View the latest parish newsletter


View the latest parish newsletter
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham
Registered Charity No 234216
Latest on Church Repairs
Stage 2. The re-lining of the guttering is completed. Pointing will be
done before the scaffolding comes down.
John the Evangelist & St Martin de Porres
31 George Street, Balsall Heath, Birmingham B12 9RG
0121 440 3025
Youth Appeal
Parish Priest:
Monday January 19th 2015
Don Bosco House, Coventry Rd. Coleshill B463EA
Jan 2015
Sat 17
Mass Time
We are looking for parishioners with a heart for young people who have
a passion to help us develop youth ministry in the Archdiocese of
Birmingham! We are looking to appoint Development Workers in
Staffordshire and Oxfordshire! Plus a Programme Director and
Programme Leader for Alton Castle. These are paid employment
If you are looking for; a new challenge, the chance to work with a
creative, faith filled team with flexible working hours, then please come
along to one of our open evenings to find out more!! Come along for 30
minutes between 6pm - 8pm on either;
Fr Dominic Innamorati SCJ
Michael McKearney
Readings Cycle
Sun B. Weekdays 2.
Second Sunday of the Year
10.00 St Anthony
Sun 18
10.00 Second Sunday of the Year
Irene Donahue
Mon 19
St Wulstan
Triona Joyce.
Tue 20
Feria at St Martins
John Cocoran.
Wed 21
St Agnes
John Corcoran.
Thu 22
Feria at Ss John and Monica
Una Bolger.
Fri 23
Special Intention
Sat 24
Sun 25
10.00 St Fancis de Sales
10.00 Third Sunday of the Year
Joseph Sierla
Saturday 10.15-10.30 & by request
Please pray for those who are sick:, Majella McAtavey, Harry Walkley, Pat
Flaherty, Paul Keene, Sr Stella, Lynn Callaghan, Brian Reaney. Bridget Graham. David
Please pray for those whose anniversaries occur at this time: .....
Peter Lynch. Winifred Wheatley. Patrick Graham. Hughie heavey. Kate Gatesby. Mrs
Kraska. Ellen Farrell. Thomas Rodgers. Winifred Shaler. Fr Clement Burrett. Patrick Horny.
Freda King. Nnicholas O’Brien. Catherine Jones. Barbra Stewart. Charles Hamill. Timothy
Finnegan. Clive Green. Thomas McTern. Nancy Briggs. Geoffrey Moorey.
Love your neighbour as yourself
Please take this newsletter home to read
You are invited to refreshments in the Hall after the Sunday Mass
Journey in Faith on 7.00pm Wed. in the Presbytery.
Subject;Sacrament of Reconciliation
Our Lady's Society: We would like to thank everyone who supported
our Christmas Brunch. We made over £200 for our Pilgrimage Fund
for sick people to go to Lourdes. This is not possible without your
generous help and it really makes it worthwhile.
We look forward to seeing you all at our next Brunch on Sunday,
25th. January.
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins
. We shall be having a preacher from the Wesleyan
Holiness Church. We welcome Pastor James Richards.
Our Deacon, Mick McKearney, will be preaching at St
Pauls. Please remember this Octave in your prayers for
Christians to work together. It ends on 25th January the
feast of the Conversion of St Paul.
Christian Unity
The Lord prayed before he died for
unity among his followers. We must
do all we can to bring this about.
In Balsall Heath there has been an
active group of Christians from
Churches Together for very many
years. Our unity is seen in a number
of projects such as the ongoing work of Anawim reclaiming women
from the streets and helping their children who are at risk. Other
works are Christian Aid collections, united carol singing outside Lidl’s,
the Lenten meetings at St Paul’s Centre, a procession on Good
Friday carrying the Cross. This week Mick McKearney is preaching
at St Paul’s. Also Ministers meet monthly for prayers and planning
usually in our presbytery.
We also belong to Churches Together in Moseley where our
representative is Simon Poole. This group is not so active as Balsall
Heath. They send out Christmas cards from the Churches to houses
in Moseley.
As a result of our efforts and achievements towards Christian Unity.
We have been able to form an interfaith groups in Moseley. This
would have been unheard of 20 years ago. No doubt it is an answer
to prayer from prayers for Christian Unity. Fr Dominic who attends
these meetings when he can would like to see more people
representing our Parish in Churches Together and in Interfaith. See
him if you can help.
The importance of Christians working and acting together cannot be
over-estimated in bearing witness to Jesus Christ and his values in
this secular world and especially in this area.
Please take this newsletter home to read
You are invited to refreshments in the Hall after the Sunday Mass