January 11, 2015 - First Protestant Church
January 11, 2015 - First Protestant Church
This Week With FIRSTPROTESTANT Sunday 1/11/15 8:00 am 8:30 am 9:00am Traditional Service – Sanctuary Breakfast - Schumann Hall Adult Bible Study Classes – FP Church Office Conference & Meeting Rooms, Mornhinweg Youth Sunday School - Seele/Bormann Room 10:15 am KFPC Kids’ Church - Seele 10:30 am Traditional Service – Sanctuary 10:30 am Contemporary Service – Schumann Hall Monday 1/12/15 10:00 am WF Seating Ceremony - Chapel 6:00 pm Flying Fingers - Mornhinweg BSF -Men’s Bible Study - Sanctuary Tuesday 1/13/15 2:00 pm Moms In Prayer - Mornhinweg Wednesday 1/14/15 11:30 am Noon Bible Chat - Mornhinweg 12:00 pm Not Over The Hill Yet Gang - Golden Corral 6:00 pm Wednesday Night Live - Seele/Bormann Rm Handbell Choir Rehearsal - Sanctuary 7:00 pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal - Sanctuary Thursday 1/15/15 5:30 pm 6:30 pm Church Council Meeting - Office Conf. Rm River’s Edge Band Practice - Schumann Hall GriefShare - Mornhinweg Large Rm. Sunday 1/18/15 8:00am 8:30am 9:00am Traditional Service – Sanctuary Breakfast - Schumann Hall Adult Bible Study Classes – FP Church Office Conference & Meeting Rooms, Mornhinweg Youth & Chi Alpha Sunday School - Bormann Room Super Bowl Sub Sales - Foyer 10:15am KFPC Kids’ Church - Seele 10:30am Traditional Service – Sanctuary 10:30am Contemporary Service – Schumann Hall 12:00 pm Missions Board Retreat - Mornhinweg Lrg. Rm 4:00 pm Confirmation Meeting - Seele/Bormann Rm Church Leadership Church Council Meeting Thursday, Jan. 15 5:30PM FPC Office Meeting Room Women Mission of the Month Forward 2015 Women’s Fellowship is now Women’s Ministries Missions at FPC in 2015 Please join us for the “Seating” of the new President & the installation of officers. Date: Monday January 12, 2015 Place: Small Chapel next to the Sanctuary Time: 10:00 am Speaker: Alice Boettger – The Family of God Special Music This is the “Year”: So why not start here? It won’t be the same without you so mark your calendars and come join us! Refreshments served in the Church Corridor Save The Date February 15, 2015, we will be celebrating with the new Mr. & Mrs. Savage. Please plan to stop by Schumann Hall for a short reception following the 10:30 am worship services to congratulate the newlyweds! A card box will be available, and cake & punch will be served. See Anna Brown for more details. FPC Nursery The FPC nursery is in need of loving caregivers for our youngest members. Please stop by the nursery today for more information. Thank You A very special thanks to everyone who helped clip coupons for our troops and their families at overseas bases. The grand total for the year was $361,936.00. Well done! Radio Broadcasts 2014 Radio Sponsorship While the annual radio broadcast sponsorships for 2015 continue to be confirmed, there are early dates that are currently open for sponsorship. Many of you have supported this wonderful ministry that has been broadcasting the 10:30 traditional service live from the Sanctuary over KGNB Radio for the past 40 years. Sponsorships may be one-time or annually on a special date, and/or in honor or memory of a loved one or special event. The cost remains at $160.00 and sponsorships may be requested through the church office at 609-7729 x10 or at www.firstprotestant.com. The Board of Mission has been praying that this year would be a year of excitement and expansion in both our support and participation in missions opportunities at First Protestant Church. Our missions giving this year will be spread out among some very familiar names and projects, as well as branching out into some new opportunities with new missions partners. Each month in this space, we will be highlighting one specific missions project. Along with general information about the missionary, their family, their primary ministry focus and location, we’ll also be providing