Collaborator January 2015 - ARMA International San Antonio


Collaborator January 2015 - ARMA International San Antonio
January 2015
ARMA International San Antonio Chapter
Collaboration … people working together to solve the puzzle
Letter from the President
Changes to Free Credit Act
Congratulations to Long Term
What is My ARMA Membership
Getting to Know You
Care Bears
Educational Opportunities
Chapter Receives Award
ARMA Seminar Details
ARMA San Antonio 2014-2015
Officers and Directors
President: Clinton Wentworth, CRM
Vice President:: Cathy Drolet, CDIA+
VP – Membership: Mary Marquez
VP – Professional Development: Eric
VP – Programs: Maria Howard
Treasurer: Diana Chavarria
Secretary: Amanda Cockrell
Board Chair: Anne Kelley Directors:
Anne Comeaux, CRM
Ester Guante-Rodriguez
Tuesday January 20, 2015
* La Quinta Inn & Suites Medical Center ***
4431 Horizon Hill Blvd, San Antonio, TX
11:00 am—1:00 pm
Enterprise Information Management
Speaker: Nic Loy—BancTec
Nick Loy is currently the Document Management
Portfolio Manager, for BancTec and a Certified Information Professional (CIP). Nick is an accomplished
and experienced executive with an outstanding record
of success in Enterprise Information Management (EIM), Enterprise
Content Management (ECM), Document Management and Document
Scanning BPO Services.
Nick has been in the records and information management profession for
15 years. Prior to joining BancTec, he was President of Scan Data Imaging,
a Dallas/Fort Worth document imaging service bureau. As president of
Scan Data Imaging, Nick oversaw the conversion of over a billion images
converted from paper to an alternative medium, along with the deployment of Enterprise Content Management solutions into Fortune 500 companies.
Price: Members $25, Non-Members $30 Includes luncheon and program.
Register Online at to ensure enough food
and to double your chances to win a door prize. Those not registering may still attend but may not get the same meal.
Payments may be made online (credit card only) or at the door
(check, cash, or credit card).
*** Note the new location of this month’s meeting. La Quinta Inn
& Suites Medical Center is much closer in, very close to the old
location at Embassy Suites, on the west side of I 10 between
Callaghan and Medical Drive. See map at
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ARMA San Antonio Collaborator
From the President
Happy New Year ARMA San Antonio! This month we have our first meeting in our new location! We are meeting at the La
Quinta Inn off I-10 and Medical Dr. This month our topic is Enterprise Information Management and our speaker is Nick
Loy with BancTec. I hope you can make it to our meeting on January 20th.
I am really excited about our upcoming seminar on Friday February 20. We are co-hosting the event with the Austin ARMA
Chapter. This will be an excellent opportunity to hear from some dynamic speakers and network with RIM professionals
from San Antonio, Austin and surrounding areas. Early bird registration expires on January 31st. Register today!
Make 2015 a great year!
Clint Wentworth, CRM
President, ARMA San Antonio Chapter
Board Vacancy
Interested in serving on the ARMA International San Antonio
Board? We are looking for a new Director beginning in February.
Duties for Directors include:
1. Attending monthly ARMA Board meetings to discuss and
vote on issues affecting the chapter.
2. Volunteering, as available, for special chapter projects,
such as the golf tournament, Shred Day, or chapter audit,
and helping out at monthly meetings or other events.
For more information or to volunteer, contact Clint Wentworth at
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ARMA San Antonio Collaborator
Thank You to
For sponsoring our December luncheon.
We Appreciate Your Support!
Coming Next Month ……..
Don’t forget to register for the joint seminar with the Austin
Chapter of ARMA International in beautiful San Marcos. See
page 9 for more details.
