January 2015 Mount Vernon Council #5998 Knights


January 2015 Mount Vernon Council #5998 Knights
January 2015
Mount Vernon Council #5998
Knights of Columbus
Outstanding Newsletter 2013 - 2014
Upcoming Events:
42nd Annual March for
Thursday January 22,
Council Meetings - First and Third Thursday of the Month
8592 Richmond Highway - Alexandria, VA 22309
Telephone: 703-360-1964
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
KC Quote January 2015 Page 2
Calendar of Events
Table of Contents
02 Table of Contents
02 Calendar of Events
03 Mount Vernon Council Directory
04 Mount Vernon KofC Club, Inc.
05 January Birthdays
05 Prayer List
06 Grand Knight’s Message
07 4th Degree Message
08-09 BINGO An Urgent Message
10 Charity Designation Form
11 Ladies Corner
13 Pro-Life
14 MaryAnn Dunn
15 Thank You's
16 January 15th Social meeting
17 From the Financial Secretary
17 Potomac Assembly 2204
18 Knight & Family of the Month
19 Upcoming and Other Area Council
20 Roundtable Pancake Breakfasts
21 New Year’s Day BINGO
22 March for Life
23 Super Bowl 2015
24 Nominations for Outstanding Young
Man and Outstanding Young Woman of
the Year
25 Father Bader Scholarship Program
26 KCIC Report
28 KOVAR and Amazon Smile
29 KOVAR Dinner & Silent Auction
30-31 Thanksgiving Meal Distributions
32-33 Children Nativity Party
34 Stan Bonta's Message
35 Monthly Calendar
January 2015
New Year’s Day Bingo
Patriotic Rosary 11A
Officer’s Meeting (6.45P);
Rosary (7.40P);
Business Meeting (8P)
11 Sunday
St Louis Pancake Breakfast
Social 6.30P; “Behold the
Face of God" presentation
17 Sat
VA State Meeting
18 Sunday
GS Pancake Breakfast
22 Thursday
Right to Life March
February 2015
1 Sunday
Super Bowl Party 6.30PM
Officer’s Meeting (6.45P);
Rosary (7.40P);
5 Thursday
Business Meeting (8P)
15 Thursday
Patriotic Rosary 11A
St Louis Pancake Breakfast
15 Sunday
GS Pancake Breakfast
18 Wednesday
Ash Wednesday
19 Thursday
24 Tuesday
24 Tuesday
28 Saturday
Social 6.30P; KOVAR and
the 2015 Campaign
District Deputy Meeting
Second Degree Exemplification (7.30P)
State Meeting
The deadline for accepting articles and
photos for the February 2015 KC Quote will
be Tuesday, January 20, 2014. Articles
received after that time, if still applicable, will
appear in the March 2015 KC Quote.
The KC Quote is published as a periodical, once a month, 12 times a year. It is published solely as a
newsletter for the benefit of the members, their families, and friends of
Mount Vernon Council #5998, Knights of Columbus.
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
KC Quote January 2015 Page 3
Council Directory
Grand Knight
SK GK PGK Michael J Murphy 703-751-5452
Deputy Grand Knight
SK Robert T Reynolds
SK PFN Lee Wallis
Financial Secretary
SK FDD PFN PGK Paul Townsend 703-619-9796
SK John Michals
SK Robert K Reynolds
Tim McCauley
John J. Daly
SK Jim “Bones” Bona
Outside Guard
SK Kerry McCabe
Inside Guard
SK Joey McCracken
3 Year - SK PGK Peter J. Butler
2 Year - SK PFN PGK Herbert Ray Duff
1 Year - SK PFN PGK Tom Fahey
Insurance Field Agent
Stan Bonta
Program Director
SK Robert T Reynolds
Church Director
Good Shepherd Roundtable
SK John Michals
St. Louis Roundtable
SK Kerry McCabe
Community Director
SK Dan Rinzel
Council Director
SK PFN PGK Thomas Fahey
Youth Director
SK Kerry McCabe
SK Richard Hayden
SK PFN Lee Wallis
SK PFN Lee Wallis
Publication& Public Relations
KC Quote SK PFN PGK Rich Risdon
Webmaster SK FDD PFN PGK Jim McCracken 703-960-4546
SK Jim “Bones” Bona
SK John Karpovich
Soccer SK Kerry McCabe
Tim McCauley
1st Degree Team Captain
John J. Daly
Membership Director
SK PFN PGK Herbert Ray Duff
Snack Bar Manager
Bob Botto
1st to 3rd Committee
SK Robert T Reynolds
Memorials Director
SK PGK Peter J. Butler
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
KC Quote January 2015 Page 4
Mount Vernon K of C Club, Inc.
Officers & Directors
SK GK Mike Murphy
SK Dan Rinzel
SK PFN Cliff Conway
SK Robert T Reynolds
SK Tim McCauley
SK PFN PGK Jim McCracken
Richard Hayden
SK Jay Landreth
Mark Busse
SK Carl Eifert
Eve Dellett
Phone: 703-360-1964 Ext 1
FAX: 703-360-2457
E-mail: mvkcclub@vacoxmail.com
Business Hours: 9 AM - 5 PM, Wed - Fri
Committee Chairmen
SK PGK Peter Butler
SK Larry Dietrick
SK PFN PGK Jim McCracken 703-960-4546
Richard Hayden
SK PFN Cliff Conway
SK Joseph (Joe) Selby
SK PGK Ernest Graves
SK Lee Wallis
Mark Busse
SK Jim Bona
SK Carl Eifert
SK Kerry McCabe
SK Michael Guignard
Mary Katherine Tyler
(Cell) 571-233-9855
Prayer for the Canonization of Venerable Servant of God Father Michael J. McGivney
God, our Father, protector of the poor and defender of the widow and
orphan, you called your priest, Father Michael J. McGivney, to be an
apostle of Christian family life and to lead the young to the generous
service of their neighbor. Through the example of his life and virtue may
we follow your Son, Jesus Christ, more closely, fulfilling his
commandment of charity and building up his Body which is the Church.
