01-18-15 Opportunities - St. Pauls Lutheran Church, School and


01-18-15 Opportunities - St. Pauls Lutheran Church, School and
Our Stewardship For: January 8, 10 & 11, 2015
Church and Communion Attendance:
Our Gifts to God:
KQ Sunday School:
Total for ECHO
JAN 1, 2015
JAN 4, 2015
JAN 11, 2015
JAN To Date Giving
JAN Monthly Budget Needs
Please Note: ALL above figures include only Unified Giving, Loose Cash, General Fund
Giving and Special Envelopes (i.e.-Lent; Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.). These figures do not
include any tuition amounts or monies designated for special purposes (i.e.-missions, alms,
school, school library, school music programs, hymnals, endowment fund; capital
improvement, etc.) The above figure also includes donations given through the Simply Giving
automatic, electronic fund transfer system.
Mission Dimes: Loose dimes in the offering plate are divided equally between Bethesda
Lutheran Home, Lutheran Bible Translators, and the LCMS Mission in the Dominican
Republic. Coins for Christ: Loose quarters, nickels and pennies in the offering plate are used
for special mission projects.
Parking Lot Fund Update: Our church parking lot will be in need of major work within the
next three to five years. Estimates are that the cost could be up to $500,000. In order to
prepare for this major expenditure, the Parking Lot Fund has been set up. This fund will be
used exclusively for the replacement of the parking lot and all donations to this fund will be
kept in a separate bank account so as to not intermingle with our normal operating funds.
Please consider contributing to this fund as you are able. Thank you!
Praise Team is looking for additional guitar players and drummers for the Saturday
night and Sunday morning (10:30a) contemporary services. We rehearse at 6:30p on
Wednesdays and one hour before each service. You do not need to commit to playing every
weekend. We are looking for a back up drummer for Saturday and Sunday; we need a back up
bass player on Saturdays and a regular bass player on Sundays; we need a back up electric
guitarist for Saturdays and a regular electric guitarist on Sundays; and we are looking for back
up acoustic guitarists for both services. If you are interested, or would like more information,
please contact Cindy Perkins at 608-295-0868 or crperkins@charter.net. (Earlier
announcements had listed an incorrect email address.) Thank you!
For the Week of January 18, 2015
For the Family of God at St Paul’s Ev. Lutheran Church, School and Day Care
210 South Ringold Street Janesville WI 53545-5199; (608) 754-4471
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Daniel J. Decker, Pastor
Kevin J. Hendrikson, Principal
754-4471 ext. 203
Jared Stiek, Dir. of Parish Music jstiek@StPaulsJanesville.com
754-4471 ext. 232
John Mueller, DCE-Youth
754-4471 ext. 202
Marybeth Madsen, DCE Intern
754-4471 ext. 205
Children’s Activity Bags Available to Use During the Worship Service: Each bag contains
a book, stuffed animal, and crayons. If you have forgotten your own items to keep your child
quietly active during the service, grab a bag from the crying room in the back of the church.
After the service please return the bag and all its contents back to the crying room.
Have you been to our website? For those with internet access,
www.StPaulsJanesville.com is the place to go for information on all of the activities of
the congregation. Under the “News” tab you will find copies of the weekly “Opportunities”,
“Taking Faith Home” and the monthly “News N Notes” Newsletter. (This information can
also be found on the Home page along the left-hand side under the “Announcements”
heading.) Under the “School” tab you will find a link to the “Principal’s Pads”.
Listen to God’s Word online at www.StPaulsJanesville.com! On our main page you will
find links under “Latest Sermon Audio” on the right hand side of the page. Or go to the
Church Tab and you’ll find a link (on the left hand side of the page) to “Sermon Audio.”
Don’t Have Internet Access? We also have sermon audio available on CD. Simply contact
the church office (754-4471 ext. 200) for more information.
Watch Your Home Mailbox: Contribution Statements for 2014 are being mailed!
Beginning this year, we will mail your contribution statement to your home. If you do not
receive your statement by the end of January, please contact Stacey in the church office (7544471 ext. 200) and she will get a replacement for you.