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ARMA San Antonio Collaborator
Fair Credit Act and Proposed Changes
By Susan Rickman
I read an article not long ago about a proposed change to the Fair Credit Act that I
found interesting, especially in regards to records management. The bill was introduced to the house by Maxine Waters (D-CA) and is called the Fair Credit Reporting
Improvement Act of 2014. I can agree that there are needed changes to the way
credit reports and scores are handled, but this bill, if passed, would impact more
than just the credit report itself.
Of interest to this group, it would limit the amount of time that adverse information
could stay on a credit report. More importantly for us, it would require creditors to
retain all relevant records related to the adverse information for the period that the
adverse information remains on the credit report.
I know that on the credit scoring side of this argument, I would be happy to see some old debts disappear a little faster, but
on the records side of it, I would dread holding on to that much information for so long!
Read more on this article by clicking here!
Congratulations to Our Long Term Members!
The San Antonio ARMA Chapter Board recognized 5 members
at the December meeting that have been with ARMA International for 15+ years. They each received a $50 gift card for their
dedication to the Records Management Industry.
The recipients were:
Mary Marquez, SAWS
Ben Cantu, Valero
Amanda Cockrell, Valero
DuWayne Headrick, Semi-Retired
Larry Busbee, Cox Smith Matthews law firm
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ARMA San Antonio Collaborator
What is My ARMA
Membership Worth?
Each year as we are asked to renew our ARMA membership
we may ask ourselves – is my membership in ARMA really
worth the money I or my company is spending? The following information adapted from the ARMA International website points out the many benefits of belonging to ARMA International and your local ARMA chapter.
What can ARMA International do for you? For starters, it will help
Work Smarter, Not Harder
Check out ARMA’s online courses and web seminars for
easy, hassle-free education. Even better, attend the annual ARMA International Conference & Expo to see the
latest technology in action. Whatever you’re looking for
in professional development, ARMA International has it!
• Information Management magazine is the leading source for
learning about the information management (RIM) issues. Contributed to by top professionals and thought
leaders, it features insightful articles about the latest RIM
trends, technologies, and best practices – and it’s free to
ARMA International members only.
• ARMA International’s electronic newsletters and policy
briefs connect you to information, trending topics and education in the information management field. ARMA saves
you time and helps you stay on top of the issues affecting
the profession - all you have to do is check your inbox.
Network with Colleagues and Industry Leaders
• Identify your organization’s pain points and learn about
best practices to relieve them through face-to-face speakers at
chapter meetings and online access to the industry’s best and
brightest professionals around the world, as well talking to expert colleagues at the San Antonio chapter.
• Engage with your information management professional
colleagues with a variety of social networks, and various
professional development opportunities.
Take Your Career to the Next Level
• Are you a leader? Check out leadership opportunities at the
San Antonio chapter or ARMA International’s volunteer
openings to find out all the great ways you can get involved!
• CareerLink, ARMA’s online career search and résumé posting service keeps you on top of the latest job openings and
in front of employers to ensure a good career fit and top
compensation for your unique skill set.
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ARMA San Antonio Collaborator
Getting to Know … Maria Howard
By Susan Rickman
Meet Maria Howard! Maria will be stepping into my position on the board, and serving as the VP of Programs for ARMA International San Antonio Chapter for the remainder of the 2014-2015 year!! Maria currently works for Facility RX and has been there for
two years. Facility RX, located here in San Antonio, deals with relocation services, office furniture procurement and management,
project administration and management, furniture, fixtures, and equipment management, custom disposition programs, inventory
management, and warehousing. She was introduced to the San Antonio ARMA chapter by her employer, Vivian Holder.
Maria grew up in Houston with her sister and brother who were all three adopted! She moved to San Antonio in 1993 with her
husband of 22 years and their four dogs. She says they will soon be celebrating her husband’s 50th birthday with a great party. For
fun, Maria enjoys country music, concerts, going out to eat and watching movies.
Prior to working for Facility RX, Maria worked as an Administrative Assistant for an investment company and in sales for Wittigs.
Please welcome Maria and thank her for jumping in and helping out with our programs this year!!
