year.
Every Kid to Camp—Scholarship Form
This scholarship is for a week long camp in the
summer of 2015 at Camp Luther for grades 3rd thru 8th grade
Name of Camper ______________________________ Grade _______
Address: _______________________________________________________
Phone or email __________________________________________________
Must be in 3rd grade or older and never have attended Camp Luther for a week long camp in the
past. Turn in this form by Sunday, January 18. Winners will be chosen at the 10:30 a.m. service on Jan.
18 when Camp Luther Staff are here to visit.