Let the inspiration of your servant prompt us to greater confidence in
your love so that we may continue his work of caring for the needy and
the outcast. We humbly ask that you glorify your servant Father Michael
J. McGivney on earth according to the design of your holy will. Through
his intercession, grant the favor I now present (here make your request).
Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Fr. Michael J. McGivney
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
On Behalf of Council 5998,
To Those Who Were Born in January
Francis P Donnelly
Dr Alex Yadao
Michael Matthew Owens
Clifford C Gates
Ernest E Graves
John Masse
Charles J Terio
Brian C Mccormack
Salvatore J Leone
Richard W Fecher
Wilson A Del Aguila
Stephen D Piscitelli
Benedicto L Agoo
Kevin R Moran
Arnold W Bennett
Martin F Fadden
Jay B Landreth
David E Burk
Edward M Winiarski
James M Batchelder
John N Lawless Jr
Brian J Nienaber
Francis J Socko
Peter R Millikin
Geoffrey J Anderson
Frank J Donchatz
Paul L Delaney III
Christopher J Mccormack
Patrick M O Brien
Warren H Fowler
Paul R Kayanan
James R Harris
Terrence J Riley
William B Burke
Christopher J O Connor
Eugene P Maggioncalda
KC Quote January 2015 Page 5
Prayer List
The following Brothers, relatives and close friends
are in need of your prayers. Please pray for them and
the other personal intentions of our Brother Knights.
To be placed on the Prayer List, please contact the
editor of the KC Quote, SK PGK PFN Richard Risdon
at Richard.Risdon@comcast.net.
Repose of the soul of MaryAnn Dunn, Wife
of SK PFN PGK Jim Dunn
Edward Winiarski
Renee Duff— Wife of PFN PGK Ray Duff
Ed Winiarski— Dad of Mike Winiarski
James Riddenour
Pat Fahey—wife of SK PFN PGK Tom Fahey
SK Jim "Bones" Bona
John Karpovich
Stan Bonta
Richard D. Ferrante
Charles Baumgardner - son-in-law of
Keith Kettell
Fr Wayne Knoll
Decan Declay
Christine Nelson
Richard Koslow
Maureen Schreiner, wife of
Ray Schreiner
SK Jay Landreth
George Simms, Honorary Life Member
SK PFN PGK Richard (Dick) Bowman
Lois Bowman- wife of
SK PFN PGK Richard (Dick) Bowman
SK PGK Don Rogan
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
KC Quote January 2015 Page 6
Grand Knight’s Message
SK GK Michael J (Mike) Murphy
Grand Knight
In December, I had the privilege of attending MaryAnn Dunn’s funeral Mass. The wife of SK PFN PGK Jim
Dunn, she still brings back memories when we worked as a team selling Instant Bingo’s (pull tabs) on
Friday nights. She was always entertaining to both customers and volunteers alike. I indeed looked
forward to working with her—she always kept her cool, regardless of how chaotic things got on the other
side of the counter. She taught me a lot about the ‘BINGO business’ for which I’ll always be grateful.
Her recent death (I do not know the cause) reminds me of a Notable & Quotable section of the Wall Street
Journal that I had clipped out years ago, and have kept to this day. In an article he wrote for The Jewish
World Review in 2005, Tony Snow, the 26th White House Press Secretary under President George W.
Bush, had been diagnosed with colon cancer. After a successful fight, the cancer came back in 2007 and
he died from the disease, leaving behind his wife of 20 years and three children. He was a Roman Catholic.
Here is an excerpt from that article:
The art of being sick is not the same as the art of getting well. Some cancer patients recover; some don't.
But the ordeal of facing your mortality and feeling your frailty sharpens your perspective about life. You
appreciate little things more ferociously. You grasp the mystical power of love. You feel the gravitational pull
of faith. And you realize you have received a unique gift — a field of vision others don't have about the
power of hope and the limits of fear; a firm set of convictions about what really matters and what does not.
You also feel obliged to share these insights — the most important of which is this: There are things far
worse than illness — for instance, soullessness.
This passage truly resonates with me. His references to sharpening one’s perspective about life and what
really matters hits home; and, that unique gift. My father, who also had colon cancer, joined me on my
recent hunting venture back in the October-November timeframe. While he will always deal with the effects
of his colon surgery, it was a thrill to be able to once again spend time with him. He constantly reminded
me about how great it was to get back out to duck and pheasant hunt. He also reminded me that he was
the last of the ‘old guard’ as his hunting buddies of ages past are now gone. My dad is in touch with his
mortality, and I think that’s a healthy thing. I believe Tony Snow also had it right. Both men display the
power of hope and the limits of fear; what really matters and what does not.
The council is blessed to have SK PGK Peter Butler serving as our Memorials Director. In the past, he
would ‘gently’ remind me of my obligations to the sick and dying of our council. Recognizing that I needed
some help, he stepped up and took on the duties, and he has done so with grace. We are blessed to have
him in our council.
For me, what matters is the soulfulness of this council. We have many things to accomplish, yet we must
also not lose perspective of those around us. We are here for our community and for each other. May we
always remember the many blessings God Almighty has bestowed upon each and every one of us.
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
KC Quote January 2015 Page 7
4th Degree Navigator's Message
SK FN John Karpovich
Faithful Navigator
Potomac Assembly 2204
To All SK's of 2204,
Monday, January 12th at 7:30 PM: Business Meeting & Renewal of Obligations at 7:30;
PM at the Mount Vernon Council
For SK Members only. Wives and non-member guests may wait in the lounge while the Renewal of Obligation Ceremony takes place.
This is an important ceremony for all members. I do want to emphasize ALL! Uniform of the
day will be tuxedo and social baldric with name tag (for those who ordered new name tags, I will
have them available. Since this ceremony starts at 7:30, SKs should "muster" at 6:45 to get
badges and go over the ceremony. There will be a social afterwards in the lounge. We will
have a brief business meeting after the ceremony. I will contact my Faithful Captain to arrange
food and beverages.