the congregation with specific prayer requests each week. This way, we can join the missionary’s efforts to reach people with the gospel in a very tangible way – through our prayers. We’ll also have specific “action points” each week, so that along with our prayers, we can work alongside the missionaries and participate in ministry with them – even if we’re on the other side of the world. Our missionary partners can generally be organized into three categories: local, national and global. It’s our desire to create and maintain partnerships with ministries in each of these spheres so that we are doing everything we can to be the hands, feet and voice of the gospel here at home and around the world. Prayer Point – Please join us today in prayer for our partner missionaries. Whether you know them by name or not, ask God to bless them, their family and their ministry. Pray also that God would open your heart to mission activity. Action Point – This week, support the S.O.S. Food Bank by bringing RICE to the donation box outside the nursery. FPC has pledged 500 lbs. per month of non-perishable food items to the S.O.S. Food Bank (and we only hit that mark once in 2014). Prayers For Matthew As many of you know, Matthew Parker is in need of a kidney transplant. The hospital has begun a donor campaign and has provided Matt a web page. The address is: http://www.universitytransplantcenter.com/matts-wish Please share this information with your friends, family and contacts. Let’s rally around this precious little guy and work together trying to find a kidney for him as soon as possible! What an amazing gift that would be! Please keep the Parker family in your prayers! GriefShare GriefShare begins on January 15, 2015, in the Mornhinweg Center and will be held every Thursday from 6:30 - 8:30 pm.. Please contact Marilyn Challenner, 830-624-5440, for more information. This group is open to all who have experienced the loss of a relative or friend to death, in the recent or distant past. If ou have an aquaintance who has suffered such a loss, attendance is not limited to church members. 2014 Council & Boards Installation Council Executive Committee President Eric Goelzer V. President Lee Graham Secretary Florence Borchers Treasurer John Milam Nominating Committee Herman Borchers Jim Heitkamp Carroll Lindeman Patti Westbrook Charlie Wimberley Board of Christian Education Amy Coulombe Cathy Fischer Jesi Harlow Meiling Hernandez Tracie Skarovsky Lori Skrzycki Board of Contagious Christians Kathy Coulehan John Duckworth Dale Messerle Trent Tompkins Kelly Williams Sean Williams Board of Finance Anne Buck Sarah Cernosek Scott Haag Jim Heitkamp Calvin Henze John Milam Salvation Army Representatives Gladys Bartling Gene Challenner Council Members At Large Brian Coulombe Ron Hamel Ellen Milam Rob Miller Celeste Salge Jackie Schneider Sandra Schriewer Board of Music & Fine Arts Vicki Hamel Lisa Jaroszewski Joanna Lewis Da Gin Stewart Cindy Weidner Johnnie Wise Board of Missions Nathan Cernosek Ardie Kendig Sue Saur David Smith Melissa Williams Shawn Wimberley Board of Pastoral Care Marilyn Challenner Elizabeth Marshall Marlene Moore Stacy Villanueva Mary Wendland Bob Wynne Board of Hospitality Laurel Evans Carole Herr Lucille Koehler Kolette Palacios Audrey Stratemann Lizanne Wynne For Our Guests & Members Traditional Worship Service Welcome! To better serve our newcomers, we ask that guests please fill out a Visitor Card* located in the pews in the sanctuary and at the Connection Center in Schumann Hall. Cards may be placed in the offering trays or given to an usher or minister. New Member Classes Find out what we stand for, why we do things the way we do, and meet the ministers. Anyone interested in becoming a member of First Protestant Church should contact Mae Kraft, Volunteer Coordinator, at X52 in the church office. God Answers Prayer If you or someone you know needs prayer**, please