Contribution Envelopes for 2015 are ready for pick up in Fellowship Hall (the church
basement). If for some reason you are unable to locate your envelopes, please contact Stacey
in the church office (754-4471 ext. 200) and she’ll be happy to assist you.
Our Church Calendar for the week of January 18, 2015
Opportunities to Remember Others In Prayer
Sunday: Comm. Wor.-8a; Sunday School/Bible Study/Joyful Noise-9:15a; Contemporary
Wor.-10:30a; Public School Confirmation-4:30p; Jr. High Youth Group-6p.
Monday: Moms In Prayer-7:45a;
Tuesday: Bible Study-9:30a; LWML-1:30p; Men’s Basketball-8:30p.
Wednesday: Chapel-8:10a; LifeLight: Prayer-9:30a; Handbells-5:30p; Contemp. Rehearsal6:30p; Sr. High Youth Group-6:30p; LifeLight: Romans Part 2-7p.
Thursday: Breakfast Bible Study-6:30a; Wor.-6:30p.
Saturday: Mom’s Study at Charming B’s, Milton-9a; Contemporary Comm. Wor.-6p.
Next Sunday: Wor.-8a; Sunday School/Bible Study/Joyful Noise-9:15a; Contemporary
Comm. Wor.-10:30a; Public School Confirmation-4:30p; Jr. High Youth Group-6p.
Sympathy: Our prayers are with Scott & Karen Heintzelman on the loss of Karen’s father;
Rob & Renae Frisque and family on the loss of Renae’s mother, Ginny Davis; and Scott &
Kristen Gestrich and family on the loss of Scott’s grandmother, Rose Gestrich. May our Lord
comfort all who mourn.
Pray for Us Missionary Calendar Available! You are invited to pick up the most recent
prayer calendar, showing prayer requests submitted to LCMS World Mission by our coworkers in the Lord’s Mission around the world. They are available in the back of church.
Worship Folders: If you’d like to sponsor the worship folders, simply call Stacey in the
Church Office (754-4471) to reserve your date. The cost is $50.00. Available dates are: Jan.
25; Feb. 1, 8, 15, 22; March 1, 8, 29. Thank you.
Fellowship Hall ................................... The Six Chief Doctrines of the Bible with Pastor Daniel Decker
Hospitalized: Please remember, if you want a pastor to visit you when you are hospitalized,
you or a family member or friend will have to notify the pastors or the church office directly at
754-4471 ext. 200 and let them know which hospital you are in. Thank you. At St. Mary’s-Bob
Will. Please remember him in your prayers, along with Ray Fenrick and Donna Louison who
have been released.
On Wednesday, January 21, Ione Erlien starts up her Wednesday morning Bible Study.
We meet Wednesdays at 9:30a in Fellowship Hall (the church basement). We will begin the
LifeLight study of “Prayer”. Books are available from the Church Office for $10. Everyone is
welcome---if you haven’t attended a Bible Study before, why not join us!
On Wednesday, January 14, Bob Radtke began the Wednesday evening Bible Study.
There’s still plenty of time to join in the discussion. We meet Wednesdays at 7p in the
Conference Room of School (Please note the change in location!). We will begin the LifeLight
study of “Romans Part 2”. Books are available from the Church Office for $10. Please
remember your Bibles and bring lessons one and two with you to our first class. Everyone is
welcome---if you haven’t attended a Bible Study before, and the morning time doesn’t work
for you, why not join this class!
Aarons' Hands is an informal prayer group that meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday evenings
of the month, from 2 to 3 p.m. in the School Conference room. The group lifts up in prayer the
specific requests of missionaries. Everyone is Welcome – just bring a prayerful heart.
Moms In Prayer meets Mondays from 8 to 9:30 a.m. in the Boy Scout Room of the school.
This group is not just for Moms—dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles and anyone who would
like to pray for our school, teachers, students, and staff are welcome to join! We meet every
Monday that school is in session. For more details, contact Lisa Stanton at 608-563-0203.