Thanks John Karpovich j.karpovich@verizon.net
Ordination of Permanent Deacons of the Diocese of Arlington on January17 11:00
An honor guard has been requested for the Ordination of Permanent Deacons of the Diocese of
Arlington. Bishop Loeverde will be ordaining 11 men, several of which are members of the
Knights of Columbus. The ordination mass begins at 11:00 on January17. Honor Guard is to
meet in Monsignor Burke Hall, below the Cathedral by 10:30. Respectfully request that all SKs
who can participate notify PFN, Admiral and Color Corps Commander, Ray Duff at
rrduff5004@verizon.net. or myself at j.karpovich@verizon.net. Thanks for your help
again. John Karpovich
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
KC Quote January 2015 Page 8
SK GK Michael J. (Mike) Murphy, Chairman of the Board
SK Dan Rinzel, President
As Chairman of the Board and as President of the Mt. Vernon KofC Club, Inc., and
we need your help at BINGO, now, more than ever.
SK Larry Dietrick, who has successfully headed the BINGO Committee for the last
five (5) years, is stepping down at the end of January, 2015. A contributing factor to
his departure is the sheer amount of work involved. After weeks, months and years,
it takes its toll.
The BINGO operation is the major funding source for maintaining our facility that
houses the Council. It also provides charitable funds throughout the community.
Last year, over $130,000 was distributed. BINGO volunteers were able to donate
$65,000 to their designated charities (501(c)3).
With a council/club membership in excess of 400 Knights, it would appear, on the
surface, an easy task to fill volunteer spots for BINGO. Sadly, we still have this crisis in volunteerism. If each Knight devoted one night a month to support BINGO—
problem solved.
The following page go into greater detail of our needs. You can contact SK Larry
Dietrick at 571.243.1332, or email dietrickva@verizon.net. [For the Snack Bar, a
Council #5998 operation, you can contact SK Bob Botto at 571.289.2504, or email
Thank you!
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
KC Quote January 2015 Page 9
Bingo is held every Wednesday and Friday nights. Please consider volunteering at least 1 night a
month. The following positions need to be filled and training is provided:
Caller/floor worker: 2 are needed each night (Hours 6:30-10:30 and 7:30-11:30). The caller
operates the bingo machine, calls the numbers and keeps the game rolling! Before or after calling
they act as floor workers.
Cashier: 2 are needed each night (Hours 5:45-8:00 and 5:45-11:30) The cashier works in
the office selling bingo paper to customers. One cashier stays to help the game manager count
inventory, money, and prepare deposits at the end of the session.
Counter worker: 2 are needed each night (Hours 5:45-9:30) The counter worker distributes
the bingo paper to the customer. They can also sell concessions to bingo players.
IB manager: 2 are needed each night (Hours 5:30-10:30) The IB (Instant Bingo) manager
sells instant bingos (pull-tabs) and concessions to bingo players. They also assist reconcile floor
worker sales. They can payout instant bingo winnings. In addition, one manager operates and
sells the Lucky-7 game cards.
IB worker: 2 are needed and hours can vary. The IB (Instant Bingo or pull-tab) worker mixes, counts and assembles into packets the instant bingo for each game set.
Floor worker: 3 are needed each night (Hours 7:00-11:30) Floor workers stroll the floor during the bingo sessions. When a player has bingo, they relay bingo information to caller to verify
bingo. A floor worker may be asked to sell a variety of paper and instant bingos to players while
walking the floor. In addition, those workers can payout instant bingo winners up to a specific limit.
Floor manager: 1 is needed each night (Hours 6:45-11:30) The floor manager works as a
floor worker. In addition, the manager pays winnings to the lucky bingo player and instant bingo
winners up to a specific limit.
Bingo volunteers are not limited to members of Council 5998. Volunteers can be relatives
and friends over the age of 18. Volunteering is a great way to do something different while raising
funds for the charity of your choice! As an added perk, Bingo volunteers receive a free dinner from
the Snack Bar (which could also use volunteers). Please contact mvkcclub@vacoxmail.com or
call 703-360-1964 /ext 1with your preference of position, night available and number of nights per
month you can dedicate to Bingo.
Please volunteer for bingo today.
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
KC Quote January 2015 Page 10
Charity Designation Form January 1, 2015
To: All Snack Bar and BINGO Workers each worker is allocated a pro-rata share of 50% of the annual charity income. Individual hours worked divided by the total hours accumulated by all workers multiplied by 50% of the annual charity income equals the pro-rata share. Individual hours are compiled
from the date a worker first volunteers during the period beginning January 1, 2014 until December
31, 2014. The other 50% of charitable income is awarded by the Charity Committee, as approved by
the Board of Directors, based upon the requests from qualified charitable organizations. The cut-off
date for submissions of your designated charitable contribution(s) is January 31, 2015! You may contribute your shares to either one charitable organization or divide your contribution between two organizations by designating the percentage of your share for each organization. You must print clearly the
name, address and zip code of the charitable organization(s) to which the check will be issued.
I, ______________________________________ , authorize the Board of Directors to consider
Granting ____________% of my shares to:
Name of Organization:
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip Code: (Optional) ____________________________________________________
I also would like the remaining ________% of my shares to be granted to:
Name of Organization:
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip Code:
YOUR SIGNATURE _________________________________ DATE__________________
Please submit this form to the Council Office NLT January 31, 2015
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
KC Quote January 2015 Page 11
Ladies Corner
To the Ladies of Mount Vernon Council
Thank you to all the Knights and Knights'
Ladies who have worked so hard to hold this
years' Children's Nativity-Santa Breakfast and
Crafts activities event. The event brought more
than 260 adults and children together to enjoy
a great breakfast and a lovely morning with
their families and friends with Santa and
preparing Nativity activities. I saw excited
happy children and smiling adults sitting eating
together, doing crafts and putting together the
Nativity Manager scenes. All were there to
enjoy this special time of the year in which we
celebrate the Birth of Jesus. All enjoyed the
great breakfast prepared by our Knights and
the joy of being a part of a loving community.