Care Bears
By DuWayne Headrick
Happy New Year to all. I know it has been a while since I’ve made a written report on the Care Bear program. Unfortunately the action has been slow. Let’s hope that as Spring approaches and the weather starts to become warmer the activity
will pickup.
Thank you to all members who made a monetary donation during the last three luncheons. Yes, that is how long since I’ve
last made a written report. Your donations totaled $123.00; thank you to all that made a donation.
Since last reported I have purchased some animals at the Lackland AFB Thrift shop (54 on Oct 1st and 31 on Nov 12th), on
Nov 8th I picked up 86 animals at a garage sale and on Nov 24th a resident at the Independence Hill Assisted Living gave me
five bears. On November 24th I made a delivery of 307 animals to the SAPD Special Victims Unit.
I thank you, our ARMA San Antonio chapter members, for assisting in the way that is best for you.
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ARMA San Antonio Collaborator
Educational Opportunities
ARMA San Antonio Library
Continuing education and expanding your knowledge of Records and Information Management just got easier! Check out
the new Library page under Members Home to see an index of all of the books in our library!
Find one you like? Contact Melissa Wallis at and she will have that book ready for you!
Don't see something that you want to read? Send in your suggestions for new books for our library to and we will try to get that for you!
FRCP Changes: What RIM, IG, and E-Discovery Professionals Must Know
Free ARMA Web Seminar on the Changes to the FRCP!
The Supreme Court is expected to approve a proposed set of revisions to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP),
which should go into effect by December 2015. Are you ready for these changes? In this program, John Isaza, an expert on
IG and legal holds, will walk you through the most significant proposed changes, such as those affecting advanced early case
management; discovery proportionality intended to ease the preservation burden; and changes related to sanctions for spoliation.
You will come away with the knowledge required for developing a readiness plan that’s practical for your organization.
Facilitator: John J. Isaza, Esq.
Viewing period ends Tuesday, January 27
Registrations must be received by noon Central time on Friday, January 23
Estimated time for completion: 1 hour. ICRM Maintenance Credits pending approval.
Register now!
2015 Cybercrime Trends—Things are Going to Get Interesting
January 14, 2015. 10:00 am—12:00 pm CST. Free
In this session, IBM Security’s Senior Fraud Prevention Strategist, Etay Maor, will take you through the top stories that made waves
in 2014’s cybercrime threat environment and preview the upcoming cybercrime trends for 2015. They will look some of the biggest
(and baddest) in cybercrime innovation, showcasing specific attacks that highlight the ingenuity observed in 2014 and discuss what
we can expect in terms of PC and mobile fraud in 2015.
During this webinar you will learn about:
The latest malware attacks and evasion techniques
How organizations failed to prevent attacks in 2014
The forecast of how recent attacks will affect attacks in 2015
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ARMA San Antonio Collaborator
ARMA International has rewarded the San Antonio Chapter with the “Chapter
Membership Recruitment Award” for the 2013 – 2014 year. Congratulations to the
San Antonio Chapter!
The ARMA San Antonio
Editor: Anne Comeaux, CRM
Association newsletter
Ten issues per year, September through June
San Antonio Chapter, ARMA International
P.O. Box 18331
San Antonio TX 78218
For information on advertising in the Collaborator,
contact Cathy Drolet at
210-860-6906 or
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ARMA Austin/San Antonio Annual Seminar
Friday, February 20, 2015, from 8:30-4:30pm
San Marcos Activity Center (501 East Hopkins St, San
Marcos, TX 78666)
It’s that time of year again. Please join us for a full day of records management
education and networking with your peers and vendor partners.
We’ll start the day with two morning general sessions geared towards our entire
membership whether you’re new to the industry or a 20-year veteran.
In the afternoon two tracks will be provided; “Track 1” is designed for those
getting started with their company’s RIM program, while “Track 2” may appeal to
those who have support needs for an established program. While we’ve organized multiple tracks, anyone if they
prefer can attend one session from one track and a second from the other. You will likely find valuable
information from all offered afternoon sessions.
