to view the current Our Lady Of Lourdes Bulletin


to view the current Our Lady Of Lourdes Bulletin
Baulkham Hills Parish
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
1 Canyon Rd Baulkham Hills NSW 2153
02 9639 8385 ! !
Year B
Our Lady of Lourdes Church
1 Canyon Rd,
Baulkham Hills
Saturday Vigil 6.00pm
Sunday 9.30am
Korean 7.30pm Vigil/11.00am
St Michael’s Church
Chapel Lane
Baulkham Hills
Saturday Vigil 5.30pm EST
Sunday 8.00am, 10.00am, 6.00pm
Weekday Masses
Tuesday - Friday 9.15am
Adoration of Blessed Eucharist
Friday 8.30am
Prior to 9.15am Mass
1st Friday
Mass of Blessing of the Sick
Saturday 5.30pm
By Appointment
4th Saturday of the month 11.15am
Our Lady of Lourdes Office
Tuesday - Friday
9.30am - 4.30pm
Parish Priest
Fr. Michael O’Callaghan
Assistant Priest
Fr. Giovani Presiga
Pastoral Worker
Br Peter Higgins
Parish Secretary
Louise Ryall
Our Lady of Lourdes Primary
Mr. Steven Haskins
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
18th January 2015
Today’s first reading from the Book of Samuel
and the gospel from John give us stories about
how some of our ancestors in faith made lifechanging decisions in their pursuit of the holy, in
their search for God.
One of the central figures of today’s first reading
is Eli, a Mesopotamian and descendant of
Abraham. The youngster in the story is Samuel,
who became one of the great prophets of Israel. Eli was a man of God. In
fact, he was the high priest. However, he carried the burden of being a
“failed parent” because his two sons had turned out to be a real
embarrassment to him: “Eli’s two sons were scoundrels. They had no
regard for the Lord” (1 Samuel 2, 12). Countless parents down the years
have had to carry hurts similar to Eli’s. One of the disappointments carried
by parents and teachers is that the young people they have nurtured and
encouraged often choose lifestyles devoid of faith, religion and traditional
family values.
Old Eli was unable to open the minds and hearts of his own sons, yet he
was the instrument of God in Samuel’s life, guiding him to listen to God’s
invitation. That’s the message of hope in today’s first reading. Despite
disappointments and failures in our efforts to nurture those closest to us,
there are still opportunities for us to bring to others the wisdom and care that
have grown out of our past experience. All of us who have failed in one way
or another can grow into wounded healers for others.
While today’s gospel is an account of how Jesus came to invite the first of
his disciples, it is also a reminder to us that all around we will come across
people who are searching for meaning in their lives. Some will describe
themselves as searching for God or for a spirituality that satisfies. Others
will speak of being fed up with the rat race or the competition at the “big end
of town” or the corruption and absence of ethics they have encountered in
their employers. The gospel writer depicts the future disciples of Jesus as
men on the lookout. Clearly, they have not yet been able to articulate just
what it is they are seeking. All they can say to Jesus when he confronts
them is a very naïve: “Where do you live?” I suspect we would be flattering
them to suggest they were asking Jesus about the source of his life, energy
and inspiration; if they were asking him: “What is it that gives you life,
purpose and meaning?” Yet, they needed someone who would help them
to galvanise their talents and show them how to focus their energy, desire
and dedication. Providentially, they ran into Jesus, who invited them to
come and experience the fire and enthusiasm that gave meaning and
direction to his life. Their simple question led them to discover much more
than they had anticipated.
I suspect that we’ve all, at some time or another, encountered people who
were searching, simply because their current occupation and lifestyle were
not bringing them deep satisfaction. Maybe we have been reluctant to
reveal to them something of our deeper, richer selves, believing that we may
not have had much to offer. Yet it may well be that there would be life for
both them and us were we courageous enough to invite them into our lives
with a “Come and see”.
There will surely be times in our lives when we will be required to step up to
assist others in their searching. Will we be able and willing for the task?
Adapted from Julian McDonald CFC. AO
Today’s Mass
Entrance Antiphon
1st Reading
Responsorial Psalm
Gospel Acclamation
Communion Antiphon
Next Week’s Readings
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
All the earth shall bow down before you, O God,
and shall sing to you, shall sing to your name, O Most High!
1Sam 3:3-10,19
2nd Reading 1Cor 6:13-15, 17-20
Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will.
John 1:35-42
Alleluia, alleluia!
We have found the Messiah:
Jesus Christ, who brings us truth and grace. Alleluia!
We have come to know and to believe
in the love that God has for us.