The children were all excited about Santa’s
visit. Everyone was very patient in line and
enjoyed their individual time with Santa. A Big
thank you to Santa and his elf for taking the
time out of their very busy schedule to allow
the children so much individual time and to
permit the parents and grandparents time to
take pictures of their children and grand
children with Santa. A big thanks goes to our
lovely McCormick teenagers (Stephanie, Emily
and their sister) who helped the children with
their crafts; to Mary Beth Rock from Good
Shepherd who made all the Table Flower
Arrangements; to the Good Shepherd Mothers'
Group who helped the Knights' Ladies fill the
cookies, candy and the toy bags (Barbara
Cotter, Marisa Souza, Marquerette Metzler and
Irene Yankowski). Thank you to all the Knights
ladies who helped me bake and fill the cookies
and toy bags and helped decorate the main
hall on the 5th of December: Renee Duff, Jane
Selby, and Connie Genuino. Emma Niemiec,
Cassie Rogan, Eleanor Wood, Dorothy Healy,
JoAnn McCracken, Wilma Woliki, Loretta
Cuce, Betty Jo Eiffert, and Sue Bonaquisti. A
special thank you to SK FDD PGK PFN Jim
McCracken who solicited the local Safeway
store to donate the toys and many of the
cookies, candies, and the Gold Fish crackers
for the children. The ladies salute SK PGK
PFN Tom Fahey for his tireless efforts to make
this event work with the wonderful Knights
Chefs in the kitchen and the Knights' Santa
Helpers in the Council Hall. Tom you are so
patient and Christ like in all your dealings with
everyone. You inspire us all. Renee Duff
coordinated with Paula Powers who ordered
the special Nativity sticker craft, the special
Christmas candy canes, and the Christmas bell
wreath Ornament craft kits.
I want to
especially thank the following ladies for helping
me with the Nativity & Christmas Crafts: Janice
Reilly, Petronella Kayanan, Dorothy Healy,
Connie Genuino, Sue Bonaquisti; and to
Eleanor Wood, and Clara Satta who were the
I want to pay tribute to MaryAnn Dunn, the wife
of SK PGK PFN Jim Dunn, who loyally worked
with Jim at BINGO and the Council Events
over many years. We are deeply saddened by
her death and thank Jim for sharing her with
our Council.
I wish each of you and your families a very
Merry & Blessed Christmas and New Year.
Next half of our fraternal year will also be very
busy. January 22nd will be our March for Life
Celebration- starting with a Mass at 9 AM in
our Council Hall, a light breakfast for the
marchers around 10 AM and then brief
instructions for the marchers before boarding
the buses and off to DC.
Happy New Year!
Joan Wallis
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
KC Quote January 2015 Page 12
Truly, it was the guiding light. Stargazers followed it
from the east. It shone as a spotlight on the place
where the baby lay. Those astronomers arrived and
presented their gifts, marking what is now called
the Epiphany, celebrated on January 6.
German astronomer Johannes Kepler cited an
alignment of planets that happened in 7 B.C. He
said those heavenly bodies were Jupiter and Saturn. Another source identified planets Venus and
Jupiter plus a “bright star” named Regulus -- appropriately meaning the Little King – aligning June 17,
2 B.C.
Now two millennia later that star with its unusual Biblical scholars and historians cannot date exactly
Christ’s birth, not even the time of year, but say His
beam is a symbol of Christmas.
The family crèche, with or without the star, usually
depicts the astronomers as three king figures, who
are also known as wise men. Sometimes they are took place between 7 and 2 B.C. on our Gregorian
labeled magicians. Evangelists Mark, Luke and calendar. The preceding Julian calendar was wrong
John don’t mention them. St. Matthew, whose ac- in fixing A.D. 1, the beginning of the Christian era.
count of Christ’s birth moves directly from the Annunciation to the visit of these astronomers, calls Thus faith in the Star of Bethlehem gets some supthem magi but doesn’t give their number. (Magi are port from sources other than religion. The Church
defined as priests, supposedly with supernatural teaches true faith and science need not conflict.
powers, of Zoroastrianism, a monotheistic religion Christians can meditate on the miracle of the star
of Persia.) Biblical theory holds that they were as- that directed the wise men to the Divine Infant.
trologers, not to be confused with superstitious fortune-tellers but rather the equivalent of today’s as- Perhaps the magi later spread knowledge of their
mission, easing the work of the Apostles and other
evangelists. In fact, the homage given by the magi
Pagan priests, kings or astronomers, the magi were and celebrated on the Epiphany – the manifestation
important enough to meet with Herod, the king of of Jesus as Messiah and King of the World -Israel. He feared the Child whom Herod’s subjects demonstrates pagans can discover Jesus as Savawaited as the King of the Jews. That villain ior. In the Eastern Church, January 6 is celebrated
thought he had made a deal with the visitors to re- as the day of Christ’s birth.
turn after they honored the Child so that he could,
too. That ruse was blown by the appearance of an Another miracle closer to our time also involves a
angel to the visitors. They headed home without star. On Oct. 13, 1917 the sun – our star – “danced
telling Herod. He retaliated by ordering the murders in the sky” over Fatima, Portugal, for 10 minutes
of all infant boys in the land. Joseph, also warned and was witnessed by as many as 100,000 people.
by an angel, took Mary and the Child to Egypt to Thirteen years later the Church accepted that as
Little is known either of the star or of the magi.
So intrigued by its light in the heavens the sojourners, who clearly knew astronomy, set out on their
journey carrying gifts of gold, incense and myrrh.
Several explanations have been proposed for the
star. An amateur astronomer in Florida, Dave Dickinson, summed them up at Listosaur.com. He listed
possible answers in descending order of likelihood:
Supernova or the explosion of a massive star; a
planetary conjunction; a comet such as Halley’s
that did have an appearance in 12 B.C.; and an
“unexplained phenomenon,” which Dickinson favors.
Any way the Twelfth Day of Christmas is approached, it is a great celebration.
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
KC Quote January 2015 Page 13
Voters Just Not That Into Abortion Anymore
It could the sonograms. It could be the pro-life candidate from upstate New York,
economy. It could, for some, be Dr. Louis became the youngest woman ever elected to
Gosnell and his house of horrors in Congress.