Great Sessions and Speakers!
Morning General Session #1:
“2014 Industry Benchmarking Survey: Turning Insights into Action”
Speaker – Sue Trombley, Managing Director, Consulting Services – Iron Mountain
We all like to see how our programs are performing as compared to others and as such, surveys like the
2013|2014 Information Governance (IG) Benchmark report are very popular with industry association audiences.
RIM professionals need to interpret these survey findings in terms of what can be done to advocate change in our
organizations which leads to a functional IG program. This session will highlight many of the findings from the
Report and address ways to “take action” immediately.
Morning General Session #2:
“Panel Discussion – “IT and Records Management Can This Marriage Be Saved?”
Moderator – Sue Trombley, Managing Director, Consulting Services – Iron Mountain
Panelists - Bob Guz (City of Austin), Mike Sturm (City of San Marcos), Eric Sedwick (Frost Bank)
This lively panel discussion will focus on the often difficult but extremely important relationship between
members of the IT establishment and those from Records Management. Especially with the explosion of
electronic records as part of a company’s daily legal, compliance, and business activities, the need for Records
Management personnel to work well and often with IT administrators is critical.
Great Vendor Sponsor Support!
Access Sciences, Advanced Discovery, Balcones Resources, FacilityRX, Gimmal, IBM, Image API, Iron Mountain,
MCCI, OpenText, Pacotech, Safesite, Southwest Solutions, Stars and TAB
(Vendor listing is tentative)
Afternoon Sessions
Track 1
Track 2
“Presenting RIM to the Executive Team”
Speaker – Anna Stratton, Director –
Southwest Solutions Group
Whether your desire is to ask for a raise or an increase
in your departmental budget, building a case to present
to your executive team requires a systematic approach
and an understanding of your audience. This seminar
is designed to prepare you for developing a business
case by utilizing strategic tools.
"Keeping everything: how much, how long, and, well,
Speaker – Patricia Kay Galloway, Professor,
Archival Enterprise and Digital Asset
Management, School of Information,
University of Texas - Austin
In this session, we’ll discuss the challenges and
solutions for long-term digital preservation of records
to meet regulatory and compliance requirements, take
advantage of big data analytics opportunities, and to
document our cultural legacy.
“Managing Change to Drive RIM Program Success”
Speaker – Karen Strong, Managing Director
Change Management Practice Lead - Gimmal
Change management addresses the ‘people side’ of
change in order to realize the desired benefits from
changes made to processes, systems/tools, job roles,
and organizational structures that impact daily work
behaviors. According to research, without change
management your chances of success can drop by
“Setting the Stage for Automatic Disposition”
Speaker – Susan Cisco, Director - Gimmal
Technology has been available for some time to
support and automate the disposition process. Yet the
2013 | 2014 Information Governance Benchmarking
Survey by Cohasset Associates, ARMA International,
and AIIM confirms that only 9% of respondents have
their content and document management solutions set
up for automated disposition of records. This session,
including recent case studies, will identify key barriers
to automatic disposition and how to address them.
Great Food, Friends, and Finds
Along with lots of RM learning, breakfast, snacks, and lunch will be provided to
satisfy your appetites.
For those professionals who need CRM and/or IGP credit hours, we’re working
on pre-approval and expect to have approximately 5 hours available.
With the seminar being held on a Friday and so close to the outlet mall, some of you may even take the
opportunity to do a little shopping and dining before heading back north or south on I35.
Thank You, and We Look Forward to Seeing Many of You at the Seminar
To register and pay for the event, please go online to and click on Events/Calendar
from our menu. From there, you should see the area with a registration button and further instructions.
$99 Early Bird Rate – Any time before February 1, 2015 Online
$119 Standard Rate – February 1 thru February 20, 2015 Online or at the Door
For any questions, please contact Eric Sedwick, VP of Professional Development for ARMA San Antonio, at