1st Reading: Johan 3:1-5,10
2nd Reading :
1 Cor 7:29-31
Mark 1:14-20
Liturgical Ministry Roster
17th/18th January
24th/25th January
Reader 1
6pm Saturday
Ken Sinclair
Michael Lim
Zelda Booth
Tony Bracken
John Cavaleri
Maureen Steele
6pm Saturday
Phil Lawrence
Michael Lim
Mark Compton
Reader 2
Fiona Mildren
Special Ministers
Grace Yee
Madeline Leslie
Christine Coxall
L Stevenson,
A Procajlo (A)
M Menasse, P Koff
Group 8
Helen Thomas
Aileen Sinclair
Madeline Leslie
Ken Sinclair
Andrew Barnhill
Carolyn Neaves
Ross Patane
Angela Pigott
Cheryl Luther
Claire Vella
Group 1
If you are unable to minister on your Rostered Day please arrange a replacement, particularly for Aminya
Liturgical Ministry Formation Courses
February - May 2015
IFM is currently taking enrolments for its February 2015 Liturgical Ministry Formation Courses.
This course will begin in February 2015 and will be offered at 2 venues:
Venue 1:
Institute For Mission 1 - 5 Marion Street Blacktown
Monday Evenings 7.00pm - 9.00pm.
Venue 2:
Corpus Christi Parish 86-92 Andromeda Drive Cranebrook
Wednesday Evenings 7.00pm - 9.00pm
There is no cost for these courses.
Understanding Liturgical Ministries
(Everyone to attend)
Ministry of the Word
Extraordinary Minister of Communion
Communion to the Sick & Dying
Senoir Servers & Acolytes
" 23rd February & 2nd March
" 25th February & 4th March
9th March & 16th March
23rd March & 20th April
27th April
4th May
4th May & 11th May
11th March & 18th March
25th March & 22nd April
29th April
6th May
6th May & 13th May
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Prayer Requests
Recently Deceased: Colleen Rabu,
Diana Ball
Anniversary: Gerald Emmett
Deceased: Anthony Bertus, Joseph
Borg, Salvinia Borg, Christine
Mammoliti, Tony Borg.
Please pray for our sick relatives
John Shiel, Ron Ross, Pat McManus, Olivia Carli, Ron
Cross, Dianne Burke, Michelle Clapham, Rosemary
Quinn, Helen Kingsley, Mary Kirby, Lyn Newson, Br.
Joseph Byrne, Sr Bridie O’Connell, Shaun Hegarty,
Alana Reid, John Walker, Stella D’Costa, Neil Smith,
Peter Pang, Holly Burns, Evan Garcia, Brian Roche,
Peggy Hayes, Marjorie Rutledge, Warren Moses,
Carmel Willis, Stella Kitchen, Mary Kingston,
Matthew Burke, Susan Moses, Zena Wong, Sally
Vigours, Shirley Falconer, Julie Bracks,
Edward Beaini, Shane Feneley, Richard Meagher.
Adoration of the Blessed Eucharist
Adoration of the Blessed Eucharist takes
place at Our Lady of Lourdes Church each
Friday morning commencing at 8.30a.m,
prior to 9.15am Mass.
Appointment of Administrator to
Baulkham Hills Parish
Please see the following announcement which was
issued by the Diocese of Parramatta earlier this week:
“As a result of the appointment of Father Michael
O’Callaghan as Administrator of Our Lady of the Way,
Emu Plains by Bishop Anthony Fisher OP prior to his
departure to the Archdiocese of Sydney, the following
appointment will take effect form 1 February 2015:
Reverend Father Wim Hoekstra – Administrator,
St Michael’s Parish Baulkham Hills.”
Very Reverend Father Peter Wiliams
Diocesan Administrator
“Thank you”
On behalf of the Community of Our Lady of Lourdes
we take this opportunity to say a very
sincere “Thank you” to Fr. Mick for your
guidance and support over the last 12
months. Your wisdom and pastoral care
as the humble shepherd of our worshipping community
has given us much needed comfort in a time of need.
Sometimes words don’t seem to express the gratitude
we feel and this is one of those occasions. We don’t say
“goodbye” but “au revoir” as Fr Mick, you will always
be most welcome at Our Lady of Lourdes. The
community of Our Lady of Lourdes offers you its
prayerful support and best wishes in your new home of
Emu Plains and ask that God, through His gentle,
loving kindness will bless him with happiness and good
health into the future. Take care, Fr. Mick.
Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Church
Due to the fact that Fr. Wim Hoekstra will not take up
his appointment as Parish Administrator of the Parish of
Baulkham Hills until early February, Fr. Giovani will
be by himself to celebrate weekday Mass in both
churches during this time.
Unfortunately, WEEKDAY MASS NOT be celebrated
at Our Lady of Lourdes Church during this time.
Communion Services will be conducted at Our Lady of
Lourdes from Tuesday ~ Friday at 9.15am.
celebrated at Our Lady of Lourdes Church until early
Mass at St Michael’s Church
Fr. Giovani will celebrate weekday Masses at St.