All over the country, in races large and small,
But for whatever reason, when the 2014 bipartisan majorities elected pro-life candidates
midterm votes were counted, pro-life of both genders and parties. Some have
candidates fared far better than their
suggested the presence of sonograms is
pro-abortion opponents.
turning the debate. People see these photos
and realize – many for the first time – how
According to a report in the National Catholic quickly this “blob of cells” becomes a
Register, in the 26 elections that pitted a recognizable person who deserves all the
candidate supported by the National Right to protection of those who already have been
Life Campaign against one supported by born.
Emily’s List, which seeks to elect Democratic
women, the right-to-life candidates went 19-7. The results also confirm the growing divide
among voters between support for pro-life
The Senate now includes a bipartisan majority candidates and support for those who focus on
of pro-life members, which would be key when opposition to gay marriage. Support for pro-life
it comes time to approve judicial nominees. legislation and candidates is at an all-time high.
The House will be comprised of more on-the- Opposition to gay marriage is at an all-time
record pro-life members than ever before.
Wendy Davis, the most pro-abortion candidate
in any race, got crushed by a 2:1 margin in the
Texas gubernatorial race. Eight more state
legislative bodies went Republican—largely on
the strength of pro-life candidates defeating pro
-abortion candidates—giving pro-life forces
control of 64 of the 99 bodies nationwide.
In Colorado, Sen. Mark Udall went so far out of
his way to try to damage his opponent, Cory
Gardner, over abortion that he came to be
called ‘Sen. Uterus.’ Now, he is known as
Ex-Sen. Uterus.
pro-abortion activist who rose to fame when
she tried to insinuate herself into a
congressional hearing to demand government
funding of birth control, lost badly in her race
for a state senate seat in California.
Father Frank Pavano, head of Priests for Life,
made an important point in the Register article.
He said electing pro-life candidates is only the
beginning. Now, it’s up to us to reach out to
these office holders and make sure they know
we care about this issue and stand ready to
provide information and support for pro-life
policies and proposals when needed.
Beyond that, let us remember that those who
oppose us on this issue are not necessarily evil
but misguided. We should pray for them and
look for ways to demonstrate what the
Christian – in our case, Catholic – life looks
like. We also should pray that they will keep
praying and asking for God’s guidance as they
vote or campaign.
Because the real news from the midterms is
that opinions change, hearts and minds come
around to the right way of thinking, and positive
discourse and prayerful persuasion literally can
save lives.
Moreover, the “War on Women” meme
promoted by pro-abortion politicos fell flat on its Which means what we always knew – that the
face. Saira Blair, an 18-year-old pro-life work goes on.
Catholic from Martinsville, W.Va., became the
youngest person ever elected to that state’s
Elise Stefanik, 31, a strongly
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
KC Quote January 2015 Page 14
MaryAnn Dunn
MaryAnn Dunn, wife of SK PFN PGK Jim Dunn, passed away Sunday, Nov. 30th. Always a
faithful servant, she will be remembered for her love and support to our council.
The Requiem Mass as held Friday, Dec. 12, at St. Louis Catholic Church.
Additional information is available from our Memorials Director, SK PGK Peter Butler at
703.780.4046, or pjbutler2@verizon.net.
Eternal rest grant unto you, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they
rest in peace.
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
KC Quote January 2015 Page 15
Thank You’s
December Holiday Food Donations
Thank you to all our supporters who generously donated funds and food to make a happy
Thanksgiving and December Holiday for more than 600 families. We are especially grateful to
the Mount Vernon Knights of Columbus #5998 for their generous donations this Thanksgiving
season. The Knights contributed $2400 for turkeys and chickens for UCM holiday food baskets,
and got their two parishes -- Saint Louis Catholic Church and Good Shepherd Catholic Church - to provide an extra $600 each. The Knights also hosted the UCM Sacramento Community
Center's Thanksgiving dinner celebration, with over 150 residents enjoying a Thanksgiving meal
prepared by members of First AME Church of Alexandria. Thank you to all our faith communities for the critical part you play with UCM at the heart of community!
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
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January 15th Social meeting
“Behold the Face of God”
Our January 15th Social meeting will feature a presentation on the 2015 Retreat Program at
Loyola on the Potomac, the Jesuit Retreat House in southern Maryland. This year’s retreat
theme provides Loyola’s retreat staff with another angle to help retreatants break open Ignatian
phrases like: “Contemplatives in Action” and “Finding God in all Things.”
The invisible God is made visible through his creative work. Everything is made and continues
in existence by God’s creative/ salvific work in Christ (John 1: 1-18). By seeing what God does,
we come to know who he is. All that we see is a reflection of God, that leads us to God and yet
God is not contained in or limited to any created thing. The retreat helps us to deepen our ability
to see and understand with the eyes of Faith.
The Social will begin with a Meet & Greet at 6:00 PM, followed by Dinner at 6:30 PM. The
Council will provide an entrée. Attendees with last names beginning with A-M please bring a
cold salad/side dish; attendees with last names beginning with N-Z, please bring a hot side dish.
Please bring enough for 6 - 8 diners. The Loyola presentation will follow the meal, beginning by
7:30 PM.
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
KC Quote January 2015 Page 17
From the Financial Secretary
All members of the Mount Vernon Council will be assessed an annual membership dues
according to their membership status (Regular, Honorary, and Honorary Life). You should
have received your annual dues notice during the month of December. If you did not receive
your notice, please contact me at (703) 619-9796, and provide me with your current address.
Remember that your membership cards expire on December 31st, but will be honored until
January 15th. The exception is for those members who are in arrears. Your membership has
expired and payment of dues should be made immediately.
It is important that everyone pay their dues annually and promptly. The Council is responsible
for paying all State and Supreme Council assessments. For members who fail to make their
payment, the council must pay out of the council's general funds, which reduces our ability to
support other programs.