fill out a Prayer Request Card* located in the pews in the sanctuary and at the Connection Center in Schumann Hall. If you would like to be added to the E-mail Prayer & Praise Chain to pray for those requesting prayer, or would like to submit E-mail requests to pray, please contact chuck@firstprotestant.com. Parking Information As a courtesy, we reserve the curbside parking on Coll St by the sanctuary and the drive-thru parking area by the school for the elderly, handicapped, or those who require assistance. There is always an Ambassador there to greet and offer assistance. Also, we prohibit parking on the curbside by the Seele Hall for the safety of the children going in and out. Media Outreach All posters, flyers, or literature posted on the bulletin boards, Connection Centers, or distributed on church grounds must be approved by the church office. All requests for approval must be made by noon on Wednesdays to be posted by church staff on Fridays. Entries for the Sunday bulletin must also be submitted by noon on Tuesday for the upcoming Sunday. Nursery A staffed nursery is provided for infants through 4 year olds in the FP School area on Sunday mornings. Please see an usher for assistance. Closed Doors, Open Arms It is necessary to keep doors in all FPC buildings closed so that our AC/Heating systems will work properly. Please don’t let these closed doors make you think you are not welcome! Everyone is welcome to stay comfortable at FPC! *All info on Prayer & Visitor cards is kept confidential. **There is no longer a local switchboard at Christus Santa Rosa-NB. All the calls are routed through San Antonio. Therefore it is IMPERATIVE that family, friends and loved ones call FPC church office or notify the pastors of any hospitalizations. Have you liked FPC on FaceBook? Follow the link at firstprotestant.com! Prelude “Jesus Bleibet meine Freude” ~ J. S. Bach Welcome *Hymn (#1) “For the Beauty of the Earth” *Sharing of Fellowship *Gloria Patri (10:30) Installation of 2015 Church Council & Board Members Service of Prayer Hymn (#161) “Breathe on Me, Breath of God” Scripture Reading Ephesians 1: 3-6 (p. 827) Special Music “To God Be the Glory” ~ arr. Diane Bish Erin Engllish, soprano Message You Have Been Chosen For Greatness Rev. Daryl Higgins Tithes & Offerings Offertory “Prelude #9 in E Major” ~ J. S. Bach Staff Contact Information 172 West Coll Street - New Braunfels, TX 78130 Phone (830) 609-7729 Rev. Daryl Higgins - Senior Minister daryl@firstprotestant.com Ext. 16 Rev. Phil Brown - Associate Minister phil@firstprotestant.com Ext. 20 Rev. Chuck Huckaby - Minister of Congregational Life chuck@firstprotestant.com Ext. 18 Dr. Joey Martin - Director of Music & Fine Arts 512-787-2269 joey.martin@txstate.edu Doreen Schaeffer - Business Manager doreen@firstprotestant.com Sheenae Hernandez-Garcia - FP School Director sheenae@firstprotestant.com Ext. 21 January 11, 2015 606-4110 Ext. 12 Jerald Schroeder - Director of Operations jerald@firstprotestant.com Ext.19 Pastor Chris Savage - Director of Youth Ministries chris@firstprotestant.com Ext. 22 Mae Kraft - Volunteer Coordinator mae@firstprotestant.com Ext.52 Melanie Gillum - Administrative Assistant melanie@firstprotestant.com Ext. 10 Melissa Morris - Communications Coordinator melissa@firstprotestant.com Ext. 13 *Doxology *Prayer of Thanksgiving This Sunday Hymn (#520) “Lord, Dismiss Us With Your Blessing” This week’s radio broadcast is given to the honor and gloy of God, by members and friends of FPC. *Blessing Where Everybody is Somebody Postlude “Prelude #6 in D minor” ~ J. S. Bach Jenny Knowles, guest organist, joins us in worship today as Dr. Martin presents at the International Conference for the Arts and Humanities in Honolulu, Hawaii. Next Sunday Traditional Worship Rev. Daryl Higgins The Kingdom Of God Is Now! Mark 1: 14-20 Contemporary Worship Rev. Phil Brown Galatians 6:7-10 NLT and Jesus Christ is Lord