Michael’s Church at 9.15am from Monday – Friday
until Fr. Wim Hoekstra takes up his appointment as
Parish Administrator in early February.
OLOL Primary School 2015 Return
For your information OLOL Primary school will
resume on the following dates.
Staff of OLOL Primary School will return from
the summer break on Tuesday 27th January.
Students will return from the summer break on
Thursday 29th January.
Liturgy Meeting
The Liturgy Committee comes together on a regular
basis to plan and prepare for the significant liturgies
celebrated at Our Lady of Lourdes and also to discus
ways to enhance our regular liturgies. The committee
will meet in the Parish Centre this Thursday 22nd
January at 7.30pm. If you have any ideas that you
think would enhance our liturgies, you are very
welcome to come along and share them with the liturgy
group or email them to the Parish Office
All suggestions and new ideas are always very
welcome. It would be really wonderful to have someone
from each ministry represented at this meeting.
Pastoral Council Meeting
The Pastoral Council is scheduled to meet in the Parish
Centre on Thursday 29th January at 7.30pm. If you have
any ideas that you think would add to the life of our
community please share them by sending them in writing
addressed to the Pastoral Council, c/o OLOL Office, email or you may wish to speak to a
member of the council whose particulars are in the board
at the back of the church.
Prayers & Sympathy
We offer our prayers and sympathy to Ann
Odello whose sister, Colleen, passed away
earlier this week.
Please keep Ann, Angelo and their family in
your prayers at this sad time.
Brother Peter ~ Pastoral Work
For the past twelve years, Br Peter, a member of the
Patrician Brothers, has worked tirelessly in the Parish
visiting those who are housebound through age or
illness and also residents in Aminya Nursing Home and
The Willows Retirement Village.
Thinking about becoming a Catholic?
If you know of someone who would appreciate a
pastoral visit from Brother Peter please contact Our
Lady of Lourdes Office on 9639 8385.
What does it mean to be a Catholic?
Are you interested in learning more about the
Catholic Church?
Do you have friends who are questioning what being a
Catholic is all about?
RCIA is the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults and
is the process by which the Catholic Church welcomes
people into the faith. This journey invites adults to
discover the richness of Catholic faith and their place in
it. If you are interested in learning about the Catholic
Faith and what we believe, then this may be the
program for you.
The Parish of Baulkham Hills
(St Michael’s and Our Lady of Lourdes Churches)
World Day of the Sick Celebration
For more information please contact:
Our Lady of Lourdes Office 9639 8385
St Michael’s Parish Office 9639 0598
Catechists Needed!
Catechists are needed to provide Special Religious
Education to children in State Schools. Classes are on
Wednesdays at Baulkham Hills North Public School.
Catechist’s Training Courses for teaching Special
Religious Education commences soon. This is
wonderful ministry to be involved in if you have a few
hours a week. Contact Madeline Leslie 9639 8998 or
0429 008 998.
Counsellor / Psychotherapist
Philippa Ford generously offers her services to the
parishioners and to the family and friends of parishioners
of Our Lady of Lourdes, Baulkham Hills South. If you or
someone close to you is struggling with issues around
grief and loss, anxiety, depression, relationships or mental
health and related issues please contact Philippa on 0418
663 325 to make an appointment. Sessions are strictly
BCHC / Member CAPA
Petite Pupils Playgroup
Petite Pupils Playgroup for children 0-5
years. The group meets every Tuesday
from during school terms 9.00 am –
11.00 am in the Parish Hall (down the
driveway and under the church).
New members are always welcomed.
Contact Angie Lee on 0421 340 539
St John Paul II instituted the World Day of the Sick
celebrations on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. Our
Diocese will celebrate World Day of the Sick with a
Healing Mass in Blacktown on 11 February. The priests
of the Diocese have been invited to help with the
anointing and it is expected that many sick and frailaged will be present, supported by relatives and nursing
staff. It is expected that many people from the healing
professions will be present, doctors, nurses, ancillary
and administrative staff from our major hospitals and
nursing homes will attend.
Date: Wednesday 11 February 2015
Time: 7.00pm.
Where: St Patrick’s Church,
51-59 Allawah Street, Blacktown.
Monsignor John Boyle, the priest coordinator for diocesan health matters
02 9634 2622
Seeking Mentors: Do you want to give
something back to your community?
Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta is seeking
volunteer mentors who would like to give something
back to their community and host secondary students in
the workplace. The mentor hosts the student in the
workplace one day per week for two school terms (May
to September, excluding school holidays).
All mentors are offered free TAFE mentor training and
receive a TAFE Certificate of Attainment, ‘Mentoring
in the Community’. Mentors can be from any industry,
an individual in any trade area: clerical and
administration, hairdressing and beauty or a large
company. Contact: Leoni Jeavons-Fellows –
Coordinator Post School Options 0424 750 583.
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