SK FDD PFN PGK Paul Townsend III
Financial Secretary
Potomac Assembly 2204
Monday, January 12, 2015: Business Meeting & Renewal of Obligations at
7:30; PM at the Mount Vernon Council
For SK Members only.
Wives and non member guests may wait in the lounge while the Renewal of
Obligation Ceremony takes place.
Following the Renewal of Obligations ceremony, food will be provided for all attendees.
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
KC Quote January 2015 Page 18
Knight of the Month
KOM—SK Daniel T. Klug, who serves as a floor worker for BINGO. Dan sets the example for
his brother knights—always there to lend a hand and do his part. He has also volunteered for
other Council activities and his GK is most appreciative of his eagerness to lend a hand when
and where it’s needed. Brother Dan, for his unfailing commitment to this council and his
parish, has earned him the honors as our council’s Knight of the Month for December.
Family of the Month
FOM—SK FN John and Dianne Karpovich. SK FN John Karpovich and his wife Dianne have
been heavily involved with Council #5998 for many years, and their loyalty to the Council is
always on display. During November, Dianne was highly instrumental in processing the
Thanksgiving meals for the needy. Coordinating a large staff, she expertly assembled 250
meals and got them out the door, piping hot and into the hands of those less fortunate. John
currently serves as the Faithful Navigator for Potomac Assembly #2204. In addition, he serves
as one of the bar managers in the Council Lounge and faithfully supports football each Sunday.
Although his beloved Redskins continue to disappoint, he is always there to ensure his brother
knights have a good time. There is never a parched mouth in the place. John also serves on
the Potomac Assembly #2204 Color Corps and recently participated in the funeral Mass for
MaryAnn Dunn. John and Dianne, you make this Council a better place and we are grateful for
all that you do!
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
KC Quote January 2015 Page 19
Upcoming Exemplifications
Mt. Vernon Council
2nd Degree Exemplification, Tuesday, February 24, 2015, 7:30 PM
(Candidates, please meet in the Council Lounge NLT 7:00 PM)
Other Area Councils
1st Degree Exemplification, Wednesday, January 14, 2015, 7:30 PM
(Candidates, please meet in the Council Lounge NLT 7:00 PM)
Council #459
Alexandria, VA
1st Degree Exemplification, Thursday, January 29, 2015, 7:30 PM
(Candidates, please meet in the Council Lounge NLT 7:00 PM)
Council #9407
Fr. Austin L. Ryder
Alexandria, VA
1st Degree Exemplification, Wednesday, February 25, 2015, 7:30 PM
(Candidates, please meet in the Council Lounge NLT 7:00 PM)
Council #11170
Fort Belvoir
Fort Belvoir, VA
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Roundtable Pancake Breakfasts
Sunday January 11, 2015
St. Louis Catholic Church
(School Cafeteria)
after the
8:45 AM & 10:30 AM Masses
Sunday January 18, 2015
Good Shepherd Catholic Church
(Creeden Hall)
after the
7:30 AM, 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM
Sunday February 8, 2015
Sunday February 15, 2015
St. Louis Catholic Church
(School Cafeteria)
Good Shepherd Catholic Church
(Creeden Hall)
after the
after the
8:45 AM & 10:30 AM Masses
7:30 AM, 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
KC Quote January 2015 Page 21
New Year’s Day BINGO
As most of you know, we always need lots of extra folks to help in the
Snack Bar and on the BINGO Floor on January 1st, New Year's Day, as
we will be feeding 150 to 200 BINGO players. This special edition
BINGO runs no later than 5:00 PM for Snack Bar workers generally.
If you have any time you can spare us that day. We have jobs for
persons of all ability levels. Shifts can be as short as one hour if you
can spare it. Thank you for your generosity of spirit, and may our Lord
bless you and keep you and your family in this New Year.
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
KC Quote January 2015 Page 22
March for Life 2015
Annual March for Life, Monday, January 22, 2015
We currently are finalizing the plans for the Mount Vernon Council’s support of and participation in the 2015 March for Life. As in previous years, we will host a pre-March
Mass for the Unborn at Columbian Hall, provide busses to and from the March, rally on
the Mall, march to the Capitol, and return to Columbian Hall for a post-March meal.
Let us all plan to do our share to support the 2015 March for Life!
Annual March for Life, Thursday, January 22, 2015
Please join the Mount Vernon Knights of Columbus Council # 5998 for a full day of prayer and protest to overturn Roe v. Wade. Our 2015 March for Life program begins and
ends at our Council Hall, 8592 Richmond Highway, Alexandria, VA 22309.
9:00 AM: Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the Unborn at the Council Hall
10:00 AM: Breakfast at the Council Hall
10:30 AM: Depart by charter bus for the Rally on the Mall in Washington, DC
12:00 PM: Rally on the Mall
1:00 PM: March to the Capitol and the Supreme Court
return by bus to the Council Hall)
5:00 PM: Dinner for marchers and their supporters at the Council Hall
(at conclusion of the March,
Please participate in this most important demonstration of our conviction and commitment “to witness by our presence on behalf of the sanctity of born and preborn human
life and educate Washington officialdom to overturn Roe v. Wade.”
If you are unable to march, you are most welcome to join us for Mass at 9:00 AM, followed by a light breakfast, and a rousing send-off of our marchers.
For an approximate count for the Mass, busses and meals, please phone
703-360-1964 option 4.
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
KC Quote January 2015 Page 23
Super Bowl
Sunday February 1st 2015 - 6:25 Kickoff
Even if your favorite team doesn't make it to Super Bowl, plan to join your brother
knights watching the big game on our big screen TV in the Council Lounge.
Beverages – Soft drinks as well as Beer & Wine - will be offered at the regular (low) bar prices!
Bar Snacks (chips, pretzels, and nuts) will be served.
Menu will include (but is not limited to):
Hot Dogs with all the fixins
Stadium Pretzels
Marvin's Homemade Chili
Buffalo Wings (Made with the original hot sauce(s) from The Anchor Bar in Buffalo, NY)
There will be at least one (100 square) football pool, with donations at $5.00 per square.