Opportunities to Be in God’s Word: Weekly Bible Studies
Fellowship Hall ................................................................................ Ezekiel with Pastor Daniel Decker
WEDNESDAYS AT 9:30A: BEGINS JAN. 21, 2015 ............................................................ LifeLight: Prayer
Fellowship Hall .................................................................................. with Ione Erlien (608-754-6976)
WEDNESDAYS AT 7P: ........................................................................................ LifeLight: Romans Part 2
Conference Room ............................................................................. with Bob Radtke (608-752-3963)
SECOND & FOURTH WEDNESDAYS AT 7:30P at Mocha Moments ............................... Men’sBible Study
Mocha Moments—1121 Center Ave., Janesville ..............................with Bret Rusert (608-756-0399)
Fellowship Hall ............................................. “Prophets and Kings” with Barry Wier (608-752-9330)
Back Porch Bible Study with Elizabeth Decker, 4242 Saratoga Dr, Janesville WI; (618-973-5791)
SECOND & FOURTH SATURDAYS AT 9A at Charming B’s. ......................................... Mom’s Bible Study
Charming B’s Coffee Shop—819 E High, Milton ...................... with Angie Ellefson (608-868-2415)
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
Mite Box Sunday Is the Second Sunday of Each Month
It is our opportunity to bring our mites to church
and place in the large Mite Box as we leave the sanctuary.
Superbowl Sub Orders are due by Wednesday, January 28, 2015! There is an order form
included with this week’s Opportunities. Get your sub orders in now, so you won’t have to
worry about what to have for lunch on Superbowl Sunday, February 1!
St. Paul’s National Junior Honor Society invites you to have lunch and support
Wounded Warriors Project and LCMS Disaster Relief Fund! During Lutheran School’s
Week our NJHS and local restaurants are partnering to raise funds for two groups. On
Tuesday, January 27 and Wednesday, January 28 from 10:30a to 7:75p, Italian House, 1603 E
Racine St will give St. Paul’s a portion of sales---eat in, drive thru and carry out! You must
tell them you are there for St. Paul’s for us to receive the credit. And on Wednesday,
January 28 from Noon until 4p; Mac’s Pizza Shack, 2307 Milton Ave, Janesville, will also
give us a portion of all sales---eat in, carry out and delivery. Be sure to pick up some Mac’s
Pizza Shack SCRIP and support St. Paul’s School, too! We look forward to seeing you on
Visiting Day, Wednesday, January 28 and hope that you consider joining us at Italian House
or Mac’s Pizza Shack for lunch---there is a Noon dismissal on that day!
Janesville’s P4J registration will begin Monday, February 2, 2015. P4J or “Preschool 4
Janesville” is a four year old kindergarten program initiative by the Janesville School District.
If you are looking to enroll your child into St. Paul's P4J program and would like to get on a
Potential List that we will give to JPS, please contact the school office before Wednesday, Jan.
21, 2015. Your child must be 4 years old on or before September 1, 2015, in order to enroll
into the P4J program.
JLIT---Where can I help? The 43rd Annual Janesville Lutheran Invitational [Basketball]
Tournament (JLIT) is just around the corner on February 27 thru March 1, 2015. This is a
major fundraiser for St. Paul’s. Money raised is used in all areas of the church and school, not
just athletics. Because of this, your help is greatly needed around the church and school during
the weekend. If you don’t have any children in school or even if your child is not involved in
athletics, please consider helping during the weekend. It’s a great way to meet other members
of the congregation. Please sign-up in the basement of church to help in areas such as
concessions (selling candy); Fellowship Hall (making and serving food); watching the gym
doors and hallways, helping check tickets, and much more. This can be counted toward your
family’s volunteer time. Thank you.
St. Paul’s Ev. Lutheran School Invites you to a special program: Demystifying Dyslexia.
