St. Teresa's & St. Mary Magdalen


St. Teresa's & St. Mary Magdalen
Days of Reflection at Sandymount Retreat House near Crosby
Saturday 28th February
Lenten Day of Reflection
Led by Archbishop Malcolm McMahon
Archbishop of Liverpool
Saturday 14th March
More information at
Vocation to the priesthood?
For young men who may want to discover whether God is calling them to a
priestly ministry, a day of recollection will take place on Saturday 7th. February
St. Charles’ Presbytery, 224 Aigburth Road, Liverpool.
For further information, please contact Fr. James Preston, Vocations Director
for the Archdiocese of Liverpool, at or tel. 0151
727 2493.
Primary School Admissions September 2015. A reminder to ensure a
copy of the schools supplementary admission form with a copy of your child’s
Baptism certificate should be sent into school if not done so already. The
closing date for Primary admissions was 15th January 2015, if you have not
applied you will need to make a ‘Late application’ submission via the Lancashire County Council website.
Casual Welfare Staff, St. Teresa’s. The school is looking for volunteers to
provide short notice cover during the lunchtime period. The post is subject to a
Disclosure and Barring check. The hours are 12:00-13:15pm. Please contact
the school office if you are be interested and require more information. 01772
Absolute Beginners Class.
If you like Music and Dancing, and want an easy way to keep fit and have fun, then we
have just the thing for you!!!
We have a Brand New Absolute Beginners Class which started on Thursday 15th.
January, at St. Teresa’s Parish Centre, 1.30 pm. to 2.30 pm. £3.50.
Come on your own or with friends, everyone welcome.
If interested in joining contact Sheila Walmsley on 01772 611975
St. Teresa’s &
St. Mary Magdalen
Fr. Austin Griffin. 34 Queensway, Penwortham. PR1 0DS
Tel : 01772 743337 email :
Office Hours : Tues. & Thurs. 09.30 to 12.30pm. Sec : Mrs Barbara Martin : 742922.
email : website :
Second Sunday of the Year. 18th. January 2015
Liturgy. St.Teresa’s.
George, Margaret, & JohnConnolly. R.I.P. (Vigil)
Carol Hartley.(A),Terry Breen.(LD) & Breen Fam.
People of the Parish.
Margaret Barrek.(A) & Eileen O’Neil.
Hugh Bell. R,I,P,
Funeral Service : Jim McDonnell.
St. Agnes, V & M.
Delia.(A) & Johnny Cunningham.(A)
Thurs. 22nd. 09.15
Bernard Eland.(A)
Frid. 23rd. 09.15
The Word & Holy Communion
Rosary after Mass.
St. Francis de Sales, Bishop of Geneva
The Word & Holy Communion.
6.00pm. Jean Pope. (Vigil Mass)
17th. 6.00pm.
18th. 09.15
Mon. 19th. 09.15
Tues. 20th. 09.15
Wed. 21st. 09.15
Reconciliation / Confession : Saturday 5.30 to 6.00pm.
St Mary Magdalen’s.
Sun. 18th. 08.30
Latin Mass : John Greer.(LD).
Jeanine Kenyon.(A) & May Hawarden.(A)
Ecumenical Service
Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity.
Mon 19th. 7.00pm.
Tues. 20th. 09.30
Thurs. 22nd. 10.00
Novena to Our Lady & Holy Communion.
The Word & Holy Communion.
Funeral Service : Mary Cecilia Parker.
Mabel Farrell.(A)
Lately Dead from our Parish.
Jim McDonnell, Marie Wilson.
From Outside Our Parish.
Marie Elaine Walsh, Colin Campbell.
May they rest in peace.
May they rest in peace.
Jim McDonnell (Grange Park Close) died on the 8th. January. His Funeral Service at
St. Teresa’s on Tuesday 20th. January at 10.45 am. May God surround Patricia and
family with His strong support.
Vera Pollard, Delia & Johnny Cunningham, William Prendergast, Bernard Eland,
Lavina Houlihan, Mabel Farrell, Margaret Barrek, Carol Hartley, John Rawlinson,
Margaret Stringfellow, William Leyland.
Marie Wilson (Shaftesbury Avenue) who died on Wednesday. Marie’s devoted care
for her husband Tom over the long years in suffering from Frontal Lobe Dementia, will
of itself earned her a place in heaven.
Our Prayers for those unwell
Jean Pope, Rita Bamber, Christopher Yates, Julie Mather, Derek Kavanagh, Daniel Davis,
Frances Hart, Veronica Unsworth, Eddie Rose, Ryan Walker, Vivienne Allan, Elizabeth Pearson,
Alan Pearson, Theresa Nicklin, Marie Ashworth.
Provisional Mass Intentions for next Sunday.
St. Teresa’s: 09.15 : Patricia, Philomena & Lydia Metcalfe.R.I.P.
5.00pm. : People of the Parish.
St. Mary Magdalen’s : 08.30. Latin : Lynda Hookdale.(LD). 10.30 : Duncan Watson.(LD)
Ecumenical Service : to mark the week of prayer for Christian Unity :
St. Mary Magdalen’s this Sunday 18th. January at 4.00 pm. We are
hosting the celebration this year. Please do your best to fly the flag and
welcome the folks from the other Christian Churches in Penwortham.
Light refreshments in the Hall afterwards.
Year 4 Parents and children : Sacramental programme this weekend
17th / 18th,
January. You will need to be at Mass at either 6.00 pm. Saturday or
on Sunday at 09.15 or 10.30 am followed by the session.
Lourdes Youth : Youngsters who are going to Lourdes in July are
invited to a meeting on Sunday 25th. January at 4.15 pm., to discuss
fund raising. Gather in St. Teresa’s Parish Centre in the Tom
Gallagher Lounge. Parents would be most welcome.
OFSTED RE Inspection at St. Mary Magdalen’s this Tuesday. Please God all will go
S.V.P. Conference Monday 6.30pm. St. Teresa’s Church Meeting Room.
Warm thanks to all who came for the Mass celebrated by our Archbishop
last Thursday at St. Mary Magdalen’s to mark the centenary of St. Mary
Magdalen’s School. It was a very special occasion and I warmly thank Mrs.
Gallagher, Headteacher, and her Staff , and the pupils and parents who made
this a joyous and lovely celebration. Special thanks to the Ladies Association
for managing the buffet in the school hall, allowing the “Refreshment
ministers” of St. Mary Magdalen’s to relax and celebrate this milestone in the
history of the parish. Following the good news of the Ofsted report there
was a sense of pride and thanksgiving as we celebrated our centenary Mass.
It was a lovely occasion, so reverently celebrated, and with so many
youngsters and young parents, giving thanks to God after 100 years of
proclamation of the good news about our Saviour Jesus Christ. ( Fr. Austin)
White Flower Appeal (SPUC).
The recent collection for the White Flower Appeal raised, from both Churches,
the sum of £497. Thanks to all who donated to this cause.
“Be Still and Know” Prayer Group.
Thursday 22nd. January in St. Teresa’s Church Meeting Room at 8.00pm.
Ladies Association.
The A.G..M. On Tuesday 10th. February, commencing at 7.30 pm.
Everyone Welcome. Join us for a cup of tea, a chat and share your views. Do join us.
Could you please save any empty Pringle (Or similar) tubs and hand them in to the
Piety Shop - Thank you.
St. Teresa’s Parish Centre : Quiz Night : Friday 30th. January.
Run by All Hallows PTFA. Adults £5.00 and children £3.00 includes Hot Pot Supper.
Tickets on sale at the Church door after Masses, or from the sacristies.