Winners will be awarded at the end of each quarter (1-3) and for the final score. Squares will be
available all during January at the Lounge and at Council/Assembly functions.
Doors will open early 5:00 PM (Kick-off is at 6:25 PM) to accommodate last minute football pool
sign-ups and "warm-up" activities. Party will last until end of the game and award ceremony.
Your Lounge Staff, Jim "Bones" Bona, and John Karpovich, are pleased to coordinate this social
event for their brother knights and family members/guests. Plan on attending and let US know
by voice or email the number in your party in advance for food/drink planning.
Please call 703-360-1964, prompt 4 and leave a name and number in your party.
All wives, widows and other ladies of the Knights are encouraged to attend. Alternative
entertainment will be offered as well (for those who are not football fans).
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
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Nominations for Outstanding Young Man and Outstanding
Young Woman of the Year
The Mount Vernon Council of the Knights of Columbus is pleased once again to request
nominations for Outstanding Young Man of the Year and Outstanding Young Woman of
the Year.
Nominees must:
a. Be graduating from high school in 2015
b. Be a practicing Catholic
c. Be a member of either Saint Louis or Good Shepherd Parish
Selection criteria include:
Outstanding contributions made by nominee
Academic excellence
Civic, religious, and/or school-related involvement
Participation in extracurricular activities
Special achievements, awards, and/or recognition received
Participation with his/her family in performing any of the above
Please submit a written nomination for each candidate that addresses the six selection
criteria listed above. Up to three letters of recommendation from teachers, clergy, and
friends also may be included. Photos and supporting material and copies of certificates are also welcome
Written nominations and any supporting documents MUST be received at the
Council office by 5:00 PM Friday, February 27, 2015.
We regret that we cannot consider late submissions. Please mail or hand-carry your
nomination packets to:
Knights of Columbus
Mount Vernon Council
8592 Richmond Highway
Alexandria, VA 22309
A committee of judges will be appointed by the Grand Knight
Winners will be notified by April 1, and award certificates will be presented at the Council
Appreciation Dinner on Saturday June 28. (Please note that the scholarship awards will
be paid directly to the recipient's college or university).
For further information contact our Youth Director,
SK Kerry McCabe, at 703-960-3304 or mccabekk@gmail.com.
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
KC Quote January 2015 Page 25
Father Bader Scholarship Program
Virginia's Father Bader Scholarship honors the memory of Fr. Michael J. Bader, who
entered the priesthood in 1989 after a long career in business and the military, at
the age of 62. He was a deacon at St. James Church in Hopewell, and after
ordination was assigned as parochial vicar at St. Jerome's in Newport News. He
had been active for years in the Knights of Columbus, serving as Grand Knight of
Bishop Russell Council 6143 and Faithful Navigator of Patrick Henry Assembly
1720, both in Danville. He died an untimely death at the age of 65.
The program offers need-based scholarships for Knights, their wives and widows of
Knights who reside in Virginia at death. It also offers scholarship aid to graduating
high school seniors who are children of Virginia Knights in good standing.
The children of a K of C member who is, or was in good standing at death, and who
is a member of a K of C council in Virginia. Said children must be a graduating High
School student and planning on entering college as a freshman.
Made on a competitive basis with applicants throughout Virginia. Winners may
attend a college of choice with their names being announced at each K of C
Application forms will be available on the web, now (http://www.vakofc.org/
scholastic-programs.html), at the Virginia State Council- Knights of Columbus
(under programs), or through the Chairman (see below). The application consists of:
Form BF1 FAMILY INFORMATION SHEET is to be completed by the applicant
and his/her parent(s).
Form BF2 MEMBERSHIP CERTIFICATION is to be delivered to the Financial
Secretary of your father's K of C Council, to be completed and mailed to the
Scholarship Chairman.
Form BF3 HIGH SCHOOL CERTIFICATION is to be delivered to the Principal's
office of your High School, to be completed and mailed to the Scholarship
DEADLINE - MARCH 14, 2015.
Frank Guest, 6403 Bridge Creek Court, Springfield, Va, 22153, 703-980-2526 or
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
KC Quote January 2015 Page 26
KCIC Report
KCIC Report from Mt. Vernon Council # 5998 KCIC Chairman for FY 2014-2015
by Lee Wallis, Chancellor
Total Amount Paid/Owed by Council # 5998
$ 110.00 Initial Order received & paid during State Meeting in July
$ 302.25 Reorder requested by St. Louis Round Table (RT) and for Good Shepherd RT picked up on Sept.
$ 171.75 Reorder requested by St. Louis RT (Cards received Oct. 8)
$ 129.25 Reorder for St. Louis RT (Cards received Nov. 15.)
$ 77.50 Reorder for Good Shepherd RT picked up on Nov. 29
----------$ 790.75 Cost of KCIC Items Ordered ( i.e. Monies owed to VA State KCIC)
Amount from St. Louis RT Collected
$ 474.00 Turned into FS on 6 Nov. 2014
$ 252.00 Turned in on Dec 4, 2014 (from weekend ending 11/16)
$ 241.25 Turned in on Dec 4, 2014 (from weekend ending 11/23)
----------$ 967.25 Collected by St. Louis Parish Round Table (St. Louis Round Table Chairman- SK Kerry McCabe)
Amount turned in from Good Shepherd Round Table
$ 120.00 Turned in on 4 Dec ( from weekend ending 11/23)
$ 458.50 Turned in on 4 Dec ( from weekend ending11/30)
$ 25.50 Placed in FS box on 6 Dec. ( From sale after Business Meeting on 12/04)
----------$ 604.00 Collected by Good Shepherd (GS) Round Table (GS Round Table Chair man-SK John
Total collected
$ 967.25 St. Louis Parish Round Table
$ 604.00 Good Shepherd Round Table
----------$1,571.25 Amount Collected by Council # 5998
$ 790.75 Amount Council Owed for KCIC Cards & signs
$ 780.50 Net Amount
(We bought 2 table signs, 2 yard signs and 1 Large KCIC Poster Sign which we did not have any direct profit but are available in the council storage closet for future years' usage. One St. Francis' Prayer for Peace Box
of cards plus two packet of cards and some Christmas Seals remained unsold and can be used next year)
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KOVAR, the Virginia State Knights' program for assisting Virginians with Intellectual
Disabilities, kickoff campaign will begin with a Dinner and a Silent Auction on Saturday 21 March.