On Monday, January 26 from 7 to 8:30p Robyn Jeffords, Dyslexia Specialist from the
Achieve More Reading Center, will present ways to help struggling readers; give information
on warning signs and how to identify if your child may be affected and provide an action plan
for parents. There is no cost for the program, and the general public is invited. We will meet in
Fellowship Hall (the church basement). If you know of any family that may benefit from this
information, please invite them! Thank you.
New “Art of Living by Faith” Class set to begin on Sunday, March 8, 2015, from 3 to 4:30p
in the school conference room. This is an adult confirmation course on the Bible-based
teachings of the Lutheran Church. If you are wishing to join St. Paul’s congregation, this is the
class for you. For more information, please contact Pastor Dan Decker at 608-754-4471 ext.
201; 608-322-5839 or ddecker@StPaulsJanesville.com.
Thank You for Saving Your Pull-Tabs for the Ronald McDonald House! We would like
to thank everyone who has been saving the pull tabs from soda, soup, pet food cans, etc. and
donating them for the Ronald McDonald house. There is a white bucket downstairs in
Fellowship Hall (the church basement) on the shelf under the wall quilt for your contributions,
so keep them coming!
LWML Meets January 20 at 1:30p in Fellowship Hall. All women of the congregation are
invited to the next meeting of Lutheran Women in Mission (LWML) as Pastor Decker leads us
in Bible Study. Our ingathering will be winter items for Wilson School (hats, mittens, etc.)
We will also be deciding on our mission grants for the coming year. Please join us.
St. Paul’s Altar Guild Meets on Wed., January 28 at 6:30p in the School Library. All
members of the congregation are invited to join us to learn more about ways you can serve
your Lord and St. Paul’s. We hope to see you there!
Wisconsin Right to Life will have a billboard next to Mac’s Pizza on Milton Ave.,
Janesville, starting January 12 and it will be up until March 8, 2015. Please pray that this ad
will help those who are contemplating abortion and also aid those who have had abortions in
the past by their calling 800-712-HELP. It connects the caller to the local Pregnancy Helpline.
If you would like to contribute to this project, please send your donation to “Wisconsin Right
to Life”, PO Box 1386, Janesville WI 53547. Thank you!
Do you need some help as you parent your child? Do you find that some days you just want
to scream! Are the stresses and strains in your daily lives causing your time with your children
to be un-enjoyable? Let’s face it: Parenting today is NOT easy! Love & Logic© is a parenting
program that gives parents tools needed in today’s world to build strong relationships with
their children as you teach them through your love and using logical consequences. The next
Love & Logic© sessions will begin on Tuesday, February 17th at 6:30p and continue
throughout the following six weeks. This is a FREE program offered here at St. Paul’s through
our Parent-Teacher League (PTL) of our school. Sessions will be led by Elizabeth Decker in
the Science Lab (room 225). Childcare will be available. Please indicate your need for
childcare when registering. You may register by calling the School Office (754-4471 ext. 204)
or contacting Elizabeth Decker at either edecker@StPaulsJanesville.com or 618-973-5691.
Calling All Thrivent Members! If you’re a Thrivent Financial member, you can lead a
Thrivent Action Team, to bring people together for a one-time project to help others in the
community. Thrivent will provide $250 per project in seed money. (Our recent Veteran’s
Dinner and Sunday School Linus blanket project are two examples of outreach projects that
would qualify for the $250 seed money.) We are currently looking for Thrivent members
willing to partner with our mission teams to sponsor upcoming projects.. If you would be
JeffSchnell@StPaulsJanesville.com) or Stacey in the Church Office (608-754-4471 ext, 200 or
smarenda@StPaulsJanesville.com). Thank you.
Lutheran Schools Week: January 26 thru 30: Scholastic Book Fair! The fair will be open
in the hallway in front of the gym on Saturday, January 24 and Sunday, January 25, for a half
hour following each of the worship services. The fair will also be open during the week,
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday (January 26, 27 and 29) from 7:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.;
Wednesday, January 28, and Friday, January 30 from 7:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.