Please put this date on your calendar and help your Council meet our financial goals. We need
your help in coming up with interesting items for our auction. KOVAR is a 100% volunteer effort of
the Virginia Knights of Columbus. KOVAR has no employees and its Board of Directors take no
salaries. The members, families and friends of KOVAR and the Virginia Knights of Columbus
donate their time each year for the benefit of “Gods Special People."
Charity is the First core Principle of the Knights of Columbus. Our Catholic faith teaches us to
“Love thy neighbor as thyself.” Members of the Knights of Columbus show love for their neighbors
by conducting food drives and donating the food to local soup kitchens and food pantries, by
volunteering at Special Olympics, and by supporting, both spiritually and materially, mothers who
choose life for their babies. Knights recognize that our mission, and our faith in God, compels us
to action. There is no better way to experience love and compassion than by helping those in
need, a call we answer every day.
Please be thinking about what you can contribute this year to the KOVAR silent auction. We have
letters and pamphlets prepared that you can obtain from me that you can present to a Company a
manager of a store, for a gift certificate, a product, a service, etc. in exchange for their tax
deductible contribution. Items may be Art, some Sport Memorabilia, basket of fruit, basket of wine
& cheese, basket of movie CDs & Snacks, Gift Certificate at a restaurant, perhaps a week or
weekend at a time share that you will not be using this year, Oil Change, Car Wash, Beauty
Products, Bath Products, the list is endless as your ideas. You are all so creative, so let us all see
how much we can do together for God's Special Children.
Lee Wallis, Chancellor
KOVAR Chairman
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
KC Quote January 2015 Page 28
KOVAR and Amazon Smile
You can help KOVAR raise money just by shopping at
Amazon and designating KOVAR as a recipient of
their donations, with NO cost to you. Sign up for Amazon Smile and KOVAR will get .5% of all sales.
Two easy steps:
Go to http://smile.amazon.com
Select KOVAR as the charity to receive funds.
Then, each time you shop on Amazon go through the
smile.amazon.com portal and KOVAR will get .5% of
your purchases.
Or you can add the Amazon Smile quick link, available
when you register, and click right to Amazon Smile.
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
KC Quote January 2015 Page 29
KOVAR Dinner & Silent Auction
KOVAR Dinner & Silent Auction is being planned for
Saturday 21 March 2015.
Brother Knights and ladies, I have not run any silent auction before. I need your help if the
Council is to have a successful KOVAR campaign this year. This is a very worthy Virginia
Knights charity fund raiser to benefit Virginia citizens with mental disabilities. We plan to have
KOVAR collections taken after masses in the Spring outside church, we will need Members
with the yellow KOVAR aprons to hand out tootsie rolls and collect money. Additionally we
will have KOVAR collections at several Safeway stores in our designated area in the Spring,
we will need members and families to help collect at those stores as well. Our State assign
goal this Fraternal Year is $ 20,000. In the past the Mount Vernon Corporation has been able
to provide $ 10,000 to KOVAR. As our numbers of BINGO players are decreasing, it is
expected our profits at BINGO will also be shrinking. Nevertheless, we are expected to meet
this year's goal. Which brings me to the Silent Auction, we need good ideas, business leads
and members to approach stores/businesses for cash donation outright; gift certificates, and
merchandise that can be used either on its own or combined with other donations to become
an auction item. We are in the planning stage now through December 2014. We have
posters, brochures to hand out to the public and stores/ companies. This is a Knights of
Columbus 501(c) (3) tax exempt Charity. Beginning in January 2015, we will be in direct drive
mode for collecting funds, gift certificates, merchandise. If you can help us in any way please
contact me, between Now and December, so that I can coordinate our Council efforts for this
year KOVAR Program.
May God Bless each of you and your families.
Lee Wallis, PFN Council Chancellor
KOVAR Chair for FY 2014/2015
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
KC Quote January 2015 Page 30
Thanksgiving Meal Distributions
More than 80 volunteers, including many families with children, gave up part of their Thanksgiving Day
to help prepare, package and deliver some 350 Thanksgiving meals to shut-ins and other deserving
residents of our area on Thanksgiving Day.
Special thanks to Brother Jim McCracken for obtaining the food, to Brother Tom Fahey for organizing the
volunteers for the meal preparation, to Brother Bud Powers for preparing the delivery routes for volunteer
drivers, to Brother Jesus Rodriguez who served as the chief chef preparing the turkey dinners with all the
trimmings, and to Brother Jim Busse who supervised the Turkey deep fry.
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
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Thanksgiving Meal distributions
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
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Children Nativity Party
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
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Children Nativity Party
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
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Stan Bonta’s Message
Update Your Beneficiaries
Sometimes it is easy to overlook the simplest of things.
Take, for example, the beneficiaries on your life insurance policies. If your policy was applied for
and issued several years ago, it may very well be that the person you originally selected as the
beneficiary is no longer the person you would want to receive the policy proceeds. If you bought
the policy when you were single, for example, you may have named your parents as beneficiaries. If you have since married, your policies should be updated to reflect your spouse as beneficiary. Maybe you’ve had children since, who are not named on the policies.
Most people list a primary beneficiary, who is specifically designated as the first in priority to receive policy proceeds. We also encourage the naming of a contingent beneficiary, an alternate
person designated to receive policy proceeds, usually in the event that the original beneficiary
pre-deceases the insured.
I routinely call all of my policyholders for annual review appointments, usually near the anniversary date of your policy – that is, the date it was originally issued. One of the matters that I’ll discuss during this review is the status of your beneficiary designations. If they need updating, and
they often do, I can complete the paperwork during that appointment.
I look forward to meeting with each of you to discuss your family’s needs.
Stan Bonta, Jr.
Field Agent
703-362-9728 cell
Mt. Vernon Council #5998
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