Tuesday, January 27, from 5 to 7p: Family Reading Night in the Library. The Book
Fair will be open. Clifford, the Big Red Dog will visit. Bring your camera if you’d like to take
pictures with him. The library will be open to read, check out books, and take Accelerated
Reading quizzes.
Wednesday, January 28: Visiting Day; All Parents, Grandparents, aunts & uncles,
friends and neighbors are invited to join us from 7:45a until Noon.
School classes are open to all children ages two years through 8th grade. (Two and three year
old students must have a parent with them). We meet in the school gym for opening and then
head down to our classrooms to meet our teachers.
SUNDAYS AT 9:15A: Jr. High Grapple for 7th & 8th Grade Students! Come grapple with
the real questions you’re asking – join us for Grapple each Sunday from 9:15am-10:15am. It’s
NOT Sunday school – it’s so much more. You don’t want to miss the fun! Contact Heather or
Mike Sullivan at (608) 758-4526 for more info.
ECHO News:
 Bi-Weekly ECHO Count:
312 + 45
 ECHO Needs: Pork N Beans; Peanut Butter & Jelly; Soups and Crackers; Mac N
Cheese; Spaghetti noodles and sauce; Spaghetti O’s; canned meats; deodorant;
toothbrushes and toothpaste; dry laundry soap; toilet paper; diapers (sizes 4 to 6) and
shampoo. Bring your gifts with you to worship and place them in the barrels marked
“ECHO” that you find in the back of church (the Narthex) or in Fellowship Hall (the
church basement).
Junior High (grades 6-8) Youth Nights will be Sundays from 6 to 7:30p
Senior High (grades 9-12) Youth Nights will be Wednesdays from 6:30 to 7:30p
Our Youth Group is Open to ALL students in 6th to 12th grades. Friends are welcome, too!
Sun., Jan. 18 from 6 to 7:30p: Jr. High Youth meeting in Youth Room.
Wed., Jan. 21 from 6:30 to 7:30p: Sr. High Youth meeting in Youth Room.
Sun., Jan. 25 from 6 to 7:30p: Jr. High Youth meeting in Youth Room.
Wed., Jan. 28 from 6:30 to 7:30p: Sr. High Youth meeting in Youth Room.
Saturday, January 31 at 10a: Superbowl Sub Assembly in Fellowship Hall (the church
Sun., Feb. 1 from 6 to 7:30p: Jr. High Youth meeting in Youth Room.
Wed., Feb. 4 from 6:30 to 7:30p: Sr. High Youth meeting in Youth Room.
Opportunities to Support St. Paul’s Church & School:
By Purchasing and Using SCRIP for all of your shopping needs! SCRIP certificates and
cards give 3 times. . . full value to you (or the recipient of your choice) PLUS a rebate of 2%25% of that amount to our school! And we’ll give back part of the rebate to you to reduce your
tuition, to help St. Paul’s Budget or to add to St. Paul’s School Scholarship Fund! The choice
is yours! You can purchase SCRIP following the weekend worship services or from the school
office during regular business hours.
Market Day Gives 10% Back to Our School! Market Day is a monthly fundraiser, where
you can purchase delicious food and other items for your family and St. Paul’s School
receives 10% of what you order. Market Day helps busy families by offering easy to prepare
main dishes, side dishes, meats, desserts and more. You can place your orders online at
www.marketday.com or pick up an order form/booklet from Fellowship Hall (where the stage
used to be) or outside the school office. For more information contact Heather White at 608868-5131.
By Saving “Boxtop for Education” Labels. Next time you buy groceries, pick up some cash
for our school! Just clip “Box Tops” coupons from hundreds of participating General Mills
products and bring them to St. Paul’s (the school entryways or the container in Fellowship
Hall). We get 10¢ for each one we send to General Mills at the end of the school year.
By Saving “Labels for Education”. Save proofs of purchase (UPC codes and caps on V8
juices) from participating Campbell products and put them in the Campbell container by the
front door of school or across from Mrs. Wahrle’s room (106) or in the church Fellowship
Hall. Visit www.labelsforeducation.com for a complete list of eligible products and their point